Added: New lore items into the world spawns
Added: Tier 6 (dedicated only for smaller items for now)
Added: NAC plate carrier with all the attachments into Tier 6
Added: Chance of NAC ballistic vest spawn on NAC infected
Fixed: Wrong suppressor spawn for CR-61 (there was a chance for the KA suppressor, not the pistol one)
Tweaked: (hardcore) lowered number of weapon attachments and medical
Removed: DexamphetamineTablets pills from cfgrandompresets.xml
Removed: cz550 def from cfgspawnabletypes.xml (was my experimental
Removed: (regular) spawn of hunting vest
Removed: (hardcore) combo locks and barbed wire from spawns
Removed: (hardcore) power generator, spotlight, cable reel and truck
battery from spawns
Removed: (hardcore) vehicle defs from cfgspawnabletypes