#19 gen rate target process control working, some tweaks will be needed as I term is unstable due to limiting decimal precision

This commit is contained in:
Mikayla Fischler 2023-02-07 23:47:58 -05:00
parent 07ee792163
commit ee739c214d
3 changed files with 95 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ local PROCESS = types.PROCESS
-- 2856 FE per blade per 1 mB, 285.6 FE per blade per 0.1 mB (minimum)
local POWER_PER_BLADE = util.joules_to_fe(7140)
local HIGH_CHARGE = 1.0
local RE_ENABLE_CHARGE = 0.95
@ -23,12 +25,12 @@ local AUTO_SCRAM = {
local charge_Kp = 1.0
local charge_Ki = 0.00001
local charge_Ki = 0.0
local charge_Kd = 0.0
local rate_Kp = 1.0
local rate_Ki = 0.00001
local rate_Kd = 0.0
local rate_Kp = 0.75
local rate_Ki = 0.01
local rate_Kd = -0.10
---@class facility_management
local facility = {}
@ -51,8 +53,8 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
mode_set = PROCESS.SIMPLE,
max_burn_combined = 0.0, -- maximum burn rate to clamp at
burn_target = 0.1, -- burn rate target for aggregate burn mode
charge_target = 0, -- FE charge target
gen_rate_target = 0, -- FE/t charge rate target
charge_setpoint = 0, -- FE charge target setpoint
gen_rate_setpoint = 0, -- FE/t charge rate target setpoint
group_map = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, -- units -> group IDs
prio_defs = { {}, {}, {}, {} }, -- priority definitions (each level is a table of units)
at_max_burn = false,
@ -63,15 +65,17 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
time_start = 0.0,
initial_ramp = true,
waiting_on_ramp = false,
waiting_on_stable = false,
accumulator = 0.0,
saturated = false,
last_update = 0,
last_error = 0.0,
last_time = 0.0,
-- statistics
im_stat_init = false,
avg_charge = util.mov_avg(20, 0.0),
avg_inflow = util.mov_avg(20, 0.0),
avg_outflow = util.mov_avg(20, 0.0)
avg_charge = util.mov_avg(10, 0.0),
avg_inflow = util.mov_avg(10, 0.0),
avg_outflow = util.mov_avg(10, 0.0)
-- create units
@ -190,15 +194,20 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
-- calculate moving averages for induction matrix
local charge_update = 0
local rate_update = 0
if self.induction[1] ~= nil then
local matrix = self.induction[1] ---@type unit_session
local db = matrix.get_db() ---@type imatrix_session_db
if (db.state.last_update > 0) and (db.tanks.last_update > 0) then
charge_update = db.tanks.last_update
rate_update = db.state.last_update
if (charge_update > 0) and (rate_update > 0) then
if self.im_stat_init then
self.avg_charge.record(util.joules_to_fe(db.tanks.energy), db.tanks.last_update)
self.avg_inflow.record(util.joules_to_fe(db.state.last_input), db.state.last_update)
self.avg_outflow.record(util.joules_to_fe(db.state.last_output), db.state.last_update)
self.avg_charge.record(util.joules_to_fe(db.tanks.energy), charge_update)
self.avg_inflow.record(util.joules_to_fe(db.state.last_input), rate_update)
self.avg_outflow.record(util.joules_to_fe(db.state.last_output), rate_update)
self.im_stat_init = true
@ -273,6 +282,7 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
self.initial_ramp = true
self.waiting_on_ramp = false
self.waiting_on_stable = false
self.initial_ramp = false
@ -327,9 +337,11 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
elseif self.mode == PROCESS.CHARGE then
-- target a level of charge
local error = (self.charge_target - avg_charge) / self.charge_conversion
-- convert to kFE to make constants not microscopic
local error = (self.charge_setpoint - avg_charge) / 1000000
if state_changed then
self.last_time = now
log.debug(util.c("FAC: CHARGE mode first call completed"))
elseif self.waiting_on_ramp and _all_units_ramped() then
self.waiting_on_ramp = false
@ -341,7 +353,7 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
if not self.waiting_on_ramp then
if not self.saturated then
self.accumulator = self.accumulator + ((avg_charge / self.charge_conversion) * (now - self.last_time))
self.accumulator = self.accumulator + (error * (now - self.last_time))
local runtime = now - self.time_start
@ -367,59 +379,89 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
_allocate_burn_rate(sp_c, self.initial_ramp)
self.last_time = now
if self.initial_ramp then
self.waiting_on_ramp = true
elseif self.mode == PROCESS.GEN_RATE then
-- target a rate of generation
local error = (self.gen_rate_target - avg_inflow) / self.charge_conversion
local setpoint = 0.0
-- convert to MFE to make constants not microscopic
local error = (self.gen_rate_setpoint - avg_inflow) / 1000000
local output = 0.0
if state_changed then
-- estimate an initial setpoint
setpoint = error / self.charge_conversion
output = (error * 1000000) / self.charge_conversion
local sp_r = util.round(setpoint * 10.0) / 10.0
local out_r = util.round(output * 10.0) / 10.0
_allocate_burn_rate(sp_r, true)
log.debug(util.c("FAC: GEN_RATE mode first call completed"))
elseif self.waiting_on_ramp and _all_units_ramped() then
self.waiting_on_ramp = false
log.debug(util.c("FAC: initial burn rate for gen rate setpoint is " .. out_r))
self.time_start = now
self.accumulator = 0
log.debug(util.c("FAC: GEN_RATE mode initial ramp completed"))
_allocate_burn_rate(out_r, true)
if not self.waiting_on_ramp then
self.waiting_on_ramp = true
self.status_text = { "GENERATION MODE", "starting up" }
elseif self.waiting_on_ramp then
if _all_units_ramped() then
self.waiting_on_ramp = false
self.waiting_on_stable = true
self.time_start = now
self.status_text = { "GENERATION MODE", "holding ramped rate" }
log.debug("FAC: GEN_RATE mode initial ramp completed, holding for stablization time")
elseif self.waiting_on_stable then
if (now - self.time_start) > FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_S then
self.waiting_on_stable = false
self.time_start = now
self.last_time = now
self.last_error = 0
self.accumulator = 0
self.status_text = { "GENERATION MODE", "running control loop" }
log.debug("FAC: GEN_RATE mode initial hold completed")
elseif self.last_update ~= rate_update then
if not self.saturated then
self.accumulator = self.accumulator + ((avg_inflow / self.charge_conversion) * (now - self.last_time))
self.accumulator = self.accumulator + (error * (now - self.last_time))
local runtime = util.time_s() - self.time_start
local integral = self.accumulator
-- local derivative = (error - self.last_error) / (now - self.last_time)
local derivative = (error - self.last_error) / (now - self.last_time)
local P = (rate_Kp * error)
local I = (rate_Ki * integral)
local D = 0 -- (rate_Kd * derivative)
local D = (rate_Kd * derivative)
setpoint = P + I + D
-- velocity (rate) (derivative of charge level => rate) feed forward
local FF = self.gen_rate_setpoint / self.charge_conversion
-- round setpoint -> setpoint rounded (sp_r)
local sp_r = util.round(setpoint * 10.0) / 10.0
output = P + I + D + FF
-- clamp at range -> setpoint clamped (sp_c)
local sp_c = math.max(0, math.min(sp_r, self.max_burn_combined))
-- round output -> output rounded (sp_r)
local out_r = util.round(output * 10.0) / 10.0
self.saturated = sp_r ~= sp_c
-- clamp at range -> output clamped (sp_c)
local out_c = math.max(0, math.min(out_r, self.max_burn_combined))
log.debug(util.sprintf("PROC_RATE[%f] { RATE[%f] ERR[%f] INT[%f] => SP[%f] SP_C[%f] <= P[%f] I[%f] D[%f] }",
runtime, avg_inflow, error, integral, setpoint, sp_c, P, I, D))
self.saturated = out_r ~= out_c
_allocate_burn_rate(sp_c, false)
log.debug(util.sprintf("GEN_RATE[%f] { RATE[%f] ERR[%f] INT[%f] => OUT[%f] OUT_C[%f] <= P[%f] I[%f] D[%f] }",
runtime, avg_inflow, error, integral, output, out_c, P, I, D))
_allocate_burn_rate(out_c, false)
self.last_time = now
self.last_error = error
self.last_update = rate_update
elseif self.mode == PROCESS.MATRIX_FAULT_IDLE then
-- exceeded charge, wait until condition clears
if self.ascram_reason == AUTO_SCRAM.NONE then
@ -586,22 +628,22 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
if self.mode == PROCESS.INACTIVE then
if (type(config.mode) == "number") and (config.mode > PROCESS.INACTIVE) and (config.mode <= PROCESS.GEN_RATE) then
self.mode_set = config.mode
log.debug("SET MODE " .. config.mode)
log.debug("SET MODE " .. self.mode_set)
if (type(config.burn_target) == "number") and config.burn_target >= 0.1 then
self.burn_target = config.burn_target
log.debug("SET BURN TARGET " .. config.burn_target)
log.debug("SET BURN TARGET " .. self.burn_target)
if (type(config.charge_target) == "number") and config.charge_target >= 0 then
self.charge_target = config.charge_target
log.debug("SET CHARGE TARGET " .. config.charge_target)
self.charge_setpoint = config.charge_target
log.debug("SET CHARGE TARGET " .. self.charge_setpoint)
if (type(config.gen_target) == "number") and config.gen_target >= 0 then
self.gen_rate_target = config.gen_target
log.debug("SET RATE TARGET " .. config.gen_target)
self.gen_rate_setpoint = config.gen_target * 1000 -- convert kFE to FE
log.debug("SET RATE TARGET " .. self.gen_rate_setpoint)
if (type(config.limits) == "table") and (#config.limits == num_reactors) then
@ -618,9 +660,9 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
ready = self.mode_set > 0
if (self.mode_set == PROCESS.CHARGE) and (self.charge_target <= 0) then
if (self.mode_set == PROCESS.CHARGE) and (self.charge_setpoint <= 0) then
ready = false
elseif (self.mode_set == PROCESS.GEN_RATE) and (self.gen_rate_target <= 0) then
elseif (self.mode_set == PROCESS.GEN_RATE) and (self.gen_rate_setpoint <= 0) then
ready = false
elseif (self.mode_set == PROCESS.BURN_RATE) and (self.burn_target < 0.1) then
ready = false
@ -631,7 +673,7 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
if ready then self.mode = self.mode_set end
return { ready, self.mode_set, self.burn_target, self.charge_target, self.gen_rate_target, limits }
return { ready, self.mode_set, self.burn_target, self.charge_setpoint, self.gen_rate_setpoint, limits }
@ -677,7 +719,7 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
self.waiting_on_ramp or self.waiting_on_stable,
self.at_max_burn or self.saturated,

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@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ local AISTATE = {
---@class alarm_def
---@field state ALARM_INT_STATE internal alarm state
---@field trip_time integer time (ms) when first tripped

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ local svsessions = require("supervisor.session.svsessions")
local config = require("supervisor.config")
local supervisor = require("supervisor.supervisor")
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.10.2"
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.10.3"
local print = util.print
local println = util.println