mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:33:04 +00:00
Merge pull request #2927 from SchrodingersGat/order-parts-wizard
Order parts wizard
This commit is contained in:
@ -546,14 +546,6 @@ $('#allocate-selected-items').click(function() {
$("#btn-order-parts").click(function() {
launchModalForm("/order/purchase-order/order-parts/", {
data: {
build: {{ build.id }},
{% endif %}
@ -325,14 +325,14 @@
var parts = [];
selections.forEach(function(item) {
var part = item.part_detail;
part.manufacturer_part = item.pk;
launchModalForm("/order/purchase-order/order-parts/", {
data: {
parts: parts,
{% endif %}
@ -396,14 +396,16 @@
var parts = [];
selections.forEach(function(item) {
var part = item.part_detail;
launchModalForm("/order/purchase-order/order-parts/", {
data: {
parts: parts,
supplier: {{ company.pk }},
{% endif %}
@ -31,13 +31,11 @@
{% include "admin_button.html" with url=url %}
{% endif %}
{% if roles.purchase_order.change %}
{% comment "for later" %}
{% if roles.purchase_order.add %}
{% if roles.purchase_order.add and part.part.purchaseable %}
<button type='button' class='btn btn-outline-secondary' id='order-part' title='{% trans "Order part" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-shopping-cart'></span>
{% endif %}
{% endcomment %}
<button type='button' class='btn btn-outline-secondary' id='edit-part' title='{% trans "Edit manufacturer part" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-edit icon-green'/>
@ -130,6 +128,7 @@ src="{% static 'img/blank_image.png' %}"
<li><a class='dropdown-item' href='#' id='supplier-part-delete' title='{% trans "Delete supplier parts" %}'><span class='fas fa-trash-alt icon-red'></span> {% trans "Delete" %}</a></li>
{% include "filter_list.html" with id='supplier-part' %}
@ -300,14 +299,20 @@ linkButtonsToSelection($("#supplier-table"), ['#supplier-part-options']);
linkButtonsToSelection($("#parameter-table"), ['#parameter-options']);
$('#order-part, #order-part2').click(function() {
"{% url 'order-parts' %}",
'{% url "api-part-detail" part.part.pk %}', {},
data: {
part: {{ part.part.id }},
reload: true,
success: function(response) {
orderParts([response], {
manufacturer_part: {{ part.pk }},
{% if part.manufacturer %}
manufacturer: {{ part.manufacturer.pk }},
{% endif %}
@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ src="{% static 'img/blank_image.png' %}"
<div class='panel-content'>
<div id='button-bar'>
<div class='btn-group'>
<div class='btn-group' role='group'>
{% include "filter_list.html" with id='purchaseorder' %}
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed po-table' id='purchase-order-table' data-toolbar='#button-bar'>
@ -326,14 +327,19 @@ $("#item-create").click(function() {
$('#order-part, #order-part2').click(function() {
"{% url 'order-parts' %}",
'{% url "api-part-detail" part.part.pk %}', {},
data: {
part: {{ part.part.id }},
reload: true,
success: function(response) {
orderParts([response], {
supplier_part: {{ part.pk }},
{% if part.supplier %}
supplier: {{ part.supplier.pk }},
{% endif %}
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
{% extends "modal_form.html" %}
{% load inventree_extras %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block form %}
{% default_currency as currency %}
{% settings_value 'PART_SHOW_PRICE_IN_FORMS' as show_price %}
{% trans "Step 1 of 2 - Select Part Suppliers" %}
{% if parts|length > 0 %}
<div class='alert alert-info alert-block' role='alert'>
{% trans "Select suppliers" %}
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-warning alert-block' role='alert'>
{% trans "No purchaseable parts selected" %}
{% endif %}
<form method="post" action='' class='js-modal-form' enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
<input type='hidden' name='form_step' value='select_parts'/>
<table class='table table-condensed table-striped' id='order-wizard-part-table'>
<th>{% trans "Part" %}</th>
<th colspan='2'>{% trans "Select Supplier" %}</th>
<th>{% trans "Quantity" %}</th>
{% for part in parts %}
<tr id='part_row_{{ part.id }}'>
{% include "hover_image.html" with image=part.image hover=False %}
{{ part.full_name }} <small><em>{{ part.description }}</em></small>
<button class='btn btn-outline-secondary btn-create' onClick='newSupplierPartFromOrderWizard()' id='new_supplier_part_{{ part.id }}' part='{{ part.pk }}' title='{% trans "Create new supplier part" %}' type='button'>
<span part='{{ part.pk }}' class='fas fa-plus-circle'></span>
<div class='control-group'>
<div class='controls'>
<select class='select' id='id_supplier_part_{{ part.id }}' name="part-supplier-{{ part.id }}">
<option value=''>---------</option>
{% for supplier in part.supplier_parts.all %}
<option value="{{ supplier.id }}"{% if part.order_supplier == supplier.id %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>
{% if show_price %}
{% call_method supplier 'get_price' part.order_quantity as price %}
{% if price != None %}{% include "price.html" with price=price %}{% else %}{% trans 'No price' %}{% endif %} -
{% endif %}
{{ supplier }}
{% endfor %}
{% if not part.order_supplier %}
<span class='help-inline'>{% blocktrans with name=part.name %}Select a supplier for <em>{{name}}</em>{% endblocktrans %}</span>
{% endif %}
<div class='control-group'>
<div class='controls'>
<input class='numberinput' type='number' min='0' value='{% decimal part.order_quantity %}' name='part-quantity-{{ part.id }}'/>
<button class='btn btn-outline-secondary btn-remove' onclick='removeOrderRowFromOrderWizard()' id='del_item_{{ part.id }}' title='{% trans "Remove part" %}' type='button'>
<span row='part_row_{{ part.id }}' class='fas fa-trash-alt icon-red'></span>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
{% extends "modal_form.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block form %}
{% trans "Step 2 of 2 - Select Purchase Orders" %}
<div class='alert alert-info alert-block' role='alert'>
{% trans "Select existing purchase orders, or create new orders." %}
<form method='post' action='' class='js-modal-form' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
{% csrf_token %}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
<input type='hidden' name='form_step' value='select_purchase_orders'/>
{% for supplier in suppliers %}
{% for item in supplier.order_items %}
<input type='hidden' name='part-supplier-{{ item.id }}' value='{{ item.order_supplier }}'/>
<input type='hidden' name='part-quantity-{{ item.id }}' value='{{ item.order_quantity }}'/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<table class='table table-condensed table-striped' id='order-wizard-po-table'>
<th>{% trans "Supplier" %}</th>
<th>{% trans "Items" %}</th>
<th colspan='2'>{% trans "Select Purchase Order" %}</th>
{% for supplier in suppliers %}
<tr id='suppier_row_{{ supplier.id }}'>
{% include 'hover_image.html' with image=supplier.image hover=False %}
{{ supplier.name }}
<td>{{ supplier.order_items|length }}</td>
class='btn btn-outline-secondary btn-create'
id='new_po_{{ supplier.id }}'
title='{% blocktrans with name=supplier.name %}Create new purchase order for {{name}}{% endblocktrans %}'
supplierid='{{ supplier.id }}'
<span supplierid='{{ supplier.id }}' class='fas fa-plus-circle'></span>
<div class='control-group'>
<div class='controls'>
id='id-purchase-order-{{ supplier.id }}'
name='purchase-order-{{ supplier.id }}'>
<option value=''>---------</option>
{% for order in supplier.pending_purchase_orders %}
<option value='{{ order.id }}'{% if supplier.selected_purchase_order == order.id %} selected='selected'{% endif %}>
{{ order }}
{% endfor %}
{% if not supplier.selected_purchase_order %}
<span class='help-inline'>{% blocktrans with name=supplier.name %}Select a purchase order for {{name}}{% endblocktrans %}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ purchase_order_detail_urls = [
purchase_order_urls = [
re_path(r'^order-parts/', views.OrderParts.as_view(), name='order-parts'),
re_path(r'^pricing/', views.LineItemPricing.as_view(), name='line-pricing'),
# Display detail view for a single purchase order
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Django views for interacting with Order app
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.http.response import JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
@ -21,9 +20,7 @@ from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
from .models import PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrderLineItem
from .models import SalesOrder, SalesOrderLineItem
from .admin import PurchaseOrderLineItemResource, SalesOrderLineItemResource
from build.models import Build
from company.models import Company, SupplierPart # ManufacturerPart
from stock.models import StockItem
from company.models import SupplierPart # ManufacturerPart
from part.models import Part
from common.forms import UploadFileForm, MatchFieldForm
@ -37,8 +34,6 @@ from InvenTree.views import AjaxView, AjaxUpdateView
from InvenTree.helpers import DownloadFile, str2bool
from InvenTree.views import InvenTreeRoleMixin
from InvenTree.status_codes import PurchaseOrderStatus
logger = logging.getLogger("inventree")
@ -448,346 +443,6 @@ class PurchaseOrderExport(AjaxView):
return DownloadFile(filedata, filename)
class OrderParts(AjaxView):
""" View for adding various SupplierPart items to a Purchase Order.
SupplierParts can be selected from a variety of 'sources':
- ?supplier_parts[]= -> Direct list of SupplierPart objects
- ?parts[]= -> List of base Part objects (user must then select supplier parts)
- ?stock[]= -> List of StockItem objects (user must select supplier parts)
- ?build= -> A Build object (user must select parts, then supplier parts)
ajax_form_title = _("Order Parts")
ajax_template_name = 'order/order_wizard/select_parts.html'
role_required = [
# List of Parts we wish to order
parts = []
suppliers = []
def get_context_data(self):
ctx = {}
ctx['parts'] = sorted(self.parts, key=lambda part: int(part.order_quantity), reverse=True)
ctx['suppliers'] = self.suppliers
return ctx
def get_data(self):
""" enrich respone json data """
data = super().get_data()
# if in selection-phase, add a button to update the prices
if getattr(self, 'form_step', 'select_parts') == 'select_parts':
data['buttons'] = [{'name': 'update_price', 'title': _('Update prices')}] # set buttons
data['hideErrorMessage'] = '1' # hide the error message
return data
def get_suppliers(self):
""" Calculates a list of suppliers which the user will need to create PurchaseOrders for.
This is calculated AFTER the user finishes selecting the parts to order.
Crucially, get_parts() must be called before get_suppliers()
suppliers = {}
for supplier in self.suppliers:
supplier.order_items = []
suppliers[supplier.name] = supplier
for part in self.parts:
supplier_part_id = part.order_supplier
supplier = SupplierPart.objects.get(pk=supplier_part_id).supplier
except SupplierPart.DoesNotExist:
if supplier.name not in suppliers:
supplier.order_items = []
# Attempt to auto-select a purchase order
orders = PurchaseOrder.objects.filter(supplier=supplier, status__in=PurchaseOrderStatus.OPEN)
if orders.count() == 1:
supplier.selected_purchase_order = orders.first().id
supplier.selected_purchase_order = None
suppliers[supplier.name] = supplier
self.suppliers = [suppliers[key] for key in suppliers.keys()]
def get_parts(self):
""" Determine which parts the user wishes to order.
This is performed on the initial GET request.
self.parts = []
part_ids = set()
# User has passed a list of stock items
if 'stock[]' in self.request.GET:
stock_id_list = self.request.GET.getlist('stock[]')
""" Get a list of all the parts associated with the stock items.
- Base part must be purchaseable.
- Return a set of corresponding Part IDs
stock_items = StockItem.objects.filter(
for item in stock_items:
# User has passed a single Part ID
elif 'part' in self.request.GET:
part_id = self.request.GET.get('part')
part = Part.objects.get(id=part_id)
except Part.DoesNotExist:
# User has passed a list of part ID values
elif 'parts[]' in self.request.GET:
part_id_list = self.request.GET.getlist('parts[]')
parts = Part.objects.filter(
for part in parts:
# User has provided a Build ID
elif 'build' in self.request.GET:
build_id = self.request.GET.get('build')
build = Build.objects.get(id=build_id)
parts = build.required_parts
for part in parts:
# If ordering from a Build page, ignore parts that we have enough of
if part.quantity_to_order <= 0:
except Build.DoesNotExist:
# Create the list of parts
for id in part_ids:
part = Part.objects.get(id=id)
# Pre-fill the 'order quantity' value
part.order_quantity = part.quantity_to_order
default_supplier = part.get_default_supplier()
if default_supplier:
part.order_supplier = default_supplier.id
part.order_supplier = None
except Part.DoesNotExist:
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = request
return self.renderJsonResponse(request)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Handle the POST action for part selection.
- Validates each part / quantity / supplier / etc
Part selection form contains the following fields for each part:
- supplier-<pk> : The ID of the selected supplier
- quantity-<pk> : The quantity to add to the order
self.request = request
self.parts = []
self.suppliers = []
# Any errors for the part selection form?
part_errors = False
supplier_errors = False
# Extract part information from the form
for item in self.request.POST:
if item.startswith('part-supplier-'):
pk = item.replace('part-supplier-', '')
# Check that the part actually exists
part = Part.objects.get(id=pk)
except (Part.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
supplier_part_id = self.request.POST[item]
quantity = self.request.POST.get('part-quantity-' + str(pk), 0)
# Ensure a valid supplier has been passed
supplier_part = SupplierPart.objects.get(id=supplier_part_id)
except (SupplierPart.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
supplier_part = None
# Ensure a valid quantity is passed
quantity = int(quantity)
# Eliminate lines where the quantity is zero
if quantity == 0:
except ValueError:
quantity = part.quantity_to_order
part.order_supplier = supplier_part.id if supplier_part else None
part.order_quantity = quantity
# set supplier-price
if supplier_part:
supplier_price = supplier_part.get_price(quantity)
if supplier_price:
part.purchase_price = supplier_price / quantity
if not hasattr(part, 'purchase_price'):
part.purchase_price = None
if supplier_part is None:
part_errors = True
elif quantity < 0:
part_errors = True
elif item.startswith('purchase-order-'):
# Which purchase order is selected for a given supplier?
pk = item.replace('purchase-order-', '')
# Check that the Supplier actually exists
supplier = Company.objects.get(id=pk)
except Company.DoesNotExist:
# Skip this item
purchase_order_id = self.request.POST[item]
# Ensure that a valid purchase order has been passed
purchase_order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(pk=purchase_order_id)
except (PurchaseOrder.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
purchase_order = None
supplier.selected_purchase_order = purchase_order.id if purchase_order else None
if supplier.selected_purchase_order is None:
supplier_errors = True
form_step = request.POST.get('form_step')
# Map parts to suppliers
valid = False
if form_step == 'select_parts':
# No errors? and the price-update button was not used to submit? Proceed to PO selection form
if part_errors is False and 'act-btn_update_price' not in request.POST:
self.ajax_template_name = 'order/order_wizard/select_pos.html'
self.form_step = 'select_purchase_orders' # set step (important for get_data)
self.ajax_template_name = 'order/order_wizard/select_parts.html'
elif form_step == 'select_purchase_orders':
self.ajax_template_name = 'order/order_wizard/select_pos.html'
valid = part_errors is False and supplier_errors is False
# Form wizard is complete! Add items to purchase orders
if valid:
data = {
'form_valid': valid,
'success': _('Ordered {n} parts').format(n=len(self.parts))
return self.renderJsonResponse(self.request, data=data)
def order_items(self):
""" Add the selected items to the purchase orders. """
for supplier in self.suppliers:
# Check that the purchase order does actually exist
order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(pk=supplier.selected_purchase_order)
except PurchaseOrder.DoesNotExist:
logger.critical('Could not add items to purchase order {po} - Order does not exist'.format(po=supplier.selected_purchase_order))
for item in supplier.order_items:
# Ensure that the quantity is valid
quantity = int(item.order_quantity)
if quantity <= 0:
except ValueError:
logger.warning("Did not add part to purchase order - incorrect quantity")
# Check that the supplier part does actually exist
supplier_part = SupplierPart.objects.get(pk=item.order_supplier)
except SupplierPart.DoesNotExist:
logger.critical("Could not add part '{part}' to purchase order - selected supplier part '{sp}' does not exist.".format(
# get purchase price
purchase_price = item.purchase_price
order.add_line_item(supplier_part, quantity, purchase_price=purchase_price)
class LineItemPricing(PartPricing):
""" View for inspecting part pricing information """
@ -754,12 +754,18 @@
$("#part-order2").click(function() {
launchModalForm("{% url 'order-parts' %}", {
data: {
part: {{ part.id }},
reload: true,
'{% url "api-part-detail" part.pk %}',
success: function(part) {
onPanelLoad("test-templates", function() {
@ -549,15 +549,6 @@
launchModalForm("{% url 'order-parts' %}", {
data: {
part: {{ part.id }},
reload: true,
{% if roles.part.add %}
@ -1532,13 +1532,18 @@ function loadBuildOutputAllocationTable(buildInfo, output, options={}) {
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
launchModalForm('{% url "order-parts" %}', {
data: {
parts: [
success: function(part) {
// Callback for 'build' button
@ -485,9 +485,16 @@ function orderParts(parts_list, options={}) {
var parts = [];
var parts_seen = {};
parts_list.forEach(function(part) {
if (part.purchaseable) {
// Prevent duplicates
if (!(part.pk in parts_seen)) {
parts_seen[part.pk] = true;
@ -596,6 +603,17 @@ function orderParts(parts_list, options={}) {
return html;
// Remove a single row form this dialog
function removeRow(pk, opts) {
// Remove the row
// If the modal is now "empty", dismiss it
if (!($(opts.modal).find('.part-order-row').exists())) {
var table_entries = '';
parts.forEach(function(part) {
@ -622,14 +640,50 @@ function orderParts(parts_list, options={}) {
// Construct API filters for the SupplierPart field
var supplier_part_filters = {
supplier_detail: true,
part_detail: true,
if (options.supplier) {
supplier_part_filters.supplier = options.supplier;
if (options.manufacturer) {
supplier_part_filters.manufacturer = options.manufacturer;
if (options.manufacturer_part) {
supplier_part_filters.manufacturer_part = options.manufacturer_part;
// Construct API filtres for the PurchaseOrder field
var order_filters = {
status: {{ PurchaseOrderStatus.PENDING }},
supplier_detail: true,
if (options.supplier) {
order_filters.supplier = options.supplier;
constructFormBody({}, {
preFormContent: html,
title: '{% trans "Order Parts" %}',
preventSubmit: true,
closeText: '{% trans "Close" %}',
afterRender: function(fields, opts) {
parts.forEach(function(part) {
// Filter by base part
supplier_part_filters.part = part.pk;
if (part.manufacturer_part) {
// Filter by manufacturer part
supplier_part_filters.manufacturer_part = part.manufacturer_part;
// Configure the "supplier part" field
name: `part_${part.pk}`,
@ -638,11 +692,8 @@ function orderParts(parts_list, options={}) {
required: true,
type: 'related field',
auto_fill: true,
filters: {
part: part.pk,
supplier_detail: true,
part_detail: false,
value: options.supplier_part,
filters: supplier_part_filters,
noResults: function(query) {
return '{% trans "No matching supplier parts" %}';
@ -656,10 +707,8 @@ function orderParts(parts_list, options={}) {
required: true,
type: 'related field',
auto_fill: false,
filters: {
status: {{ PurchaseOrderStatus.PENDING }},
supplier_detail: true,
value: options.order,
filters: order_filters,
noResults: function(query) {
return '{% trans "No matching purchase orders" %}';
@ -689,8 +738,7 @@ function orderParts(parts_list, options={}) {
method: 'POST',
success: function(response) {
// Remove the row
removeRow(pk, opts);
error: function(xhr) {
switch (xhr.status) {
@ -711,7 +759,7 @@ function orderParts(parts_list, options={}) {
$(opts.modal).find('.button-row-remove').click(function() {
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
removeRow(pk, opts);
// Add callback for "new supplier part" button
@ -3242,13 +3290,18 @@ function loadSalesOrderLineItemTable(table, options={}) {
$(table).find('.button-buy').click(function() {
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
launchModalForm('{% url "order-parts" %}', {
data: {
parts: [
success: function(part) {
// Callback for displaying price
@ -2043,17 +2043,17 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
$('#multi-item-order').click(function() {
var selections = $(table).bootstrapTable('getSelections');
var stock = [];
var parts = [];
selections.forEach(function(item) {
var part = item.part_detail;
if (part) {
launchModalForm('/order/purchase-order/order-parts/', {
data: {
stock: stock,
orderParts(parts, {});
$('#multi-item-set-status').click(function() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user