mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
Merge branch 'main' into bugfix/prevent-cli-crash
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ installing lots of models.
6. Wait while the installer does its thing. After installing the software,
the installer will launch a script that lets you configure InvokeAI and
select a set of starting image generaiton models.
select a set of starting image generation models.
7. Find the folder that InvokeAI was installed into (it is not the
same as the unpacked zip file directory!) The default location of this
@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
import os
from argparse import Namespace
from ..services.default_graphs import create_system_graphs
from ..services.latent_storage import DiskLatentsStorage, ForwardCacheLatentsStorage
from ...backend import Globals
from ..services.model_manager_initializer import get_model_manager
from ..services.restoration_services import RestorationServices
from ..services.graph import GraphExecutionState
from ..services.graph import GraphExecutionState, LibraryGraph
from ..services.image_storage import DiskImageStorage
from ..services.invocation_queue import MemoryInvocationQueue
from ..services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
@ -69,6 +71,9 @@ class ApiDependencies:
filename=db_location, table_name="graphs"
filename=db_location, table_name="graph_executions"
@ -76,6 +81,8 @@ class ApiDependencies:
ApiDependencies.invoker = Invoker(services)
@ -7,11 +7,40 @@ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..models.image import ImageField
from ..services.graph import GraphExecutionState
from ..invocations.baseinvocation import BaseInvocation
from ..invocations.image import ImageField
from ..services.graph import GraphExecutionState, LibraryGraph, GraphInvocation, Edge
from ..services.invoker import Invoker
def add_field_argument(command_parser, name: str, field, default_override = None):
default = default_override if default_override is not None else field.default if field.default_factory is None else field.default_factory()
if get_origin(field.type_) == Literal:
allowed_values = get_args(field.type_)
allowed_types = set()
for val in allowed_values:
allowed_types_list = list(allowed_types)
field_type = allowed_types_list[0] if len(allowed_types) == 1 else Union[allowed_types_list] # type: ignore
def add_parsers(
commands: list[type],
@ -36,30 +65,26 @@ def add_parsers(
if name in exclude_fields:
if get_origin(field.type_) == Literal:
allowed_values = get_args(field.type_)
allowed_types = set()
for val in allowed_values:
allowed_types_list = list(allowed_types)
field_type = allowed_types_list[0] if len(allowed_types) == 1 else Union[allowed_types_list] # type: ignore
add_field_argument(command_parser, name, field)
default=field.default if field.default_factory is None else field.default_factory(),
default=field.default if field.default_factory is None else field.default_factory(),
def add_graph_parsers(
graphs: list[LibraryGraph],
add_arguments: Callable[[argparse.ArgumentParser], None]|None = None
for graph in graphs:
command_parser = subparsers.add_parser(graph.name, help=graph.description)
if add_arguments is not None:
# Add arguments for inputs
for exposed_input in graph.exposed_inputs:
node = graph.graph.get_node(exposed_input.node_path)
field = node.__fields__[exposed_input.field]
default_override = getattr(node, exposed_input.field)
add_field_argument(command_parser, exposed_input.alias, field, default_override)
class CliContext:
@ -67,17 +92,38 @@ class CliContext:
session: GraphExecutionState
parser: argparse.ArgumentParser
defaults: dict[str, Any]
graph_nodes: dict[str, str]
nodes_added: list[str]
def __init__(self, invoker: Invoker, session: GraphExecutionState, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
self.invoker = invoker
self.session = session
self.parser = parser
self.defaults = dict()
self.graph_nodes = dict()
self.nodes_added = list()
def get_session(self):
self.session = self.invoker.services.graph_execution_manager.get(self.session.id)
return self.session
def reset(self):
self.session = self.invoker.create_execution_state()
self.graph_nodes = dict()
self.nodes_added = list()
# Leave defaults unchanged
def add_node(self, node: BaseInvocation):
def add_edge(self, edge: Edge):
class ExitCli(Exception):
"""Exception to exit the CLI"""
@ -13,17 +13,20 @@ from typing import (
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.fields import Field
from .services.default_graphs import create_system_graphs
from .services.latent_storage import DiskLatentsStorage, ForwardCacheLatentsStorage
from ..backend import Args
from .cli.commands import BaseCommand, CliContext, ExitCli, add_parsers, get_graph_execution_history
from .cli.commands import BaseCommand, CliContext, ExitCli, add_graph_parsers, add_parsers, get_graph_execution_history
from .cli.completer import set_autocompleter
from .invocations import *
from .invocations.baseinvocation import BaseInvocation
from .services.events import EventServiceBase
from .services.model_manager_initializer import get_model_manager
from .services.restoration_services import RestorationServices
from .services.graph import Edge, EdgeConnection, GraphExecutionState, are_connection_types_compatible
from .services.graph import Edge, EdgeConnection, ExposedNodeInput, GraphExecutionState, GraphInvocation, LibraryGraph, are_connection_types_compatible
from .services.default_graphs import default_text_to_image_graph_id
from .services.image_storage import DiskImageStorage
from .services.invocation_queue import MemoryInvocationQueue
from .services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ def add_invocation_args(command_parser):
def get_command_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
def get_command_parser(services: InvocationServices) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
# Create invocation parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@ -76,20 +79,72 @@ def get_command_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
commands = BaseCommand.get_all_subclasses()
add_parsers(subparsers, commands, exclude_fields=["type"])
# Create subparsers for exposed CLI graphs
# TODO: add a way to identify these graphs
text_to_image = services.graph_library.get(default_text_to_image_graph_id)
add_graph_parsers(subparsers, [text_to_image], add_arguments=add_invocation_args)
return parser
class NodeField():
alias: str
node_path: str
field: str
field_type: type
def __init__(self, alias: str, node_path: str, field: str, field_type: type):
self.alias = alias
self.node_path = node_path
self.field = field
self.field_type = field_type
def fields_from_type_hints(hints: dict[str, type], node_path: str) -> dict[str,NodeField]:
return {k:NodeField(alias=k, node_path=node_path, field=k, field_type=v) for k, v in hints.items()}
def get_node_input_field(graph: LibraryGraph, field_alias: str, node_id: str) -> NodeField:
"""Gets the node field for the specified field alias"""
exposed_input = next(e for e in graph.exposed_inputs if e.alias == field_alias)
node_type = type(graph.graph.get_node(exposed_input.node_path))
return NodeField(alias=exposed_input.alias, node_path=f'{node_id}.{exposed_input.node_path}', field=exposed_input.field, field_type=get_type_hints(node_type)[exposed_input.field])
def get_node_output_field(graph: LibraryGraph, field_alias: str, node_id: str) -> NodeField:
"""Gets the node field for the specified field alias"""
exposed_output = next(e for e in graph.exposed_outputs if e.alias == field_alias)
node_type = type(graph.graph.get_node(exposed_output.node_path))
node_output_type = node_type.get_output_type()
return NodeField(alias=exposed_output.alias, node_path=f'{node_id}.{exposed_output.node_path}', field=exposed_output.field, field_type=get_type_hints(node_output_type)[exposed_output.field])
def get_node_inputs(invocation: BaseInvocation, context: CliContext) -> dict[str, NodeField]:
"""Gets the inputs for the specified invocation from the context"""
node_type = type(invocation)
if node_type is not GraphInvocation:
return fields_from_type_hints(get_type_hints(node_type), invocation.id)
graph: LibraryGraph = context.invoker.services.graph_library.get(context.graph_nodes[invocation.id])
return {e.alias: get_node_input_field(graph, e.alias, invocation.id) for e in graph.exposed_inputs}
def get_node_outputs(invocation: BaseInvocation, context: CliContext) -> dict[str, NodeField]:
"""Gets the outputs for the specified invocation from the context"""
node_type = type(invocation)
if node_type is not GraphInvocation:
return fields_from_type_hints(get_type_hints(node_type.get_output_type()), invocation.id)
graph: LibraryGraph = context.invoker.services.graph_library.get(context.graph_nodes[invocation.id])
return {e.alias: get_node_output_field(graph, e.alias, invocation.id) for e in graph.exposed_outputs}
def generate_matching_edges(
a: BaseInvocation, b: BaseInvocation
a: BaseInvocation, b: BaseInvocation, context: CliContext
) -> list[Edge]:
"""Generates all possible edges between two invocations"""
atype = type(a)
btype = type(b)
aoutputtype = atype.get_output_type()
afields = get_type_hints(aoutputtype)
bfields = get_type_hints(btype)
afields = get_node_outputs(a, context)
bfields = get_node_inputs(b, context)
matching_fields = set(afields.keys()).intersection(bfields.keys())
@ -98,14 +153,14 @@ def generate_matching_edges(
matching_fields = matching_fields.difference(invalid_fields)
# Validate types
matching_fields = [f for f in matching_fields if are_connection_types_compatible(afields[f], bfields[f])]
matching_fields = [f for f in matching_fields if are_connection_types_compatible(afields[f].field_type, bfields[f].field_type)]
edges = [
source=EdgeConnection(node_id=a.id, field=field),
destination=EdgeConnection(node_id=b.id, field=field)
source=EdgeConnection(node_id=afields[alias].node_path, field=afields[alias].field),
destination=EdgeConnection(node_id=bfields[alias].node_path, field=bfields[alias].field)
for field in matching_fields
for alias in matching_fields
return edges
@ -158,6 +213,9 @@ def invoke_cli():
latents = ForwardCacheLatentsStorage(DiskLatentsStorage(f'{output_folder}/latents')),
filename=db_location, table_name="graphs"
filename=db_location, table_name="graph_executions"
@ -165,9 +223,12 @@ def invoke_cli():
system_graphs = create_system_graphs(services.graph_library)
system_graph_names = set([g.name for g in system_graphs])
invoker = Invoker(services)
session: GraphExecutionState = invoker.create_execution_state()
parser = get_command_parser()
parser = get_command_parser(services)
re_negid = re.compile('^-[0-9]+$')
@ -185,11 +246,12 @@ def invoke_cli():
# Refresh the state of the session
history = list(get_graph_execution_history(context.session))
#history = list(get_graph_execution_history(context.session))
history = list(reversed(context.nodes_added))
# Split the command for piping
cmds = cmd_input.split("|")
start_id = len(history)
start_id = len(context.nodes_added)
current_id = start_id
new_invocations = list()
for cmd in cmds:
@ -205,8 +267,24 @@ def invoke_cli():
args[field_name] = field_default
# Parse invocation
args["id"] = current_id
command = CliCommand(command=args)
command: CliCommand = None # type:ignore
system_graph: LibraryGraph|None = None
if args['type'] in system_graph_names:
system_graph = next(filter(lambda g: g.name == args['type'], system_graphs))
invocation = GraphInvocation(graph=system_graph.graph, id=str(current_id))
for exposed_input in system_graph.exposed_inputs:
if exposed_input.alias in args:
node = invocation.graph.get_node(exposed_input.node_path)
field = exposed_input.field
setattr(node, field, args[exposed_input.alias])
command = CliCommand(command = invocation)
context.graph_nodes[invocation.id] = system_graph.id
args["id"] = current_id
command = CliCommand(command=args)
if command is None:
# Run any CLI commands immediately
if isinstance(command.command, BaseCommand):
@ -217,6 +295,7 @@ def invoke_cli():
# TODO: handle linking with library graphs
# Pipe previous command output (if there was a previous command)
edges: list[Edge] = list()
if len(history) > 0 or current_id != start_id:
@ -229,7 +308,7 @@ def invoke_cli():
else context.session.graph.get_node(from_id)
matching_edges = generate_matching_edges(
from_node, command.command
from_node, command.command, context
@ -242,7 +321,7 @@ def invoke_cli():
link_node = context.session.graph.get_node(node_id)
matching_edges = generate_matching_edges(
link_node, command.command
link_node, command.command, context
matching_destinations = [e.destination for e in matching_edges]
edges = [e for e in edges if e.destination not in matching_destinations]
@ -256,12 +335,14 @@ def invoke_cli():
if re_negid.match(node_id):
node_id = str(current_id + int(node_id))
# TODO: handle missing input/output
node_output = get_node_outputs(context.session.graph.get_node(node_id), context)[link[1]]
node_input = get_node_inputs(command.command, context)[link[2]]
source=EdgeConnection(node_id=node_id, field=link[1]),
node_id=command.command.id, field=link[2]
source=EdgeConnection(node_id=node_output.node_path, field=node_output.field),
destination=EdgeConnection(node_id=node_input.node_path, field=node_input.field)
@ -270,10 +351,10 @@ def invoke_cli():
current_id = current_id + 1
# Add the node to the session
for edge in edges:
# Execute all remaining nodes
@ -285,7 +366,7 @@ def invoke_cli():
except SessionError:
# Start a new session
print("Session error: creating a new session")
context.session = context.invoker.create_execution_state()
except ExitCli:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from inspect import signature
from typing import get_args, get_type_hints
from typing import get_args, get_type_hints, Dict, List, Literal, TypedDict
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
@ -76,3 +76,56 @@ class BaseInvocation(ABC, BaseModel):
#fmt: off
id: str = Field(description="The id of this node. Must be unique among all nodes.")
#fmt: on
# TODO: figure out a better way to provide these hints
# TODO: when we can upgrade to python 3.11, we can use the`NotRequired` type instead of `total=False`
class UIConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
type_hints: Dict[
tags: List[str]
class CustomisedSchemaExtra(TypedDict):
ui: UIConfig
class InvocationConfig(BaseModel.Config):
"""Customizes pydantic's BaseModel.Config class for use by Invocations.
Provide `schema_extra` a `ui` dict to add hints for generated UIs.
- A list of strings, used to categorise invocations.
- A dict of field types which override the types in the invocation definition.
- Each key should be the name of one of the invocation's fields.
- Each value should be one of the valid types:
- `integer`, `float`, `boolean`, `string`, `enum`, `image`, `latents`, `model`
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["stable-diffusion", "image"],
"type_hints": {
"initial_image": "image",
schema_extra: CustomisedSchemaExtra
@ -5,14 +5,26 @@ from typing import Literal
import cv2 as cv
import numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from pydantic import Field
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from invokeai.app.models.image import ImageField, ImageType
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
from .image import ImageOutput
class CvInpaintInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class CvInvocationConfig(BaseModel):
"""Helper class to provide all OpenCV invocations with additional config"""
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["cv", "image"],
class CvInpaintInvocation(BaseInvocation, CvInvocationConfig):
"""Simple inpaint using opencv."""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["cv_inpaint"] = "cv_inpaint"
@ -6,22 +6,37 @@ from typing import Literal, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from torch import Tensor
from pydantic import Field
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from invokeai.app.models.image import ImageField, ImageType
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from invokeai.app.invocations.util.get_model import choose_model
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
from .image import ImageOutput
from ...backend.generator import Txt2Img, Img2Img, Inpaint, InvokeAIGenerator
from ...backend.stable_diffusion import PipelineIntermediateState
from ..models.exceptions import CanceledException
from ..util.step_callback import diffusers_step_callback_adapter
SAMPLER_NAME_VALUES = Literal[tuple(InvokeAIGenerator.schedulers())]
class SDImageInvocation(BaseModel):
"""Helper class to provide all Stable Diffusion raster image invocations with additional config"""
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["stable-diffusion", "image"],
"type_hints": {
"model": "model",
# Text to image
class TextToImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class TextToImageInvocation(BaseInvocation, SDImageInvocation):
"""Generates an image using text2img."""
type: Literal["txt2img"] = "txt2img"
@ -35,7 +50,7 @@ class TextToImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
width: int = Field(default=512, multiple_of=64, gt=0, description="The width of the resulting image", )
height: int = Field(default=512, multiple_of=64, gt=0, description="The height of the resulting image", )
cfg_scale: float = Field(default=7.5, gt=0, description="The Classifier-Free Guidance, higher values may result in a result closer to the prompt", )
sampler_name: SAMPLER_NAME_VALUES = Field(default="k_lms", description="The sampler to use" )
scheduler: SAMPLER_NAME_VALUES = Field(default="k_lms", description="The scheduler to use" )
seamless: bool = Field(default=False, description="Whether or not to generate an image that can tile without seams", )
model: str = Field(default="", description="The model to use (currently ignored)")
progress_images: bool = Field(default=False, description="Whether or not to produce progress images during generation", )
@ -59,16 +74,9 @@ class TextToImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
diffusers_step_callback_adapter(sample, step, steps=self.steps, id=self.id, context=context)
def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
# def step_callback(state: PipelineIntermediateState):
# if (context.services.queue.is_canceled(context.graph_execution_state_id)):
# raise CanceledException
# self.dispatch_progress(context, state.latents, state.step)
# Handle invalid model parameter
# TODO: figure out if this can be done via a validator that uses the model_cache
# TODO: How to get the default model name now?
# (right now uses whatever current model is set in model manager)
model= context.services.model_manager.get_model()
model = choose_model(context.services.model_manager, self.model)
outputs = Txt2Img(model).generate(
step_callback=partial(self.dispatch_progress, context),
@ -135,9 +143,8 @@ class ImageToImageInvocation(TextToImageInvocation):
mask = None
# Handle invalid model parameter
# TODO: figure out if this can be done via a validator that uses the model_cache
# TODO: How to get the default model name now?
model = context.services.model_manager.get_model()
model = choose_model(context.services.model_manager, self.model)
outputs = Img2Img(model).generate(
@ -211,9 +218,8 @@ class InpaintInvocation(ImageToImageInvocation):
# Handle invalid model parameter
# TODO: figure out if this can be done via a validator that uses the model_cache
# TODO: How to get the default model name now?
model = context.services.model_manager.get_model()
model = choose_model(context.services.model_manager, self.model)
outputs = Inpaint(model).generate(
@ -9,7 +9,18 @@ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from ..models.image import ImageField, ImageType
from ..services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
class PILInvocationConfig(BaseModel):
"""Helper class to provide all PIL invocations with additional config"""
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["PIL", "image"],
class ImageOutput(BaseInvocationOutput):
"""Base class for invocations that output an image"""
@ -82,7 +93,7 @@ class ShowImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class CropImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class CropImageInvocation(BaseInvocation, PILInvocationConfig):
"""Crops an image to a specified box. The box can be outside of the image."""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["crop"] = "crop"
@ -115,7 +126,7 @@ class CropImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class PasteImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class PasteImageInvocation(BaseInvocation, PILInvocationConfig):
"""Pastes an image into another image."""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["paste"] = "paste"
@ -139,7 +150,7 @@ class PasteImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
if self.mask is None
else ImageOps.invert(
services.images.get(self.mask.image_type, self.mask.image_name)
context.services.images.get(self.mask.image_type, self.mask.image_name)
# TODO: probably shouldn't invert mask here... should user be required to do it?
@ -165,7 +176,7 @@ class PasteImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class MaskFromAlphaInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class MaskFromAlphaInvocation(BaseInvocation, PILInvocationConfig):
"""Extracts the alpha channel of an image as a mask."""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["tomask"] = "tomask"
@ -192,7 +203,7 @@ class MaskFromAlphaInvocation(BaseInvocation):
return MaskOutput(mask=ImageField(image_type=image_type, image_name=image_name))
class BlurInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class BlurInvocation(BaseInvocation, PILInvocationConfig):
"""Blurs an image"""
#fmt: off
@ -226,7 +237,7 @@ class BlurInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class LerpInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class LerpInvocation(BaseInvocation, PILInvocationConfig):
"""Linear interpolation of all pixels of an image"""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["lerp"] = "lerp"
@ -257,7 +268,7 @@ class LerpInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class InverseLerpInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class InverseLerpInvocation(BaseInvocation, PILInvocationConfig):
"""Inverse linear interpolation of all pixels of an image"""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["ilerp"] = "ilerp"
@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Schouviller (https://github.com/kyle0654)
import random
from typing import Literal, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from torch import Tensor
import torch
from invokeai.app.models.exceptions import CanceledException
from invokeai.app.invocations.util.get_model import choose_model
from invokeai.app.util.step_callback import diffusers_step_callback_adapter
from ...backend.model_management.model_manager import ModelManager
from ...backend.util.devices import choose_torch_device, torch_dtype
from ...backend.stable_diffusion.diffusion.shared_invokeai_diffusion import PostprocessingSettings
from ...backend.image_util.seamless import configure_model_padding
from ...backend.prompting.conditioning import get_uc_and_c_and_ec
from ...backend.stable_diffusion.diffusers_pipeline import ConditioningData, StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
import numpy as np
from accelerate.utils import set_seed
from ..services.image_storage import ImageType
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from .image import ImageField, ImageOutput
from ...backend.generator import Generator
from ...backend.stable_diffusion import PipelineIntermediateState
from ...backend.util.util import image_to_dataURL
from diffusers.schedulers import SchedulerMixin as Scheduler
import diffusers
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
@ -99,16 +100,29 @@ def get_noise(width:int, height:int, device:torch.device, seed:int = 0, latent_c
return x
def random_seed():
return random.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.uint32).max)
class NoiseInvocation(BaseInvocation):
"""Generates latent noise."""
type: Literal["noise"] = "noise"
# Inputs
seed: int = Field(default=0, ge=0, le=np.iinfo(np.uint32).max, description="The seed to use", )
seed: int = Field(ge=0, le=np.iinfo(np.uint32).max, description="The seed to use", default_factory=random_seed)
width: int = Field(default=512, multiple_of=64, gt=0, description="The width of the resulting noise", )
height: int = Field(default=512, multiple_of=64, gt=0, description="The height of the resulting noise", )
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["latents", "noise"],
def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> NoiseOutput:
device = torch.device(choose_torch_device())
noise = get_noise(self.width, self.height, device, self.seed)
@ -136,46 +150,50 @@ class TextToLatentsInvocation(BaseInvocation):
width: int = Field(default=512, multiple_of=64, gt=0, description="The width of the resulting image", )
height: int = Field(default=512, multiple_of=64, gt=0, description="The height of the resulting image", )
cfg_scale: float = Field(default=7.5, gt=0, description="The Classifier-Free Guidance, higher values may result in a result closer to the prompt", )
sampler_name: SAMPLER_NAME_VALUES = Field(default="k_lms", description="The sampler to use" )
scheduler: SAMPLER_NAME_VALUES = Field(default="k_lms", description="The scheduler to use" )
seamless: bool = Field(default=False, description="Whether or not to generate an image that can tile without seams", )
seamless_axes: str = Field(default="", description="The axes to tile the image on, 'x' and/or 'y'")
model: str = Field(default="", description="The model to use (currently ignored)")
progress_images: bool = Field(default=False, description="Whether or not to produce progress images during generation", )
# fmt: on
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["latents", "image"],
"type_hints": {
"model": "model"
# TODO: pass this an emitter method or something? or a session for dispatching?
def dispatch_progress(
self, context: InvocationContext, sample: Tensor, step: int
self, context: InvocationContext, intermediate_state: PipelineIntermediateState
) -> None:
# TODO: only output a preview image when requested
image = Generator.sample_to_lowres_estimated_image(sample)
if (context.services.queue.is_canceled(context.graph_execution_state_id)):
raise CanceledException
(width, height) = image.size
width *= 8
height *= 8
step = intermediate_state.step
if intermediate_state.predicted_original is not None:
# Some schedulers report not only the noisy latents at the current timestep,
# but also their estimate so far of what the de-noised latents will be.
sample = intermediate_state.predicted_original
sample = intermediate_state.latents
dataURL = image_to_dataURL(image, image_format="JPEG")
diffusers_step_callback_adapter(sample, step, steps=self.steps, id=self.id, context=context)
"width": width,
"height": height,
"dataURL": dataURL
def get_model(self, model_manager: ModelManager) -> StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline:
model_info = model_manager.get_model(self.model)
model_info = choose_model(model_manager, self.model)
model_name = model_info['model_name']
model_hash = model_info['hash']
model: StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline = model_info['model']
model.scheduler = get_scheduler(
if isinstance(model, DiffusionPipeline):
@ -214,7 +232,7 @@ class TextToLatentsInvocation(BaseInvocation):
noise = context.services.latents.get(self.noise.latents_name)
def step_callback(state: PipelineIntermediateState):
self.dispatch_progress(context, state.latents, state.step)
self.dispatch_progress(context, state)
model = self.get_model(context.services.model_manager)
conditioning_data = self.get_conditioning_data(model)
@ -239,6 +257,67 @@ class TextToLatentsInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class LatentsToLatentsInvocation(TextToLatentsInvocation):
"""Generates latents using latents as base image."""
type: Literal["l2l"] = "l2l"
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["latents"],
"type_hints": {
"model": "model"
# Inputs
latents: Optional[LatentsField] = Field(description="The latents to use as a base image")
strength: float = Field(default=0.5, description="The strength of the latents to use")
def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> LatentsOutput:
noise = context.services.latents.get(self.noise.latents_name)
latent = context.services.latents.get(self.latents.latents_name)
def step_callback(state: PipelineIntermediateState):
self.dispatch_progress(context, state)
model = self.get_model(context.services.model_manager)
conditioning_data = self.get_conditioning_data(model)
# TODO: Verify the noise is the right size
initial_latents = latent if self.strength < 1.0 else torch.zeros_like(
latent, device=model.device, dtype=latent.dtype
timesteps, _ = model.get_img2img_timesteps(
result_latents, result_attention_map_saver = model.latents_from_embeddings(
# https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/memory-usage-by-later-pipeline-stages/23699
name = f'{context.graph_execution_state_id}__{self.id}'
context.services.latents.set(name, result_latents)
return LatentsOutput(
class LatentsToLatentsInvocation(TextToLatentsInvocation):
"""Generates latents using latents as base image."""
@ -253,7 +332,7 @@ class LatentsToLatentsInvocation(TextToLatentsInvocation):
latent = context.services.latents.get(self.latents.latents_name)
def step_callback(state: PipelineIntermediateState):
self.dispatch_progress(context, state.latents, state.step)
self.dispatch_progress(context, state)
model = self.get_model(context.services.model_manager)
conditioning_data = self.get_conditioning_data(model)
@ -299,12 +378,23 @@ class LatentsToImageInvocation(BaseInvocation):
latents: Optional[LatentsField] = Field(description="The latents to generate an image from")
model: str = Field(default="", description="The model to use")
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["latents", "image"],
"type_hints": {
"model": "model"
def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
latents = context.services.latents.get(self.latents.latents_name)
# TODO: this only really needs the vae
model_info = context.services.model_manager.get_model(self.model)
model_info = choose_model(context.services.model_manager, self.model)
model: StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline = model_info['model']
with torch.inference_mode():
@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Schouviller (https://github.com/kyle0654)
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Literal, Optional
from typing import Literal
import numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from ..services.image_storage import ImageType
from ..services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
class MathInvocationConfig(BaseModel):
"""Helper class to provide all math invocations with additional config"""
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["math"],
class IntOutput(BaseInvocationOutput):
@ -20,7 +27,7 @@ class IntOutput(BaseInvocationOutput):
#fmt: on
class AddInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class AddInvocation(BaseInvocation, MathInvocationConfig):
"""Adds two numbers"""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["add"] = "add"
@ -32,7 +39,7 @@ class AddInvocation(BaseInvocation):
return IntOutput(a=self.a + self.b)
class SubtractInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class SubtractInvocation(BaseInvocation, MathInvocationConfig):
"""Subtracts two numbers"""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["sub"] = "sub"
@ -44,7 +51,7 @@ class SubtractInvocation(BaseInvocation):
return IntOutput(a=self.a - self.b)
class MultiplyInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class MultiplyInvocation(BaseInvocation, MathInvocationConfig):
"""Multiplies two numbers"""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["mul"] = "mul"
@ -56,7 +63,7 @@ class MultiplyInvocation(BaseInvocation):
return IntOutput(a=self.a * self.b)
class DivideInvocation(BaseInvocation):
class DivideInvocation(BaseInvocation, MathInvocationConfig):
"""Divides two numbers"""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["div"] = "div"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Schouviller (https://github.com/kyle0654)
from typing import Literal
from pydantic import Field
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext
from .math import IntOutput
# Pass-through parameter nodes - used by subgraphs
class ParamIntInvocation(BaseInvocation):
"""An integer parameter"""
#fmt: off
type: Literal["param_int"] = "param_int"
a: int = Field(default=0, description="The integer value")
#fmt: on
def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> IntOutput:
return IntOutput(a=self.a)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from pydantic import Field
from invokeai.app.models.image import ImageField, ImageType
from ..services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
from .image import ImageOutput
class RestoreFaceInvocation(BaseInvocation):
@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ class RestoreFaceInvocation(BaseInvocation):
strength: float = Field(default=0.75, gt=0, le=1, description="The strength of the restoration" )
#fmt: on
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["restoration", "image"],
def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
image = context.services.images.get(
self.image.image_type, self.image.image_name
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from pydantic import Field
from invokeai.app.models.image import ImageField, ImageType
from ..services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
from .image import ImageOutput
@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ class UpscaleInvocation(BaseInvocation):
level: Literal[2, 4] = Field(default=2, description="The upscale level")
#fmt: on
# Schema customisation
class Config(InvocationConfig):
schema_extra = {
"ui": {
"tags": ["upscaling", "image"],
def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
image = context.services.images.get(
self.image.image_type, self.image.image_name
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from invokeai.app.invocations.baseinvocation import InvocationContext
from invokeai.backend.model_management.model_manager import ModelManager
def choose_model(model_manager: ModelManager, model_name: str):
"""Returns the default model if the `model_name` not a valid model, else returns the selected model."""
if model_manager.valid_model(model_name):
return model_manager.get_model(model_name)
print(f"* Warning: '{model_name}' is not a valid model name. Using default model instead.")
return model_manager.get_model()
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class ImageType(str, Enum):
class ImageField(BaseModel):
"""An image field used for passing image objects between invocations"""
image_type: str = Field(
image_type: ImageType = Field(
default=ImageType.RESULT, description="The type of the image"
image_name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the image")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
from ..invocations.latent import LatentsToImageInvocation, NoiseInvocation, TextToLatentsInvocation
from ..invocations.params import ParamIntInvocation
from .graph import Edge, EdgeConnection, ExposedNodeInput, ExposedNodeOutput, Graph, LibraryGraph
from .item_storage import ItemStorageABC
default_text_to_image_graph_id = '539b2af5-2b4d-4d8c-8071-e54a3255fc74'
def create_text_to_image() -> LibraryGraph:
return LibraryGraph(
description='Converts text to an image',
'width': ParamIntInvocation(id='width', a=512),
'height': ParamIntInvocation(id='height', a=512),
'3': NoiseInvocation(id='3'),
'4': TextToLatentsInvocation(id='4'),
'5': LatentsToImageInvocation(id='5')
Edge(source=EdgeConnection(node_id='width', field='a'), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id='3', field='width')),
Edge(source=EdgeConnection(node_id='height', field='a'), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id='3', field='height')),
Edge(source=EdgeConnection(node_id='width', field='a'), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id='4', field='width')),
Edge(source=EdgeConnection(node_id='height', field='a'), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id='4', field='height')),
Edge(source=EdgeConnection(node_id='3', field='noise'), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id='4', field='noise')),
Edge(source=EdgeConnection(node_id='4', field='latents'), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id='5', field='latents')),
ExposedNodeInput(node_path='4', field='prompt', alias='prompt'),
ExposedNodeInput(node_path='width', field='a', alias='width'),
ExposedNodeInput(node_path='height', field='a', alias='height')
ExposedNodeOutput(node_path='5', field='image', alias='image')
def create_system_graphs(graph_library: ItemStorageABC[LibraryGraph]) -> list[LibraryGraph]:
"""Creates the default system graphs, or adds new versions if the old ones don't match"""
graphs: list[LibraryGraph] = list()
text_to_image = graph_library.get(default_text_to_image_graph_id)
# TODO: Check if the graph is the same as the default one, and if not, update it
#if text_to_image is None:
text_to_image = create_text_to_image()
return graphs
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from typing import (
import networkx as nx
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator, validator
from pydantic.fields import Field
from ..invocations import *
@ -283,7 +283,8 @@ class Graph(BaseModel):
:raises InvalidEdgeError: the provided edge is invalid.
if self._is_edge_valid(edge) and edge not in self.edges:
if edge not in self.edges:
raise InvalidEdgeError()
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ class Graph(BaseModel):
return True
def _is_edge_valid(self, edge: Edge) -> bool:
def _validate_edge(self, edge: Edge):
"""Validates that a new edge doesn't create a cycle in the graph"""
# Validate that the nodes exist (edges may contain node paths, so we can't just check for nodes directly)
@ -362,54 +363,53 @@ class Graph(BaseModel):
from_node = self.get_node(edge.source.node_id)
to_node = self.get_node(edge.destination.node_id)
except NodeNotFoundError:
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError("One or both nodes don't exist")
# Validate that an edge to this node+field doesn't already exist
input_edges = self._get_input_edges(edge.destination.node_id, edge.destination.field)
if len(input_edges) > 0 and not isinstance(to_node, CollectInvocation):
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError(f'Edge to node {edge.destination.node_id} field {edge.destination.field} already exists')
# Validate that no cycles would be created
g = self.nx_graph_flat()
g.add_edge(edge.source.node_id, edge.destination.node_id)
if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(g):
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError(f'Edge creates a cycle in the graph')
# Validate that the field types are compatible
if not are_connections_compatible(
from_node, edge.source.field, to_node, edge.destination.field
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError(f'Fields are incompatible')
# Validate if iterator output type matches iterator input type (if this edge results in both being set)
if isinstance(to_node, IterateInvocation) and edge.destination.field == "collection":
if not self._is_iterator_connection_valid(
edge.destination.node_id, new_input=edge.source
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError(f'Iterator input type does not match iterator output type')
# Validate if iterator input type matches output type (if this edge results in both being set)
if isinstance(from_node, IterateInvocation) and edge.source.field == "item":
if not self._is_iterator_connection_valid(
edge.source.node_id, new_output=edge.destination
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError(f'Iterator output type does not match iterator input type')
# Validate if collector input type matches output type (if this edge results in both being set)
if isinstance(to_node, CollectInvocation) and edge.destination.field == "item":
if not self._is_collector_connection_valid(
edge.destination.node_id, new_input=edge.source
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError(f'Collector output type does not match collector input type')
# Validate if collector output type matches input type (if this edge results in both being set)
if isinstance(from_node, CollectInvocation) and edge.source.field == "collection":
if not self._is_collector_connection_valid(
edge.source.node_id, new_output=edge.destination
return False
raise InvalidEdgeError(f'Collector input type does not match collector output type')
return True
def has_node(self, node_path: str) -> bool:
"""Determines whether or not a node exists in the graph."""
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ class Graph(BaseModel):
for sgn in (
gn for gn in self.nodes.values() if isinstance(gn, GraphInvocation)
sgn.graph.nx_graph_flat(g, self._get_node_path(sgn.id, prefix))
g = sgn.graph.nx_graph_flat(g, self._get_node_path(sgn.id, prefix))
# TODO: figure out if iteration nodes need to be expanded
@ -858,7 +858,8 @@ class GraphExecutionState(BaseModel):
def is_complete(self) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the graph is complete"""
return self.has_error() or all((k in self.executed for k in self.graph.nodes))
node_ids = set(self.graph.nx_graph_flat().nodes)
return self.has_error() or all((k in self.executed for k in node_ids))
def has_error(self) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the graph has any errors"""
@ -946,11 +947,11 @@ class GraphExecutionState(BaseModel):
def _iterator_graph(self) -> nx.DiGraph:
"""Gets a DiGraph with edges to collectors removed so an ancestor search produces all active iterators for any node"""
g = self.graph.nx_graph()
g = self.graph.nx_graph_flat()
collectors = (
for n in self.graph.nodes
if isinstance(self.graph.nodes[n], CollectInvocation)
if isinstance(self.graph.get_node(n), CollectInvocation)
for c in collectors:
@ -962,7 +963,7 @@ class GraphExecutionState(BaseModel):
iterators = [
for n in nx.ancestors(g, node_id)
if isinstance(self.graph.nodes[n], IterateInvocation)
if isinstance(self.graph.get_node(n), IterateInvocation)
return iterators
@ -1098,7 +1099,9 @@ class GraphExecutionState(BaseModel):
# TODO: Add API for modifying underlying graph that checks if the change will be valid given the current execution state
def _is_edge_valid(self, edge: Edge) -> bool:
if not self._is_edge_valid(edge):
except InvalidEdgeError:
return False
# Invalid if destination has already been prepared or executed
@ -1144,4 +1147,52 @@ class GraphExecutionState(BaseModel):
class ExposedNodeInput(BaseModel):
node_path: str = Field(description="The node path to the node with the input")
field: str = Field(description="The field name of the input")
alias: str = Field(description="The alias of the input")
class ExposedNodeOutput(BaseModel):
node_path: str = Field(description="The node path to the node with the output")
field: str = Field(description="The field name of the output")
alias: str = Field(description="The alias of the output")
class LibraryGraph(BaseModel):
id: str = Field(description="The unique identifier for this library graph", default_factory=uuid.uuid4)
graph: Graph = Field(description="The graph")
name: str = Field(description="The name of the graph")
description: str = Field(description="The description of the graph")
exposed_inputs: list[ExposedNodeInput] = Field(description="The inputs exposed by this graph", default_factory=list)
exposed_outputs: list[ExposedNodeOutput] = Field(description="The outputs exposed by this graph", default_factory=list)
@validator('exposed_inputs', 'exposed_outputs')
def validate_exposed_aliases(cls, v):
if len(v) != len(set(i.alias for i in v)):
raise ValueError("Duplicate exposed alias")
return v
def validate_exposed_nodes(cls, values):
graph = values['graph']
# Validate exposed inputs
for exposed_input in values['exposed_inputs']:
if not graph.has_node(exposed_input.node_path):
raise ValueError(f"Exposed input node {exposed_input.node_path} does not exist")
node = graph.get_node(exposed_input.node_path)
if get_input_field(node, exposed_input.field) is None:
raise ValueError(f"Exposed input field {exposed_input.field} does not exist on node {exposed_input.node_path}")
# Validate exposed outputs
for exposed_output in values['exposed_outputs']:
if not graph.has_node(exposed_output.node_path):
raise ValueError(f"Exposed output node {exposed_output.node_path} does not exist")
node = graph.get_node(exposed_output.node_path)
if get_output_field(node, exposed_output.field) is None:
raise ValueError(f"Exposed output field {exposed_output.field} does not exist on node {exposed_output.node_path}")
return values
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class InvocationServices:
restoration: RestorationServices
# NOTE: we must forward-declare any types that include invocations, since invocations can use services
graph_library: ItemStorageABC["LibraryGraph"]
graph_execution_manager: ItemStorageABC["GraphExecutionState"]
processor: "InvocationProcessorABC"
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ class InvocationServices:
latents: LatentsStorageBase,
images: ImageStorageBase,
queue: InvocationQueueABC,
graph_library: ItemStorageABC["LibraryGraph"],
graph_execution_manager: ItemStorageABC["GraphExecutionState"],
processor: "InvocationProcessorABC",
restoration: RestorationServices,
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ class InvocationServices:
self.latents = latents
self.images = images
self.queue = queue
self.graph_library = graph_library
self.graph_execution_manager = graph_execution_manager
self.processor = processor
self.restoration = restoration
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ class SqliteItemStorage(ItemStorageABC, Generic[T]):
def _create_table(self):
with self._lock:
f"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {self._table_name} (
item TEXT,
@ -45,34 +44,27 @@ class SqliteItemStorage(ItemStorageABC, Generic[T]):
f"""CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {self._table_name}_id ON {self._table_name}(id);"""
def _parse_item(self, item: str) -> T:
item_type = get_args(self.__orig_class__)[0]
return parse_raw_as(item_type, item)
def set(self, item: T):
with self._lock:
f"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {self._table_name} (item) VALUES (?);""",
def get(self, id: str) -> Union[T, None]:
with self._lock:
f"""SELECT item FROM {self._table_name} WHERE id = ?;""", (str(id),)
result = self._cursor.fetchone()
if not result:
return None
@ -80,19 +72,15 @@ class SqliteItemStorage(ItemStorageABC, Generic[T]):
return self._parse_item(result[0])
def delete(self, id: str):
with self._lock:
f"""DELETE FROM {self._table_name} WHERE id = ?;""", (str(id),)
def list(self, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10) -> PaginatedResults[T]:
with self._lock:
f"""SELECT item FROM {self._table_name} LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;""",
(per_page, page * per_page),
@ -103,8 +91,6 @@ class SqliteItemStorage(ItemStorageABC, Generic[T]):
self._cursor.execute(f"""SELECT count(*) FROM {self._table_name};""")
count = self._cursor.fetchone()[0]
pageCount = int(count / per_page) + 1
@ -115,8 +101,7 @@ class SqliteItemStorage(ItemStorageABC, Generic[T]):
def search(
self, query: str, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10
) -> PaginatedResults[T]:
with self._lock:
f"""SELECT item FROM {self._table_name} WHERE item LIKE ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;""",
(f"%{query}%", per_page, page * per_page),
@ -130,8 +115,6 @@ class SqliteItemStorage(ItemStorageABC, Generic[T]):
count = self._cursor.fetchone()[0]
pageCount = int(count / per_page) + 1
@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ class ModelManager(object):
return self.device.type == "cuda"
def _diffuser_sha256(
self, name_or_path: Union[str, Path], chunksize=4096
self, name_or_path: Union[str, Path], chunksize=16777216
) -> Union[str, bytes]:
path = None
if isinstance(name_or_path, Path):
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ dependencies = [
"clip_anytorch", # replacing "clip @ https://github.com/openai/CLIP/archive/eaa22acb90a5876642d0507623e859909230a52d.zip",
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from invokeai.app.services.processor import DefaultInvocationProcessor
from invokeai.app.services.sqlite import SqliteItemStorage, sqlite_memory
from invokeai.app.services.invocation_queue import MemoryInvocationQueue
from invokeai.app.services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
from invokeai.app.services.graph import Graph, GraphInvocation, InvalidEdgeError, NodeAlreadyInGraphError, NodeNotFoundError, are_connections_compatible, EdgeConnection, CollectInvocation, IterateInvocation, GraphExecutionState
from invokeai.app.services.graph import Graph, GraphInvocation, InvalidEdgeError, LibraryGraph, NodeAlreadyInGraphError, NodeNotFoundError, are_connections_compatible, EdgeConnection, CollectInvocation, IterateInvocation, GraphExecutionState
import pytest
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ def mock_services():
images = None, # type: ignore
latents = None, # type: ignore
queue = MemoryInvocationQueue(),
filename=sqlite_memory, table_name="graphs"
graph_execution_manager = SqliteItemStorage[GraphExecutionState](filename = sqlite_memory, table_name = 'graph_executions'),
processor = DefaultInvocationProcessor(),
restoration = None, # type: ignore
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from invokeai.app.services.invocation_queue import MemoryInvocationQueue
from invokeai.app.services.invoker import Invoker
from invokeai.app.invocations.baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, InvocationContext
from invokeai.app.services.invocation_services import InvocationServices
from invokeai.app.services.graph import Graph, GraphInvocation, InvalidEdgeError, NodeAlreadyInGraphError, NodeNotFoundError, are_connections_compatible, EdgeConnection, CollectInvocation, IterateInvocation, GraphExecutionState
from invokeai.app.services.graph import Graph, GraphInvocation, InvalidEdgeError, LibraryGraph, NodeAlreadyInGraphError, NodeNotFoundError, are_connections_compatible, EdgeConnection, CollectInvocation, IterateInvocation, GraphExecutionState
import pytest
@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ def mock_services() -> InvocationServices:
images = None, # type: ignore
latents = None, # type: ignore
queue = MemoryInvocationQueue(),
filename=sqlite_memory, table_name="graphs"
graph_execution_manager = SqliteItemStorage[GraphExecutionState](filename = sqlite_memory, table_name = 'graph_executions'),
processor = DefaultInvocationProcessor(),
restoration = None, # type: ignore
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
from invokeai.app.invocations.image import *
from .test_nodes import ListPassThroughInvocation, PromptTestInvocation
from invokeai.app.services.graph import Edge, Graph, GraphInvocation, InvalidEdgeError, NodeAlreadyInGraphError, NodeNotFoundError, are_connections_compatible, EdgeConnection, CollectInvocation, IterateInvocation
from invokeai.app.invocations.generate import ImageToImageInvocation, TextToImageInvocation
from invokeai.app.invocations.upscale import UpscaleInvocation
from invokeai.app.invocations.image import *
from invokeai.app.invocations.math import AddInvocation, SubtractInvocation
from invokeai.app.invocations.params import ParamIntInvocation
from invokeai.app.services.default_graphs import create_text_to_image
import pytest
@ -417,6 +419,66 @@ def test_graph_gets_subgraph_node():
assert result.id == '1'
assert result == n1_1
def test_graph_expands_subgraph():
g = Graph()
n1 = GraphInvocation(id = "1")
n1.graph = Graph()
n1_1 = AddInvocation(id = "1", a = 1, b = 2)
n1_2 = SubtractInvocation(id = "2", b = 3)
n2 = AddInvocation(id = "2", b = 5)
dg = g.nx_graph_flat()
assert set(dg.nodes) == set(['1.1', '1.2', '2'])
assert set(dg.edges) == set([('1.1', '1.2'), ('1.2', '2')])
def test_graph_subgraph_t2i():
g = Graph()
n1 = GraphInvocation(id = "1")
# Get text to image default graph
lg = create_text_to_image()
n1.graph = lg.graph
n2 = ParamIntInvocation(id = "2", a = 512)
n3 = ParamIntInvocation(id = "3", a = 256)
n4 = ShowImageInvocation(id = "4")
# Validate
dg = g.nx_graph_flat()
assert set(dg.nodes) == set(['1.width', '1.height', '1.3', '1.4', '1.5', '2', '3', '4'])
expected_edges = [(f'1.{e.source.node_id}',f'1.{e.destination.node_id}') for e in lg.graph.edges]
assert set(dg.edges) == set(expected_edges)
def test_graph_fails_to_get_missing_subgraph_node():
g = Graph()
n1 = GraphInvocation(id = "1")
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