At some point I typo'd this and set the max seed to signed int32 max. It should be *un*signed int32 max.
This restored the seed range to what it was in v2.3.
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [x] Bug Fix
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [x] Yes, we feel very passionate about this.
## Description
Uploading an incorrect JSON file to the Node Editor would crash the app.
While this is a much larger problem that we will tackle while refining
the Node Editor, this is a fix that should address 99% of the cases out
When saving an InvokeAI node graph, there are three primary keys.
1. `nodes` - which has all the node related data.
2. `edges` - which has all the edges related data
3. `viewport` - which has all the viewport related data.
So when we load back the JSON, we now check if all three of these keys
exist in the retrieved JSON object. While the `viewport` itself is not a
mandatory key to repopulate the graph, checking for it will allow us to
treat it as an additional check to ensure that the graph was saved from
As a result ...
- If you upload an invalid JSON file, the app now warns you that the
JSON is invalid.
- If you upload a JSON of a graph editor that is not InvokeAI, it simply
warns you that you are uploading a non InvokeAI graph.
So effectively, you should not be able to load any graph that is not
generated by ReactFlow.
Here are the edge cases:
- What happens if a user maintains the above key structure but tampers
with the data inside them? Well tested it. Turns out because we validate
and build the graph based on the JSON data, if you tamper with any data
that is needed to rebuild that node, it simply will skip that and load
the rest of the graph with valid data.
- What happens if a user uploads a graph that was made by some other
random ReactFlow app? Well, same as above. Because we do not have to
parse that in our setup, it simply will skip it and only display what
are setup to do.
I think that just about covers 99% of the cases where this could go
wrong. If there's any other edges cases, can add checks if need be. But
can't think of any at the moment.
## Related Tickets & Documents
### Closes
- #3893
- #3881
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
Yes. Making @psychedelicious a little bit happier. :P
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [x] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No, because: n/a
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No n/a
## Description
Big cleanup:
- improve & simplify the app logging
- resolve all TS issues
- resolve all circular dependencies
- fix all lint/format issues
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
`yarn lint` passes:

Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No : n/a
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
bask in the glory of what *should* be a fully-passing frontend lint on
this PR
Added the Ideal Size node
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [X] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No, because: It's a community node addition
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [X] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
Added a reference to my community node that calculates the ideal size
for initial latent generation that avoids duplication. This is the logic
that was present in 2.3.5's first pass of high-res optimization.
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No : This is a documentation change that references my community
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
Add Face Mask to
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [x] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
Add Face Mask to list.
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [x] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No, because: just updated docs to try to help lead new users to
installs a little easier
## Have you updated relevant documentation?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
Some minor docs tweaks
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
have not been included_
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [x] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Description
Revised boards logic and UI
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue # discord convos
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No : n/a
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?