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synced 2024-08-30 17:22:11 +00:00
2 construction overrides with changes. This was to get it in the hands of all that use before the weekend. Testing is still being done to ensure full function but should be fine as these changes should not effect the vector! btw, I noticed some added escape mission stuff in the keyUp file. These changes were added to keep all building functions compatible with your mission files and modes
280 lines
11 KiB
280 lines
11 KiB
* ExileClient_construction_thread
* Exile Mod
* www.exilemod.com
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
Made for Anarchy, adapted to eXpoch and ported into Altis Life and Operation BlockHead by DirtySanchez
and NOW EXILE WILL FEEL THE FREE VECTOR, go get a job sellers of scripts, this is a modding community.
Sharing is caring and douchebaggery is a bannable offense
scriptName 'Exile Construction Thread';
("ExileClientConstructionModeLayer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["RscExileConstructionMode", "PLAIN", 1, false];
ExileClientIsInConstructionMode = true;
ExileClientConstructionResult = 0;
ExileClientConstructionStartPosition = getPosASL player;
_boundingBox = boundingBoxReal ExileClientConstructionObject;
_boundingBoxMinimum = _boundingBox select 0;
_boundingBoxMaximum = _boundingBox select 1;
_boundingBoxPointsTop =
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2]
_boundingBoxPointsBottom =
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[0, 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2]
ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius = 1 + 0.5 * ([_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, 0] distance [_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, 0]);
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1, 5 max ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius];
ExileClientConstructionVectorDirAndUp = [[0,0,0],[0,0,1]];
ExileClientConstructionVectorPosASL = [0,0,0];
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_materialColor = _objectColor;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_position = [0, 0, 0];
_rotation = 0;
_vectorDirection = [0, 0, 0];
_isFlag = ExileClientConstructionKitClassName isEqualTo "Exile_Item_Flag";
if (_isFlag) then
ExileClientConstructionModePhysx = false;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
while {ExileClientConstructionResult isEqualTo 0} do
if (ExileClientConstructionProcess isEqualTo 1) then
if !(ExileClientConstructionKitClassName in (magazines player)) then
ExileClientConstructionResult = 2;
if !(ExileClientConstructionLock) then
_vectorUp = [0, 0, 1];
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
switch (ExileClientConstructionMode) do
case 1:
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_newDirAndUp = [[sin ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, cos ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, sin BuildVecPitch],[[ sin BuildVecRoll,-sin BuildVecPitch,cos BuildVecRoll * cos BuildVecPitch],-((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360)] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D];
_vectorDirection = _newDirAndUp select 0;
_vectorUp = _newDirAndUp select 1;
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir player) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
case 2:
_newDirAndUp = [[sin ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, cos ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, sin BuildVecPitch],[[ sin BuildVecRoll,-sin BuildVecPitch,cos BuildVecRoll * cos BuildVecPitch],-((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360)] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D];
_vectorDirection = _newDirAndUp select 0;
_vectorUp = _newDirAndUp select 1;
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_position =
(_position select 0) - ((_position select 0) % (ExileClientConstructionGrid select 0)),
(_position select 1) - ((_position select 1) % (ExileClientConstructionGrid select 1)),
(_position select 2) - ((_position select 2) % (ExileClientConstructionGrid select 2))
case 3:
ExileClientConstructionIsSnapped = false;
if (ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode) then
ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions = [];
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = objNull;
_position = getPosATL player;
_position set [2, -500];
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir player) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
_potentionalSnapObject = cursorTarget;
if !(isNull _potentionalSnapObject) then
if (_potentionalSnapObject distance player < 12) then
_snapToClassName = typeOf _potentionalSnapObject;
if (_snapToClassName in ExileClientConstructionSnapToObjectClassNames) then
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = _potentionalSnapObject;
_snapToConfig = ("getText(_x >> 'staticObject') == _snapToClassName" configClasses(configFile >> "CfgConstruction")) select 0;
_snapPosition = getArray (_snapToConfig >> "SnapPositions" >> _x);
_possibleSnapPosition = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (_potentionalSnapObject modelToWorld _snapPosition));
ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions pushBack _possibleSnapPosition;
forEach getArray (ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "SnapObjects" >> _snapToClassName >> "positions");
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir player) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
if (_x distance _position < 1) exitWith
_position = _x;
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
_vectorUp = vectorUp ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject;
ExileClientConstructionIsSnapped = true;
forEach ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions;
case 4:
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (DPBEAClientObjAttachedTo modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_newDirAndUp = [[sin BuildVecYaw * cos BuildVecPitch, cos BuildVecYaw * cos BuildVecPitch, sin BuildVecPitch],[[ sin BuildVecRoll,-sin BuildVecPitch,cos BuildVecRoll * cos BuildVecPitch],-BuildVecYaw] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D];
_vectorDirection = _newDirAndUp select 0;
_vectorUp = _newDirAndUp select 1;
ExileClientConstructionObject setVectorDirAndUp [_vectorDirection,_vectorUp];
ExileClientConstructionObject setPosATL _position;
_contactThreshold = 0.1;
_isBelowTerrain = true;
_worldPosition = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (ExileClientConstructionObject modelToWorld _x));
if ((_worldPosition select 2) > _contactThreshold) exitWith {_isBelowTerrain = false};
forEach _boundingBoxPointsTop;
_isInAir = true;
_numberOfContactsBottom = 0;
_worldPosition = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (ExileClientConstructionObject modelToWorld _x));
if ((_worldPosition select 2) < _contactThreshold) then
_isInAir = false;
_startPosition = ATLtoASL[_worldPosition select 0, _worldPosition select 1, (_worldPosition select 2) + _contactThreshold];
_endPosition = ATLtoASL [_worldPosition select 0, _worldPosition select 1, (_worldPosition select 2) - _contactThreshold];
if (count lineIntersectsObjs[_startPosition, _endPosition, ExileClientConstructionObject, objNull, false, 2] > 0) then
_numberOfContactsBottom = _numberOfContactsBottom + 1;
forEach _boundingBoxPointsBottom;
if (_isBelowTerrain) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = true;
if !(ExileClientConstructionModePhysx) then
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = false;
if (_isInAir) then
if (_numberOfContactsBottom >= 3) then
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(1,0.79,0.07,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = true;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = false;
if (ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 3) then
if (!ExileClientConstructionIsSnapped) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
if !(([configName ExileClientConstructionConfig, getPosASL ExileClientConstructionObject, getPlayerUID player] call ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere) isEqualTo 0) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
if (_isFlag) then
if (((getPos ExileClientConstructionObject) select 2) > 0.2) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
if (_objectColor != _materialColor) then
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[0, _objectColor];
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[1, _objectColor];
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[2, _objectColor];
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[3, _objectColor];
_materialColor = _objectColor;
if (ExileClientConstructionStartPosition distance (getPosASL player) > 20) then
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionResult = 3;
if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then
ExileClientConstructionModePhysx = true;
ExileClientConstructionResult = 2;
uiSleep 0.001;
if !(ExileClientConstructionModePhysx) then
_simulatePhysics = false;
_simulatePhysics call ExileClient_construction_handleAbort;
ExileClientConstructionObject = objNull;
ExileClientIsInConstructionMode = false;
ExileClientConstructionResult = 0;
ExileClientConstructionProcess = 0;
ExileClientConstructionLock = false;
("ExileClientConstructionModeLayer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"];