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Deploying InvenTree
System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 4)
Unknown directive type "toctree".
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Deployment :hidden:
The development server provided by the Django ecosystem may be fine for a testing environment or small contained setups. However special consideration must be given when deploying InvenTree in a real-world environment.
Django apps provide multiple deployment methods - see the Django documentation.
There are also numerous online tutorials describing how to deploy a Django application either locally or on an online platform.
Following is a simple tutorial on serving InvenTree using Gunicorn. Gunicorn is a Python WSGI server which provides a multi-worker server which is much better suited to handling multiple simultaneous requests.
Configure Static Directories
Directories for storing media files and static files should be specified in the config.yaml configuration file. These directories are the MEDIA_ROOT and STATIC_ROOT paths required by the Django app.
Collect Static Files
The required static files must be collected into the specified STATIC_ROOT directory:
python3 InvenTree/manage.py collectstatic
Configure Gunicorn
The Gunicorn server can be configured with a simple configuration file (e.g. python script). An example configuration file is provided in InvenTree/gunicorn.conf.py
System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 43)
Unknown directive type "literalinclude".
.. literalinclude :: ../InvenTree/gunicorn.conf.py :language: python :linenos:
This file can be used to configure the Gunicorn server to match particular requirements.