## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [x] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No, because: just updated docs to try to help lead new users to
installs a little easier
## Have you updated relevant documentation?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
Some minor docs tweaks
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
have not been included_
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [x] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Description
Revised boards logic and UI
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue # discord convos
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No : n/a
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [x] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Description
On mps generating images with resolution above ~1536x1536 results in
"fried" output. Main problem that such resolution results in tensors in
size more then 4gb. Looks like that some of mps internals can't handle
properly this, so to mitigate it I break attention calculation in
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Example of bad output:

## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ X] Documentation Update
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [X ] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Description
This is a WIP to collect documentation enhancements and other polish
prior to final 3.0.0 release. Minor bug fixes may go in here if
non-controversial. It should be merged into main prior to the final
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Have you updated relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
have not been included_
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [x] Bug Fix
## Desc
Fixes a bug where the board name is not displayed in the header if there
are no images in it.
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [x] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Description
Add progress preview for sdxl generation nodes