atlas-dedicated-server/node.js simple HTTP server for MapImg and CellImg_/
2018-12-29 19:15:15 +01:00

978 B

atlas.js simple HTTP server

The atlas.js node.js server is intended to do one thing - serve your MapImg, CellImg_ and /n/n/n.png files over HTTP. It is written for this single purpose, and will serve no other files.

This server obviously requires you have node.js installed on your system. You will also require the node_modules included here in a .zip file for your convenience.


Please remember to edit ServerWWWPort and ATLAS_ServerGrid_Folder to your liking, and remember to port-forward the chosen port to your public IP.


Run the server via node atlas.js


atlas.js outputs full headers received and the raw request. Use these to debug what the Game server is trying to do and failing.

If you're getting repeated requests for the same file, make sure your SeamlessDataPort is port-fordwarded and included in your starter cmd. Once that is done, the server should stop making a fool of itself. ;]