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How to build on Linux, please follow these simple steps.
Step 1: Get source code
git clone https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/appflowy.git
Step 2: Build app_flowy (Flutter GUI application)
- Following steps are verified on
- lubuntu 20.04 - X86_64
- ubuntu 20.04 - aarch64
- redhat - X86_64
- Arch Linux - X86_64
- Deepin - X86_64
- Raspberry Pi OS - aarch64
- You may need to disable hardware 3D acceleration if you are running in a VM. Otherwise certain GL failures will prevent app from launching
Detail steps
- Install pre-requests
sudo apt-get install curl build-essential libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev clang cmake ninja-build pkg-config libgtk-3-dev
# optional, for generating protobuf in step 8 only
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
- Install rust on Linux
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly
- Install flutter according to https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/linux
git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
cd flutter
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:"`pwd`"/bin" >> ~/.profile
export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/bin"
flutter channel dev
flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
- Fix problem reported by flutter doctor
flutter doctor
# install Android toolchain (optional)
# install Chrome (optional)
- Install cargo make
cd appflowy/frontend
cargo install --force cargo-make
- Install duckscript
cargo install --force duckscript_cli
- Check pre-request
cargo make flowy_dev
- Generate protobuf for dart (optional, if you modify the shared-lib's entities)
cargo make -p development-linux-x86 pb
- Build flowy-sdk-dev (dart-ffi) (optional), step 10 covers this step
# for development
cargo make --profile development-linux-x86 flowy-sdk-dev
# for production
cargo make --profile production-linux-x86 flowy-sdk-release
- Build app_flowy
# for development
cargo make -p development-linux-x86 appflowy-linux-dev
# for production, find binary from app_flowy/product/<version>/linux/<build type>/AppFlowy/
cargo make -p production-linux-x86 appflowy-linux
# tips
# run Linux GUI application through x11 on windows (use MobaXterm)
# for instance:
# export DISPLAY=localhost:10
# cd app_flowy/product/0.0.2/linux/Release/AppFlowy
# ./app_flowy
Step 3: Build Server side application (optional if you don't need to host web service locally)
Note: You can launch postgresql server by using docker container