Add stock item filtering by sub-category

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Walters 2019-04-18 08:33:12 +10:00
parent 6b05078fd2
commit fd3f6ec21e
3 changed files with 35 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -87,13 +87,12 @@ class PartList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
childs = category.getUniqueChildren()
for child in childs:
# Ignore the top-level category (already filtered)
if child == cat_id:
if str(child) == str(cat_id):
flt |= Q(category=child)
parts_list = parts_list.filter(flt)
# Default - return all parts
return parts_list
permission_classes = [

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ from django_filters.rest_framework import FilterSet, DjangoFilterBackend
from django_filters import NumberFilter
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.db.models import Q
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from .models import StockLocation, StockItem
from .models import StockItemTracking
@ -202,7 +204,36 @@ class StockList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
Create a new StockItem
queryset = StockItem.objects.all()
def get_queryset(self):
If the query includes a particular location,
we may wish to also request stock items from all child locations.
This is set by the optional param 'include_child_categories'
# Does the client wish to filter by category?
loc_id = self.request.query_params.get('location', None)
# Start with all objects
stock_list = StockItem.objects.all()
if loc_id:
location = get_object_or_404(StockLocation, pk=loc_id)
# Filter by the supplied category
flt = Q(location=loc_id)
if self.request.query_params.get('include_child_locations', None):
childs = location.getUniqueChildren()
for child in childs:
# Ignore the top-level category (already filtered!)
if str(child) == str(loc_id):
flt |= Q(location=child)
stock_list = stock_list.filter(flt)
return stock_list
serializer_class = StockItemSerializer
@ -219,7 +250,6 @@ class StockList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
filter_fields = [

View File

@ -160,7 +160,8 @@
loadStockTable($("#stock-table"), {
params: {
{% if location %}
location: {{ }}
location: {{ }},
include_child_locations: true,
{% endif %}
url: "{% url 'api-stock-list' %}",