2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
local log = require("scada-common.log")
local types = require("scada-common.types")
local util = require("scada-common.util")
local TRI_FAIL = types.TRI_FAIL
local aistate_string = {
---@class unit_logic_extension
local logic = {}
-- update the annunciator
---@param self _unit_self
function logic.update_annunciator(self)
local DT_KEYS = self.types.DT_KEYS
local _get_dt = self._get_dt
local num_boilers = self.num_boilers
local num_turbines = self.num_turbines
-- variables for boiler, or reactor if no boilers used
local total_boil_rate = 0.0
-- check PLC status
self.db.annunciator.PLCOnline = self.plc_i ~= nil
2023-02-03 03:58:51 +00:00
local plc_ready = self.db.annunciator.PLCOnline
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
if self.db.annunciator.PLCOnline then
local plc_db = self.plc_i.get_db()
2023-02-03 03:58:51 +00:00
-- update ready state
-- - can't be tripped
-- - must have received status at least once
-- - must have received struct at least once
plc_ready = (not plc_db.rps_tripped) and (plc_db.last_status_update > 0) and (plc_db.mek_struct.length > 0)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- update auto control limit
2023-01-03 22:03:20 +00:00
if (self.db.control.lim_br10 == 0) or ((self.db.control.lim_br10 / 10) > plc_db.mek_struct.max_burn) then
self.db.control.lim_br10 = math.floor(plc_db.mek_struct.max_burn * 10)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
2023-02-05 18:04:42 +00:00
-- some alarms wait until the burn rate has stabilized, so keep track of that
if math.abs(_get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorBurnR)) > 0 then
self.last_rate_change_ms = util.time_ms()
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- record reactor stats
self.plc_cache.active = plc_db.mek_status.status
self.plc_cache.ok = not (plc_db.rps_status.fault or plc_db.rps_status.sys_fail or plc_db.rps_status.force_dis)
self.plc_cache.rps_trip = plc_db.rps_tripped
self.plc_cache.rps_status = plc_db.rps_status
self.plc_cache.damage = plc_db.mek_status.damage
self.plc_cache.temp = plc_db.mek_status.temp
self.plc_cache.waste = plc_db.mek_status.waste_fill
-- track damage
if plc_db.mek_status.damage > 0 then
if self.damage_start == 0 then
self.damage_start = util.time_s()
self.damage_initial = plc_db.mek_status.damage
self.damage_start = 0
self.damage_initial = 0
self.damage_last = 0
self.damage_est_last = 0
-- heartbeat blink about every second
if self.last_heartbeat + 1000 < plc_db.last_status_update then
self.db.annunciator.PLCHeartbeat = not self.db.annunciator.PLCHeartbeat
self.last_heartbeat = plc_db.last_status_update
-- update other annunciator fields
self.db.annunciator.ReactorSCRAM = plc_db.rps_tripped
self.db.annunciator.ManualReactorSCRAM = plc_db.rps_trip_cause == types.rps_status_t.manual
self.db.annunciator.AutoReactorSCRAM = plc_db.rps_trip_cause == types.rps_status_t.automatic
self.db.annunciator.RCPTrip = plc_db.rps_tripped and (plc_db.rps_status.ex_hcool or plc_db.rps_status.no_cool)
self.db.annunciator.RCSFlowLow = plc_db.mek_status.ccool_fill < 0.75 or plc_db.mek_status.hcool_fill > 0.25
self.db.annunciator.ReactorTempHigh = plc_db.mek_status.temp > 1000
self.db.annunciator.ReactorHighDeltaT = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorTemp) > 100
self.db.annunciator.FuelInputRateLow = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorFuel) < -1.0 or plc_db.mek_status.fuel_fill <= 0.01
self.db.annunciator.WasteLineOcclusion = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorWaste) > 1.0 or plc_db.mek_status.waste_fill >= 0.85
---@todo this is dependent on setup, i.e. how much coolant is buffered and the turbine setup
self.db.annunciator.HighStartupRate = not plc_db.mek_status.status and plc_db.mek_status.burn_rate > 40
-- if no boilers, use reactor heating rate to check for boil rate mismatch
if num_boilers == 0 then
total_boil_rate = plc_db.mek_status.heating_rate
self.plc_cache.ok = false
2023-02-03 03:58:51 +00:00
local boilers_ready = num_boilers == #self.boilers
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- clear boiler online flags
for i = 1, num_boilers do self.db.annunciator.BoilerOnline[i] = false end
-- aggregated statistics
local boiler_steam_dt_sum = 0.0
local boiler_water_dt_sum = 0.0
if num_boilers > 0 then
-- go through boilers for stats and online
for i = 1, #self.boilers do
local session = self.boilers[i] ---@type unit_session
local boiler = session.get_db() ---@type boilerv_session_db
2023-02-03 03:58:51 +00:00
-- update ready state
-- - must be formed
-- - must have received build, state, and tanks at least once
boilers_ready = boilers_ready and boiler.formed and
(boiler.build.last_update > 0) and
(boiler.state.last_update > 0) and
(boiler.tanks.last_update > 0)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
total_boil_rate = total_boil_rate + boiler.state.boil_rate
boiler_steam_dt_sum = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.BoilerSteam .. self.boilers[i].get_device_idx())
boiler_water_dt_sum = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.BoilerWater .. self.boilers[i].get_device_idx())
self.db.annunciator.BoilerOnline[session.get_device_idx()] = true
-- check heating rate low
if self.plc_i ~= nil and #self.boilers > 0 then
local r_db = self.plc_i.get_db()
-- check for inactive boilers while reactor is active
for i = 1, #self.boilers do
local boiler = self.boilers[i] ---@type unit_session
local idx = boiler.get_device_idx()
local db = boiler.get_db() ---@type boilerv_session_db
if r_db.mek_status.status then
self.db.annunciator.HeatingRateLow[idx] = db.state.boil_rate == 0
self.db.annunciator.HeatingRateLow[idx] = false
boiler_steam_dt_sum = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorHCool)
boiler_water_dt_sum = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorCCool)
-- check coolant feed mismatch if using boilers, otherwise calculate with reactor
local cfmismatch = false
if num_boilers > 0 then
for i = 1, #self.boilers do
local boiler = self.boilers[i] ---@type unit_session
local idx = boiler.get_device_idx()
local db = boiler.get_db() ---@type boilerv_session_db
local gaining_hc = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.BoilerHCool .. idx) > 10.0 or db.tanks.hcool_fill == 1
-- gaining heated coolant
cfmismatch = cfmismatch or gaining_hc
-- losing cooled coolant
cfmismatch = cfmismatch or _get_dt(DT_KEYS.BoilerCCool .. idx) < -10.0 or (gaining_hc and db.tanks.ccool_fill == 0)
elseif self.plc_i ~= nil then
local r_db = self.plc_i.get_db()
local gaining_hc = _get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorHCool) > 10.0 or r_db.mek_status.hcool_fill == 1
-- gaining heated coolant (steam)
cfmismatch = cfmismatch or gaining_hc
-- losing cooled coolant (water)
cfmismatch = cfmismatch or _get_dt(DT_KEYS.ReactorCCool) < -10.0 or (gaining_hc and r_db.mek_status.ccool_fill == 0)
self.db.annunciator.CoolantFeedMismatch = cfmismatch
2023-02-03 03:58:51 +00:00
local turbines_ready = num_turbines == #self.turbines
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- clear turbine online flags
for i = 1, num_turbines do self.db.annunciator.TurbineOnline[i] = false end
-- aggregated statistics
local total_flow_rate = 0
local total_input_rate = 0
local max_water_return_rate = 0
-- recompute blade count on the chance that it may have changed
2023-02-02 02:55:02 +00:00
self.db.control.blade_count = 0
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- go through turbines for stats and online
for i = 1, #self.turbines do
local session = self.turbines[i] ---@type unit_session
local turbine = session.get_db() ---@type turbinev_session_db
2023-02-03 03:58:51 +00:00
-- update ready state
-- - must be formed
-- - must have received build, state, and tanks at least once
turbines_ready = turbines_ready and turbine.formed and
(turbine.build.last_update > 0) and
(turbine.state.last_update > 0) and
(turbine.tanks.last_update > 0)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
total_flow_rate = total_flow_rate + turbine.state.flow_rate
total_input_rate = total_input_rate + turbine.state.steam_input_rate
max_water_return_rate = max_water_return_rate + turbine.build.max_water_output
2023-02-02 02:55:02 +00:00
self.db.control.blade_count = self.db.control.blade_count + turbine.build.blades
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
self.db.annunciator.TurbineOnline[session.get_device_idx()] = true
2023-02-05 18:04:42 +00:00
-- check for boil rate mismatch (> 4% error) either between reactor and turbine or boiler and turbine
self.db.annunciator.BoilRateMismatch = math.abs(total_boil_rate - total_input_rate) > (0.04 * total_boil_rate)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- check for steam feed mismatch and max return rate
local sfmismatch = math.abs(total_flow_rate - total_input_rate) > 10
sfmismatch = sfmismatch or boiler_steam_dt_sum > 2.0 or boiler_water_dt_sum < -2.0
self.db.annunciator.SteamFeedMismatch = sfmismatch
self.db.annunciator.MaxWaterReturnFeed = max_water_return_rate == total_flow_rate and total_flow_rate ~= 0
-- check if steam dumps are open
for i = 1, #self.turbines do
local turbine = self.turbines[i] ---@type unit_session
local db = turbine.get_db() ---@type turbinev_session_db
local idx = turbine.get_device_idx()
if db.state.dumping_mode == DUMPING_MODE.IDLE then
self.db.annunciator.SteamDumpOpen[idx] = TRI_FAIL.OK
elseif db.state.dumping_mode == DUMPING_MODE.DUMPING_EXCESS then
self.db.annunciator.SteamDumpOpen[idx] = TRI_FAIL.PARTIAL
self.db.annunciator.SteamDumpOpen[idx] = TRI_FAIL.FULL
-- check if turbines are at max speed but not keeping up
for i = 1, #self.turbines do
local turbine = self.turbines[i] ---@type unit_session
local db = turbine.get_db() ---@type turbinev_session_db
local idx = turbine.get_device_idx()
self.db.annunciator.TurbineOverSpeed[idx] = (db.state.flow_rate == db.build.max_flow_rate) and (_get_dt(DT_KEYS.TurbineSteam .. idx) > 0.0)
Turbine Trip
a turbine trip is when the turbine stops, which means we are no longer receiving water and lose the ability to cool.
this can be identified by these conditions:
- the current flow rate is 0 mB/t and it should not be
- can initially catch this by detecting a 0 flow rate with a non-zero input rate, but eventually the steam will fill up
- can later identified by presence of steam in tank with a 0 flow rate
for i = 1, #self.turbines do
local turbine = self.turbines[i] ---@type unit_session
local db = turbine.get_db() ---@type turbinev_session_db
local has_steam = db.state.steam_input_rate > 0 or db.tanks.steam_fill > 0.01
self.db.annunciator.TurbineTrip[turbine.get_device_idx()] = has_steam and db.state.flow_rate == 0
2023-02-03 03:58:51 +00:00
-- update auto control ready state for this unit
self.db.control.ready = plc_ready and boilers_ready and turbines_ready
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- update an alarm state given conditions
---@param self _unit_self unit instance
---@param tripped boolean if the alarm condition is still active
---@param alarm alarm_def alarm table
local function _update_alarm_state(self, tripped, alarm)
local AISTATE = self.types.AISTATE
local int_state = alarm.state
local ext_state = self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id]
-- alarm inactive
if int_state == AISTATE.INACTIVE then
if tripped then
alarm.trip_time = util.time_ms()
if alarm.hold_time > 0 then
alarm.state = AISTATE.TRIPPING
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.INACTIVE
alarm.state = AISTATE.TRIPPED
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.TRIPPED
log.info(util.c("UNIT ", self.r_id, " ALARM ", alarm.id, " (", types.alarm_string[alarm.id], "): TRIPPED [PRIORITY ",
types.alarm_prio_string[alarm.tier + 1],"]"))
alarm.trip_time = util.time_ms()
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.INACTIVE
-- alarm condition met, but not yet for required hold time
elseif (int_state == AISTATE.TRIPPING) or (int_state == AISTATE.RING_BACK_TRIPPING) then
if tripped then
local elapsed = util.time_ms() - alarm.trip_time
if elapsed > (alarm.hold_time * 1000) then
alarm.state = AISTATE.TRIPPED
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.TRIPPED
log.info(util.c("UNIT ", self.r_id, " ALARM ", alarm.id, " (", types.alarm_string[alarm.id], "): TRIPPED [PRIORITY ",
types.alarm_prio_string[alarm.tier + 1],"]"))
elseif int_state == AISTATE.RING_BACK_TRIPPING then
alarm.trip_time = 0
alarm.state = AISTATE.RING_BACK
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.RING_BACK
alarm.trip_time = 0
alarm.state = AISTATE.INACTIVE
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.INACTIVE
-- alarm tripped and alarming
elseif int_state == AISTATE.TRIPPED then
if tripped then
if ext_state == ALARM_STATE.ACKED then
-- was acked by coordinator
alarm.state = AISTATE.ACKED
alarm.state = AISTATE.RING_BACK
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.RING_BACK
-- alarm acknowledged but still tripped
elseif int_state == AISTATE.ACKED then
if not tripped then
alarm.state = AISTATE.RING_BACK
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.RING_BACK
-- alarm no longer tripped, operator must reset to clear
elseif int_state == AISTATE.RING_BACK then
if tripped then
alarm.trip_time = util.time_ms()
if alarm.hold_time > 0 then
alarm.state = AISTATE.TRIPPED
self.db.alarm_states[alarm.id] = ALARM_STATE.TRIPPED
elseif ext_state == ALARM_STATE.INACTIVE then
-- was reset by coordinator
alarm.state = AISTATE.INACTIVE
alarm.trip_time = 0
log.error(util.c("invalid alarm state for unit ", self.r_id, " alarm ", alarm.id), true)
-- check for state change
if alarm.state ~= int_state then
local change_str = util.c(aistate_string[int_state + 1], " -> ", aistate_string[alarm.state + 1])
log.debug(util.c("UNIT ", self.r_id, " ALARM ", alarm.id, " (", types.alarm_string[alarm.id], "): ", change_str))
-- evaluate alarm conditions
---@param self _unit_self unit instance
function logic.update_alarms(self)
local annunc = self.db.annunciator
local plc_cache = self.plc_cache
-- Containment Breach
-- lost plc with critical damage (rip plc, you will be missed)
_update_alarm_state(self, (not plc_cache.ok) and (plc_cache.damage > 99), self.alarms.ContainmentBreach)
-- Containment Radiation
---@todo containment radiation alarm
_update_alarm_state(self, false, self.alarms.ContainmentRadiation)
-- Reactor Lost
_update_alarm_state(self, self.had_reactor and self.plc_i == nil, self.alarms.ReactorLost)
-- Critical Damage
_update_alarm_state(self, plc_cache.damage >= 100, self.alarms.CriticalDamage)
-- Reactor Damage
2023-02-07 22:51:55 +00:00
local rps_dmg_90 = plc_cache.rps_status.dmg_crit and not self.last_rps_trips.dmg_crit
_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.damage > 0) or rps_dmg_90, self.alarms.ReactorDamage)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- Over-Temperature
2023-02-07 22:51:55 +00:00
local rps_high_temp = plc_cache.rps_status.high_temp and not self.last_rps_trips.high_temp
_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.temp >= 1200) or rps_high_temp, self.alarms.ReactorOverTemp)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- High Temperature
_update_alarm_state(self, plc_cache.temp > 1150, self.alarms.ReactorHighTemp)
-- Waste Leak
_update_alarm_state(self, plc_cache.waste >= 0.99, self.alarms.ReactorWasteLeak)
-- High Waste
2023-02-07 22:51:55 +00:00
local rps_high_waste = plc_cache.rps_status.ex_waste and not self.last_rps_trips.ex_waste
_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.waste > 0.50) or rps_high_waste, self.alarms.ReactorHighWaste)
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- RPS Transient (excludes timeouts and manual trips)
local rps_alarm = false
if plc_cache.rps_status.manual ~= nil then
if plc_cache.rps_trip then
for key, val in pairs(plc_cache.rps_status) do
if key ~= "manual" and key ~= "timeout" then rps_alarm = rps_alarm or val end
_update_alarm_state(self, rps_alarm, self.alarms.RPSTransient)
-- RCS Transient
local any_low = annunc.CoolantLevelLow
local any_over = false
for i = 1, #annunc.WaterLevelLow do any_low = any_low or annunc.WaterLevelLow[i] end
for i = 1, #annunc.TurbineOverSpeed do any_over = any_over or annunc.TurbineOverSpeed[i] end
local rcs_trans = any_low or any_over or annunc.RCPTrip or annunc.RCSFlowLow or annunc.MaxWaterReturnFeed
-- annunciator indicators for these states may not indicate a real issue when:
-- > flow is ramping up right after reactor start
-- > flow is ramping down after reactor shutdown
2023-02-05 18:04:42 +00:00
if ((util.time_ms() - self.last_rate_change_ms) > self.defs.FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_MS) and plc_cache.active then
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
rcs_trans = rcs_trans or annunc.BoilRateMismatch or annunc.CoolantFeedMismatch or annunc.SteamFeedMismatch
_update_alarm_state(self, rcs_trans, self.alarms.RCSTransient)
-- Turbine Trip
local any_trip = false
for i = 1, #annunc.TurbineTrip do any_trip = any_trip or annunc.TurbineTrip[i] end
_update_alarm_state(self, any_trip, self.alarms.TurbineTrip)
2023-02-07 22:51:55 +00:00
-- update last trips table
for key, val in pairs(plc_cache.rps_status) do
self.last_rps_trips[key] = val
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
-- update the two unit status text messages
---@param self _unit_self unit instance
function logic.update_status_text(self)
local AISTATE = self.types.AISTATE
-- check if an alarm is active (tripped or ack'd)
---@param alarm table alarm entry
---@return boolean active
local function is_active(alarm)
return alarm.state == AISTATE.TRIPPED or alarm.state == AISTATE.ACKED
-- update status text (what the reactor doin?)
if is_active(self.alarms.ContainmentBreach) then
-- boom? or was boom disabled
if self.plc_i ~= nil and self.plc_i.get_rps().force_dis then
self.status_text = { "REACTOR FORCE DISABLED", "meltdown would have occured" }
self.status_text = { "CORE MELTDOWN", "reactor destroyed" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.CriticalDamage) then
-- so much for it being a "routine turbin' trip"...
self.status_text = { "MELTDOWN IMMINENT", "evacuate facility immediately" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorDamage) then
-- attempt to determine when a chance of a meltdown will occur
self.status_text[1] = "CONTAINMENT TAKING DAMAGE"
if self.plc_cache.damage >= 100 then
self.status_text[2] = "damage critical"
elseif (self.plc_cache.damage - self.damage_initial) > 0 then
if self.plc_cache.damage > self.damage_last then
self.damage_last = self.plc_cache.damage
local rate = (self.plc_cache.damage - self.damage_initial) / (util.time_s() - self.damage_start)
self.damage_est_last = (100 - self.plc_cache.damage) / rate
self.status_text[2] = util.c("damage critical in ", util.sprintf("%.1f", self.damage_est_last), "s")
self.status_text[2] = "estimating time to critical..."
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ContainmentRadiation) then
self.status_text = { "RADIATION DETECTED", "radiation levels above normal" }
-- elseif is_active(self.alarms.RPSTransient) then
-- RPS status handled when checking reactor status
elseif is_active(self.alarms.RCSTransient) then
self.status_text = { "RCS TRANSIENT", "check coolant system" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorOverTemp) then
self.status_text = { "CORE OVER TEMP", "reactor core temperature >=1200K" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorWasteLeak) then
self.status_text = { "WASTE LEAK", "radioactive waste leak detected" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorHighTemp) then
self.status_text = { "CORE TEMP HIGH", "reactor core temperature >1150K" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorHighWaste) then
self.status_text = { "WASTE LEVEL HIGH", "waste accumulating in reactor" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.TurbineTrip) then
self.status_text = { "TURBINE TRIP", "turbine stall occured" }
-- connection dependent states
elseif self.plc_i ~= nil then
local plc_db = self.plc_i.get_db()
if plc_db.mek_status.status then
self.status_text[1] = "ACTIVE"
if self.db.annunciator.ReactorHighDeltaT then
self.status_text[2] = "core temperature rising"
elseif self.db.annunciator.ReactorTempHigh then
self.status_text[2] = "core temp high, system nominal"
elseif self.db.annunciator.FuelInputRateLow then
self.status_text[2] = "insufficient fuel input rate"
elseif self.db.annunciator.WasteLineOcclusion then
self.status_text[2] = "insufficient waste output rate"
2023-02-05 18:04:42 +00:00
elseif (util.time_ms() - self.last_rate_change_ms) <= self.defs.FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_MS then
2023-02-07 05:32:50 +00:00
self.status_text[2] = "awaiting flow stability"
2023-01-03 21:50:31 +00:00
self.status_text[2] = "system nominal"
elseif plc_db.rps_tripped then
local cause = "unknown"
if plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "ok" then
-- hmm...
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "dmg_crit" then
cause = "core damage critical"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "high_temp" then
cause = "core temperature high"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "no_coolant" then
cause = "insufficient coolant"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "full_waste" then
cause = "excess waste"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "heated_coolant_backup" then
cause = "excess heated coolant"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "no_fuel" then
cause = "insufficient fuel"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "fault" then
cause = "hardware fault"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "timeout" then
cause = "connection timed out"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "manual" then
cause = "manual operator SCRAM"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "automatic" then
cause = "automated system SCRAM"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "sys_fail" then
cause = "PLC system failure"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "force_disabled" then
cause = "reactor force disabled"
self.status_text = { "RPS SCRAM", cause }
self.status_text[1] = "IDLE"
local temp = plc_db.mek_status.temp
if temp < 350 then
self.status_text[2] = "core cold"
elseif temp < 600 then
self.status_text[2] = "core warm"
self.status_text[2] = "core hot"
self.status_text = { "Reactor Off-line", "awaiting connection..." }
return logic