2022-10-23 12:58:25 +00:00
from enum import Enum
import torch
# adapted from bloc97's CrossAttentionControl colab
# https://github.com/bloc97/CrossAttentionControl
class CrossAttentionControl :
class Arguments :
def __init__ ( self , edited_conditioning : torch . Tensor , edit_opcodes : list [ tuple ] , edit_options : dict ) :
: param edited_conditioning : if doing cross - attention control , the edited conditioning [ 1 x 77 x 768 ]
: param edit_opcodes : if doing cross - attention control , a list of difflib . SequenceMatcher - like opcodes describing how to map original conditioning tokens to edited conditioning tokens ( only the ' equal ' opcode is required )
: param edit_options : if doing cross - attention control , per - edit options . there should be 1 item in edit_options for each item in edit_opcodes .
# todo: rewrite this to take embedding fragments rather than a single edited_conditioning vector
self . edited_conditioning = edited_conditioning
self . edit_opcodes = edit_opcodes
if edited_conditioning is not None :
assert len ( edit_opcodes ) == len ( edit_options ) , \
" there must be 1 edit_options dict for each edit_opcodes tuple "
non_none_edit_options = [ x for x in edit_options if x is not None ]
assert len ( non_none_edit_options ) > 0 , " missing edit_options "
if len ( non_none_edit_options ) > 1 :
print ( ' warning: cross-attention control options are not working properly for >1 edit ' )
self . edit_options = non_none_edit_options [ 0 ]
class Context :
def __init__ ( self , arguments : ' CrossAttentionControl.Arguments ' , step_count : int ) :
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: param arguments : Arguments for the cross - attention control process
: param step_count : The absolute total number of steps of diffusion ( for img2img this is likely larger than the number of steps that will actually run )
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self . arguments = arguments
self . step_count = step_count
def remove_cross_attention_control ( cls , model ) :
cls . remove_attention_function ( model )
def setup_cross_attention_control ( cls , model ,
cross_attention_control_args : Arguments
) :
Inject attention parameters and functions into the passed in model to enable cross attention editing .
: param model : The unet model to inject into .
: param cross_attention_control_args : Arugments passeed to the CrossAttentionControl implementations
: return : None
# adapted from init_attention_edit
device = cross_attention_control_args . edited_conditioning . device
# urgh. should this be hardcoded?
max_length = 77
# mask=1 means use base prompt attention, mask=0 means use edited prompt attention
mask = torch . zeros ( max_length )
indices_target = torch . arange ( max_length , dtype = torch . long )
indices = torch . zeros ( max_length , dtype = torch . long )
for name , a0 , a1 , b0 , b1 in cross_attention_control_args . edit_opcodes :
if b0 < max_length :
if name == " equal " : # or (name == "replace" and a1 - a0 == b1 - b0):
# these tokens have not been edited
indices [ b0 : b1 ] = indices_target [ a0 : a1 ]
mask [ b0 : b1 ] = 1
for m in cls . get_attention_modules ( model , cls . CrossAttentionType . SELF ) :
m . last_attn_slice_mask = None
m . last_attn_slice_indices = None
for m in cls . get_attention_modules ( model , cls . CrossAttentionType . TOKENS ) :
m . last_attn_slice_mask = mask . to ( device )
m . last_attn_slice_indices = indices . to ( device )
cls . inject_attention_function ( model )
class CrossAttentionType ( Enum ) :
SELF = 1
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def get_active_cross_attention_control_types_for_step ( cls , context : ' CrossAttentionControl.Context ' , percent_through : float = None ) \
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- > list [ ' CrossAttentionControl.CrossAttentionType ' ] :
Should cross - attention control be applied on the given step ?
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: param percent_through : How far through the step sequence are we ( 0.0 = pure noise , 1.0 = completely denoised image ) . Expected range 0.0 . . < 1.0 .
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: return : A list of attention types that cross - attention control should be performed for on the given step . May be [ ] .
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if percent_through is None :
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return [ cls . CrossAttentionType . SELF , cls . CrossAttentionType . TOKENS ]
opts = context . arguments . edit_options
to_control = [ ]
if opts [ ' s_start ' ] < = percent_through and percent_through < opts [ ' s_end ' ] :
to_control . append ( cls . CrossAttentionType . SELF )
if opts [ ' t_start ' ] < = percent_through and percent_through < opts [ ' t_end ' ] :
to_control . append ( cls . CrossAttentionType . TOKENS )
return to_control
def get_attention_modules ( cls , model , which : CrossAttentionType ) :
which_attn = " attn1 " if which is cls . CrossAttentionType . SELF else " attn2 "
return [ module for name , module in model . named_modules ( ) if
type ( module ) . __name__ == " CrossAttention " and which_attn in name ]
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def clear_requests ( cls , model , clear_attn_slice = True ) :
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self_attention_modules = cls . get_attention_modules ( model , cls . CrossAttentionType . SELF )
tokens_attention_modules = cls . get_attention_modules ( model , cls . CrossAttentionType . TOKENS )
for m in self_attention_modules + tokens_attention_modules :
m . save_last_attn_slice = False
m . use_last_attn_slice = False
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if clear_attn_slice :
m . last_attn_slice = None
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def request_save_attention_maps ( cls , model , cross_attention_type : CrossAttentionType ) :
modules = cls . get_attention_modules ( model , cross_attention_type )
for m in modules :
# clear out the saved slice in case the outermost dim changes
m . last_attn_slice = None
m . save_last_attn_slice = True
def request_apply_saved_attention_maps ( cls , model , cross_attention_type : CrossAttentionType ) :
modules = cls . get_attention_modules ( model , cross_attention_type )
for m in modules :
m . use_last_attn_slice = True
def inject_attention_function ( cls , unet ) :
# ORIGINAL SOURCE CODE: https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/91ddd2a25b848df0fa1262d4f1cd98c7ccb87750/src/diffusers/models/attention.py#L276
def attention_slice_wrangler ( self , attention_scores , suggested_attention_slice , dim , offset , slice_size ) :
#print("in wrangler with suggested_attention_slice shape", suggested_attention_slice.shape, "dim", dim)
attn_slice = suggested_attention_slice
if dim is not None :
start = offset
end = start + slice_size
#print(f"in wrangler, sliced dim {dim} {start}-{end}, use_last_attn_slice is {self.use_last_attn_slice}, save_last_attn_slice is {self.save_last_attn_slice}")
# print(f"in wrangler, whole, use_last_attn_slice is {self.use_last_attn_slice}, save_last_attn_slice is {self.save_last_attn_slice}")
if self . use_last_attn_slice :
this_attn_slice = attn_slice
if self . last_attn_slice_mask is not None :
# indices and mask operate on dim=2, no need to slice
base_attn_slice_full = torch . index_select ( self . last_attn_slice , - 1 , self . last_attn_slice_indices )
base_attn_slice_mask = self . last_attn_slice_mask
if dim is None :
base_attn_slice = base_attn_slice_full
#print("using whole base slice of shape", base_attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", base_attn_slice_full.shape)
elif dim == 0 :
base_attn_slice = base_attn_slice_full [ start : end ]
#print("using base dim 0 slice of shape", base_attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", base_attn_slice_full.shape)
elif dim == 1 :
base_attn_slice = base_attn_slice_full [ : , start : end ]
#print("using base dim 1 slice of shape", base_attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", base_attn_slice_full.shape)
attn_slice = this_attn_slice * ( 1 - base_attn_slice_mask ) + \
base_attn_slice * base_attn_slice_mask
else :
if dim is None :
attn_slice = self . last_attn_slice
#print("took whole slice of shape", attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", self.last_attn_slice.shape)
elif dim == 0 :
attn_slice = self . last_attn_slice [ start : end ]
#print("took dim 0 slice of shape", attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", self.last_attn_slice.shape)
elif dim == 1 :
attn_slice = self . last_attn_slice [ : , start : end ]
#print("took dim 1 slice of shape", attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", self.last_attn_slice.shape)
if self . save_last_attn_slice :
if dim is None :
self . last_attn_slice = attn_slice
elif dim == 0 :
# dynamically grow last_attn_slice if needed
if self . last_attn_slice is None :
self . last_attn_slice = attn_slice
#print("no last_attn_slice: shape now", self.last_attn_slice.shape)
elif self . last_attn_slice . shape [ 0 ] == start :
self . last_attn_slice = torch . cat ( [ self . last_attn_slice , attn_slice ] , dim = 0 )
assert ( self . last_attn_slice . shape [ 0 ] == end )
#print("last_attn_slice too small, appended dim 0 shape", attn_slice.shape, ", shape now", self.last_attn_slice.shape)
else :
# no need to grow
self . last_attn_slice [ start : end ] = attn_slice
#print("last_attn_slice shape is fine, setting dim 0 shape", attn_slice.shape, ", shape now", self.last_attn_slice.shape)
elif dim == 1 :
# dynamically grow last_attn_slice if needed
if self . last_attn_slice is None :
self . last_attn_slice = attn_slice
elif self . last_attn_slice . shape [ 1 ] == start :
self . last_attn_slice = torch . cat ( [ self . last_attn_slice , attn_slice ] , dim = 1 )
assert ( self . last_attn_slice . shape [ 1 ] == end )
else :
# no need to grow
self . last_attn_slice [ : , start : end ] = attn_slice
if self . use_last_attn_weights and self . last_attn_slice_weights is not None :
if dim is None :
weights = self . last_attn_slice_weights
elif dim == 0 :
weights = self . last_attn_slice_weights [ start : end ]
elif dim == 1 :
weights = self . last_attn_slice_weights [ : , start : end ]
attn_slice = attn_slice * weights
return attn_slice
for name , module in unet . named_modules ( ) :
module_name = type ( module ) . __name__
if module_name == " CrossAttention " :
module . last_attn_slice = None
module . last_attn_slice_indices = None
module . last_attn_slice_mask = None
module . use_last_attn_weights = False
module . use_last_attn_slice = False
module . save_last_attn_slice = False
module . set_attention_slice_wrangler ( attention_slice_wrangler )
def remove_attention_function ( cls , unet ) :
for name , module in unet . named_modules ( ) :
module_name = type ( module ) . __name__
if module_name == " CrossAttention " :
module . set_attention_slice_wrangler ( None )