2023-07-06 11:24:05 -04:00

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Features in InvokeAI are added in the form of modular node-like systems called Invocations.

An Invocation is simply a single operation that takes in some inputs and gives out some outputs. We can then chain multiple Invocations together to create more complex functionality.

Invocations Directory

InvokeAI Invocations can be found in the invokeai/app/invocations directory.

You can add your new functionality to one of the existing Invocations in this directory or create a new file in this directory as per your needs.

Note: All Invocations must be inside this directory for InvokeAI to recognize them as valid Invocations.

Creating A New Invocation

In order to understand the process of creating a new Invocation, let us actually create one.

In our example, let us create an Invocation that will take in an image, resize it and output the resized image.

The first set of things we need to do when creating a new Invocation are -

  • Create a new class that derives from a predefined parent class called BaseInvocation.
  • The name of every Invocation must end with the word Invocation in order for it to be recognized as an Invocation.
  • Every Invocation must have a docstring that describes what this Invocation does.
  • Every Invocation must have a unique type field defined which becomes its indentifier.
  • Invocations are strictly typed. We make use of the native typing library and the installed pydantic library for validation.

So let us do that.

from typing import Literal
from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation

class ResizeInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    '''Resizes an image'''
    type: Literal['resize'] = 'resize'

That's great.

Now we have setup the base of our new Invocation. Let us think about what inputs our Invocation takes.

  • We need an image that we are going to resize.
  • We will need new width and height values to which we need to resize the image to.


Every Invocation input is a pydantic Field and like everything else should be strictly typed and defined.

So let us create these inputs for our Invocation. First up, the image input we need. Generally, we can use standard variable types in Python but InvokeAI already has a custom ImageField type that handles all the stuff that is needed for image inputs.

But what is this ImageField ..? It is a special class type specifically written to handle how images are dealt with in InvokeAI. We will cover how to create your own custom field types later in this guide. For now, let's go ahead and use it.

from typing import Literal, Union
from pydantic import Field

from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation
from ..models.image import ImageField

class ResizeInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    '''Resizes an image'''
    type: Literal['resize'] = 'resize'

    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)

Let us break down our input code.

image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)
Part Value Description
Name image The variable that will hold our image
Type Hint Union[ImageField, None] The types for our field. Indicates that the image can either be an ImageField type or None
Field Field(description="The input image", default=None) The image variable is a field which needs a description and a default value that we set to None.

Great. Now let us create our other inputs for width and height

from typing import Literal, Union
from pydantic import Field

from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation
from ..models.image import ImageField

class ResizeInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    '''Resizes an image'''
    type: Literal['resize'] = 'resize'

    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)
    width: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Width of the new image")
    height: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Height of the new image")

As you might have noticed, we added two new parameters to the field type for width and height called gt and le. These basically stand for greater than or equal to and less than or equal to. There are various other param types for field that you can find on the pydantic documentation.

Note: Any time it is possible to define constraints for our field, we should do it so the frontend has more information on how to parse this field.

Perfect. We now have our inputs. Let us do something with these.

Invoke Function

The invoke function is where all the magic happens. This function provides you the context parameter that is of the type InvocationContext which will give you access to the current context of the generation and all the other services that are provided by it by InvokeAI.

Let us create this function first.

from typing import Literal, Union
from pydantic import Field

from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from ..models.image import ImageField

class ResizeInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    '''Resizes an image'''
    type: Literal['resize'] = 'resize'

    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)
    width: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Width of the new image")
    height: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Height of the new image")

    def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext):


The output of our Invocation will be whatever is returned by this invoke function. Like with our inputs, we need to strongly type and define our outputs too.

What is our output going to be? Another image. Normally you'd have to create a type for this but InvokeAI already offers you an ImageOutput type that handles all the necessary info related to image outputs. So let us use that.

We will cover how to create your own output types later in this guide.

from typing import Literal, Union
from pydantic import Field

from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from ..models.image import ImageField
from .image import ImageOutput

class ResizeInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    '''Resizes an image'''
    type: Literal['resize'] = 'resize'

    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)
    width: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Width of the new image")
    height: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Height of the new image")

    def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:

Perfect. Now that we have our Invocation setup, let us do what we want to do.

  • We will first load the image. Generally we do this using the PIL library but we can use one of the services provided by InvokeAI to load the image.
  • We will resize the image using PIL to our input data.
  • We will output this image in the format we set above.

So let's do that.

from typing import Literal, Union
from pydantic import Field

from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext
from ..models.image import ImageField, ResourceOrigin, ImageCategory
from .image import ImageOutput

class ResizeInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    '''Resizes an image'''
    type: Literal['resize'] = 'resize'

    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)
    width: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Width of the new image")
    height: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Height of the new image")

    def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
        # Load the image using InvokeAI's predefined Image Service.
        image =, self.image.image_name)

        # Resizing the image
        # Because we used the above service, we already have a PIL image. So we can simply resize.
        resized_image = image.resize((self.width, self.height))

        # Preparing the image for output using InvokeAI's predefined Image Service.
        output_image =

        # Returning the Image
        return ImageOutput(

Note: Do not be overwhelmed by the ImageOutput process. InvokeAI has a certain way that the images need to be dispatched in order to be stored and read correctly. In 99% of the cases when dealing with an image output, you can simply copy-paste the template above.

That's it. You made your own Resize Invocation.


Once you make your Invocation correctly, the rest of the process is fully automated for you.

When you launch InvokeAI, you can go to http://localhost:9090/docs and see your new Invocation show up there with all the relevant info.

resize invocation

When you launch the frontend UI, you can go to the Node Editor tab and find your new Invocation ready to be used.

resize node editor


Custom Input Fields

Now that you know how to create your own Invocations, let us dive into slightly more advanced topics.

While creating your own Invocations, you might run into a scenario where the existing input types in InvokeAI do not meet your requirements. In such cases, you can create your own input types.

Let us create one as an example. Let us say we want to create a color input field that represents a color code. But before we start on that here are some general good practices to keep in mind.

Good Practices

  • There is no naming convention for input fields but we highly recommend that you name it something appropriate like ColorField.
  • It is not mandatory but it is heavily recommended to add a relevant docstring to describe your input field.
  • Keep your field in the same file as the Invocation that it is made for or in another file where it is relevant.

All input types a class that derive from the BaseModel type from pydantic. So let's create one.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class ColorField(BaseModel):
    '''A field that holds the rgba values of a color'''

Perfect. Now let us create our custom inputs for our field. This is exactly similar how you created input fields for your Invocation. All the same rules apply. Let us create four fields representing the red(r), blue(b), green(g) and alpha(a) channel of the color.

class ColorField(BaseModel):
    '''A field that holds the rgba values of a color'''
    r: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The red channel")
    g: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The green channel")
    b: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The blue channel")
    a: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The alpha channel")

That's it. We now have a new input field type that we can use in our Invocations like this.

color: ColorField = Field(default=ColorField(r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0), description='Background color of an image')

Extra Config

All input fields also take an additional Config class that you can use to do various advanced things like setting required parameters and etc.

Let us do that for our ColorField and enforce all the values because we did not define any defaults for our fields.

class ColorField(BaseModel):
    '''A field that holds the rgba values of a color'''
    r: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The red channel")
    g: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The green channel")
    b: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The blue channel")
    a: int = Field(ge=0, le=255, description="The alpha channel")

    class Config:
        schema_extra = {"required": ["r", "g", "b", "a"]}

Now it becomes mandatory for the user to supply all the values required by our input field.

We will discuss the Config class in extra detail later in this guide and how you can use it to make your Invocations more robust.

Custom Output Types

Like with custom inputs, sometimes you might find yourself needing custom outputs that InvokeAI does not provide. We can easily set one up.

Now that you are familiar with Invocations and Inputs, let us use that knowledge to put together a custom output type for an Invocation that returns width, height and background_color that we need to create a blank image.

  • A custom output type is a class that derives from the parent class of BaseInvocationOutput.
  • It is not mandatory but we recommend using names ending with Output for output types. So we'll call our class BlankImageOutput
  • It is not mandatory but we highly recommend adding a docstring to describe what your output type is for.
  • Like Invocations, each output type should have a type variable that is unique

Now that we know the basic rules for creating a new output type, let us go ahead and make it.

from typing import Literal
from pydantic import Field

from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocationOutput

class BlankImageOutput(BaseInvocationOutput):
    '''Base output type for creating a blank image'''
    type: Literal['blank_image_output'] = 'blank_image_output'

    # Inputs
    width: int = Field(description='Width of blank image')
    height: int = Field(description='Height of blank image')
    bg_color: ColorField = Field(description='Background color of blank image')

    class Config:
        schema_extra = {"required": ["type", "width", "height", "bg_color"]}

All set. We now have an output type that requires what we need to create a blank_image. And if you noticed it, we even used the Config class to ensure the fields are required.

Custom Configuration

As you might have noticed when making inputs and outputs, we used a class called Config from pydantic to further customize them. Because our inputs and outputs essentially inherit from pydantic's BaseModel class, all configuration options that are valid for pydantic classes are also valid for our inputs and outputs. You can do the same for your Invocations too but InvokeAI makes our life a little bit easier on that end.

InvokeAI provides a custom configuration class called InvocationConfig particularly for configuring Invocations. This is exactly the same as the raw Config class from pydantic with some extra stuff on top to help faciliate parsing of the scheme in the frontend UI.

At the current moment, tihs InvocationConfig class is further improved with the following features related the ui.

Config Option Field Type Example
type_hints Dict[str, Literal["integer", "float", "boolean", "string", "enum", "image", "latents", "model", "control"]] type_hint: "model" provides type hints related to the model like displaying a list of available models
tags List[str] tags: ['resize', 'image'] will classify your invocation under the tags of resize and image.
title str title: 'Resize Image will rename your to this custom title rather than infer from the name of the Invocation class.

So let us update your ResizeInvocation with some extra configuration and see how that works.

from typing import Literal, Union
from pydantic import Field

from .baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, InvocationContext, InvocationConfig
from ..models.image import ImageField, ResourceOrigin, ImageCategory
from .image import ImageOutput

class ResizeInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    '''Resizes an image'''
    type: Literal['resize'] = 'resize'

    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)
    width: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Width of the new image")
    height: int = Field(default=512, ge=64, le=2048, description="Height of the new image")

    class Config(InvocationConfig):
        schema_extra: {
            ui: {
                tags: ['resize', 'image'],
                title: ['My Custom Resize']

    def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
        # Load the image using InvokeAI's predefined Image Service.
        image =, self.image.image_name)

        # Resizing the image
        # Because we used the above service, we already have a PIL image. So we can simply resize.
        resized_image = image.resize((self.width, self.height))

        # Preparing the image for output using InvokeAI's predefined Image Service.
        output_image =

        # Returning the Image
        return ImageOutput(

We now customized our code to let the frontend know that our Invocation falls under resize and image categories. So when the user searches for these particular words, our Invocation will show up too.

We also set a custom title for our Invocation. So instead of being called Resize, it will be called My Custom Resize.

As simple as that.

As time goes by, InvokeAI will further improve and add more customizability for Invocation configuration. We will have more documentation regarding this at a later time.


Custom Components For Frontend

Every backend input type should have a corresponding frontend component so the UI knows what to render when you use a particular field type.

If you are using existing field types, we already have components for those. So you don't have to worry about creating anything new. But this might not always be the case. Sometimes you might want to create new field types and have the frontend UI deal with it in a different way.

This is where we venture into the world of React and Javascript and create our own new components for our Invocations. Do not fear the world of JS. It's actually pretty straightforward.

Let us create a new component for our custom color field we created above. When we use a color field, let us say we want the UI to display a color picker for the user to pick from rather than entering values. That is what we will build now.


Creating a new invocation

To create a new invocation, either find the appropriate module file in /ldm/invoke/app/invocations to add your invocation to, or create a new one in that folder. All invocations in that folder will be discovered and made available to the CLI and API automatically. Invocations make use of typing and pydantic for validation and integration into the CLI and API.

An invocation looks like this:

class UpscaleInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    """Upscales an image."""

    # fmt: off
    type: Literal["upscale"] = "upscale"

    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field(description="The input image", default=None)
    strength: float                = Field(default=0.75, gt=0, le=1, description="The strength")
    level: Literal[2, 4]           = Field(default=2, description="The upscale level")
    # fmt: on

    # Schema customisation
    class Config(InvocationConfig):
        schema_extra = {
            "ui": {
                "tags": ["upscaling", "image"],

    def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
        image =
            self.image.image_origin, self.image.image_name
        results =
            image_list=[[image, 0]],
            upscale=(self.level, self.strength),
            strength=0.0,  # GFPGAN strength

        # Results are image and seed, unwrap for now
        # TODO: can this return multiple results?
        image_dto =

        return ImageOutput(

Each portion is important to implement correctly.

Class definition and type

class UpscaleInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    """Upscales an image."""
    type: Literal['upscale'] = 'upscale'

All invocations must derive from BaseInvocation. They should have a docstring that declares what they do in a single, short line. They should also have a type with a type hint that's Literal["command_name"], where command_name is what the user will type on the CLI or use in the API to create this invocation. The command_name must be unique. The type must be assigned to the value of the literal in the type hint.


    # Inputs
    image: Union[ImageField,None] = Field(description="The input image")
    strength: float               = Field(default=0.75, gt=0, le=1, description="The strength")
    level: Literal[2,4]           = Field(default=2, description="The upscale level")

Inputs consist of three parts: a name, a type hint, and a Field with default, description, and validation information. For example:

Part Value Description
Name strength This field is referred to as strength
Type Hint float This field must be of type float
Field Field(default=0.75, gt=0, le=1, description="The strength") The default value is 0.75, the value must be in the range (0,1], and help text will show "The strength" for this field.

Notice that image has type Union[ImageField,None]. The Union allows this field to be parsed with None as a value, which enables linking to previous invocations. All fields should either provide a default value or allow None as a value, so that they can be overwritten with a linked output from another invocation.

The special type ImageField is also used here. All images are passed as ImageField, which protects them from pydantic validation errors (since images only ever come from links).

Finally, note that for all linking, the type of the linked fields must match. If the name also matches, then the field can be automatically linked to a previous invocation by name and matching.


    # Schema customisation
    class Config(InvocationConfig):
        schema_extra = {
            "ui": {
                "tags": ["upscaling", "image"],

This is an optional configuration for the invocation. It inherits from pydantic's model Config class, and it used primarily to customize the autogenerated OpenAPI schema.

The UI relies on the OpenAPI schema in two ways:

  • An API client & Typescript types are generated from it. This happens at build time.
  • The node editor parses the schema into a template used by the UI to create the node editor UI. This parsing happens at runtime.

In this example, a ui key has been added to the schema_extra dict to provide some tags for the UI, to facilitate filtering nodes.

See the Schema Generation section below for more information.

Invoke Function

    def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput:
        image =
            self.image.image_origin, self.image.image_name
        results =
            image_list=[[image, 0]],
            upscale=(self.level, self.strength),
            strength=0.0,  # GFPGAN strength

        # Results are image and seed, unwrap for now
        # TODO: can this return multiple results?
        image_dto =

        return ImageOutput(

The invoke function is the last portion of an invocation. It is provided an InvocationContext which contains services to perform work as well as a session_id for use as needed. It should return a class with output values that derives from BaseInvocationOutput.

Before being called, the invocation will have all of its fields set from defaults, inputs, and finally links (overriding in that order).

Assume that this invocation may be running simultaneously with other invocations, may be running on another machine, or in other interesting scenarios. If you need functionality, please provide it as a service in the InvocationServices class, and make sure it can be overridden.


class ImageOutput(BaseInvocationOutput):
    """Base class for invocations that output an image"""

    # fmt: off
    type: Literal["image_output"] = "image_output"
    image:      ImageField = Field(default=None, description="The output image")
    width:             int = Field(description="The width of the image in pixels")
    height:            int = Field(description="The height of the image in pixels")
    # fmt: on

    class Config:
        schema_extra = {"required": ["type", "image", "width", "height"]}

Output classes look like an invocation class without the invoke method. Prefer to use an existing output class if available, and prefer to name inputs the same as outputs when possible, to promote automatic invocation linking.

Schema Generation

Invocation, output and related classes are used to generate an OpenAPI schema.

Required Properties

The schema generation treat all properties with default values as optional. This makes sense internally, but when when using these classes via the generated schema, we end up with e.g. the ImageOutput class having its image property marked as optional.

We know that this property will always be present, so the additional logic needed to always check if the property exists adds a lot of extraneous cruft.

To fix this, we can leverage pydantic's schema customisation to mark properties that we know will always be present as required.

Here's that ImageOutput class, without the needed schema customisation:

class ImageOutput(BaseInvocationOutput):
    """Base class for invocations that output an image"""

    # fmt: off
    type: Literal["image_output"] = "image_output"
    image:      ImageField = Field(default=None, description="The output image")
    width:             int = Field(description="The width of the image in pixels")
    height:            int = Field(description="The height of the image in pixels")
    # fmt: on

The OpenAPI schema that results from this ImageOutput will have the type, image, width and height properties marked as optional, even though we know they will always have a value.

class ImageOutput(BaseInvocationOutput):
    """Base class for invocations that output an image"""

    # fmt: off
    type: Literal["image_output"] = "image_output"
    image:      ImageField = Field(default=None, description="The output image")
    width:             int = Field(description="The width of the image in pixels")
    height:            int = Field(description="The height of the image in pixels")
    # fmt: on

    # Add schema customization
    class Config:
        schema_extra = {"required": ["type", "image", "width", "height"]}

With the customization in place, the schema will now show these properties as required, obviating the need for extensive null checks in client code.

See this pydantic issue for discussion on this solution: