Alex to 5ee37972ef #19 - [FR] Successfully to build workable version for windows (Rust target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc), request to contribute
1. scripts\flowy-tool\Cargo.toml
  - Remove shell dependency which does not support windows
2. scripts\makefile\env.toml
  - Enhance environment checking for building app on windows
3. scripts\flowy-tool\src\util\
  - Trim unnecessary prefix "\\?\" for std::fs::canonicalize(root) on windows
4.  scripts\makefile\flutter.toml
  - add dependency for "tasks.appflowy-windows" to copy dart_ffi.dll from rust build folder to flutter build folder
5. scripts\flowy-tool\src\proto\
  - Remove dir by using platform independent code rather than calling *nix shell command
6. scripts\makefile\protobuf.toml
  - tasks.gen_dart_event: call duckscript to gen_dart_event on windows platform
2021-11-17 21:45:18 +08:00
2021-11-17 14:18:21 +08:00