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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
author Kyle Schouviller <kyle0654@hotmail.com> 1669872800 -0800 committer Kyle Schouviller <kyle0654@hotmail.com> 1676240900 -0800 Adding base node architecture Fix type annotation errors Runs and generates, but breaks in saving session Fix default model value setting. Fix deprecation warning. Fixed node api Adding markdown docs Simplifying Generate construction in apps [nodes] A few minor changes (#2510) * Pin api-related requirements * Remove confusing extra CORS origins list * Adds response models for HTTP 200 [nodes] Adding graph_execution_state to soon replace session. Adding tests with pytest. Minor typing fixes [nodes] Fix some small output query hookups [node] Fixing some additional typing issues [nodes] Move and expand graph code. Add base item storage and sqlite implementation. Update startup to match new code [nodes] Add callbacks to item storage [nodes] Adding an InvocationContext object to use for invocations to provide easier extensibility [nodes] New execution model that handles iteration [nodes] Fixing the CLI [nodes] Adding a note to the CLI [nodes] Split processing thread into separate service [node] Add error message on node processing failure Removing old files and duplicated packages Adding python-multipart
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# Invoke.AI Architecture
flowchart TB
subgraph apps[Applications]
subgraph webapi[Web API]
subgraph invoke[Invoke]
direction LR
subgraph core[AI Core]
webui --> webapi
webapi --> invoke
cli --> invoke
invoker --> services & sessions
invocations --> services
sessions --> invocations
services --> core
%% Styles
classDef sg fill:#5028C8,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2,color:#fff,stroke:#14141A
classDef default stroke-width:2px,stroke:#F6B314,color:#fff,fill:#14141A
class apps,webapi,invoke,core sg
## Applications
Applications are built on top of the invoke framework. They should construct `invoker` and then interact through it. They should avoid interacting directly with core code in order to support a variety of configurations.
### Web UI
The Web UI is built on top of an HTTP API built with [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) and [Socket.IO](https://socket.io/). The frontend code is found in `/frontend` and the backend code is found in `/ldm/invoke/app/api_app.py` and `/ldm/invoke/app/api/`. The code is further organized as such:
| Component | Description |
| --- | --- |
| api_app.py | Sets up the API app, annotates the OpenAPI spec with additional data, and runs the API |
| dependencies | Creates all invoker services and the invoker, and provides them to the API |
| events | An eventing system that could in the future be adapted to support horizontal scale-out |
| sockets | The Socket.IO interface - handles listening to and emitting session events (events are defined in the events service module) |
| routers | API definitions for different areas of API functionality |
### CLI
The CLI is built automatically from invocation metadata, and also supports invocation piping and auto-linking. Code is available in `/ldm/invoke/app/cli_app.py`.
## Invoke
The Invoke framework provides the interface to the underlying AI systems and is built with flexibility and extensibility in mind. There are four major concepts: invoker, sessions, invocations, and services.
### Invoker
The invoker (`/ldm/invoke/app/services/invoker.py`) is the primary interface through which applications interact with the framework. Its primary purpose is to create, manage, and invoke sessions. It also maintains two sets of services:
- **invocation services**, which are used by invocations to interact with core functionality.
- **invoker services**, which are used by the invoker to manage sessions and manage the invocation queue.
### Sessions
Invocations and links between them form a graph, which is maintained in a session. Sessions can be queued for invocation, which will execute their graph (either the next ready invocation, or all invocations). Sessions also maintain execution history for the graph (including storage of any outputs). An invocation may be added to a session at any time, and there is capability to add and entire graph at once, as well as to automatically link new invocations to previous invocations. Invocations can not be deleted or modified once added.
The session graph does not support looping. This is left as an application problem to prevent additional complexity in the graph.
### Invocations
Invocations represent individual units of execution, with inputs and outputs. All invocations are located in `/ldm/invoke/app/invocations`, and are all automatically discovered and made available in the applications. These are the primary way to expose new functionality in Invoke.AI, and the [implementation guide](INVOCATIONS.md) explains how to add new invocations.
### Services
Services provide invocations access AI Core functionality and other necessary functionality (e.g. image storage). These are available in `/ldm/invoke/app/services`. As a general rule, new services should provide an interface as an abstract base class, and may provide a lightweight local implementation by default in their module. The goal for all services should be to enable the usage of different implementations (e.g. using cloud storage for image storage), but should not load any module dependencies unless that implementation has been used (i.e. don't import anything that won't be used, especially if it's expensive to import).
## AI Core
The AI Core is represented by the rest of the code base (i.e. the code outside of `/ldm/invoke/app/`).