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synced 2024-08-30 18:32:20 +00:00
Have reverse engineered the uplay launcher a little bit, and managed to extract some of the useful file structures to be able to parse the useful bits of teh uplay game library. Need to properly extract the games info from it though.
437 lines
16 KiB
437 lines
16 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using ValveKeyValue;
//using HeliosPlus.GameLibraries.UplayAppInfoParser;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.IconLib;
using System.Security;
using System.Diagnostics;
using EDIDParser;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace HeliosPlus.GameLibraries
public static class UplayLibrary
#region Class Variables
// Common items to the class
private static List<UplayGame> _allUplayGames = new List<UplayGame>();
private static string uplayAppIdRegex = @"/^[0-9A-F]{1,10}$";
private static string _uplayExe;
private static string _uplayPath;
private static string _uplayConfigVdfFile;
internal static string registryUplayLauncherKey = @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ubisoft\Launcher";
internal static string registryUplayInstallsKey = @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ubisoft\Launcher\Installs";
internal static string registryUplayOpenCmdKey = @"SOFTWARE\Classes\uplay\Shell\Open\Command";
// Other constants that are useful
private struct UplayAppInfo
public uint GameID;
public string GameName;
public List<string> GameExes;
public string GameInstallDir;
public string GameUplayIconPath;
#region Class Constructors
static UplayLibrary()
// Find the UplayExe location, and the UplayPath for later
RegistryKey uplayInstallKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryUplayLauncherKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree);
_uplayPath = uplayInstallKey.GetValue("InstallDir", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Ubisoft\\Ubisoft Game Launcher\\").ToString();
_uplayExe = $"{_uplayPath}upc.exe";
#region Class Properties
public static List<UplayGame> AllInstalledGames
// Load the Uplay Games from Uplay Client if needed
if (_allUplayGames == null)
return _allUplayGames;
public static int InstalledUplayGameCount
return _allUplayGames.Count;
public static string UplayExe
return _uplayExe;
public static string UplayPath
return _uplayPath;
public static bool IsUplayInstalled
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UplayExe) && File.Exists(UplayExe))
return true;
return false;
#region Class Methods
public static bool AddUplayGame(UplayGame uplayGame)
if (!(uplayGame is UplayGame))
return false;
// Doublecheck if it already exists
// Because then we just update the one that already exists
if (ContainsUplayGame(uplayGame))
// We update the existing Shortcut with the data over
UplayGame uplayGameToUpdate = GetUplayGame(uplayGame.Id.ToString());
// Add the uplayGame to the list of uplayGames
//Doublecheck it's been added
if (ContainsUplayGame(uplayGame))
return true;
return false;
public static bool RemoveUplayGame(UplayGame uplayGame)
if (!(uplayGame is UplayGame))
return false;
// Remove the uplayGame from the list.
int numRemoved = _allUplayGames.RemoveAll(item => item.Id.Equals(uplayGame.Id));
if (numRemoved == 1)
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
return false;
throw new UplayLibraryException();
public static bool RemoveUplayGame(string uplayGameNameOrUuid)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uplayGameNameOrUuid))
return false;
int numRemoved;
Match match = Regex.Match(uplayGameNameOrUuid, uplayAppIdRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
numRemoved = _allUplayGames.RemoveAll(item => uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(Convert.ToUInt32(item.Id)));
numRemoved = _allUplayGames.RemoveAll(item => uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(item.Name));
if (numRemoved == 1)
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
return false;
throw new UplayLibraryException();
public static bool ContainsUplayGame(UplayGame uplayGame)
if (!(uplayGame is UplayGame))
return false;
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (testUplayGame.Id.Equals(uplayGame.Id))
return true;
return false;
public static bool ContainsUplayGame(string uplayGameNameOrUuid)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uplayGameNameOrUuid))
return false;
Match match = Regex.Match(uplayGameNameOrUuid, uplayAppIdRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(Convert.ToUInt32(testUplayGame.Id)))
return true;
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(testUplayGame.Name))
return true;
return false;
public static bool ContainsUplayGame(uint uplayGameId)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameId == testUplayGame.Id)
return true;
return false;
public static UplayGame GetUplayGame(string uplayGameNameOrUuid)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uplayGameNameOrUuid))
return null;
Match match = Regex.Match(uplayGameNameOrUuid, uplayAppIdRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(Convert.ToUInt32(testUplayGame.Id)))
return testUplayGame;
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameNameOrUuid.Equals(testUplayGame.Name))
return testUplayGame;
return null;
public static UplayGame GetUplayGame(uint uplayGameId)
foreach (UplayGame testUplayGame in _allUplayGames)
if (uplayGameId == testUplayGame.Id)
return testUplayGame;
return null;
public static bool LoadInstalledGames()
if (_uplayExe == string.Empty || !File.Exists(_uplayExe))
// Uplay isn't installed, so we return an empty list.
return false;
// Look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Ubisoft\\Launcher and check the InstallDir key
// That returns the location of the install dir : E:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\
//RegistryKey uplayInstallKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(registryUplayInstallsKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree);
//string uplayInstallDir = uplayInstallKey.GetValue("InstallDir", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Ubisoft\\Ubisoft Game Launcher\\").ToString();
// Access {installdir}\\cache\\configuration\\configurations file
string mypath = _uplayPath + @"cache\\configuration\\configurations";
string uplayConfigFileString = File.ReadAllText(mypath);
uplayConfigFileString = uplayConfigFileString.Remove(0, 12);
// Split the file into records at the SOH unicode character
List<string> uplayConfigFile = uplayConfigFileString.Split((Char)1).ToList();
// Go through every record and attempt to parse it
foreach (string uplayEntry in uplayConfigFile) {
// Skip any Uplay entry records that don't start with 'version:'
if (!uplayEntry.StartsWith("version:",StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
//Split the record into entrylines
List<string> uplayEntryLines = uplayEntry.Split('\n').ToList();
// Skip any records NOT containing an entryline with ' start_game:' (note 2 leading spaces)
// All games contain a start_game entry
if (!uplayEntryLines.Exists(a => a.StartsWith(" start_game:")))
// Skip any records containing an entryline with ' third_party_platform:' (note 2 leading spaces)
// We only want the native uplay games....
if (uplayEntryLines.Exists(a => a.StartsWith(" third_party_platform:")))
// if we get here then we have a real game to parse!
// Yay us :).
// First we check if there are any localization CONSTANTS that we will need to map later.
Dictionary<string, string> localizations = new Dictionary<string, string>();
int localizationsIndex = uplayEntryLines.FindIndex(a => a == "localizations:");
// If there are localizations, then we need to store them for later
if (localizationsIndex != -1)
// grab the localizations: -> default: entries to use as a lookup table for the info we need
int defaultIndex = localizationsIndex + 1;
int currentIndex = defaultIndex + 1;
// Grab all EntryLines with 4 leading spaces (these are all the localizations)
while (uplayEntryLines[currentIndex].StartsWith(" ")){
string[] split = uplayEntryLines[currentIndex].Trim().Split(':');
localizations.Add(split[0], split[1]);
// for each game record grab:
// name: (lookup the id in lookup table to find the name if needed)
// thumb_image: (lookup the id in lookup table to find the thumbnail)
// icon_image: (lookup the id in lookup table to find the ICON)
// find the exe name looking at root: -> start_game: -> online: -> executables: -> path: -> relative: (get ACU.exe)
// Lookup the Game registry key from looking at root: -> start_game: -> online: -> executables: -> working_directory: -> register: (get HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ubisoft\Launcher\Installs\720\InstallDir)
// Extract the GameAppID from the number in the working directory (e.g. 720)
// Lookup the Game install path by reading the game registry key: D:/Ubisoft Game Launcher/Assassin's Creed Unity/
// join the Game install path and the exe name to get the full game exe path: D:/Ubisoft Game Launcher/Assassin's Creed Unity/ACU.exe
// Then we have the gameID, the thumbimage, the icon, the name, the exe path
List<uint> uplayAppIdsInstalled = new List<uint>();
// Now look for what games app id's are actually installed on this computer
using (RegistryKey uplayAppsKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(registryUplayInstallsKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
if (uplayAppsKey != null)
// Loop through the subKeys as they are the Uplay Game IDs
foreach (string uplayGameKeyName in uplayAppsKey.GetSubKeyNames())
uint uplayAppId = 0;
if (uint.TryParse(uplayGameKeyName, out uplayAppId))
string uplayGameKeyFullName = $"{ registryUplayInstallsKey}\\{uplayGameKeyName}";
using (RegistryKey uplayGameKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(uplayGameKeyFullName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
// If the Installed Value is set to 1, then the game is installed
// We want to keep track of that for later
if ((int)uplayGameKey.GetValue(@"Installed", 0) == 1)
// Add this Uplay App ID to the list we're keeping for later
catch (SecurityException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames securityexception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("SecurityException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames unauthorizedaccessexception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("UnauthorizedAccessException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames objectdisposedexceptions: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("ObjectDisposedException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
catch (IOException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"UplayGame/GetAllInstalledGames ioexception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
// Extract some information from this exception, and then
// throw it to the parent method.
if (ex.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("IOException source: {0} - Message: {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
return true;
public class UplayLibraryException : Exception
public UplayLibraryException() { }
public UplayLibraryException(string message) : base(message) { }
public UplayLibraryException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
protected UplayLibraryException(
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { }