tidy(ui): tidy connection validation functions and logic

This commit is contained in:
psychedelicious 2024-05-18 17:22:29 +10:00
parent af7b194bec
commit 6658897210
9 changed files with 396 additions and 370 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ import {
} from 'features/nodes/store/nodesSlice';
import { getFirstValidConnection } from 'features/nodes/store/util/findConnectionToValidHandle';
import { validateSourceAndTargetTypes } from 'features/nodes/store/util/validateSourceAndTargetTypes';
import { getFirstValidConnection, validateSourceAndTargetTypes } from 'features/nodes/store/util/connectionValidation';
import type { AnyNode } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import { isInvocationNode } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import { filter, map, memoize, some } from 'lodash-es';

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import {
} from 'features/nodes/store/nodesSlice';
import { getFirstValidConnection } from 'features/nodes/store/util/findConnectionToValidHandle';
import { getFirstValidConnection } from 'features/nodes/store/util/connectionValidation';
import { isInvocationNode } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
import type { OnConnect, OnConnectEnd, OnConnectStart } from 'reactflow';

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react';
import { createSelector } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { useAppSelector } from 'app/store/storeHooks';
import { $pendingConnection, $templates, selectNodesSlice } from 'features/nodes/store/nodesSlice';
import { makeConnectionErrorSelector } from 'features/nodes/store/util/makeIsConnectionValidSelector';
import { makeConnectionErrorSelector } from 'features/nodes/store/util/connectionValidation.js';
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { useFieldType } from './useFieldType.ts';

View File

@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react';
import { useAppSelector, useAppStore } from 'app/store/storeHooks';
import { $templates } from 'features/nodes/store/nodesSlice';
import { getIsGraphAcyclic } from 'features/nodes/store/util/getIsGraphAcyclic';
import { getCollectItemType } from 'features/nodes/store/util/makeIsConnectionValidSelector';
import { areTypesEqual, validateSourceAndTargetTypes } from 'features/nodes/store/util/validateSourceAndTargetTypes';
import {
} from 'features/nodes/store/util/connectionValidation';
import type { InvocationNodeData } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import type { Connection, Node } from 'reactflow';
@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ export const useIsValidConnection = () => {
// Graphs much be acyclic (no loops!)
return getIsGraphAcyclic(source, target, nodes, edges);
return !getHasCycles(source, target, nodes, edges);
[shouldValidateGraph, templates, store]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
import graphlib from '@dagrejs/graphlib';
import { createMemoizedSelector } from 'app/store/createMemoizedSelector';
import { selectNodesSlice } from 'features/nodes/store/nodesSlice';
import type { PendingConnection, Templates } from 'features/nodes/store/types';
import { type FieldType, isStatefulFieldType } from 'features/nodes/types/field';
import type { AnyNode, InvocationNode, InvocationNodeEdge, InvocationTemplate } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import i18n from 'i18next';
import { differenceWith, isEqual, map, omit } from 'lodash-es';
import type { Connection, Edge, HandleType, Node } from 'reactflow';
import { assert } from 'tsafe';
* Finds the first valid field for a pending connection between two nodes.
* @param templates The invocation templates
* @param nodes The current nodes
* @param edges The current edges
* @param pendingConnection The pending connection
* @param candidateNode The candidate node to which the connection is being made
* @param candidateTemplate The candidate template for the candidate node
* @returns The first valid connection, or null if no valid connection is found
export const getFirstValidConnection = (
templates: Templates,
nodes: AnyNode[],
edges: InvocationNodeEdge[],
pendingConnection: PendingConnection,
candidateNode: InvocationNode,
candidateTemplate: InvocationTemplate
): Connection | null => {
if (pendingConnection.node.id === candidateNode.id) {
// Cannot connect to self
return null;
const pendingFieldKind = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.fieldKind === 'input' ? 'target' : 'source';
if (pendingFieldKind === 'source') {
// Connecting from a source to a target
if (getHasCycles(pendingConnection.node.id, candidateNode.id, nodes, edges)) {
return null;
if (candidateNode.data.type === 'collect') {
// Special handling for collect node - the `item` field takes any number of connections
return {
source: pendingConnection.node.id,
sourceHandle: pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name,
target: candidateNode.id,
targetHandle: 'item',
// Only one connection per target field is allowed - look for an unconnected target field
const candidateFields = map(candidateTemplate.inputs);
const candidateConnectedFields = edges
.filter((edge) => edge.target === candidateNode.id)
.map((edge) => {
// Edges must always have a targetHandle, safe to assert here
return edge.targetHandle;
const candidateUnconnectedFields = differenceWith(
(field, connectedFieldName) => field.name === connectedFieldName
const candidateField = candidateUnconnectedFields.find((field) =>
validateSourceAndTargetTypes(pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.type, field.type)
if (candidateField) {
return {
source: pendingConnection.node.id,
sourceHandle: pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name,
target: candidateNode.id,
targetHandle: candidateField.name,
} else {
// Connecting from a target to a source
// Ensure we there is not already an edge to the target, except for collect nodes
const isCollect = pendingConnection.node.data.type === 'collect';
const isTargetAlreadyConnected = edges.some(
(e) => e.target === pendingConnection.node.id && e.targetHandle === pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name
if (!isCollect && isTargetAlreadyConnected) {
return null;
if (getHasCycles(candidateNode.id, pendingConnection.node.id, nodes, edges)) {
return null;
// Sources/outputs can have any number of edges, we can take the first matching output field
let candidateFields = map(candidateTemplate.outputs);
if (isCollect) {
// Narrow candidates to same field type as already is connected to the collect node
const collectItemType = getCollectItemType(templates, nodes, edges, pendingConnection.node.id);
if (collectItemType) {
candidateFields = candidateFields.filter((field) => areTypesEqual(field.type, collectItemType));
const candidateField = candidateFields.find((field) => {
const isValid = validateSourceAndTargetTypes(field.type, pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.type);
const isAlreadyConnected = edges.some((e) => e.source === candidateNode.id && e.sourceHandle === field.name);
return isValid && !isAlreadyConnected;
if (candidateField) {
return {
source: candidateNode.id,
sourceHandle: candidateField.name,
target: pendingConnection.node.id,
targetHandle: pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name,
return null;
* Check if adding an edge between the source and target nodes would create a cycle in the graph.
* @param source The source node id
* @param target The target node id
* @param nodes The graph's current nodes
* @param edges The graph's current edges
* @returns True if the graph would be acyclic after adding the edge, false otherwise
export const getHasCycles = (source: string, target: string, nodes: Node[], edges: Edge[]) => {
// construct graphlib graph from editor state
const g = new graphlib.Graph();
nodes.forEach((n) => {
edges.forEach((e) => {
g.setEdge(e.source, e.target);
// add the candidate edge
g.setEdge(source, target);
// check if the graph is acyclic
return !graphlib.alg.isAcyclic(g);
* Given a collect node, return the type of the items it collects. The graph is traversed to find the first node and
* field connected to the collector's `item` input. The field type of that field is returned, else null if there is no
* input field.
* @param templates The current invocation templates
* @param nodes The current nodes
* @param edges The current edges
* @param nodeId The collect node's id
* @returns The type of the items the collect node collects, or null if there is no input field
export const getCollectItemType = (
templates: Templates,
nodes: AnyNode[],
edges: InvocationNodeEdge[],
nodeId: string
): FieldType | null => {
const firstEdgeToCollect = edges.find((edge) => edge.target === nodeId && edge.targetHandle === 'item');
if (!firstEdgeToCollect?.sourceHandle) {
return null;
const node = nodes.find((n) => n.id === firstEdgeToCollect.source);
if (!node) {
return null;
const template = templates[node.data.type];
if (!template) {
return null;
const fieldType = template.outputs[firstEdgeToCollect.sourceHandle]?.type ?? null;
return fieldType;
* Creates a selector that validates a pending connection.
* NOTE: The logic here must be duplicated in `invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/hooks/useIsValidConnection.ts`
* TODO: Figure out how to do this without duplicating all the logic
* @param templates The invocation templates
* @param pendingConnection The current pending connection (if there is one)
* @param nodeId The id of the node for which the selector is being created
* @param fieldName The name of the field for which the selector is being created
* @param handleType The type of the handle for which the selector is being created
* @param fieldType The type of the field for which the selector is being created
* @returns
export const makeConnectionErrorSelector = (
templates: Templates,
pendingConnection: PendingConnection | null,
nodeId: string,
fieldName: string,
handleType: HandleType,
fieldType: FieldType
) => {
return createMemoizedSelector(selectNodesSlice, (nodesSlice) => {
const { nodes, edges } = nodesSlice;
if (!pendingConnection) {
return i18n.t('nodes.noConnectionInProgress');
const connectionNodeId = pendingConnection.node.id;
const connectionFieldName = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name;
const connectionHandleType = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.fieldKind === 'input' ? 'target' : 'source';
const connectionStartFieldType = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.type;
if (!connectionHandleType || !connectionNodeId || !connectionFieldName) {
return i18n.t('nodes.noConnectionData');
const targetType = handleType === 'target' ? fieldType : connectionStartFieldType;
const sourceType = handleType === 'source' ? fieldType : connectionStartFieldType;
if (nodeId === connectionNodeId) {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectToSelf');
if (handleType === connectionHandleType) {
if (handleType === 'source') {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectOutputToOutput');
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectInputToInput');
// we have to figure out which is the target and which is the source
const targetNodeId = handleType === 'target' ? nodeId : connectionNodeId;
const targetFieldName = handleType === 'target' ? fieldName : connectionFieldName;
const sourceNodeId = handleType === 'source' ? nodeId : connectionNodeId;
const sourceFieldName = handleType === 'source' ? fieldName : connectionFieldName;
if (
edges.find((edge) => {
edge.target === targetNodeId &&
edge.targetHandle === targetFieldName &&
edge.source === sourceNodeId &&
edge.sourceHandle === sourceFieldName;
) {
// We already have a connection from this source to this target
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotDuplicateConnection');
const targetNode = nodes.find((node) => node.id === targetNodeId);
assert(targetNode, `Target node not found: ${targetNodeId}`);
const targetTemplate = templates[targetNode.data.type];
assert(targetTemplate, `Target template not found: ${targetNode.data.type}`);
if (targetTemplate.inputs[targetFieldName]?.input === 'direct') {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectToDirectInput');
if (targetNode.data.type === 'collect' && targetFieldName === 'item') {
// Collect nodes shouldn't mix and match field types
const collectItemType = getCollectItemType(templates, nodes, edges, targetNode.id);
if (collectItemType) {
if (!areTypesEqual(sourceType, collectItemType)) {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotMixAndMatchCollectionItemTypes');
if (
edges.find((edge) => {
return edge.target === targetNodeId && edge.targetHandle === targetFieldName;
}) &&
// except CollectionItem inputs can have multiples
targetType.name !== 'CollectionItemField'
) {
return i18n.t('nodes.inputMayOnlyHaveOneConnection');
if (!validateSourceAndTargetTypes(sourceType, targetType)) {
return i18n.t('nodes.fieldTypesMustMatch');
const hasCycles = getHasCycles(
connectionHandleType === 'source' ? connectionNodeId : nodeId,
connectionHandleType === 'source' ? nodeId : connectionNodeId,
if (hasCycles) {
return i18n.t('nodes.connectionWouldCreateCycle');
* Validates that the source and target types are compatible for a connection.
* @param sourceType The type of the source field.
* @param targetType The type of the target field.
* @returns True if the connection is valid, false otherwise.
export const validateSourceAndTargetTypes = (sourceType: FieldType, targetType: FieldType) => {
// TODO: There's a bug with Collect -> Iterate nodes:
// https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/issues/3956
// Once this is resolved, we can remove this check.
if (sourceType.name === 'CollectionField' && targetType.name === 'CollectionField') {
return false;
if (areTypesEqual(sourceType, targetType)) {
return true;
* Connection types must be the same for a connection, with exceptions:
* - CollectionItem can connect to any non-Collection
* - Non-Collections can connect to CollectionItem
* - Anything (non-Collections, Collections, CollectionOrScalar) can connect to CollectionOrScalar of the same base type
* - Generic Collection can connect to any other Collection or CollectionOrScalar
* - Any Collection can connect to a Generic Collection
const isCollectionItemToNonCollection = sourceType.name === 'CollectionItemField' && !targetType.isCollection;
const isNonCollectionToCollectionItem =
targetType.name === 'CollectionItemField' && !sourceType.isCollection && !sourceType.isCollectionOrScalar;
const isAnythingToCollectionOrScalarOfSameBaseType =
targetType.isCollectionOrScalar && sourceType.name === targetType.name;
const isGenericCollectionToAnyCollectionOrCollectionOrScalar =
sourceType.name === 'CollectionField' && (targetType.isCollection || targetType.isCollectionOrScalar);
const isCollectionToGenericCollection = targetType.name === 'CollectionField' && sourceType.isCollection;
const areBothTypesSingle =
!sourceType.isCollection &&
!sourceType.isCollectionOrScalar &&
!targetType.isCollection &&
const isIntToFloat = areBothTypesSingle && sourceType.name === 'IntegerField' && targetType.name === 'FloatField';
const isIntOrFloatToString =
areBothTypesSingle &&
(sourceType.name === 'IntegerField' || sourceType.name === 'FloatField') &&
targetType.name === 'StringField';
const isTargetAnyType = targetType.name === 'AnyField';
// One of these must be true for the connection to be valid
return (
isCollectionItemToNonCollection ||
isNonCollectionToCollectionItem ||
isAnythingToCollectionOrScalarOfSameBaseType ||
isGenericCollectionToAnyCollectionOrCollectionOrScalar ||
isCollectionToGenericCollection ||
isIntToFloat ||
isIntOrFloatToString ||
* Checks if two types are equal. If the field types have original types, those are also compared. Any match is
* considered equal. For example, if the source type and original target type match, the types are considered equal.
* @param sourceType The type of the source field.
* @param targetType The type of the target field.
* @returns True if the types are equal, false otherwise.
export const areTypesEqual = (sourceType: FieldType, targetType: FieldType) => {
const _sourceType = isStatefulFieldType(sourceType) ? omit(sourceType, 'originalType') : sourceType;
const _targetType = isStatefulFieldType(targetType) ? omit(targetType, 'originalType') : targetType;
const _sourceTypeOriginal = isStatefulFieldType(sourceType) ? sourceType.originalType : sourceType;
const _targetTypeOriginal = isStatefulFieldType(targetType) ? targetType.originalType : targetType;
if (isEqual(_sourceType, _targetType)) {
return true;
if (_targetTypeOriginal && isEqual(_sourceType, _targetTypeOriginal)) {
return true;
if (_sourceTypeOriginal && isEqual(_sourceTypeOriginal, _targetType)) {
return true;
if (_sourceTypeOriginal && _targetTypeOriginal && isEqual(_sourceTypeOriginal, _targetTypeOriginal)) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
import type { PendingConnection, Templates } from 'features/nodes/store/types';
import { getCollectItemType } from 'features/nodes/store/util/makeIsConnectionValidSelector';
import type { AnyNode, InvocationNode, InvocationNodeEdge, InvocationTemplate } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import { differenceWith, map } from 'lodash-es';
import type { Connection } from 'reactflow';
import { assert } from 'tsafe';
import { getIsGraphAcyclic } from './getIsGraphAcyclic';
import { areTypesEqual, validateSourceAndTargetTypes } from './validateSourceAndTargetTypes';
export const getFirstValidConnection = (
templates: Templates,
nodes: AnyNode[],
edges: InvocationNodeEdge[],
pendingConnection: PendingConnection,
candidateNode: InvocationNode,
candidateTemplate: InvocationTemplate
): Connection | null => {
if (pendingConnection.node.id === candidateNode.id) {
// Cannot connect to self
return null;
const pendingFieldKind = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.fieldKind === 'input' ? 'target' : 'source';
if (pendingFieldKind === 'source') {
// Connecting from a source to a target
if (!getIsGraphAcyclic(pendingConnection.node.id, candidateNode.id, nodes, edges)) {
return null;
if (candidateNode.data.type === 'collect') {
// Special handling for collect node - the `item` field takes any number of connections
return {
source: pendingConnection.node.id,
sourceHandle: pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name,
target: candidateNode.id,
targetHandle: 'item',
// Only one connection per target field is allowed - look for an unconnected target field
const candidateFields = map(candidateTemplate.inputs).filter((i) => i.input !== 'direct');
const candidateConnectedFields = edges
.filter((edge) => edge.target === candidateNode.id)
.map((edge) => {
// Edges must always have a targetHandle, safe to assert here
return edge.targetHandle;
const candidateUnconnectedFields = differenceWith(
(field, connectedFieldName) => field.name === connectedFieldName
const candidateField = candidateUnconnectedFields.find((field) =>
validateSourceAndTargetTypes(pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.type, field.type)
if (candidateField) {
return {
source: pendingConnection.node.id,
sourceHandle: pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name,
target: candidateNode.id,
targetHandle: candidateField.name,
} else {
// Connecting from a target to a source
// Ensure we there is not already an edge to the target, except for collect nodes
const isCollect = pendingConnection.node.data.type === 'collect';
const isTargetAlreadyConnected = edges.some(
(e) => e.target === pendingConnection.node.id && e.targetHandle === pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name
if (!isCollect && isTargetAlreadyConnected) {
return null;
if (!getIsGraphAcyclic(candidateNode.id, pendingConnection.node.id, nodes, edges)) {
return null;
// Sources/outputs can have any number of edges, we can take the first matching output field
let candidateFields = map(candidateTemplate.outputs);
if (isCollect) {
// Narrow candidates to same field type as already is connected to the collect node
const collectItemType = getCollectItemType(templates, nodes, edges, pendingConnection.node.id);
if (collectItemType) {
candidateFields = candidateFields.filter((field) => areTypesEqual(field.type, collectItemType));
const candidateField = candidateFields.find((field) => {
const isValid = validateSourceAndTargetTypes(field.type, pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.type);
const isAlreadyConnected = edges.some((e) => e.source === candidateNode.id && e.sourceHandle === field.name);
return isValid && !isAlreadyConnected;
if (candidateField) {
return {
source: candidateNode.id,
sourceHandle: candidateField.name,
target: pendingConnection.node.id,
targetHandle: pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name,
return null;

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
import graphlib from '@dagrejs/graphlib';
import type { Edge, Node } from 'reactflow';
export const getIsGraphAcyclic = (source: string, target: string, nodes: Node[], edges: Edge[]) => {
// construct graphlib graph from editor state
const g = new graphlib.Graph();
nodes.forEach((n) => {
edges.forEach((e) => {
g.setEdge(e.source, e.target);
// add the candidate edge
g.setEdge(source, target);
// check if the graph is acyclic
return graphlib.alg.isAcyclic(g);

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
import { createSelector } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { selectNodesSlice } from 'features/nodes/store/nodesSlice';
import type { PendingConnection, Templates } from 'features/nodes/store/types';
import type { FieldType } from 'features/nodes/types/field';
import type { AnyNode, InvocationNodeEdge } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import i18n from 'i18next';
import type { HandleType } from 'reactflow';
import { assert } from 'tsafe';
import { getIsGraphAcyclic } from './getIsGraphAcyclic';
import { areTypesEqual, validateSourceAndTargetTypes } from './validateSourceAndTargetTypes';
export const getCollectItemType = (
templates: Templates,
nodes: AnyNode[],
edges: InvocationNodeEdge[],
nodeId: string
): FieldType | null => {
const firstEdgeToCollect = edges.find((edge) => edge.target === nodeId && edge.targetHandle === 'item');
if (!firstEdgeToCollect?.sourceHandle) {
return null;
const node = nodes.find((n) => n.id === firstEdgeToCollect.source);
if (!node) {
return null;
const template = templates[node.data.type];
if (!template) {
return null;
const fieldType = template.outputs[firstEdgeToCollect.sourceHandle]?.type ?? null;
return fieldType;
* NOTE: The logic here must be duplicated in `invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/hooks/useIsValidConnection.ts`
* TODO: Figure out how to do this without duplicating all the logic
export const makeConnectionErrorSelector = (
templates: Templates,
pendingConnection: PendingConnection | null,
nodeId: string,
fieldName: string,
handleType: HandleType,
fieldType?: FieldType | null
) => {
return createSelector(selectNodesSlice, (nodesSlice) => {
const { nodes, edges } = nodesSlice;
if (!fieldType) {
return i18n.t('nodes.noFieldType');
if (!pendingConnection) {
return i18n.t('nodes.noConnectionInProgress');
const connectionNodeId = pendingConnection.node.id;
const connectionFieldName = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.name;
const connectionHandleType = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.fieldKind === 'input' ? 'target' : 'source';
const connectionStartFieldType = pendingConnection.fieldTemplate.type;
if (!connectionHandleType || !connectionNodeId || !connectionFieldName) {
return i18n.t('nodes.noConnectionData');
const targetType = handleType === 'target' ? fieldType : connectionStartFieldType;
const sourceType = handleType === 'source' ? fieldType : connectionStartFieldType;
if (nodeId === connectionNodeId) {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectToSelf');
if (handleType === connectionHandleType) {
if (handleType === 'source') {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectOutputToOutput');
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectInputToInput');
// we have to figure out which is the target and which is the source
const targetNodeId = handleType === 'target' ? nodeId : connectionNodeId;
const targetFieldName = handleType === 'target' ? fieldName : connectionFieldName;
const sourceNodeId = handleType === 'source' ? nodeId : connectionNodeId;
const sourceFieldName = handleType === 'source' ? fieldName : connectionFieldName;
if (
edges.find((edge) => {
edge.target === targetNodeId &&
edge.targetHandle === targetFieldName &&
edge.source === sourceNodeId &&
edge.sourceHandle === sourceFieldName;
) {
// We already have a connection from this source to this target
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotDuplicateConnection');
const targetNode = nodes.find((node) => node.id === targetNodeId);
assert(targetNode, `Target node not found: ${targetNodeId}`);
const targetTemplate = templates[targetNode.data.type];
assert(targetTemplate, `Target template not found: ${targetNode.data.type}`);
if (targetTemplate.inputs[targetFieldName]?.input === 'direct') {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotConnectToDirectInput');
if (targetNode?.data.type === 'collect' && targetFieldName === 'item') {
// Collect nodes shouldn't mix and match field types
const collectItemType = getCollectItemType(templates, nodes, edges, targetNode.id);
if (collectItemType) {
if (!areTypesEqual(sourceType, collectItemType)) {
return i18n.t('nodes.cannotMixAndMatchCollectionItemTypes');
if (
edges.find((edge) => {
return edge.target === targetNodeId && edge.targetHandle === targetFieldName;
}) &&
// except CollectionItem inputs can have multiples
targetType.name !== 'CollectionItemField'
) {
return i18n.t('nodes.inputMayOnlyHaveOneConnection');
if (!validateSourceAndTargetTypes(sourceType, targetType)) {
return i18n.t('nodes.fieldTypesMustMatch');
const isGraphAcyclic = getIsGraphAcyclic(
connectionHandleType === 'source' ? connectionNodeId : nodeId,
connectionHandleType === 'source' ? nodeId : connectionNodeId,
if (!isGraphAcyclic) {
return i18n.t('nodes.connectionWouldCreateCycle');

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
import { type FieldType, isStatefulFieldType } from 'features/nodes/types/field';
import { isEqual, omit } from 'lodash-es';
export const areTypesEqual = (sourceType: FieldType, targetType: FieldType) => {
const _sourceType = isStatefulFieldType(sourceType) ? omit(sourceType, 'originalType') : sourceType;
const _targetType = isStatefulFieldType(targetType) ? omit(targetType, 'originalType') : targetType;
const _sourceTypeOriginal = isStatefulFieldType(sourceType) ? sourceType.originalType : sourceType;
const _targetTypeOriginal = isStatefulFieldType(targetType) ? targetType.originalType : targetType;
if (isEqual(_sourceType, _targetType)) {
return true;
if (_targetTypeOriginal && isEqual(_sourceType, _targetTypeOriginal)) {
return true;
if (_sourceTypeOriginal && isEqual(_sourceTypeOriginal, _targetType)) {
return true;
if (_sourceTypeOriginal && _targetTypeOriginal && isEqual(_sourceTypeOriginal, _targetTypeOriginal)) {
return true;
return false;
* Validates that the source and target types are compatible for a connection.
* @param sourceType The type of the source field.
* @param targetType The type of the target field.
* @returns True if the connection is valid, false otherwise.
export const validateSourceAndTargetTypes = (sourceType: FieldType, targetType: FieldType) => {
// TODO: There's a bug with Collect -> Iterate nodes:
// https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/issues/3956
// Once this is resolved, we can remove this check.
if (sourceType.name === 'CollectionField' && targetType.name === 'CollectionField') {
return false;
if (areTypesEqual(sourceType, targetType)) {
return true;
* Connection types must be the same for a connection, with exceptions:
* - CollectionItem can connect to any non-Collection
* - Non-Collections can connect to CollectionItem
* - Anything (non-Collections, Collections, CollectionOrScalar) can connect to CollectionOrScalar of the same base type
* - Generic Collection can connect to any other Collection or CollectionOrScalar
* - Any Collection can connect to a Generic Collection
const isCollectionItemToNonCollection = sourceType.name === 'CollectionItemField' && !targetType.isCollection;
const isNonCollectionToCollectionItem =
targetType.name === 'CollectionItemField' && !sourceType.isCollection && !sourceType.isCollectionOrScalar;
const isAnythingToCollectionOrScalarOfSameBaseType =
targetType.isCollectionOrScalar && sourceType.name === targetType.name;
const isGenericCollectionToAnyCollectionOrCollectionOrScalar =
sourceType.name === 'CollectionField' && (targetType.isCollection || targetType.isCollectionOrScalar);
const isCollectionToGenericCollection = targetType.name === 'CollectionField' && sourceType.isCollection;
const areBothTypesSingle =
!sourceType.isCollection &&
!sourceType.isCollectionOrScalar &&
!targetType.isCollection &&
const isIntToFloat = areBothTypesSingle && sourceType.name === 'IntegerField' && targetType.name === 'FloatField';
const isIntOrFloatToString =
areBothTypesSingle &&
(sourceType.name === 'IntegerField' || sourceType.name === 'FloatField') &&
targetType.name === 'StringField';
const isTargetAnyType = targetType.name === 'AnyField';
// One of these must be true for the connection to be valid
return (
isCollectionItemToNonCollection ||
isNonCollectionToCollectionItem ||
isAnythingToCollectionOrScalarOfSameBaseType ||
isGenericCollectionToAnyCollectionOrCollectionOrScalar ||
isCollectionToGenericCollection ||
isIntToFloat ||
isIntOrFloatToString ||