#354 optimizations/minification

This commit is contained in:
Mikayla Fischler 2023-10-08 12:47:51 -04:00
parent e03eaf2982
commit 686b47898c

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@ -4,6 +4,16 @@
local cc_strings = require("cc.strings")
local math = math
local string = string
local table = table
local os = os
local getmetatable = getmetatable
local print = print
local tostring = tostring
local type = type
---@class util
local util = {}
@ -29,6 +39,8 @@ end
--#region PRINT
local p_time = "[%H:%M:%S] "
-- print
---@param message any
function util.print(message) term.write(tostring(message)) end
@ -39,11 +51,11 @@ function util.println(message) print(tostring(message)) end
-- timestamped print
---@param message any
function util.print_ts(message) term.write(os.date("[%H:%M:%S] ") .. tostring(message)) end
function util.print_ts(message) term.write(os.date(p_time) .. tostring(message)) end
-- timestamped print line
---@param message any
function util.println_ts(message) print(os.date("[%H:%M:%S] ") .. tostring(message)) end
function util.println_ts(message) print(os.date(p_time) .. tostring(message)) end
@ -54,10 +66,9 @@ function util.println_ts(message) print(os.date("[%H:%M:%S] ") .. tostring(messa
---@param val any
---@return string
function util.strval(val)
local t = type(val)
-- this depends on Lua short-circuiting the or check for metatables (note: metatables won't have metatables)
if (t == "table" and (getmetatable(val) == nil or getmetatable(val).__tostring == nil)) or t == "function" then
return "[" .. tostring(val) .. "]"
if (util.is_tbl(val) and (getmetatable(val) == nil or getmetatable(val).__tostring == nil)) or util.is_func(val) then
return table.concat{"[", tostring(val), "]"}
else return tostring(val) end
@ -77,7 +88,7 @@ function util.pad(str, n)
local lpad = math.floor((n - len) / 2)
local rpad = (n - len) - lpad
return util.spaces(lpad) .. str .. util.spaces(rpad)
return table.concat{util.spaces(lpad), str, util.spaces(rpad)}
-- wrap a string into a table of lines
@ -95,9 +106,9 @@ function util.strwrap(str, limit) return cc_strings.wrap(str, limit) end
---@return string
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-vararg
function util.concat(...)
local str = ""
for _, v in ipairs(arg) do str = str .. util.strval(v) end
return str
local strings = {}
for i = 1, #arg do strings[i] = util.strval(arg[i]) end
return table.concat(strings)
-- alias
@ -112,6 +123,9 @@ function util.sprintf(format, ...) return string.format(format, table.unpack(arg
-- luacheck: unused args
local gsub_p_a, gsub_r_a = "^(%s-%d+)(%d%d%d)", "%1,%2"
local gsub_p_b, gsub_r_b = " %s-", ""
-- format a number string with commas as the thousands separator<br>
-- subtracts from spaces at the start if present for each comma used
@ -123,11 +137,11 @@ function util.comma_format(num)
local i = 1
while i > 0 do
formatted, i = formatted:gsub("^(%s-%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
formatted, i = formatted:gsub(gsub_p_a, gsub_r_a)
if i > 0 then commas = commas + 1 end
local _, num_spaces = formatted:gsub(" %s-", "")
local _, num_spaces = formatted:gsub(gsub_p_b, gsub_r_b)
local remove = math.min(num_spaces, commas)
formatted = string.sub(formatted, remove + 1)
@ -157,7 +171,7 @@ function util.round(x) return math.floor(x + 0.5) end
function util.mov_avg(length, default)
local data = {}
local index = 1
local last_t = 0 ---@type number|nil
local last_t = 0 ---@type number|nil
---@class moving_average
local public = {}
@ -173,9 +187,7 @@ function util.mov_avg(length, default)
---@param x number new value
---@param t number? optional last update time to prevent duplicated entries
function public.record(x, t)
if type(t) == "number" and last_t == t then
if util.is_num(t) and last_t == t then return end
data[index] = x
last_t = t
@ -202,61 +214,62 @@ end
--#region TYPES
-- for speed
local b_str, n_str, s_str, t_str, f_str = "boolean", "number", "string", "table", "function"
-- is a value a boolean
---@param x any value
---@return boolean is_boolean
function util.is_bool(x) return type(x) == "boolean" end
function util.is_bool(x) return type(x) == b_str end
-- is a value a number
---@param x any value
---@return boolean is_number
function util.is_num(x) return type(x) == "number" end
function util.is_num(x) return type(x) == n_str end
-- is a value an integer
---@param x any value
---@return boolean is_integer
function util.is_int(x) return type(x) == "number" and x == math.floor(x) end
function util.is_int(x) return type(x) == n_str and x == math.floor(x) end
-- is a value a string
---@param x any value
---@return boolean is_string
function util.is_str(x) return type(x) == "string" end
function util.is_str(x) return type(x) == s_str end
-- is a value a table
---@param x any value
---@return boolean is_table
function util.is_tbl(x) return type(x) == "table" end
function util.is_tbl(x) return type(x) == t_str end
-- is a value a function
---@param x any value
---@return boolean is_function
function util.is_func(x) return type(x) == "function" end
function util.is_func(x) return type(x) == f_str end
--#region TIME
local t_l = "local"
-- current time
---@return integer milliseconds
function util.time_ms()
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
return os.epoch('local')
function util.time_ms() return os.epoch(t_l) end
-- current time
---@return number seconds
function util.time_s()
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
return os.epoch('local') / 1000.0
function util.time_s() return os.epoch(t_l) / 1000.0 end
-- current time
@ -271,10 +284,8 @@ function util.time() return util.time_ms() end
---@param target_event? string event to wait for
---@return os_event event, any param1, any param2, any param3, any param4, any param5
function util.pull_event(target_event)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
return os.pullEventRaw(target_event)
function util.pull_event(target_event) return os.pullEventRaw(target_event) end
-- OS queue event raw wrapper with types
---@param event os_event
@ -292,17 +303,13 @@ end
---@param t number timer duration in seconds
---@return integer timer ID
function util.start_timer(t)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
return os.startTimer(t)
function util.start_timer(t) return os.startTimer(t) end
-- cancel an OS timer
---@param timer integer timer ID
function util.cancel_timer(timer)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
function util.cancel_timer(timer) os.cancelTimer(timer) end
@ -311,10 +318,8 @@ end
-- protected sleep call so we still are in charge of catching termination
---@param t integer seconds
--- EVENT_CONSUMER: this function consumes events
function util.psleep(t)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
pcall(os.sleep, t)
function util.psleep(t) pcall(os.sleep, t) end
-- no-op to provide a brief pause (1 tick) to yield<br>
--- EVENT_CONSUMER: this function consumes events
@ -405,8 +410,7 @@ local function ZFE(fe) return fe / 1000000000000000000000.0 end -- how & why did
---@param format? string format override
---@return string str, string? unit
function util.power_format(fe, combine_label, format)
local unit
local value
local unit, value
if type(format) ~= "string" then format = "%.2f" end
@ -454,32 +458,25 @@ end
---@param timeout number timeout duration
function util.new_watchdog(timeout)
local self = {
timeout = timeout,
wd_timer = util.start_timer(timeout)
local self = { timeout = timeout, wd_timer = util.start_timer(timeout) }
---@class watchdog
local public = {}
-- check if a timer is this watchdog
---@param timer number timer event timer ID
---@param timer number event timer ID
function public.is_timer(timer) return self.wd_timer == timer end
-- satiate the beast
function public.feed()
if self.wd_timer ~= nil then
self.wd_timer = util.start_timer(self.timeout)
-- cancel the watchdog
function public.cancel()
if self.wd_timer ~= nil then
if self.wd_timer ~= nil then util.cancel_timer(self.wd_timer) end
return public
@ -492,10 +489,7 @@ end
---@param period number clock period
function util.new_clock(period)
local self = {
period = period,
timer = nil
local self = { period = period, timer = nil }
---@class clock
local public = {}