mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:33:04 +00:00
Prune a lot of dead code
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,24 +95,6 @@ class EditPartParameterTemplateForm(HelperForm):
class EditCategoryForm(HelperForm):
""" Form for editing a PartCategory object """
field_prefix = {
'default_keywords': 'fa-key',
class Meta:
model = PartCategory
fields = [
class EditCategoryParameterTemplateForm(HelperForm):
""" Form for editing a PartCategoryParameterTemplate object """
@ -1001,45 +1001,6 @@ class CategoryDetail(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
return context
class CategoryEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
Update view to edit a PartCategory
model = PartCategory
form_class = part_forms.EditCategoryForm
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Part Category')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(CategoryEdit, self).get_context_data(**kwargs).copy()
context['category'] = self.get_object()
return context
def get_form(self):
""" Customize form data for PartCategory editing.
Limit the choices for 'parent' field to those which make sense
form = super(AjaxUpdateView, self).get_form()
category = self.get_object()
# Remove any invalid choices for the parent category part
parent_choices = PartCategory.objects.all()
parent_choices = parent_choices.exclude(id__in=category.getUniqueChildren())
form.fields['parent'].queryset = parent_choices
return form
class CategoryDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
Delete view to delete a PartCategory
@ -32,23 +32,6 @@ class ReturnStockItemForm(HelperForm):
class EditStockLocationForm(HelperForm):
Form for editing a StockLocation
TODO: Migrate this form to the modern API forms interface
class Meta:
model = StockLocation
fields = [
class ConvertStockItemForm(HelperForm):
Form for converting a StockItem to a variant of its current part.
@ -63,159 +46,6 @@ class ConvertStockItemForm(HelperForm):
class CreateStockItemForm(HelperForm):
Form for creating a new StockItem
TODO: Migrate this form to the modern API forms interface
expiry_date = DatePickerFormField(
label=_('Expiry Date'),
help_text=_('Expiration date for this stock item'),
serial_numbers = forms.CharField(label=_('Serial Numbers'), required=False, help_text=_('Enter unique serial numbers (or leave blank)'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.field_prefix = {
'serial_numbers': 'fa-hashtag',
'link': 'fa-link',
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
model = StockItem
fields = [
# Custom clean to prevent complex StockItem.clean() logic from running (yet)
def full_clean(self):
self._errors = ErrorDict()
if not self.is_bound: # Stop further processing.
self.cleaned_data = {}
# If the form is permitted to be empty, and none of the form data has
# changed from the initial data, short circuit any validation.
if self.empty_permitted and not self.has_changed():
# Don't run _post_clean() as this will run StockItem.clean()
class SerializeStockForm(HelperForm):
Form for serializing a StockItem.
TODO: Migrate this form to the modern API forms interface
destination = TreeNodeChoiceField(queryset=StockLocation.objects.all(), label=_('Destination'), required=True, help_text=_('Destination for serialized stock (by default, will remain in current location)'))
serial_numbers = forms.CharField(label=_('Serial numbers'), required=True, help_text=_('Unique serial numbers (must match quantity)'))
note = forms.CharField(label=_('Notes'), required=False, help_text=_('Add transaction note (optional)'))
quantity = RoundingDecimalFormField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=5, label=_('Quantity'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Extract the stock item
item = kwargs.pop('item', None)
if item:
self.field_placeholder['serial_numbers'] = item.part.getSerialNumberString(item.quantity)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
model = StockItem
fields = [
class UninstallStockForm(forms.ModelForm):
Form for uninstalling a stock item which is installed in another item.
TODO: Migrate this form to the modern API forms interface
location = TreeNodeChoiceField(queryset=StockLocation.objects.all(), label=_('Location'), help_text=_('Destination location for uninstalled items'))
note = forms.CharField(label=_('Notes'), required=False, help_text=_('Add transaction note (optional)'))
confirm = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=False, label=_('Confirm uninstall'), help_text=_('Confirm removal of installed stock items'))
class Meta:
model = StockItem
fields = [
class EditStockItemForm(HelperForm):
""" Form for editing a StockItem object.
Note that not all fields can be edited here (even if they can be specified during creation.
location - Must be updated in a 'move' transaction
quantity - Must be updated in a 'stocktake' transaction
part - Cannot be edited after creation
TODO: Migrate this form to the modern API forms interface
expiry_date = DatePickerFormField(
label=_('Expiry Date'),
help_text=_('Expiration date for this stock item'),
class Meta:
model = StockItem
fields = [
class TrackingEntryForm(HelperForm):
Form for creating / editing a StockItemTracking object.
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from moneyed import CURRENCIES
from InvenTree.views import AjaxView
from InvenTree.views import AjaxUpdateView, AjaxDeleteView, AjaxCreateView
from InvenTree.views import QRCodeView
from InvenTree.views import InvenTreeRoleMixin
@ -135,139 +134,6 @@ class StockItemDetail(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs)
class StockLocationEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
View for editing details of a StockLocation.
This view is used with the EditStockLocationForm to deliver a modal form to the web view
TODO: Remove this code as location editing has been migrated to the API forms
- Have to still validate that all form functionality (as below) as been ported
model = StockLocation
form_class = StockForms.EditStockLocationForm
context_object_name = 'location'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Stock Location')
def get_form(self):
""" Customize form data for StockLocation editing.
Limit the choices for 'parent' field to those which make sense.
If ownership control is enabled and location has parent, disable owner field.
form = super(AjaxUpdateView, self).get_form()
location = self.get_object()
# Remove any invalid choices for the 'parent' field
parent_choices = StockLocation.objects.all()
parent_choices = parent_choices.exclude(id__in=location.getUniqueChildren())
form.fields['parent'].queryset = parent_choices
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if not stock_ownership_control:
# Hide owner field
form.fields['owner'].widget = HiddenInput()
# Get location's owner
location_owner = location.owner
if location_owner:
if location.parent:
# If location has parent and owner: automatically select parent's owner
parent_owner = location.parent.owner
form.fields['owner'].initial = parent_owner
except AttributeError:
# If current owner exists: automatically select it
form.fields['owner'].initial = location_owner
# Update queryset or disable field (only if not admin)
if not self.request.user.is_superuser:
if type(location_owner.owner) is Group:
user_as_owner = Owner.get_owner(self.request.user)
queryset = location_owner.get_related_owners(include_group=True)
if user_as_owner not in queryset:
# Only owners or admin can change current owner
form.fields['owner'].disabled = True
form.fields['owner'].queryset = queryset
return form
def save(self, object, form, **kwargs):
""" If location has children and ownership control is enabled:
- update owner of all children location of this location
- update owner for all stock items at this location
self.object = form.save()
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if stock_ownership_control and self.object.owner:
# Get authorized users
authorized_owners = self.object.owner.get_related_owners()
# Update children locations
children_locations = self.object.get_children()
for child in children_locations:
# Check if current owner is subset of new owner
if child.owner and authorized_owners:
if child.owner in authorized_owners:
child.owner = self.object.owner
# Update stock items
stock_items = self.object.get_stock_items()
for stock_item in stock_items:
# Check if current owner is subset of new owner
if stock_item.owner and authorized_owners:
if stock_item.owner in authorized_owners:
stock_item.owner = self.object.owner
return self.object
def validate(self, item, form):
""" Check that owner is set if stock ownership control is enabled """
parent = form.cleaned_data.get('parent', None)
owner = form.cleaned_data.get('owner', None)
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if stock_ownership_control:
if not owner and not self.request.user.is_superuser:
form.add_error('owner', _('Owner is required (ownership control is enabled)'))
if parent.owner:
if parent.owner != owner:
error = f'Owner requires to be equivalent to parent\'s owner ({parent.owner})'
form.add_error('owner', error)
except AttributeError:
# No parent
class StockLocationQRCode(QRCodeView):
""" View for displaying a QR code for a StockLocation object """
@ -366,261 +232,6 @@ class StockItemQRCode(QRCodeView):
return None
class StockItemUninstall(AjaxView, FormMixin):
View for uninstalling one or more StockItems,
which are installed in another stock item.
Stock items are uninstalled into a location,
defaulting to the location that they were "in" before they were installed.
If multiple default locations are detected,
leave the final location up to the user.
ajax_template_name = 'stock/stock_uninstall.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Uninstall Stock Items')
form_class = StockForms.UninstallStockForm
role_required = 'stock.change'
# List of stock items to uninstall (initially empty)
stock_items = []
def get_stock_items(self):
return self.stock_items
def get_initial(self):
initials = super().get_initial().copy()
# Keep track of the current locations of stock items
current_locations = set()
# Keep track of the default locations for stock items
default_locations = set()
for item in self.stock_items:
if item.location:
if item.part.default_location:
if len(current_locations) == 1:
# If the selected stock items are currently in a single location,
# select that location as the destination.
initials['location'] = next(iter(current_locations))
elif len(current_locations) == 0:
# There are no current locations set
if len(default_locations) == 1:
# Select the single default location
initials['location'] = next(iter(default_locations))
return initials
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Extract list of stock items, which are supplied as a list,
e.g. items[]=1,2,3
if 'items[]' in request.GET:
self.stock_items = StockItem.objects.filter(id__in=request.GET.getlist('items[]'))
self.stock_items = []
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, self.get_form())
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Extract a list of stock items which are included as hidden inputs in the form data.
items = []
for item in self.request.POST:
if item.startswith('stock-item-'):
pk = item.replace('stock-item-', '')
stock_item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=pk)
except (ValueError, StockItem.DoesNotExist):
self.stock_items = items
# Assume the form is valid, until it isn't!
valid = True
confirmed = str2bool(request.POST.get('confirm'))
note = request.POST.get('note', '')
location = request.POST.get('location', None)
if location:
location = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=location)
except (ValueError, StockLocation.DoesNotExist):
location = None
if not location:
# Location is required!
valid = False
form = self.get_form()
if not confirmed:
valid = False
form.add_error('confirm', _('Confirm stock adjustment'))
data = {
'form_valid': valid,
if valid:
# Ok, now let's actually uninstall the stock items
for item in self.stock_items:
item.uninstallIntoLocation(location, request.user, note)
data['success'] = _('Uninstalled stock items')
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form=form, data=data)
def get_context_data(self):
context = super().get_context_data()
context['stock_items'] = self.get_stock_items()
return context
class StockItemEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
View for editing details of a single StockItem
model = StockItem
form_class = StockForms.EditStockItemForm
context_object_name = 'item'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Stock Item')
def get_form(self):
""" Get form for StockItem editing.
Limit the choices for supplier_part
form = super(AjaxUpdateView, self).get_form()
# Hide the "expiry date" field if the feature is not enabled
if not common.settings.stock_expiry_enabled():
form.fields['expiry_date'].widget = HiddenInput()
item = self.get_object()
# If the part cannot be purchased, hide the supplier_part field
if not item.part.purchaseable:
form.fields['supplier_part'].widget = HiddenInput()
query = form.fields['supplier_part'].queryset
query = query.filter(part=item.part.id)
form.fields['supplier_part'].queryset = query
# Hide the serial number field if it is not required
if not item.part.trackable and not item.serialized:
form.fields['serial'].widget = HiddenInput()
location = item.location
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if not stock_ownership_control:
form.fields['owner'].widget = HiddenInput()
location_owner = location.owner
except AttributeError:
location_owner = None
# Check if location has owner
if location_owner:
form.fields['owner'].initial = location_owner
# Check location's owner type and filter potential owners
if type(location_owner.owner) is Group:
user_as_owner = Owner.get_owner(self.request.user)
queryset = location_owner.get_related_owners(include_group=True)
if user_as_owner in queryset:
form.fields['owner'].initial = user_as_owner
form.fields['owner'].queryset = queryset
elif type(location_owner.owner) is get_user_model():
# If location's owner is a user: automatically set owner field and disable it
form.fields['owner'].disabled = True
form.fields['owner'].initial = location_owner
item_owner = item.owner
except AttributeError:
item_owner = None
# Check if item has owner
if item_owner:
form.fields['owner'].initial = item_owner
# Check item's owner type and filter potential owners
if type(item_owner.owner) is Group:
user_as_owner = Owner.get_owner(self.request.user)
queryset = item_owner.get_related_owners(include_group=True)
if user_as_owner in queryset:
form.fields['owner'].initial = user_as_owner
form.fields['owner'].queryset = queryset
elif type(item_owner.owner) is get_user_model():
# If item's owner is a user: automatically set owner field and disable it
form.fields['owner'].disabled = True
form.fields['owner'].initial = item_owner
return form
def validate(self, item, form):
""" Check that owner is set if stock ownership control is enabled """
owner = form.cleaned_data.get('owner', None)
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if stock_ownership_control:
if not owner and not self.request.user.is_superuser:
form.add_error('owner', _('Owner is required (ownership control is enabled)'))
def save(self, object, form, **kwargs):
Override the save method, to track the user who updated the model
item = form.save(commit=False)
return item
class StockItemConvert(AjaxUpdateView):
View for 'converting' a StockItem to a variant of its current part.
@ -655,435 +266,6 @@ class StockItemConvert(AjaxUpdateView):
return stock_item
class StockLocationCreate(AjaxCreateView):
View for creating a new StockLocation
A parent location (another StockLocation object) can be passed as a query parameter
TODO: Remove this class entirely, as it has been migrated to the API forms
- Still need to check that all the functionality (as below) has been implemented
model = StockLocation
form_class = StockForms.EditStockLocationForm
context_object_name = 'location'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Create new Stock Location')
def get_initial(self):
initials = super(StockLocationCreate, self).get_initial().copy()
loc_id = self.request.GET.get('location', None)
if loc_id:
initials['parent'] = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=loc_id)
except StockLocation.DoesNotExist:
return initials
def get_form(self):
""" Disable owner field when:
- creating child location
- and stock ownership control is enable
form = super().get_form()
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if not stock_ownership_control:
# Hide owner field
form.fields['owner'].widget = HiddenInput()
# If user did not selected owner: automatically match to parent's owner
if not form['owner'].data:
parent_id = form['parent'].value()
parent = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=parent_id)
if parent:
form.fields['owner'].initial = parent.owner
if not self.request.user.is_superuser:
form.fields['owner'].disabled = True
except StockLocation.DoesNotExist:
except ValueError:
return form
def save(self, form):
""" If parent location exists then use it to set the owner """
self.object = form.save(commit=False)
parent = form.cleaned_data.get('parent', None)
if parent:
# Select parent's owner
self.object.owner = parent.owner
return self.object
def validate(self, item, form):
""" Check that owner is set if stock ownership control is enabled """
parent = form.cleaned_data.get('parent', None)
owner = form.cleaned_data.get('owner', None)
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if stock_ownership_control:
if not owner and not self.request.user.is_superuser:
form.add_error('owner', _('Owner is required (ownership control is enabled)'))
if parent.owner:
if parent.owner != owner:
error = f'Owner requires to be equivalent to parent\'s owner ({parent.owner})'
form.add_error('owner', error)
except AttributeError:
# No parent
class StockItemCreate(AjaxCreateView):
View for creating a new StockItem
Parameters can be pre-filled by passing query items:
- part: The part of which the new StockItem is an instance
- location: The location of the new StockItem
If the parent part is a "tracked" part, provide an option to create uniquely serialized items
rather than a bulk quantity of stock items
model = StockItem
form_class = StockForms.CreateStockItemForm
context_object_name = 'item'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Create new Stock Item')
def get_part(self, form=None):
Attempt to get the "part" associted with this new stockitem.
- May be passed to the form as a query parameter (e.g. ?part=<id>)
- May be passed via the form field itself.
# Try to extract from the URL query
part_id = self.request.GET.get('part', None)
if part_id:
part = Part.objects.get(pk=part_id)
return part
except (Part.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
# Try to get from the form
if form:
part_id = form['part'].value()
part = Part.objects.get(pk=part_id)
return part
except (Part.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
# Could not extract a part object
return None
def get_form(self):
""" Get form for StockItem creation.
Overrides the default get_form() method to intelligently limit
ForeignKey choices based on other selections
form = super().get_form()
# Hide the "expiry date" field if the feature is not enabled
if not common.settings.stock_expiry_enabled():
form.fields['expiry_date'].widget = HiddenInput()
part = self.get_part(form=form)
if part is not None:
# Add placeholder text for the serial number field
form.field_placeholder['serial_numbers'] = part.getSerialNumberString()
if not part.purchaseable:
# Hide the 'part' field (as a valid part is selected)
# form.fields['part'].widget = HiddenInput()
# Trackable parts get special consideration:
if part.trackable:
form.fields['delete_on_deplete'].disabled = True
form.fields['serial_numbers'].disabled = True
# If the part is NOT purchaseable, hide the supplier_part field
if not part.purchaseable:
form.fields['supplier_part'].widget = HiddenInput()
# Pre-select the allowable SupplierPart options
parts = form.fields['supplier_part'].queryset
parts = parts.filter(part=part.id)
form.fields['supplier_part'].queryset = parts
# If there is one (and only one) supplier part available, pre-select it
all_parts = parts.all()
if len(all_parts) == 1:
# TODO - This does NOT work for some reason? Ref build.views.BuildItemCreate
form.fields['supplier_part'].initial = all_parts[0].id
# No Part has been selected!
# We must not provide *any* options for SupplierPart
form.fields['supplier_part'].queryset = SupplierPart.objects.none()
form.fields['serial_numbers'].disabled = True
# Otherwise if the user has selected a SupplierPart, we know what Part they meant!
if form['supplier_part'].value() is not None:
location = None
loc_id = form['location'].value()
location = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=loc_id)
except StockLocation.DoesNotExist:
except ValueError:
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if not stock_ownership_control:
form.fields['owner'].widget = HiddenInput()
location_owner = location.owner
except AttributeError:
location_owner = None
if location_owner:
# Check location's owner type and filter potential owners
if type(location_owner.owner) is Group:
user_as_owner = Owner.get_owner(self.request.user)
queryset = location_owner.get_related_owners()
if user_as_owner in queryset:
form.fields['owner'].initial = user_as_owner
form.fields['owner'].queryset = queryset
elif type(location_owner.owner) is get_user_model():
# If location's owner is a user: automatically set owner field and disable it
form.fields['owner'].disabled = True
form.fields['owner'].initial = location_owner
return form
def get_initial(self):
""" Provide initial data to create a new StockItem object
# Is the client attempting to copy an existing stock item?
item_to_copy = self.request.GET.get('copy', None)
if item_to_copy:
original = StockItem.objects.get(pk=item_to_copy)
initials = model_to_dict(original)
self.ajax_form_title = _("Duplicate Stock Item")
except StockItem.DoesNotExist:
initials = super(StockItemCreate, self).get_initial().copy()
initials = super(StockItemCreate, self).get_initial().copy()
part = self.get_part()
loc_id = self.request.GET.get('location', None)
sup_part_id = self.request.GET.get('supplier_part', None)
location = None
supplier_part = None
if part is not None:
initials['part'] = part
initials['location'] = part.get_default_location()
initials['supplier_part'] = part.default_supplier
# If the part has a defined expiry period, extrapolate!
if part.default_expiry > 0:
expiry_date = datetime.now().date() + timedelta(days=part.default_expiry)
initials['expiry_date'] = expiry_date
currency_code = common.settings.currency_code_default()
# SupplierPart field has been specified
# It must match the Part, if that has been supplied
if sup_part_id:
supplier_part = SupplierPart.objects.get(pk=sup_part_id)
if part is None or supplier_part.part == part:
initials['supplier_part'] = supplier_part
currency_code = supplier_part.supplier.currency_code
except (ValueError, SupplierPart.DoesNotExist):
# Location has been specified
if loc_id:
location = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=loc_id)
initials['location'] = location
except (ValueError, StockLocation.DoesNotExist):
currency = CURRENCIES.get(currency_code, None)
if currency:
initials['purchase_price'] = (None, currency)
return initials
def validate(self, item, form):
Extra form validation steps
data = form.cleaned_data
part = data.get('part', None)
quantity = data.get('quantity', None)
owner = data.get('owner', None)
if not part:
if not quantity:
quantity = Decimal(quantity)
except (ValueError, InvalidOperation):
form.add_error('quantity', _('Invalid quantity provided'))
if quantity < 0:
form.add_error('quantity', _('Quantity cannot be negative'))
# Trackable parts are treated differently
if part.trackable:
sn = data.get('serial_numbers', '')
sn = str(sn).strip()
if len(sn) > 0:
serials = extract_serial_numbers(sn, quantity, part.getLatestSerialNumberInt())
except ValidationError as e:
serials = None
form.add_error('serial_numbers', e.messages)
if serials is not None:
existing = part.find_conflicting_serial_numbers(serials)
if len(existing) > 0:
exists = ','.join([str(x) for x in existing])
_('Serial numbers already exist') + ': ' + exists
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if stock_ownership_control:
# Check if owner is set
if not owner and not self.request.user.is_superuser:
form.add_error('owner', _('Owner is required (ownership control is enabled)'))
def save(self, form, **kwargs):
Create a new StockItem based on the provided form data.
data = form.cleaned_data
part = data['part']
quantity = data['quantity']
if part.trackable:
sn = data.get('serial_numbers', '')
sn = str(sn).strip()
# Create a single stock item for each provided serial number
if len(sn) > 0:
serials = extract_serial_numbers(sn, quantity, part.getLatestSerialNumberInt())
for serial in serials:
item = StockItem(
supplier_part=data.get('supplier_part', None),
location=data.get('location', None),
batch=data.get('batch', None),
link=data.get('link', ''),
# Create a single StockItem of the specified quantity
item = form.save(commit=False)
item.user = self.request.user
return item
# Non-trackable part
item = form.save(commit=False)
item.user = self.request.user
return item
class StockLocationDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
View to delete a StockLocation
Reference in New Issue
Block a user