eraser1 e8eedfa538 More features, fixes, tweaks
* NEW CONFIG VALUES: ```DMS_MarkerPosRandomization```,
```DMS_MarkerPosRandomRadius```, and ```DMS_RandomMarkerBrush```
* With the above configs, you can randomize the marker positions in a
random position around the actual mission center.
* You can also "force" DMS_fnc_CreateMarker to randomize (or not
randomize) the marker position with optional boolean parameter of index
* Changed the default (non-randomized) circle marker "brush". It should
be a solid circle.
* Created new functions ```DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos``` and
* Adjusted a couple functions to use them.
* Fixed ```DMS_fnc_IsNearWater```.
2015-09-10 17:48:56 -05:00

119 lines
6.1 KiB

# Instructions
See also:
## To install:
Put the pre-packed PBO in your ```@ExileServer\addons\``` directory. It should be alongside ```exile_server``` and ```exile_server_config```.
### NOTE: It is heavily suggested that you use [The Unofficial Exile v0.9.19 SP3]( with DMS, as it will resolve several issues.
If you are using infiSTAR and want to keep ```_CGM = true;```, then set ```_UMW = true;```, and add ```DMS_MissionMarkerCircle```, ```DMS_MissionMarkerDot``` to ```_aLocalM```,
so your ```_aLocalM``` would look like:
_aLocalM = ["DMS_MissionMarkerCircle","DMS_MissionMarkerDot"];
The crate loot system has undergone an improvement. You can now define loot values for different crates for the same mission, or none at all!
HOWEVER: This requires you to change the organization of the crate in the mission.
Previously, _missionObjs was defined with the format:
Now you must define it as:
Please refer to the current default missions if you are unsure. The Bauhaus truck mission shows an example of spawning 2 crates.
## Optional:
### To modify the config:
* Download the a3_dms folder
* Edit the config.sqf to your preferences.
* Pack the a3_dms folder with a PBO tool (**PBO Manager**, Eliteness, or Arma 3 Tools suite)
* Follow the "To install:" steps using the PBO you just created instead of the pre-packed one.
**Headless Client is currently broken in ArmA as of the 4th of September, do not use it as it WILL crash your server.**
~~Add this code to the TOP of your initPlayerLocal.sqf~~
if (!hasInterface && !isServer) then
1 spawn
waitUntil {player==player};
DMS_HC_Object = player;
publicVariableServer "DMS_HC_Object";
#### Thanks:
- [Defent]( for creating Defent's Mission System.
- [eraser1]( for his constant codebase improvments.
- [Zupa]( for suggestions and coding help.
- [Nawuko]( for catching a silly mistake :P
- [shaworth]( and [KawaiiPotato]( for making the README all nice and pretty :)
- Everbody's feedback on [the DMS thread on exile forums](
## Changelog:
#### September 10, 2015 (6:00 PM CST-America):
* NEW CONFIG VALUES: ```DMS_MarkerPosRandomization```, ```DMS_MarkerPosRandomRadius```, and ```DMS_RandomMarkerBrush```
* With the above configs, you can randomize the marker positions in a random position around the actual mission center.
* You can also "force" DMS_fnc_CreateMarker to randomize (or not randomize) the marker position with optional boolean parameter of index 3.
* Changed the default (non-randomized) circle marker "brush". It should be a solid circle.
* Created new functions ```DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos``` and ```DMS_fnc_SelectRandomVal```
* Adjusted a couple functions to use them.
* Fixed ```DMS_fnc_IsNearWater```.
#### September 9, 2015 (10:00 PM CST-America):
* Added static AI! The "donthasslethehoff" mission has them included by default. :D
* New config values: ```DMS_Bandit_Static_MoneyGain``` and ```DMS_Bandit_Static_RepGain```.
* Future-proofed ```DMS_fnc_OnKilled```. As a result, "DMS_BanditMoneyGainOnKill" is now ```DMS_Bandit_Soldier_MoneyGain```, and "DMS_BanditRepGainOnKill" is now ```DMS_Bandit_Soldier_RepGain```.
* Added config value ```DMS_ai_disable_ramming_damage```. Check the comment for more info :)
* Removed config value "DMS_ai_static_skills"
* Randomized vehicle spawn position for "cardealer" mission.
* NOTE: If you use custom ```DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier``` calls, you will have to update your calling parameters! Make sure you add "Soldier" at the end of the array, or before ```_customGearSet``` if you're using it!
* Added ```_launcher``` option for ```_customGearSet``` in ```DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier```. NOTE: This changes the order of the gearset parameters for the AI. ```_launcher``` is between ```_items``` and ```_helmet```! Use empty string ```""``` if you don't want any launcher on the AI unit.
#### September 8, 2015 (11:00 PM CST-America):
* AI Bodies should now be properly cleaned when run over (if configured to do so with ```DMS_remove_roadkill``` and ```DMS_remove_roadkill_chance```).
* Added config option ```DMS_credit_roadkill```. If set to true, players will get poptabs/respect for running over AI. Default: false.
* Fixed giving poptabs/respect for killing AI from vehicles. Passengers and mounted gunners should properly receive poptabs/respect when they kill AI.
* Launchers should now be reliably removed from AI bodies that have them.
#### September 7, 2015 (7:00 PM CST-America):
* AI bodies should now be cleared if configured to do so with "DMS_clear_AI_body" and "DMS_clear_AI_body_chance".
#### September 5, 2015 (1:00 AM CST-America):
* Created new function "DMS_fnc_IsPlayerNearby" to replace "ExileServer_util_position_isPlayerNearby".
* Fix IR Strobes spawning inside the crate and not appearing.
#### September 4, 2015 (11:20 PM CST-America):
* Improved crate handling by DMS. You can now spawn multiple crates with different loot, or simply no crates at all. (REQUIRES FILE CHANGES FOR EACH MISSION)
* Accounted for case sensitivity in switch-do statements for SpawnAISolder.
* Decreased default amount of money/respect gain on AI kills (Used to be 100 poptabs and 25 respect, it is now 50 poptabs and 10 respect)
* Define functions in config.cpp. This resulted in ALL FILES being changed to some degree.
* Fixed spawning Binocs and Rangefinders/Designators on AI.