orphaned since #3550 removed the LazilyLoadedModelGroup code, probably unused since ModelCache took over responsibility for sequential offload somewhere around #3335.
ApiDependencies.invoker` provides typing for the API's services layer. Marking it `Optional` results in all the routes seeing it as optional, which is not good.
Instead of marking it optional to satisfy the initial assignment to `None`, we can just skip the initial assignment. This preserves the IDE hinting in API layer and is types-legal.
multi-select actions include:
- drag to board to move all to that board
- right click to add all to board or delete all
backend changes:
- add routes for changing board for list of image names, deleting list of images
- change image-specific routes to `images/i/{image_name}` to not clobber other routes (like `images/upload`, `images/delete`)
- subclass pydantic `BaseModel` as `BaseModelExcludeNull`, which excludes null values when calling `dict()` on the model. this fixes inconsistent types related to JSON parsing null values into `null` instead of `undefined`
- remove `board_id` from `remove_image_from_board`
frontend changes:
- multi-selection stuff uses `ImageDTO[]` as payloads, for dnd and other mutations. this gives us access to image `board_id`s when hitting routes, and enables efficient cache updates.
- consolidate change board and delete image modals to handle single and multiples
- board totals are now re-fetched on mutation and not kept in sync manually - was way too tedious to do this
- fixed warning about nested `<p>` elements
- closes#4088 , need to handle case when `autoAddBoardId` is `"none"`
- add option to show gallery image delete button on every gallery image
frontend refactors/organisation:
- make typegen script js instead of ts
- enable `noUncheckedIndexedAccess` to help avoid bugs when indexing into arrays, many small changes needed to satisfy TS after this
- move all image-related endpoints into `endpoints/images.ts`, its a big file now, but this fixes a number of circular dependency issues that were otherwise felt impossible to resolve
- Create abstract base class InvocationStatsServiceBase
- Store InvocationStatsService in the InvocationServices object
- Collect and report stats on simultaneous graph execution
independently for each graph id
- Track VRAM usage for each node
- Handle cancellations and other exceptions gracefully
We can derive `isRefinerAvailable` from the query result (eg are there any refiner models installed). This is a piece of server state, so by using the list models response directly, we can avoid needing to manually keep the client in sync with the server.
Created a `useIsRefinerAvailable()` hook to return this boolean wherever it is needed.
Also updated the main models & refiner models endpoints to only return the appropriate models. Now we don't need to filter the data on these endpoints.
At some point I typo'd this and set the max seed to signed int32 max. It should be *un*signed int32 max.
This restored the seed range to what it was in v2.3.
When a queue item is popped for processing, we need to retrieve its session from the DB. Pydantic serializes the graph at this stage.
It's possible for a graph to have been made invalid during the graph preparation stage (e.g. an ancestor node executes, and its output is not valid for its successor node's input field).
When this occurs, the session in the DB will fail validation, but we don't have a chance to find out until it is retrieved and parsed by pydantic.
This logic was previously not wrapped in any exception handling.
Just after retrieving a session, we retrieve the specific invocation to execute from the session. It's possible that this could also have some sort of error, though it should be impossible for it to be a pydantic validation error (that would have been caught during session validation). There was also no exception handling here.
When either of these processes fail, the processor gets soft-locked because the processor's cleanup logic is never run. (I didn't dig deeper into exactly what cleanup is not happening, because the fix is to just handle the exceptions.)
This PR adds exception handling to both the session retrieval and node retrieval and events for each: `session_retrieval_error` and `invocation_retrieval_error`.
These events are caught and displayed in the UI as toasts, along with the type of the python exception (e.g. `Validation Error`). The events are also logged to the browser console.