* avoid copying model back from cuda to cpu
* handle models that don't have state dicts
* add assertions that models need a `device()` method
* do not rely on torch.nn.Module having the device() method
* apply all patches after model is on the execution device
* fix model patching in latents too
* log patched tokenizer
* closes#6375
Co-authored-by: Lincoln Stein <lstein@gmail.com>
Show error toasts on queue item error events instead of invocation error events. This allows errors that occurred outside node execution to be surfaced to the user.
The error description component is updated to show the new error message if available. Commercial handling is retained, but local now uses the same component to display the error message itself.
I had set the cancel event at some point during troubleshooting an unrelated issue. It seemed logical that it should be set there, and didn't seem to break anything. However, this is not correct.
The cancel event should not be set in response to a queue status change event. Doing so can cause a race condition when nodes are executed very quickly.
It's possible that a previously-executed session's queue item status change event is handled after the next session starts executing. The cancel event is set and the session runner sees it aborting the session run early.
In hindsight, it doesn't make sense to set the cancel event here either. It should be set in response to user action, e.g. the user cancelled the session or cleared the queue (which implicitly cancels the current session). These events actually trigger the queue item status changed event, so if we set the cancel event here, we'd be setting it twice per cancellation.
There's a race condition where a canceled session may emit a progress event or two after it's been canceled, and the progress image isn't cleared out.
To resolve this, the system slice tracks canceled session ids. When a progress event comes in, we check the cancellations and skip setting the progress if canceled.
- Add handling for new error columns `error_type`, `error_message`, `error_traceback`.
- Update queue item model to include the new data. The `error_traceback` field has an alias of `error` for backwards compatibility.
- Add `fail_queue_item` method. This was previously handled by `cancel_queue_item`. Splitting this functionality makes failing a queue item a bit more explicit. We also don't need to handle multiple optional error args.
We were not handling node preparation errors as node errors before. Here's the explanation, copied from a comment that is no longer required:
TODO(psyche): Sessions only support errors on nodes, not on the session itself. When an error occurs outside
node execution, it bubbles up to the processor where it is treated as a queue item error.
Nodes are pydantic models. When we prepare a node in `session.next()`, we set its inputs. This can cause a
pydantic validation error. For example, consider a resize image node which has a constraint on its `width`
input field - it must be greater than zero. During preparation, if the width is set to zero, pydantic will
raise a validation error.
When this happens, it breaks the flow before `invocation` is set. We can't set an error on the invocation
because we didn't get far enough to get it - we don't know its id. Hence, we just set it as a queue item error.
This change wraps the node preparation step with exception handling. A new `NodeInputError` exception is raised when there is a validation error. This error has the node (in the state it was in just prior to the error) and an identifier of the input that failed.
This allows us to mark the node that failed preparation as errored, correctly making such errors _node_ errors and not _processor_ errors. It's much easier to diagnose these situations. The error messages look like this:
> Node b5ac87c6-0678-4b8c-96b9-d215aee12175 has invalid incoming input for height
Some of the exception handling logic is cleaned up.
- Use protocol to define callbacks, this allows them to have kwargs
- Shuffle the profiler around a bit
- Move `thread_limit` and `polling_interval` to `__init__`; `start` is called programmatically and will never get these args in practice
- Add `OnNodeError` and `OnNonFatalProcessorError` callbacks
- Move all session/node callbacks to `SessionRunner` - this ensures we dump perf stats before resetting them and generally makes sense to me
- Remove `complete` event from `SessionRunner`, it's essentially the same as `OnAfterRunSession`
- Remove extraneous `next_invocation` block, which would treat a processor error as a node error
- Simplify loops
- Add some callbacks for testing, to be removed before merge
This query is only subscribed-to in the `QueueItemDetail` component - when is rendered only when the user clicks on a queue item in the queue. Invalidating this tag instead of optimistically updating it won't cause any meaningful change to network traffic.
The session is never updated in the queue after it is first enqueued. As a result, the queue detail view in the frontend never never updates and the session itself doesn't show outputs, execution graph, etc.
We need a new method on the queue service to update a queue item's session, then call it before updating the queue item's status.
Queue item status may be updated via a session-type event _or_ queue-type event. Adding the updated session to all these events is a hairy - simpler to just update the session before we do anything that could trigger a queue item status change event:
- Before calling `emit_session_complete` in the processor (handles session error, completed and cancel events and the corresponding queue events)
- Before calling `cancel_queue_item` in the processor (handles another way queue items can be canceled, outside the session execution loop)
When serializing the session, both in the new service method and the `get_queue_item` endpoint, we need to use `exclude_none=True` to prevent unexpected validation errors.
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Currently translated at 98.5% (1206 of 1224 strings)
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Currently translated at 98.5% (1204 of 1222 strings)
Co-authored-by: Riccardo Giovanetti <riccardo.giovanetti@gmail.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/invokeai/web-ui/it/
Translation: InvokeAI/Web UI
Some asserts were bubbling up in places where they shouldn't have, causing errors when a node has a field without a matching template, or vice-versa.
To resolve this without sacrificing the runtime safety provided by asserts, a `InvocationFieldCheck` component now wraps all field components. This component renders a fallback when a field doesn't exist, so the inner components can safely use the asserts.
At some point, I made a mistake and imported the wrong types to some files for the old v1 and v2 workflow schema migration data.
The relevant zod schemas and inferred types have been restored.
This change doesn't alter runtime behaviour. Only type annotations.
Replace the `isCollection` and `isCollectionOrScalar` flags with a single enum value `cardinality`. Valid values are `SINGLE`, `COLLECTION` and `SINGLE_OR_COLLECTION`.
- The two flags were mutually exclusive, but this wasn't enforce. You could create a field type that had both `isCollection` and `isCollectionOrScalar` set to true, whuch makes no sense.
- There was no explicit declaration for scalar/single types.
- Checking if a type had only a single flag was tedious.
Thanks to a change a couple months back in which the workflows schema was revised, field types are internal implementation details. Changes to them are non-breaking.
Canvas images are saved by uploading a blob generated from the HTML canvas element. This means the existing metadata handling, inside the graph execution engine, is not available.
To save metadata to canvas images, we need to provide it when uploading that blob.
The upload route now has a `metadata` body param. If this is provided, we use it over any metadata embedded in the image.
Depending on the user behaviour and network conditions, it's possible that we could try to load a workflow before the invocation templates are available.
Fix is simple:
- Use the RTKQ query hook for openAPI schema in App.tsx
- Disable the load workflow buttons until w have templates parsed
Remove our DIY'd reducers, consolidating all node and edge mutations to use `edgesChanged` and `nodesChanged`, which are called by reactflow. This makes the API for manipulating nodes and edges less tangly and error-prone.
We now keep track of the original field type, derived from the python type annotation in addition to the override type provided by `ui_type`.
This makes `ui_type` work more like it sound like it should work - change the UI input component only.
Connection validation is extend to also check the original types. If there is any match between two fields' "final" or original types, we consider the connection valid.This change is backwards-compatible; there is no workflow migration needed.
When clearing the processor config, we shouldn't re-process the image. This logic wasn't handled correctly, but coincidentally the bug didn't cause a user-facing issue.
Without a config, we had a runtime error when trying to build the node for the processor graph and the listener failed.
So while we didn't re-process the image, it was because there was an error, not because the logic was correct.
Fix this by bailing if there is no image or config.
If you change the control model and the new model has the same default processor, we would still re-process the image, even if there was no need to do so.
With this change, if the image and processor config are unchanged, we bail out.
Graph, metadata and workflow all take stringified JSON only. This makes the API consistent and means we don't need to do a round-trip of pydantic parsing when handling this data.
It also prevents a failure mode where an uploaded image's metadata, workflow or graph are old and don't match the current schema.
As before, the frontend does strict validation and parsing when loading these values.
The previous super-minimal implementation had a major issue - the saved workflow didn't take into account batched field values. When generating with multiple iterations or dynamic prompts, the same workflow with the first prompt, seed, etc was stored in each image.
As a result, when the batch results in multiple queue items, only one of the images has the correct workflow - the others are mismatched.
To work around this, we can store the _graph_ in the image metadata (alongside the workflow, if generated via workflow editor). When loading a workflow from an image, we can choose to load the workflow or the graph, preferring the workflow.
Internally, we need to update images router image-saving services. The changes are minimal.
To avoid pydantic errors deserializing the graph, when we extract it from the image, we will leave it as stringified JSON and let the frontend's more sophisticated and flexible parsing handle it. The worklow is also changed to just return stringified JSON, so the API is consistent.
These simplify loading multiple LoRAs. Instead of requiring chained lora loader nodes, configure each LoRA (model & weight) with a selector, collect them, then send the collection to the collection loader to apply all of the LoRAs to the UNet/CLIP models.
The collection loaders accept a single lora or collection of loras.
This stateful class provides abstractions for building a graph. It exposes graph methods like adding and removing nodes and edges.
The methods are documented, tested, and strongly typed.
Currently translated at 98.5% (1192 of 1210 strings)
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Currently translated at 98.5% (1192 of 1210 strings)
translationBot(ui): update translation (Italian)
Currently translated at 98.5% (1192 of 1210 strings)
translationBot(ui): update translation (Italian)
Currently translated at 98.5% (1192 of 1210 strings)
Co-authored-by: Riccardo Giovanetti <riccardo.giovanetti@gmail.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/invokeai/web-ui/it/
Translation: InvokeAI/Web UI