@Mods_ClassLists | ||
BAF class lists | ||
install instructions.txt | ||
README.md | ||
trader class list.txt |
Trader-Mod v6.0
Exile Easy Trader Mod System
This trader system is offered free without any guarantee or promise and users should back up their files before proceeding.
It is compiled by [CiC]red_ned of http://cic-gaming.co.uk from different sources including documentation on exilemod and in game from various places.
I have only compiled what i found, attempted to simplify class names and created files for what i couldn't find and is given back to the community as thanks.
If you use then you should consider sharing any further development, bug fixes or expansions (as i have probably missed objects out or spelled things incorrectly).
This file does not include how to install mods or add to loot tables as that is already well documented.
This is a major update so please report bugs on exilemod.com
v6.0 Update
Added Fox vehicles - thanks to Bob_the_K for the list.
Updated CUP Weapons including removing dupe items - thanks to Bob_the_K for the list.
Updated trader files to be sorted by name.
Updated Exile files to latest.
****** Thanks to all the following for help ******
****** XxFri3ndlyxX, [RG] Salutesh, SE7EN ******
****** Tobias Solem, pomp4h, Bob_the_K ******
****** Razor77, jmayr2000, C][G GhostTown™ ******
****** ElShotte, Killerpoodezz ******
Big thanks to Exile Mod http://www.exilemod.com
Orignal thread and support at http://www.exilemod.com/topic/8586-updated-easy-trader-set-up