We need to access the initial image dimensions during the creation of the `ImageToImage` graph to determine if we need to resize the image.
Because the `initialImage` is now just an image name, we need to either store (easy) or dynamically retrieve its dimensions during graph creation (a bit less easy).
Took the easiest path. May need to revise this in the future.
Images that are used as parameters (e.g. init image, canvas images) are stored as full `ImageDTO` objects in state, separate from and duplicating any object representing those same objects in the `imagesSlice`.
We cannot store only image names as parameters, then pull the full `ImageDTO` from `imagesSlice`, because if an image is not on a loaded page, it doesn't exist in `imagesSlice`. For example, if you scroll down a few pages in the gallery and send that image to canvas, on reloading the app, the canvas will be unable to load that image.
We solved this temporarily by storing the full `ImageDTO` object wherever it was needed, but this is both inefficient and allows for stale `ImageDTO`s across the app.
One other possible solution was to just fetch the `ImageDTO` for all images at startup, and insert them into the `imagesSlice`, but then we run into an issue where we are displaying images in the gallery totally out of context.
For example, if an image from several pages into the gallery was sent to canvas, and the user refreshes, we'd display the first 20 images in gallery. Then to populate the canvas, we'd fetch that image we sent to canvas and add it to `imagesSlice`. Now we'd have 21 images in the gallery: 1 to 20 and whichever image we sent to canvas. Weird.
Using `rtk-query` solves this by allowing us to very easily fetch individual images in the components that need them, and not directly interact with `imagesSlice`.
This commit changes all references to images-as-parameters to store only the name of the image, and not the full `ImageDTO` object. Then, we use an `rtk-query` generated `useGetImageDTOQuery()` hook in each of those components to fetch the image.
We can use cache invalidation when we mutate any image to trigger automated re-running of the query and all the images are automatically kept up to date.
This also obviates the need for the convoluted URL fetching scheme for images that are used as parameters. The `imagesSlice` still need this handling unfortunately.
- Add graph builders for canvas txt2img & img2img - they are mostly copy and paste from the linear graph builders but different in a few ways that are very tricky to work around. Just made totally new functions for them.
- Canvas txt2img and img2img support ControlNet (not inpaint/outpaint). There's no way to determine in real-time which mode the canvas is in just yet, so we cannot disable the ControlNet UI when the mode will be inpaint/outpaint - it will always display. It's possible to determine this in near-real-time, will add this at some point.
- Canvas inpaint/outpaint migrated to use model loader, though inpaint/outpaint are still using the non-latents nodes.
Instead of manually creating every node and edge, we can simply copy/paste the base graph from node editor, then sub in parameters.
This is a much more intelligible process. We still need to handle seed, img2img fit and controlnet separately.
- remove UI-specific state (the enabled schedulers) from redux, instead derive it in a selector
- simplify logic by putting schedulers in an object instead of an array
- rename `activeSchedulers` to `enabledSchedulers`
- remove need for `useEffect()` when `enabledSchedulers` changes by adding a listener for the `enabledSchedulersChanged` action/event to `generationSlice`
- increase type safety by making `enabledSchedulers` an array of `SchedulerParam`, which is created by the zod schema for scheduler
Basically updated all slices to be more descriptive in their names. Did so in order to make sure theres good naming scheme available for secondary models.
Update the text to imaeg and image to image graphs to work with the new model loader. Currently only supports 1.x models. Will update this soon to make it work with all models.