mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
cleaned up file and added helper functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include <CDPropertyEntranceComponentTable.h>
#include <chrono>
#include "PropertyEntranceComponent.h"
#include "PropertySelectQueryProperty.h"
#include "RocketLaunchpadControlComponent.h"
@ -51,6 +50,7 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnEnterProperty(Entity* entity, uint32_t index,
else if (index >= 0)
// Increment index once here because the first index of other player properties is 2 in the propertyQueries cache.
const auto& pair = propertyQueries.find(entity->GetObjectID());
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnEnterProperty(Entity* entity, uint32_t index,
cloneId = query[index].CloneId;
Game::logger->Log("PropertyEntranceComponent", "index is %i\n", index);
auto* launcher = m_Parent->GetComponent<RocketLaunchpadControlComponent>();
if (launcher == nullptr)
@ -73,76 +75,37 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnEnterProperty(Entity* entity, uint32_t index,
launcher->SetSelectedCloneId(entity->GetObjectID(), cloneId);
launcher->Launch(entity, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, LWOMAPID_INVALID, cloneId);
launcher->Launch(entity, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, launcher->GetTargetZone(), cloneId);
void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool includeNullAddress, bool includeNullDescription, bool playerOwn, bool updateUi, int32_t numResults, int32_t lReputationTime, int32_t sortMethod, int32_t startIndex, std::string filterText, const SystemAddress& sysAddr){
auto* launchpadComponent = m_Parent->GetComponent<RocketLaunchpadControlComponent>();
if (launchpadComponent == nullptr) return;
PropertySelectQueryProperty PropertyEntranceComponent::SetPropertyValues(PropertySelectQueryProperty property, LWOCLONEID cloneId, std::string ownerName, std::string propertyName, std::string propertyDescription,
uint32_t reputation, bool isBFF, bool isFriend, bool isModeratorApproved, bool isAlt, bool isOwned, uint32_t privacyOption, uint32_t timeLastUpdated, uint64_t performanceCost) {
property.CloneId = cloneId;
property.OwnerName = ownerName;
property.Name = propertyName;
property.Description = propertyDescription;
property.Reputation = reputation;
property.IsBestFriend = isBFF;
property.IsFriend = isFriend;
property.IsModeratorApproved = isModeratorApproved;
property.IsAlt = isAlt;
property.IsOwned = isOwned;
property.AccessType = privacyOption;
property.DateLastPublished = timeLastUpdated;
property.PerformanceCost = performanceCost;
std::vector<PropertySelectQueryProperty> entries {};
PropertySelectQueryProperty playerEntry {};
auto* character = entity->GetCharacter();
return property;
auto newpropertyLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM properties WHERE owner_id = ? AND zone_id = ?");
newpropertyLookup->setInt(1, character->GetID());
newpropertyLookup->setInt(2, launchpadComponent->GetTargetZone());
auto results = newpropertyLookup->executeQuery();
playerEntry.CloneId = character->GetPropertyCloneID();
playerEntry.OwnerName = "";
playerEntry.Name = "";
playerEntry.Description = "";
playerEntry.Reputation = 0;
playerEntry.IsBestFriend = true;
playerEntry.IsFriend = true;
playerEntry.IsModeratorApproved = false;
playerEntry.IsAlt = true;
playerEntry.IsOwned = false;
playerEntry.AccessType = 0;
playerEntry.DatePublished = 0;
if (results->next()) {
const auto propertyId = results->getUInt64(1);
const auto owner = results->getUInt64(2);
const auto cloneId = results->getUInt64(4);
const auto name = results->getString(5).asStdString();
const auto description = results->getString(6).asStdString();
const auto privacyOption = results->getInt(9);
const auto modApproved = results->getBoolean(10);
const auto dateUpdated = results->getInt64(11);
const auto reputation = results->getInt(14);
playerEntry.Name = name;
playerEntry.Description = description;
playerEntry.DatePublished = dateUpdated;
playerEntry.IsModeratorApproved = modApproved;
playerEntry.IsAlt = true;
playerEntry.IsOwned = true;
sql::ResultSet* propertyEntry;
sql::PreparedStatement* propertyLookup;
std::string PropertyEntranceComponent::BuildQuery(Entity* entity, int32_t sortMethod) {
auto base = baseQueryForProperties;
std::string orderBy = "";
int32_t privacyType = 2;
const auto moderating = entity->GetGMLevel() >= GAME_MASTER_LEVEL_LEAD_MODERATOR;
std::string baseQuery = "SELECT p.* FROM properties as p JOIN charinfo as ci ON ci.prop_clone_id = p.clone_id where p.zone_id = ? AND (p.description LIKE ? OR p.name LIKE ? OR ci.name LIKE ?) AND p.mod_approved >= ? AND p.privacy_option >= ? ";
// In case the query is for friends.
std::string friendsList = " AND p.owner_id IN (";
// We change how we sort this query based on what the requested order is.
if (sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FEATURED || sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FRIENDS) {
if (sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FEATURED || sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FRIENDS) {
auto friendsListQuery = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN player_id = ? THEN friend_id WHEN friend_id = ? THEN player_id END AS requested_player FROM dlu.friends ) AS fr WHERE requested_player IS NOT NULL ORDER BY requested_player DESC;");
friendsListQuery->setInt64(1, entity->GetObjectID());
friendsListQuery->setInt64(2, entity->GetObjectID());
// friendsListQuery->setInt(3, numResults);
// friendsListQuery->setInt(4, startIndex);
auto friendsListQueryResult = friendsListQuery->executeQuery();
@ -155,7 +118,11 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool incl
// Replace trailing comma with the closing parenthesis.
friendsList.replace(friendsList.size() - 1, 2, ") ");
orderBy = friendsList + "ORDER BY ci.name ASC ";
privacyType = 1;
delete friendsListQueryResult;
friendsListQueryResult = nullptr;
delete friendsListQuery;
friendsListQuery = nullptr;
else if (sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_RECENT) {
orderBy = "ORDER BY p.last_updated DESC ";
@ -166,20 +133,63 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool incl
else {
orderBy = "ORDER BY p.last_updated DESC ";
auto finishedQuery = baseQuery + orderBy + "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
propertyLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(finishedQuery);
return baseQueryForProperties + orderBy + "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool includeNullAddress, bool includeNullDescription, bool playerOwn, bool updateUi, int32_t numResults, int32_t lReputationTime, int32_t sortMethod, int32_t startIndex, std::string filterText, const SystemAddress& sysAddr){
std::vector<PropertySelectQueryProperty> entries {};
PropertySelectQueryProperty playerEntry {};
auto* character = entity->GetCharacter();
if (!character) return;
// Player property goes in index 1 of the vector. This is how the client expects it.
auto playerPropertyLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM properties WHERE owner_id = ? AND zone_id = ?");
playerPropertyLookup->setInt(1, character->GetID());
playerPropertyLookup->setInt(2, this->m_MapID);
auto playerPropertyLookupResults = playerPropertyLookup->executeQuery();
// If the player has a property this query will have a single result.
if (playerPropertyLookupResults->next()) {
const auto cloneId = playerPropertyLookupResults->getUInt64(4);
const auto name = playerPropertyLookupResults->getString(5).asStdString();
const auto description = playerPropertyLookupResults->getString(6).asStdString();
const auto privacyOption = playerPropertyLookupResults->getInt(9);
const auto modApproved = playerPropertyLookupResults->getBoolean(10);
const auto dateLastUpdated = playerPropertyLookupResults->getInt64(11);
const auto reputation = playerPropertyLookupResults->getInt(14);
playerEntry = SetPropertyValues(playerEntry, cloneId, character->GetName(), name, description, reputation, true, true, modApproved, true, true, privacyOption, dateLastUpdated);
} else {
playerEntry = SetPropertyValues(playerEntry, character->GetPropertyCloneID(), character->GetName(), "", "", 0, true, true);
delete playerPropertyLookupResults;
playerPropertyLookupResults = nullptr;
delete playerPropertyLookup;
playerPropertyLookup = nullptr;
sql::ResultSet* propertyEntry;
sql::PreparedStatement* propertyLookup;
const auto query = BuildQuery(entity, sortMethod);
propertyLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(query);
const std::string searchString = "%" + filterText + "%";
Game::logger->Log("PropertyEntranceComponent", "%s\n", searchString.c_str());
propertyLookup->setUInt(1, launchpadComponent->GetTargetZone());
propertyLookup->setUInt(1, this->m_MapID);
propertyLookup->setString(2, searchString.c_str());
propertyLookup->setString(3, searchString.c_str());
propertyLookup->setString(4, searchString.c_str());
propertyLookup->setInt(5, entity->GetGMLevel() >= GAME_MASTER_LEVEL_LEAD_MODERATOR || sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FRIENDS ? 0 : 1);
propertyLookup->setInt(6, privacyType);
propertyLookup->setInt(6, sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FEATURED || sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FRIENDS ? 1 : 2);
propertyLookup->setInt(7, numResults);
propertyLookup->setInt(8, startIndex);
Game::logger->Log("PropertyEntranceComponent", "Querying target zone %i with search string %s and ordering by %s starting at index %i. Entity is %s.\n", launchpadComponent->GetTargetZone(), searchString.c_str(), orderBy.c_str(), startIndex, entity->GetGMLevel() >= GAME_MASTER_LEVEL_LEAD_MODERATOR ? "a moderator" : "not a moderator");
Game::logger->Log("PropertyEntranceComponent", "Property query is \n%s\n. Entity is %s.\n", query.c_str(), entity->GetGMLevel() >= GAME_MASTER_LEVEL_LEAD_MODERATOR ? "a moderator" : "not a moderator");
propertyEntry = propertyLookup->executeQuery();
@ -195,8 +205,6 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool incl
const auto dateUpdated = propertyEntry->getInt(11);
const auto reputation = propertyEntry->getUInt(14);
Game::logger->Log("PropertyEntranceComponent", "Property being loaded is %i with reputation %lu\n", owner, reputation);
PropertySelectQueryProperty entry {};
auto* nameLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT name FROM charinfo WHERE prop_clone_id = ?;");
@ -268,12 +276,14 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool incl
delete isAltQuery;
isAltQuery = nullptr;
entry.DatePublished = dateUpdated;
entry.DateLastPublished = dateUpdated;
// Reputation not updated client side for listing?
entry.Reputation = reputation;
entry.CloneId = cloneId;
entry.IsModeratorApproved = modApproved == true;
entry.AccessType = privacyOption;
entry.PerformanceCost = entity->GetObjectID();
// Client still reads performance cost as zero?
entry.PerformanceCost = 0;
delete nameLookup;
@ -283,14 +293,5 @@ void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool incl
propertyQueries[entity->GetObjectID()] = entries;
entries.size() >= numResults,
GameMessages::SendPropertySelectQuery(m_Parent->GetObjectID(), startIndex, entries.size() >= numResults, character->GetPropertyCloneID(), false, true, entries, sysAddr);
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "Component.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "Component.h"
#include <map>
* Represents the launch pad that's used to select and browse properties
class PropertyEntranceComponent : public Component
class PropertyEntranceComponent : public Component {
static const uint32_t ComponentType = COMPONENT_TYPE_PROPERTY_ENTRANCE;
explicit PropertyEntranceComponent(uint32_t componentID, Entity* parent);
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ public:
* Handles the event triggered when the entity selects a property to visit and makes the entity to there
* @param entity the entity that triggered the event
* @param index the clone ID of the property to visit
* @param index the index of the property property
* @param returnToZone whether or not the entity wishes to go back to the launch zone
* @param sysAddr the address to send gamemessage responses to
void OnEnterProperty(Entity* entity, uint32_t index, bool returnToZone, const SystemAddress &sysAddr);
void OnEnterProperty(Entity* entity, uint32_t index, bool returnToZone, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
* Handles a request for information on available properties when an entity lands on the property
@ -44,17 +44,7 @@ public:
* @param filterText property names to search for
* @param sysAddr the address to send gamemessage responses to
void OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity,
bool includeNullAddress,
bool includeNullDescription,
bool playerOwn,
bool updateUi,
int32_t numResults,
int32_t lReputationTime,
int32_t sortMethod,
int32_t startIndex,
std::string filterText,
const SystemAddress &sysAddr);
void OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool includeNullAddress, bool includeNullDescription, bool playerOwn, bool updateUi, int32_t numResults, int32_t lReputationTime, int32_t sortMethod, int32_t startIndex, std::string filterText, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
* Returns the name of this property
@ -68,8 +58,12 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] LWOMAPID GetMapID() const { return m_MapID; };
PropertySelectQueryProperty SetPropertyValues(PropertySelectQueryProperty property, LWOCLONEID cloneId = LWOCLONEID_INVALID, std::string ownerName = "", std::string propertyName = "", std::string propertyDescription = "",
uint32_t reputation = 0, bool isBFF = false, bool isFriend = false, bool isModeratorApproved = false, bool isAlt = false, bool isOwned = false, uint32_t privacyOption = 0, uint32_t timeLastUpdated = 0, uint64_t performanceCost = 0);
std::string BuildQuery(Entity* entity, int32_t sortMethod);
* Cache of property information that was queried for property launched, indexed by property ID
@ -91,4 +85,6 @@ private:
const std::string baseQueryForProperties = "SELECT p.* FROM properties as p JOIN charinfo as ci ON ci.prop_clone_id = p.clone_id where p.zone_id = ? AND (p.description LIKE ? OR p.name LIKE ? OR ci.name LIKE ?) AND p.mod_approved >= ? AND p.privacy_option >= ? ";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user