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# Copyright (c) 2022 Kyle Schouviller (https://github.com/kyle0654)
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from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
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import json
import string
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from enum import Enum
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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from uuid import uuid4
class DreamBase():
# Id
id: str
# Initial Image
enable_init_image: bool
initimg: string = None
# Img2Img
enable_img2img: bool # TODO: support this better
strength: float = 0 # TODO: name this something related to img2img to make it clearer?
fit = None # Fit initial image dimensions
# Generation
enable_generate: bool
prompt: string = ""
seed: int = 0 # 0 is random
steps: int = 10
width: int = 512
height: int = 512
cfg_scale: float = 7.5
sampler_name: string = 'klms'
seamless: bool = False
model: str = None # The model to use (currently unused)
embeddings = None # The embeddings to use (currently unused)
progress_images: bool = False
enable_gfpgan: bool
gfpgan_strength: float = 0
# Upscale
enable_upscale: bool
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upscale: None
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upscale_level: int = None
upscale_strength: float = 0.75
# Embiggen
enable_embiggen: bool
embiggen: Union[None, List[float]] = None
embiggen_tiles: Union[None, List[int]] = None
# Metadata
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time: int
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def __init__(self):
self.id = urlsafe_b64encode(uuid4().bytes).decode('ascii')
def parse_json(self, j, new_instance=False):
# Id
if 'id' in j and not new_instance:
self.id = j.get('id')
# Initial Image
self.enable_init_image = 'enable_init_image' in j and bool(j.get('enable_init_image'))
if self.enable_init_image:
self.initimg = j.get('initimg')
# Img2Img
self.enable_img2img = 'enable_img2img' in j and bool(j.get('enable_img2img'))
if self.enable_img2img:
self.strength = float(j.get('strength'))
self.fit = 'fit' in j
# Generation
self.enable_generate = 'enable_generate' in j and bool(j.get('enable_generate'))
if self.enable_generate:
self.prompt = j.get('prompt')
self.seed = int(j.get('seed'))
self.steps = int(j.get('steps'))
self.width = int(j.get('width'))
self.height = int(j.get('height'))
self.cfg_scale = float(j.get('cfgscale') or j.get('cfg_scale'))
self.sampler_name = j.get('sampler') or j.get('sampler_name')
# model: str = None # The model to use (currently unused)
# embeddings = None # The embeddings to use (currently unused)
self.seamless = 'seamless' in j
self.progress_images = 'progress_images' in j
self.enable_gfpgan = 'enable_gfpgan' in j and bool(j.get('enable_gfpgan'))
if self.enable_gfpgan:
self.gfpgan_strength = float(j.get('gfpgan_strength'))
# Upscale
self.enable_upscale = 'enable_upscale' in j and bool(j.get('enable_upscale'))
if self.enable_upscale:
self.upscale_level = j.get('upscale_level')
self.upscale_strength = j.get('upscale_strength')
self.upscale = None if self.upscale_level in {None,''} else [int(self.upscale_level),float(self.upscale_strength)]
# Embiggen
self.enable_embiggen = 'enable_embiggen' in j and bool(j.get('enable_embiggen'))
if self.enable_embiggen:
self.embiggen = j.get('embiggen')
self.embiggen_tiles = j.get('embiggen_tiles')
# Metadata
self.time = int(j.get('time')) if ('time' in j and not new_instance) else int(datetime.now(timezone.utc).timestamp())
class DreamResult(DreamBase):
# Result
has_upscaled: False
has_gfpgan: False
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# TODO: use something else for state tracking
images_generated: int = 0
images_upscaled: int = 0
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def __init__(self):
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def clone_without_img(self):
copy = deepcopy(self)
copy.initimg = None
return copy
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def to_json(self):
copy = deepcopy(self)
copy.initimg = None
j = json.dumps(copy.__dict__)
return j
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def from_json(j, newTime: bool = False):
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d = DreamResult()
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return d
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# TODO: switch this to a pipelined request, with pluggable steps
# Will likely require generator code changes to accomplish
class JobRequest(DreamBase):
# Iteration
iterations: int = 1
variation_amount = None
with_variations = None
# Results
results: List[DreamResult] = []
def __init__(self):
def newDreamResult(self) -> DreamResult:
result = DreamResult()
result.parse_json(self.__dict__, new_instance=True)
return result
def from_json(j):
job = JobRequest()
# Metadata
job.time = int(j.get('time')) if ('time' in j) else int(datetime.now(timezone.utc).timestamp())
# Iteration
if job.enable_generate:
job.iterations = int(j.get('iterations'))
job.variation_amount = float(j.get('variation_amount'))
job.with_variations = j.get('with_variations')
return job
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class ProgressType(Enum):
class Signal():
event: str
data = None
room: str = None
broadcast: bool = False
def __init__(self, event: str, data, room: str = None, broadcast: bool = False):
self.event = event
self.data = data
self.room = room
self.broadcast = broadcast
def image_progress(jobId: str, dreamId: str, step: int, totalSteps: int, progressType: ProgressType = ProgressType.GENERATION, hasProgressImage: bool = False):
return Signal('dream_progress', {
'jobId': jobId,
'dreamId': dreamId,
'step': step,
'totalSteps': totalSteps,
'hasProgressImage': hasProgressImage,
'progressType': progressType.name
}, room=jobId, broadcast=True)
# TODO: use a result id or something? Like a sub-job
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def image_result(jobId: str, dreamId: str, dreamResult: DreamResult):
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return Signal('dream_result', {
'jobId': jobId,
'dreamId': dreamId,
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'dreamRequest': dreamResult.clone_without_img().__dict__
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}, room=jobId, broadcast=True)
def job_started(jobId: str):
return Signal('job_started', {
'jobId': jobId
}, room=jobId, broadcast=True)
def job_done(jobId: str):
return Signal('job_done', {
'jobId': jobId
}, room=jobId, broadcast=True)
def job_canceled(jobId: str):
return Signal('job_canceled', {
'jobId': jobId
}, room=jobId, broadcast=True)
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class PaginatedItems():
items: List[Any]
page: int # Current Page
pages: int # Total number of pages
per_page: int # Number of items per page
total: int # Total number of items in result
def __init__(self, items: List[Any], page: int, pages: int, per_page: int, total: int):
self.items = items
self.page = page
self.pages = pages
self.per_page = per_page
self.total = total
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(self.__dict__)