adding call to home_stats
fix time calculations add library refresh
This commit is contained in:
@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ def hex_to_int(value):
return 0
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
# Function found
for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']:
@ -143,60 +142,57 @@ def daterange(start_date, end_date):
yield start_date + timedelta(n)
def get_server_stats(date_ranges):
section_count = ''
total_size = 0
sections_id_lst = []
sections_stats_lst = []
def get_user_stats(home_stats):
user_stats_lst = []
user_stats_dict = {}
print('Checking library stats.')
tautulli_server = Tautulli(TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip('/'), TAUTULLI_APIKEY, VERIFY_SSL)
for sections in tautulli_server.get_libraries():
library = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(sections['section_id'])
total_size += library['total_file_size']
sections_id_lst += [sections['section_id']]
if sections['section_type'] == 'artist':
section_count = ARTIST_STAT.format(sections['count'], sections['parent_count'], sections['child_count'])
elif sections['section_type'] == 'show':
section_count = SHOW_STAT.format(sections['count'], sections['parent_count'], sections['child_count'])
elif sections['section_type'] == 'photo':
section_count = PHOTO_STAT.format(sections['count'], sections['parent_count'], sections['child_count'])
elif sections['section_type'] == 'movie':
section_count = MOVIE_STAT.format(sections['count'])
if sections['section_name'] not in LIB_IGNORE and section_count:
# Html formatting
sections_stats_lst += ['<li>{}: {}</li>'.format(sections['section_name'], section_count)]
print('Checking users stats.')
for check_date in date_ranges:
for section_id in sections_id_lst:
history = tautulli_server.get_history(section_id, check_date)
if history:
for data in history['data']:
add_to_dictval(user_stats_dict, data['friendly_name'], data['duration'])
print('{} watched something on {}'.format(' & '.join(set(user_stats_dict.keys())), check_date))
for stats in home_stats:
if stats['stat_id'] == 'top_users':
for row in stats['rows']:
add_to_dictval(user_stats_dict, row['friendly_name'], row['total_duration'])
for user, duration in sorted(user_stats_dict.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True):
if user not in USER_IGNORE:
m, s = divmod(duration, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
easy_time = TIME_DISPLAY.format(h, m, s)
USER_STATS = USER_STAT.format(user, easy_time)
user_total = timedelta(seconds=duration)
USER_STATS = USER_STAT.format(user, user_total)
# Html formatting
user_stats_lst += ['<li>{}</li>'.format(USER_STATS)]
return user_stats_lst
def get_library_stats(libraries, tautulli):
section_count = ''
total_size = 0
sections_stats_lst = []
print('Checking library stats.')
for section in libraries:
library = tautulli.get_library_media_info(section['section_id'])
total_size += library['total_file_size']
if section['section_type'] == 'artist':
section_count = ARTIST_STAT.format(section['count'], section['parent_count'], section['child_count'])
elif section['section_type'] == 'show':
section_count = SHOW_STAT.format(section['count'], section['parent_count'], section['child_count'])
elif section['section_type'] == 'photo':
section_count = PHOTO_STAT.format(section['count'], section['parent_count'], section['child_count'])
elif section['section_type'] == 'movie':
section_count = MOVIE_STAT.format(section['count'])
if section['section_name'] not in LIB_IGNORE and section_count:
# Html formatting
sections_stats_lst += ['<li>{}: {}</li>'.format(section['section_name'], section_count)]
# Html formatting. Adding the Capacity to bottom of list.
sections_stats_lst += ['<li>Capacity: {}</li>'.format(sizeof_fmt(total_size))]
return (sections_stats_lst, user_stats_lst)
return sections_stats_lst
class Tautulli:
def __init__(self, url, apikey, verify_ssl=False, debug=None):
@ -220,10 +216,19 @@ class Tautulli:
def get_library_media_info(self, section_id):
def get_library_media_info(self, section_id=None, refresh=None):
"""Call Tautulli's get_activity api endpoint"""
payload = {}
payload['section_id'] = section_id
if refresh:
for library in self.get_libraries():
payload['section_id'] = library['section_id']
payload['refresh'] = 'true'
print('Refreshing library: {}'.format(library['section_name']))
self._call_api('get_library_media_info', payload)
print('Libraries have been refreshed, please wait while library stats are updated.')
payload['section_id'] = section_id
return self._call_api('get_library_media_info', payload)
@ -233,12 +238,21 @@ class Tautulli:
return self._call_api('get_libraries', payload)
def get_home_stats(self, time_range, stats_type, stats_count):
"""Call Tautulli's get_activity api endpoint"""
payload = {}
payload['time_range'] = time_range
payload['stats_type'] = stats_type
payload['stats_count'] = stats_count
return self._call_api('get_home_stats', payload)
def get_history(self, section_id, check_date):
"""Call Tautulli's get_activity api endpoint"""
payload = {}
payload['section_id'] = int(section_id)
payload['start_date'] = check_date
return self._call_api('get_history', payload)
def notify(self, notifier_id, subject, body):
@ -427,9 +441,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('-d', '--days', default=7, metavar='', type=int,
help='Enter in number of days to go back. \n(default: %(default)s)')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--top', default=5, metavar='', type=int,
help='Enter in number of top users to find. \n(default: %(default)s)')
parser.add_argument('--refresh', action='store_true',
help='Refresh all libraries in Tautulli')
opts = parser.parse_args()
tautulli_server = Tautulli(TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip('/'), TAUTULLI_APIKEY, VERIFY_SSL)
if opts.refresh:
TODAY = int(time.time())
DAYS = opts.days
DAYS_AGO = int(TODAY - DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60)
@ -443,18 +466,20 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
dates_range_lst += [single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")]
libraries = tautulli_server.get_libraries()
lib_stats = get_library_stats(libraries, tautulli_server)
sections_stats = "\n".join(lib_stats)
print('Checking user stats from {:02d} days ago.'.format(opts.days))
lib_stats, user_stats_lst = get_server_stats(dates_range_lst)
home_stats = tautulli_server.get_home_stats(opts.days, 'duration',
user_stats_lst = get_user_stats(home_stats)
user_stats = "\n".join(user_stats_lst)
end = datetime.strptime(time.ctime(float(TODAY)), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y").strftime("%a %b %d %Y")
start = datetime.strptime(time.ctime(float(DAYS_AGO)), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y").strftime("%a %b %d %Y")
sections_stats = "\n".join(lib_stats)
user_stats = "\n".join(user_stats_lst)
BODY_TEXT = BODY_TEXT.format(end=end, start=start, sections_stats=sections_stats, user_stats=user_stats)
print('Sending message.')
tautulli_server = Tautulli(TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip('/'), TAUTULLI_APIKEY, VERIFY_SSL)
notify = Notification(NOTIFIER_ID, SUBJECT_TEXT, BODY_TEXT, tautulli_server)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user