mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
Adding outpainting implementation (as part of inpaint).
This commit is contained in:
@ -293,6 +293,13 @@ class Generate:
catch_interrupts = False,
hires_fix = False,
use_mps_noise = False,
# Seam settings for outpainting
seam_size: int = 0,
seam_blur: int = 0,
seam_strength: float = 0.7,
seam_steps: int = 10,
tile_size: int = 32,
force_outpaint: bool = False,
): # eat up additional cruft
@ -420,7 +427,7 @@ class Generate:
# TODO: Hacky selection of operation to perform. Needs to be refactored.
if (init_image is not None) and (mask_image is not None):
if ((init_image is not None) and (mask_image is not None)) or force_outpaint:
generator = self._make_inpaint()
elif (embiggen != None or embiggen_tiles != None):
generator = self._make_embiggen()
@ -464,7 +471,13 @@ class Generate:
seam_size = seam_size,
seam_blur = seam_blur,
seam_strength = seam_strength,
seam_steps = seam_steps,
tile_size = tile_size,
force_outpaint = force_outpaint
if init_color:
@ -888,8 +901,9 @@ class Generate:
image = ImageOps.exif_transpose(image)
return image
def _create_init_image(self, image, width, height, fit=True):
image = image.convert('RGB')
def _create_init_image(self, image: Image.Image, width, height, fit=True):
if image.mode != 'RGBA':
image = image.convert('RGB')
image = self._fit_image(image, (width, height)) if fit else self._squeeze_image(image)
return image
@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
ldm.invoke.generator.inpaint descends from ldm.invoke.generator
import math
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as T
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps
from skimage.exposure.histogram_matching import match_histograms
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from ldm.invoke.devices import choose_autocast
@ -24,11 +25,128 @@ class Inpaint(Img2Img):
self.mask_blur_radius = 0
super().__init__(model, precision)
# Outpaint support code
def get_tile_images(self, image: np.ndarray, width=8, height=8):
_nrows, _ncols, depth = image.shape
_strides = image.strides
nrows, _m = divmod(_nrows, height)
ncols, _n = divmod(_ncols, width)
if _m != 0 or _n != 0:
return None
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
shape=(nrows, ncols, height, width, depth),
strides=(height * _strides[0], width * _strides[1], *_strides),
def tile_fill_missing(self, im: Image.Image, tile_size: int = 16, seed: int = None) -> Image:
a = np.asarray(im, dtype=np.uint8)
tile_size = (tile_size, tile_size)
# Get the image as tiles of a specified size
tiles = self.get_tile_images(a,*tile_size).copy()
# Get the mask as tiles
tiles_mask = tiles[:,:,:,:,3]
# Find any mask tiles with any fully transparent pixels (we will be replacing these later)
tmask_shape = tiles_mask.shape
tiles_mask = tiles_mask.reshape(math.prod(tiles_mask.shape))
n,ny = (math.prod(tmask_shape[0:2])), math.prod(tmask_shape[2:])
tiles_mask = (tiles_mask > 0)
tiles_mask = tiles_mask.reshape((n,ny)).all(axis = 1)
# Get RGB tiles in single array and filter by the mask
tshape = tiles.shape
tiles_all = tiles.reshape((math.prod(tiles.shape[0:2]), * tiles.shape[2:]))
filtered_tiles = tiles_all[tiles_mask]
if len(filtered_tiles) == 0:
return im
# Find all invalid tiles and replace with a random valid tile
replace_count = (tiles_mask == False).sum()
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed = seed)
tiles_all[np.logical_not(tiles_mask)] = filtered_tiles[rng.choice(filtered_tiles.shape[0], replace_count),:,:,:]
# Convert back to an image
tiles_all = tiles_all.reshape(tshape)
tiles_all = tiles_all.swapaxes(1,2)
st = tiles_all.reshape((math.prod(tiles_all.shape[0:2]), math.prod(tiles_all.shape[2:4]), tiles_all.shape[4]))
si = Image.fromarray(st, mode='RGBA')
return si
def mask_edge(self, mask: Image, edge_size: int, edge_blur: int) -> Image:
npimg = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.uint8)
# Detect any partially transparent regions
npgradient = np.uint8(255 * (1.0 - np.floor(np.abs(0.5 - np.float32(npimg) / 255.0) * 2.0)))
# Detect hard edges
npedge = cv.Canny(npimg, threshold1=100, threshold2=200)
# Combine
npmask = npgradient + npedge
# Expand
npmask = cv.dilate(npmask, np.ones((3,3), np.uint8), iterations = int(edge_size / 2))
new_mask = Image.fromarray(npmask)
if edge_blur > 0:
new_mask = new_mask.filter(ImageFilter.BoxBlur(edge_blur))
return ImageOps.invert(new_mask)
def seam_paint(self,
im: Image.Image,
seam_size: int,
seam_blur: int,
) -> Image.Image:
hard_mask = self.pil_image.split()[-1].copy()
mask = self.mask_edge(hard_mask, seam_size, seam_blur)
make_image = self.get_make_image(
init_image = im.copy().convert('RGBA'),
mask_image = mask.convert('RGB'), # Code currently requires an RGB mask
strength = strength,
mask_blur_radius = 0,
seam_size = 0
result = make_image(noise)
return result
def get_make_image(self,prompt,sampler,steps,cfg_scale,ddim_eta,
mask_blur_radius: int = 8,
step_callback=None,inpaint_replace=False, **kwargs):
# Seam settings - when 0, doesn't fill seam
seam_size: int = 0,
seam_blur: int = 0,
seam_strength: float = 0.7,
seam_steps: int = 10,
tile_size: int = 32,
inpaint_replace=False, **kwargs):
Returns a function returning an image derived from the prompt and
the initial image + mask. Return value depends on the seed at
@ -37,7 +155,17 @@ class Inpaint(Img2Img):
if isinstance(init_image, PIL.Image.Image):
self.pil_image = init_image
init_image = self._image_to_tensor(init_image)
# Fill missing areas of original image
init_filled = self.tile_fill_missing(
seed = self.seed,
tile_size = tile_size
init_filled.paste(init_image, (0,0), init_image.split()[-1])
# Create init tensor
init_image = self._image_to_tensor(init_filled.convert('RGB'))
if isinstance(mask_image, PIL.Image.Image):
self.pil_mask = mask_image
@ -105,45 +233,55 @@ class Inpaint(Img2Img):
mask = mask_image,
init_latent = self.init_latent
return self.sample_to_image(samples)
result = self.sample_to_image(samples)
# Seam paint if this is our first pass (seam_size set to 0 during seam painting)
if seam_size > 0:
result = self.seam_paint(
return result
return make_image
def sample_to_image(self, samples)->Image.Image:
gen_result = super().sample_to_image(samples).convert('RGB')
if self.pil_image is None or self.pil_mask is None:
return gen_result
pil_mask = self.pil_mask
pil_image = self.pil_image
mask_blur_radius = self.mask_blur_radius
def color_correct(self, image: Image.Image, base_image: Image.Image, mask: Image.Image, mask_blur_radius: int) -> Image.Image:
# Get the original alpha channel of the mask if there is one.
# Otherwise it is some other black/white image format ('1', 'L' or 'RGB')
pil_init_mask = pil_mask.getchannel('A') if pil_mask.mode == 'RGBA' else pil_mask.convert('L')
pil_init_image = pil_image.convert('RGBA') # Add an alpha channel if one doesn't exist
pil_init_mask = mask.getchannel('A') if mask.mode == 'RGBA' else mask.convert('L')
pil_init_image = base_image.convert('RGBA') # Add an alpha channel if one doesn't exist
# Build an image with only visible pixels from source to use as reference for color-matching.
init_rgb_pixels = np.asarray(pil_image.convert('RGB'), dtype=np.uint8)
init_rgb_pixels = np.asarray(base_image.convert('RGB'), dtype=np.uint8)
init_a_pixels = np.asarray(pil_init_image.getchannel('A'), dtype=np.uint8)
init_mask_pixels = np.asarray(pil_init_mask, dtype=np.uint8)
# Get numpy version of result
np_gen_result = np.asarray(gen_result, dtype=np.uint8)
np_image = np.asarray(image, dtype=np.uint8)
# Mask and calculate mean and standard deviation
mask_pixels = init_a_pixels * init_mask_pixels > 0
np_init_rgb_pixels_masked = init_rgb_pixels[mask_pixels, :]
np_gen_result_masked = np_gen_result[mask_pixels, :]
np_image_masked = np_image[mask_pixels, :]
init_means = np_init_rgb_pixels_masked.mean(axis=0)
init_std = np_init_rgb_pixels_masked.std(axis=0)
gen_means = np_gen_result_masked.mean(axis=0)
gen_std = np_gen_result_masked.std(axis=0)
gen_means = np_image_masked.mean(axis=0)
gen_std = np_image_masked.std(axis=0)
# Color correct
np_matched_result = np_gen_result.copy()
np_matched_result = np_image.copy()
np_matched_result[:,:,:] = (((np_matched_result[:,:,:].astype(np.float32) - gen_means[None,None,:]) / gen_std[None,None,:]) * init_std[None,None,:] + init_means[None,None,:]).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
matched_result = Image.fromarray(np_matched_result, mode='RGB')
@ -157,5 +295,16 @@ class Inpaint(Img2Img):
blurred_init_mask = pil_init_mask
# Paste original on color-corrected generation (using blurred mask)
matched_result.paste(pil_image, (0,0), mask = blurred_init_mask)
matched_result.paste(base_image, (0,0), mask = blurred_init_mask)
return matched_result
def sample_to_image(self, samples)->Image.Image:
gen_result = super().sample_to_image(samples).convert('RGB')
if self.pil_image is None or self.pil_mask is None:
return gen_result
corrected_result = self.color_correct(gen_result, self.pil_image, self.pil_mask, self.mask_blur_radius)
return corrected_result
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