Oliver d1cc81fc9f
Remove support for django-debug-toolbar (#6196)
* Remove support for django-debug-toolbar

- Will not be effective with new react interface
- Performance is too slow for use anyway

* Fix requirements-dev.txt
2024-01-11 07:18:20 +11:00

4.9 KiB


Python Packages

InvenTree relies on the following Python libraries:

Library License Description
Django BSD Python web framework
invoke BSD Task execution tool
wheel MIT Python packaging
pillow HPND Image manipulation
djangorestframework BSD REST API
django-cors-headers MIT CORS headers
django-filter BSD Advanced filtering for REST API
django-mptt MIT Modified preorder tree traversal
django-sql-utils MIT Advanced SQL subqueries
django-markdownx BSD Markdown editor
django-markdownify MIT Markdown template filters
coreapi BSD API auto documentation
pygments BSD Syntax highlighting
tablib MIT Data import/export
django-crispy-forms MIT Advanced form rendering
django-import-export BSD Data import/export in admin interface
django-cleanup MIT Automated cleanup of django media files
rapidfuzz MIT Fuzzy string matching
django-stdimage MIT Advanced image fields for django
django-weasyprint Apache 2.0 PDF generation
django-money BSD Currency support
certifi MPL 2.0 Web certification
django-error-report BSD Error / excepttion management
django-test-migrations MIT Unit testing for database migrations
python-barcode MIT Barcode support
qrcode BSD QR code support
django-q MIT Background task manager
gunicorn MIT Web server
flake8 MIT style checking
pep8-naming Expat name checking
coverage Apache-2.0 coverage checking
coveralls MIT coverage uploader
django-formtools MIT better forms / wizards
django-allauth MIT SSO for django
pint licence Physical unit conversion

Frontend libraries

InvenTree relies on the following frontend libraries and components:

Name License Description
Bootstrap MIT Frontend framework
jquery MIT JS framework
Bootstrap table MIT Table rendering
Font Awesome - Icons CC BY 4.0 License Icons
Font Awesome - Code MIT Delivery code for icons
Select2 MIT Searchable selection box
fullcalendar MIT Calendar rendering
chart.js MIT charts
Moment JS MIT Time and date rendering
jquery-treegrid MIT Treegrid rendering
clipboard.js MIT text copying
qr-scanner MIT Javascript QR Code Scanner


Splash Screen

The InvenTree splash screen graphic is sourced from and used under the unsplash license.

Source Code Contributions

The InvenTree project relies on the expertise and generosity of its source code contributors.

Translation Contributions

Translation efforts are supported by the InvenTree community. We appreciate the efforts of our translation team.