Add unit testing for PartCategory tree updates

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Oliver 2022-03-10 15:33:29 +11:00
parent 82840b0590
commit 266e5555c5
2 changed files with 119 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -172,3 +172,122 @@ class CategoryTest(TestCase):
# And one part should have no default location at all
w = Part.objects.get(name='Widget')
def test_category_tree(self):
Unit tests for the part category tree structure (MPTT)
Ensure that the MPTT structure is rebuilt correctly,
and the correct ancestor tree is observed.
# Clear out any existing parts
# First, create a structured tree of part categories
A = PartCategory.objects.create(
description='Top level category',
B1 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='B1', parent=A)
B2 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='B2', parent=A)
B3 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='B3', parent=A)
C11 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C11', parent=B1)
C12 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C12', parent=B1)
C13 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C13', parent=B1)
C21 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C21', parent=B2)
C22 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C22', parent=B2)
C23 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C23', parent=B2)
C31 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C31', parent=B3)
C32 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C32', parent=B3)
C33 = PartCategory.objects.create(name='C33', parent=B3)
# Check that the tree_id value is correct
for cat in [B1, B2, B3, C11, C22, C33]:
self.assertEqual(cat.tree_id, A.tree_id)
self.assertEqual(cat.level, cat.parent.level + 1)
self.assertEqual(cat.get_ancestors().count(), cat.level)
# Spot check for C31
ancestors = C31.get_ancestors(include_self=True)
self.assertEqual(ancestors.count(), 3)
self.assertEqual(ancestors[0], A)
self.assertEqual(ancestors[1], B3)
self.assertEqual(ancestors[2], C31)
# At this point, we are confident that the tree is correctly structured
# Add some parts to category B3
for i in range(10):
name=f'Part {i}',
description='A test part',
self.assertEqual(Part.objects.filter(category=B3).count(), 10)
self.assertEqual(Part.objects.filter(category=A).count(), 0)
# Delete category B3
# Child parts have been moved to category A
self.assertEqual(Part.objects.filter(category=A).count(), 10)
for cat in [C31, C32, C33]:
# These categories should now be directly under A
self.assertEqual(cat.parent, A)
self.assertEqual(cat.level, 1)
self.assertEqual(cat.get_ancestors().count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(cat.get_ancestors()[0], A)
# Now, delete category A
# Parts have now been moved to the top-level category
self.assertEqual(Part.objects.filter(category=None).count(), 10)
for loc in [B1, B2, C31, C32, C33]:
# These should now all be "top level" categories
self.assertEqual(loc.level, 0)
self.assertEqual(loc.parent, None)
# Check descendants for B1
descendants = B1.get_descendants()
self.assertEqual(descendants.count(), 3)
for loc in [C11, C12, C13]:
self.assertTrue(loc in descendants)
# Check category C1x, should be B1 -> C1x
for loc in [C11, C12, C13]:
self.assertEqual(loc.level, 1)
self.assertEqual(loc.parent, B1)
ancestors = loc.get_ancestors(include_self=True)
self.assertEqual(ancestors.count(), 2)
self.assertEqual(ancestors[0], B1)
self.assertEqual(ancestors[1], loc)
# Check category C2x, should be B2 -> C2x
for loc in [C21, C22, C23]:
self.assertEqual(loc.level, 1)
self.assertEqual(loc.parent, B2)
ancestors = loc.get_ancestors(include_self=True)
self.assertEqual(ancestors.count(), 2)
self.assertEqual(ancestors[0], B2)
self.assertEqual(ancestors[1], loc)

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@ -688,7 +688,6 @@ class StockTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(C22.parent, B2)
ancestors = C21.get_ancestors()
print("C21 ancestors:", ancestors)
self.assertEqual(C21.get_ancestors().count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(C22.get_ancestors().count(), 1)