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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
tidy(nodes): remove commented tests
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@ -421,21 +421,6 @@ def test_graph_invalid_if_edges_reference_missing_nodes():
assert g.is_valid() is False
# def test_graph_invalid_if_subgraph_invalid():
# g = Graph()
# n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1")
# n1.graph = Graph()
# n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi")
# n1.graph.nodes[n1_1.id] = n1_1
# e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "2", "image")
# n1.graph.edges.append(e1)
# g.nodes[n1.id] = n1
# assert g.is_valid() is False
def test_graph_invalid_if_has_cycle():
g = Graph()
n1 = ESRGANInvocation(id="1")
@ -462,110 +447,6 @@ def test_graph_invalid_with_invalid_connection():
assert g.is_valid() is False
# # TODO: Subgraph operations
# def test_graph_gets_subgraph_node():
# g = Graph()
# n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1")
# n1.graph = Graph()
# n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi")
# n1.graph.add_node(n1_1)
# g.add_node(n1)
# result = g.get_node("1.1")
# assert result is not None
# assert result.id == "1"
# assert result == n1_1
# def test_graph_expands_subgraph():
# g = Graph()
# n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1")
# n1.graph = Graph()
# n1_1 = AddInvocation(id="1", a=1, b=2)
# n1_2 = SubtractInvocation(id="2", b=3)
# n1.graph.add_node(n1_1)
# n1.graph.add_node(n1_2)
# n1.graph.add_edge(create_edge("1", "value", "2", "a"))
# g.add_node(n1)
# n2 = AddInvocation(id="2", b=5)
# g.add_node(n2)
# g.add_edge(create_edge("1.2", "value", "2", "a"))
# dg = g.nx_graph_flat()
# assert set(dg.nodes) == {"1.1", "1.2", "2"}
# assert set(dg.edges) == {("1.1", "1.2"), ("1.2", "2")}
# def test_graph_subgraph_t2i():
# g = Graph()
# n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1")
# # Get text to image default graph
# lg = create_text_to_image()
# n1.graph = lg.graph
# g.add_node(n1)
# n2 = IntegerInvocation(id="2", value=512)
# n3 = IntegerInvocation(id="3", value=256)
# g.add_node(n2)
# g.add_node(n3)
# g.add_edge(create_edge("2", "value", "1.width", "value"))
# g.add_edge(create_edge("3", "value", "1.height", "value"))
# n4 = ShowImageInvocation(id="4")
# g.add_node(n4)
# g.add_edge(create_edge("1.8", "image", "4", "image"))
# # Validate
# dg = g.nx_graph_flat()
# assert set(dg.nodes) == {"1.width", "1.height", "1.seed", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "2", "3", "4"}
# expected_edges = [(f"1.{e.source.node_id}", f"1.{e.destination.node_id}") for e in lg.graph.edges]
# expected_edges.extend([("2", "1.width"), ("3", "1.height"), ("1.8", "4")])
# print(expected_edges)
# print(list(dg.edges))
# assert set(dg.edges) == set(expected_edges)
# def test_graph_fails_to_get_missing_subgraph_node():
# g = Graph()
# n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1")
# n1.graph = Graph()
# n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi")
# n1.graph.add_node(n1_1)
# g.add_node(n1)
# with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError):
# _ = g.get_node("1.2")
# def test_graph_fails_to_enumerate_non_subgraph_node():
# g = Graph()
# n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1")
# n1.graph = Graph()
# n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi")
# n1.graph.add_node(n1_1)
# g.add_node(n1)
# n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2")
# g.add_node(n2)
# with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError):
# _ = g.get_node("2.1")
def test_graph_gets_networkx_graph():
g = Graph()
n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi")
@ -39,30 +39,6 @@ def batch_graph() -> Graph:
return g
# def test_populate_graph_with_subgraph():
# g1 = Graph()
# g1.add_node(PromptTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi"))
# g1.add_node(PromptTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi"))
# n1 = PromptTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana snake")
# subgraph = Graph()
# subgraph.add_node(n1)
# g1.add_node(GraphInvocation(id="3", graph=subgraph))
# nfvs = [
# NodeFieldValue(node_path="1", field_name="prompt", value="Strawberry sushi"),
# NodeFieldValue(node_path="2", field_name="prompt", value="Strawberry sunday"),
# NodeFieldValue(node_path="3.1", field_name="prompt", value="Strawberry snake"),
# ]
# g2 = populate_graph(g1, nfvs)
# # do not mutate g1
# assert g1 is not g2
# assert g2.get_node("1").prompt == "Strawberry sushi"
# assert g2.get_node("2").prompt == "Strawberry sunday"
# assert g2.get_node("3.1").prompt == "Strawberry snake"
def test_create_sessions_from_batch_with_runs(batch_data_collection, batch_graph):
b = Batch(graph=batch_graph, data=batch_data_collection, runs=2)
t = list(create_session_nfv_tuples(batch=b, maximum=1000))
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