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How to build on Windows, please follow these simple steps.
Step 1: Get source code
git clone https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/appflowy.git
Step 2: Build app_flowy (Flutter GUI application)
- Both Windows cmd and powershell can be used for running commands
- Following steps are verified on
- Windows 10 X86_64
- Windows 10 arm64
- Windows 11 X86_64
- Windows 11 arm64
Detail steps
- Install Visual Studio 2022 build tools. Download from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
- In section of "All Downloads" => "Tools for Visual Studio 2022" => Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022, hit Download button to get it.
- Launch "vs_BuildTools.exe" to install
- Install vcpkg according to https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg#quick-start-windows. Make sure to add vcpkg installation folder to PATH env var.
- Install flutter according to https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows
flutter channel stable
flutter doctor
- Install rust
# Download rustup.exe from https://win.rustup.rs/x86_64
# Call rustup.exe from powershell or cmd
.\rustup-init.exe --default-toolchain stable --default-host x86_64-pc-windows-msvc -y
# Note: you probably need to re-open termial to get cargo command be available in PATH var
- Install cargo make
cd appflowy/frontend
cargo install --force cargo-make
- Install duckscript
cargo install --force duckscript_cli
- Check prerequisites
cargo make flowy_dev
- [Optional] Generate protobuf for dart (optional, if you modify the shared-lib's entities)
# Need to download protoc tools and add it's bin folder into PATH env var.
# Download protoc from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases. The latest one is protoc-3.19.1-win64.zip
cargo make -p development-windows pb
- [Optional] Build flowy-sdk (dart-ffi), step 10 covers this step
# for development
cargo make --profile development-windows-x86 flowy-sdk-dev
# for production
cargo make --profile production-windows-x86 flowy-sdk-release
- Build app_flowy
# for development
cargo make -p development-windows-x86 appflowy-windows-dev
# for production
cargo make -p production-windows-x86 appflowy-windows
[Optional] Step 3: Build Server side application (optional if you don't need to host web service locally)
Note: You can launch postgresql server by using docker container