#305 print out cause of multi-condition alarms

This commit is contained in:
Mikayla 2023-08-29 13:19:50 +00:00
parent f7766d8cba
commit 785dbe9533
2 changed files with 20 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ local supervisor = require("supervisor.supervisor")
local svsessions = require("supervisor.session.svsessions")
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "v1.0.2"
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "v1.0.3"
local println = util.println
local println_ts = util.println_ts

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@ -358,6 +358,7 @@ end
---@param self _unit_self unit instance
---@param tripped boolean if the alarm condition is still active
---@param alarm alarm_def alarm table
---@return boolean new_trip if the alarm just changed to being tripped
local function _update_alarm_state(self, tripped, alarm)
local AISTATE = self.types.AISTATE
local int_state = alarm.state
@ -439,7 +440,8 @@ local function _update_alarm_state(self, tripped, alarm)
if alarm.state ~= int_state then
local change_str = util.c(AISTATE_NAMES[int_state], " -> ", AISTATE_NAMES[alarm.state])
log.debug(util.c("UNIT ", self.r_id, " ALARM ", alarm.id, " (", types.ALARM_NAMES[alarm.id], "): ", change_str))
return alarm.state == AISTATE.TRIPPED
else return false end
-- evaluate alarm conditions
@ -469,11 +471,15 @@ function logic.update_alarms(self)
-- Reactor Damage
local rps_dmg_90 = plc_cache.rps_status.high_dmg and not self.last_rps_trips.high_dmg
_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.damage > 0) or rps_dmg_90, self.alarms.ReactorDamage)
if (_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.damage > 0) or rps_dmg_90, self.alarms.ReactorDamage)) then
log.debug(util.c("> plc_cache.damage[", plc_cache.damage, "] rps_dmg_90[", rps_dmg_90, "]"))
-- Over-Temperature
local rps_high_temp = plc_cache.rps_status.high_temp and not self.last_rps_trips.high_temp
_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.temp >= 1200) or rps_high_temp, self.alarms.ReactorOverTemp)
if (_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.temp >= 1200) or rps_high_temp, self.alarms.ReactorOverTemp)) then
log.debug(util.c("> plc_cache.temp[", plc_cache.temp, "] rps_high_temp[", rps_high_temp, "]"))
-- High Temperature
_update_alarm_state(self, plc_cache.temp >= ALARM_LIMS.HIGH_TEMP, self.alarms.ReactorHighTemp)
@ -483,7 +489,9 @@ function logic.update_alarms(self)
-- High Waste
local rps_high_waste = plc_cache.rps_status.ex_waste and not self.last_rps_trips.ex_waste
_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.waste > ALARM_LIMS.HIGH_WASTE) or rps_high_waste, self.alarms.ReactorHighWaste)
if (_update_alarm_state(self, (plc_cache.waste > ALARM_LIMS.HIGH_WASTE) or rps_high_waste, self.alarms.ReactorHighWaste)) then
log.debug(util.c("> plc_cache.waste[", plc_cache.waste, "] rps_high_waste[", rps_high_waste, "]"))
-- RPS Transient (excludes timeouts and manual trips)
local rps_alarm = false
@ -514,7 +522,12 @@ function logic.update_alarms(self)
rcs_trans = rcs_trans or annunc.RCSFlowLow or annunc.BoilRateMismatch or annunc.CoolantFeedMismatch or annunc.SteamFeedMismatch
_update_alarm_state(self, rcs_trans, self.alarms.RCSTransient)
if (_update_alarm_state(self, rcs_trans, self.alarms.RCSTransient)) then
log.debug(util.c("> any_low[", any_low, "] any_over[", any_over, "] gen_trip[", gen_trip, "]"))
log.debug(util.c("> RCPTrip[", annunc.RCPTrip, "] MaxWaterReturnFeed[", annunc.MaxWaterReturnFeed, "]"))
log.debug(util.c("> RCSFlowLow[", annunc.RCSFlowLow, "] BoilRateMismatch[", annunc.BoilRateMismatch,
"] CoolantFeedMismatch[", annunc.CoolantFeedMismatch, "] SteamFeedMismatch[", annunc.SteamFeedMismatch, "]"))
-- Turbine Trip
local any_trip = false
@ -522,9 +535,7 @@ function logic.update_alarms(self)
_update_alarm_state(self, any_trip, self.alarms.TurbineTrip)
-- update last trips table
for key, val in pairs(plc_cache.rps_status) do
self.last_rps_trips[key] = val
for key, val in pairs(plc_cache.rps_status) do self.last_rps_trips[key] = val end
-- update the internal automatic safety control performed while in auto control mode