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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using ValveKeyValue;
//using HeliosPlus.GameLibraries.UplayAppInfoParser;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.IconLib;
using System.Security;
using System.Diagnostics;
using EDIDParser;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace HeliosPlus.GameLibraries
public static class UplayLibrary
#region Class Variables
// Common items to the class
private static List<UplayGame> _allUplayGames = new List<UplayGame>();
private static string uplayAppIdRegex = @"/^[0-9A-F]{1,10}$";
private static string _uplayExe;
private static string _uplayPath;
private static string _uplayConfigVdfFile;
internal static string registryUplayLauncherKey = @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ubisoft\Launcher";
internal static string registryUplayInstallsKey = @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ubisoft\Launcher\Installs";
internal static string registryUplayOpenCmdKey = @"SOFTWARE\Classes\uplay\Shell\Open\Command";
// Other constants that are useful
private struct UplayAppInfo
public uint GameID;
public string GameName;
public List<string> GameExes;
public string GameInstallDir;
public string GameUplayIconPath;
#region Class Constructors
static UplayLibrary()
// Find the UplayExe location, and the UplayPath for later
RegistryKey uplayInstallKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryUplayLauncherKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree);
_uplayPath = uplayInstallKey.GetValue("InstallDir", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Ubisoft\\Ubisoft Game Launcher\\").ToString();
_uplayExe = $"{_uplayPath}upc.exe";
#region Class Properties
public static List<UplayGame> AllInstalledGames
// Load the Uplay Games from Uplay Client if needed
if (_allUplayGames == null)
return _allUplayGames;
public static int InstalledUplayGameCount
return _allUplayGames.Count;
public static string UplayExe
return _uplayExe;
public static string UplayPath
return _uplayPath;
public static bool IsUplayInstalled
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UplayExe) && File.Exists(UplayExe))
return true;
return false;
#region Class Methods
public static bool AddUplayGame(UplayGame uplayGame)
if (!(uplayGame is UplayGame))
return false;
// Doublecheck if it already exists
// Because then we just update the one that already exists
if (ContainsUplayGame(uplayGame))
// We update the existing Shortcut with the data over
UplayGame uplayGameToUpdate = GetUplayGame(uplayGame.Id.ToString());
// Add the uplayGame to the list of uplayGames
//Doublecheck it's been added
if (ContainsUplayGame(uplayGame))
return true;
return false;
public static bool RemoveUplayGame(UplayGame uplayGame)
if (!(uplayGame is UplayGame))
return false;
// Remove the uplayGame from the list.
int numRemoved = _allUplayGames.RemoveAll(item => item.Id.Equals(uplayGame.Id));
if (numRemoved == 1)
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
return false;
throw new UplayLibraryException();
public static bool RemoveUplayGame(string uplayGameNameOrUuid)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uplayGameNameOrUuid))
return false;
int numRemoved;
Match match = Regex.Match(uplayGameNameOrUuid, uplayAppIdRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
numRemoved = _allUplayGames.RemoveAll(item => uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(Convert.ToUInt32(item.Id)));
numRemoved = _allUplayGames.RemoveAll(item => uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(item.Name));
if (numRemoved == 1)
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
return false;
throw new UplayLibraryException();
public static bool ContainsUplayGame(UplayGame uplayGame)
if (!(uplayGame is UplayGame))
return false;
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (testUplayGame.Id.Equals(uplayGame.Id))
return true;
return false;
public static bool ContainsUplayGame(string uplayGameNameOrUuid)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uplayGameNameOrUuid))
return false;
Match match = Regex.Match(uplayGameNameOrUuid, uplayAppIdRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(Convert.ToUInt32(testUplayGame.Id)))
return true;
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(testUplayGame.Name))
return true;
return false;
public static bool ContainsUplayGame(uint uplayGameId)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameId == testUplayGame.Id)
return true;
return false;
public static UplayGame GetUplayGame(string uplayGameNameOrUuid)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uplayGameNameOrUuid))
return null;
Match match = Regex.Match(uplayGameNameOrUuid, uplayAppIdRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(Convert.ToUInt32(testUplayGame.Id)))
return testUplayGame;
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(testUplayGame.Name))
return testUplayGame;
return null;
public static UplayGame GetUplayGame(uint uplayGameId)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameId == testUplayGame.Id)
return testUplayGame;
return null;
public static bool LoadInstalledGames()
if (_uplayExe == string.Empty || !File.Exists(_uplayExe))
// Uplay isn't installed, so we return an empty list.
return false;
// Look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Ubisoft\\Launcher and check the InstallDir key
// That returns the location of the install dir : E:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\
//RegistryKey uplayInstallKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(registryUplayInstallsKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree);
//string uplayInstallDir = uplayInstallKey.GetValue("InstallDir", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Ubisoft\\Ubisoft Game Launcher\\").ToString();
// Access {installdir}\\cache\\configuration\\configurations file
string mypath = _uplayPath + @"cache\\configuration\\configurations";
string uplayConfigFileString = File.ReadAllText(mypath);
uplayConfigFileString = uplayConfigFileString.Remove(0, 12);
// Split the file into records at the SOH unicode character
List<string> uplayConfigFile = uplayConfigFileString.Split((Char)1).ToList();
// Go through every record and attempt to parse it
foreach (string uplayEntry in uplayConfigFile) {
// Skip any Uplay entry records that don't start with 'version:'
if (!uplayEntry.StartsWith("version:",StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
//Split the record into entrylines
List<string> uplayEntryLines = uplayEntry.Split('\n').ToList();
// Skip any records NOT containing an entryline with ' start_game:' (note 2 leading spaces)
// All games contain a start_game entry
if (!uplayEntryLines.Exists(a => a.StartsWith(" start_game:")))
// Skip any records containing an entryline with ' third_party_platform:' (note 2 leading spaces)
// We only want the native uplay games....
if (uplayEntryLines.Exists(a => a.StartsWith(" third_party_platform:")))
// if we get here then we have a real game to parse!
// Yay us :).
// First we check if there are any localization CONSTANTS that we will need to map later.
Dictionary<string, string> localizations = new Dictionary<string, string>();
int localizationsIndex = uplayEntryLines.FindIndex(a => a == "localizations:");
// If there are localizations, then we need to store them for later
if (localizationsIndex != -1)
// grab the localizations: -> default: entries to use as a lookup table for the info we need
int defaultIndex = localizationsIndex + 1;
int currentIndex = defaultIndex + 1;
// Grab all EntryLines with 4 leading spaces (these are all the localizations)
while (uplayEntryLines[currentIndex].StartsWith(" ")){
string[] split = uplayEntryLines[currentIndex].Trim().Split(':');
localizations.Add(split[0], split[1]);
// for each game record grab:
// name: (lookup the id in lookup table to find the name if needed)
// thumb_image: (lookup the id in lookup table to find the thumbnail)
// icon_image: (lookup the id in lookup table to find the ICON)
// find the exe name looking at root: -> start_game: -> online: -> executables: -> path: -> relative: (get ACU.exe)
// Lookup the Game registry key from looking at root: -> start_game: -> online: -> executables: -> working_directory: -> register: (get HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ubisoft\Launcher\Installs\720\InstallDir)
// Extract the GameAppID from the number in the working directory (e.g. 720)
// Lookup the Game install path by reading the game registry key: D:/Ubisoft Game Launcher/Assassin's Creed Unity/
// join the Game install path and the exe name to get the full game exe path: D:/Ubisoft Game Launcher/Assassin's Creed Unity/ACU.exe
// Then we have the gameID, the thumbimage, the icon, the name, the exe path
List<uint> uplayAppIdsInstalled = new List<uint>();
// Now look for what games app id's are actually installed on this computer
using (RegistryKey uplayAppsKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(registryUplayInstallsKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
if (uplayAppsKey != null)
// Loop through the subKeys as they are the Uplay Game IDs
foreach (string uplayGameKeyName in uplayAppsKey.GetSubKeyNames())
uint uplayAppId = 0;
if (uint.TryParse(uplayGameKeyName, out uplayAppId))
string uplayGameKeyFullName = $"{ registryUplayInstallsKey}\\{uplayGameKeyName}";
using (RegistryKey uplayGameKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(uplayGameKeyFullName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
// If the Installed Value is set to 1, then the game is installed
// We want to keep track of that for later
if ((int)uplayGameKey.GetValue(@"Installed", 0) == 1)
// Add this Uplay App ID to the list we're keeping for later
catch (SecurityException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames securityexception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("SecurityException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames unauthorizedaccessexception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("UnauthorizedAccessException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames objectdisposedexceptions: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("ObjectDisposedException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
catch (IOException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames ioexception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
// Extract some information from this exception, and then
// throw it to the parent method.
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("IOException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
return true;
public class UplayLibraryException : Exception
public UplayLibraryException() { }
public UplayLibraryException(string message) : base(message) { }
public UplayLibraryException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
protected UplayLibraryException(
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { }