Improve English translations and add a scrollbar diagnostics panel in settings

This commit is contained in:
ikaikahub 2023-08-27 10:09:58 -06:00 committed by ZouJin
parent 826c571773
commit 85d9e72fad
7 changed files with 209 additions and 207 deletions

View File

@ -650,56 +650,58 @@
<TabItem BorderBrush="{DynamicResource PrimaryDarker}" Header="{ll:Str 诊断}">
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="{x:Null}"
<Run FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str 自动超模MOD优化}" /><LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str '对于超模内容,游戏会自动计算合理价格\&#13;如果未使用任何超模数据,数据菜单栏将会显示图标方便您进行炫耀数据'}" />
<pu:Switch x:Name="swAutoCal" Grid.Column="2" Background="Transparent" BorderBrush="{DynamicResource PrimaryDark}"
BoxHeight="18" BoxWidth="35"
CheckedBackground="{DynamicResource Primary}" CheckedBorderBrush="{DynamicResource Primary}"
CheckedToggleBrush="{DynamicResource DARKPrimaryText}" Content="{ll:Str '自动计算合理价格'}"
ToggleBrush="{DynamicResource PrimaryDark}" ToggleShadowColor="{x:Null}" ToggleSize="14"
ToolTip="{ll:Str '该选项重启后生效'}" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Checked="swAutoCal_Checked" Unchecked="swAutoCal_Checked" />
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="{x:Null}" FontSize="13"
TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,20,0,0">
<Run FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str 诊断与反馈}" /> <LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str '选择要发送给 LBGame 的诊断数据,诊断数据用于保护和及时更新 虚拟桌宠模拟器, 解决问题并改进产品.'}" /><LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str '无论选择哪个选项,游戏都可以安全正常地运行.'}" /> <Hyperlink Click="hyper_moreInfo">
<Run Text="{ll:Str 获取有关这些设置的更多信息}" />
<LineBreak /> <Run FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str '当前存档Hash验证信息'}" />
:<Run x:Name="RHashCheck" FontWeight="Bold" Text="通过" />
<RadioButton x:Name="RBDiagnosisYES" Margin="10,10,10,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Checked="RBDiagnosisYES_Checked"
Content="{ll:Str '发送诊断数据: 发送游戏存档, 包括饱腹,状态等各种游戏内\&#13;数据. 可能会包括该游戏内存和CPU使用情况'}"
GroupName="diagnosis" Style="{DynamicResource StandardRadioButtonStyle}" />
<RadioButton x:Name="RBDiagnosisNO" Margin="10,10,10,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Checked="RBDiagnosisNO_Checked"
Content="{ll:Str '不发送诊断数据: 适用于启用修改器,修改过游戏数据等不\&#13;符合分析数据条件. 或不希望提供游戏数据的玩家'}"
GroupName="diagnosis" IsChecked="True" Style="{DynamicResource StandardRadioButtonStyle}" />
<TextBlock Margin="0,15,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Background="{x:Null}" TextWrapping="Wrap">
<Run FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str 反馈频率}" /><LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str 'VOS 应寻求我反馈按以下频率'}" />
<ComboBox x:Name="CBDiagnosis" Width="200" Margin="10,5,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
VerticalAlignment="Top" IsEnabled="False" SelectedIndex="1"
Style="{DynamicResource StandardComboBoxStyle}">
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 两百 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 五百 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 一千 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 两千 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 五千 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 一万 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 两万 周期一次'}" />
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="{x:Null}"
<Run FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str 自动超模MOD优化}" /><LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str '对于超模内容,游戏会自动计算合理价格\&#13;如果未使用任何超模数据,数据菜单栏将会显示图标方便您进行炫耀数据'}" />
<pu:Switch x:Name="swAutoCal" Grid.Column="2" Background="Transparent" BorderBrush="{DynamicResource PrimaryDark}"
BoxHeight="18" BoxWidth="35"
CheckedBackground="{DynamicResource Primary}" CheckedBorderBrush="{DynamicResource Primary}"
CheckedToggleBrush="{DynamicResource DARKPrimaryText}" Content="{ll:Str '自动计算合理价格'}"
ToggleBrush="{DynamicResource PrimaryDark}" ToggleShadowColor="{x:Null}" ToggleSize="14"
ToolTip="{ll:Str '该选项重启后生效'}" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Checked="swAutoCal_Checked" Unchecked="swAutoCal_Checked" />
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="{x:Null}" FontSize="13"
TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,20,0,0">
<Run FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str 诊断与反馈}" /> <LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str '选择要发送给 LBGame 的诊断数据,诊断数据用于保护和及时更新 虚拟桌宠模拟器, 解决问题并改进产品.'}" /><LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str '无论选择哪个选项,游戏都可以安全正常地运行.'}" /> <Hyperlink Click="hyper_moreInfo">
<Run Text="{ll:Str 获取有关这些设置的更多信息}" />
<LineBreak /> <Run FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str '当前存档Hash验证信息'}" />
:<Run x:Name="RHashCheck" FontWeight="Bold" Text="通过" />
<RadioButton x:Name="RBDiagnosisYES" Margin="10,10,10,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Checked="RBDiagnosisYES_Checked"
Content="{ll:Str '发送诊断数据: 发送游戏存档, 包括饱腹,状态等各种游戏内\&#13;数据. 可能会包括该游戏内存和CPU使用情况'}"
GroupName="diagnosis" Style="{DynamicResource StandardRadioButtonStyle}" />
<RadioButton x:Name="RBDiagnosisNO" Margin="10,10,10,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Checked="RBDiagnosisNO_Checked"
Content="{ll:Str '不发送诊断数据: 适用于启用修改器,修改过游戏数据等不\&#13;符合分析数据条件. 或不希望提供游戏数据的玩家'}"
GroupName="diagnosis" IsChecked="True" Style="{DynamicResource StandardRadioButtonStyle}" />
<TextBlock Margin="0,15,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Background="{x:Null}" TextWrapping="Wrap">
<Run FontWeight="Bold" Text="{ll:Str 反馈频率}" /><LineBreak />
<Run Text="{ll:Str 'VOS 应寻求我反馈按以下频率'}" />
<ComboBox x:Name="CBDiagnosis" Width="200" Margin="10,5,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
VerticalAlignment="Top" IsEnabled="False" SelectedIndex="1"
Style="{DynamicResource StandardComboBoxStyle}">
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 两百 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 五百 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 一千 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 两千 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 五千 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 一万 周期一次'}" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="{ll:Str '每 两万 周期一次'}" />
<TabItem BorderBrush="{DynamicResource PrimaryDarker}" Header="{ll:Str MOD管理}">

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
尝试加载游戏MOD#Try loading game MOD:|
你知道吗? 鼠标右键可以打开菜单栏#Do you know? Mouse right click to open the menu bar:|
如果你觉得目前功能太少,那就多挂会机. 宠物会自己动的#If you feel that there are too few functions at the moment, just keep AFK more. Pets will move on their own:|
你知道吗? 你可以在设置里面修改游戏的缩放比例#Do you know? You can modify the game's zoom ratio in the settings:|
想要宠物不乱动? 设置里可以设置智能移动或者关闭移动#Want your pet to stay still? Smart moving can be set or disabled in the settings:|
有建议/游玩反馈? 来 菜单-系统-反馈中心 反馈吧#Do you have any suggestions/game feedback? Let's go to the Menu - System - Feedback Hub for feedback:|
你知道吗? 鼠标右键可以打开菜单栏#Did you know? Mouse right click to open the menu bar:|
如果你觉得目前功能太少,那就多挂会机. 宠物会自己动的#If you feel that there are too few functions at the moment, just stay AFK more. Pets will move on their own:|
你知道吗? 你可以在设置里面修改游戏的缩放比例#Did you know? You can modify the game's zoom ratio in the settings:|
想要宠物不乱动? 设置里可以设置智能移动或者关闭移动#Want your pet to stay still? Smart moving can be enabled in the settings:|
有建议/游玩反馈? 来 菜单-系统-反馈中心 反馈吧#Do you have any suggestions or game feedback? Let's go to the Menu - System - Feedback Hub for feedback:|
你现在乱点说话是说话系统的一部分,不过还没做,在做了在做了ing#Your randomly tapping to speaking is part of the speaking system, but not do yet. It doing yet.:|
你添加了虚拟主播模拟器和虚拟桌宠模拟器到愿望单了吗? 快去加吧#Have you added VUP-Simulator and VPet-Simulator to your wishlist? Go ahead and add it:|
这游戏开发这么慢,都怪画师太咕了#This game development is so slow, all due to the game artist:|
长按脑袋拖动桌宠到你喜欢的任意位置#Hold the head and drag the desktop pet to any position you like:|
欢迎加入 虚拟主播模拟器群 430081239#This open-source project address in|
你添加了虚拟主播模拟器和虚拟桌宠模拟器到愿望单了吗? 快去加吧#Have you added VUP-Simulator and VPet-Simulator to your wishlist? Go ahead and add them:|
这游戏开发这么慢,都怪画师太咕了#This game's development is so slow all due to the game artist's procrastination:|
长按脑袋拖动桌宠到你喜欢的任意位置#Hold the head and drag the desktop pet wherever you like:|
欢迎加入 虚拟主播模拟器群 430081239#This open-source project is located at|
关注 {0} 谢谢喵#Subscribe {0} thanks:|
尝试加载动画和生成缓存#Attempting to load animations and generate caches:|
正在加载CGPT#Loading CGPT:|
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
鼠标将会穿过桌宠到下方内容,不打扰操作\r该选项#Mouse will pass through the desktop pet to the content below, without interacting with the main window:|
鼠标穿透#Click Through Window:|
添加小标,快速切换顶层或穿透#Add toggle to switch Always on top / Click through:|
添加小标,快速切换顶层或穿透#Add switch to toggle Always on top & Click through:|
更高缩放#Increase Zoom:|
支持更大缩放倍率#Support larger zoom levels:|
解锁缩放限制#Increase zoom level limit:|
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ Y轴#Y-axis:|
该游戏随着开机启动该程序\r如需卸载游戏\r请关闭该选项#Game auto-start on login\rDisable this option before uninstalling:|
从Steam启动#Starting from Steam:|
从Steam启动该游戏, 统计时长不能停#start the game from Steam, counting time cannot be stopped:|
从Steam启动该游戏, 统计时长不能停#Start the game from Steam. Will show as in-game:|
宠物动画#Pet animation:|
动画描述动画描述动画描述动画描述动画描述#Animation description Animation description Animation description Animation description Animation description:|
加载的宠物动画,重启后生效#Loaded pet animation, changes will take effect after restart:|
重启软件以应用更改#Restart the software to apply the changes:|
重启软件以应用更改#Restart the game to apply the changes:|
自动保存频率#Autosave Frequency:|
在指定时间后自动保存游戏数据#Autosave game data after a specified time:|
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Y轴#Y-axis:|
相关功能#Related Features:|
使用从ChatGPT\r申请的的API#Use API requested\rfrom ChatGPT:|
需要去OpenAI官网申请#Need to go to the OpenAI official website to apply:|
使用桌宠开发者\r提供的免费API#Use VPET developer\rprovided free API:|
使用桌宠开发者\r提供的免费API#Use free VPET developer\rprovided API:|
需遵循相关协议法律法规并有聊天字数限制#Applicable agreements, laws and regulations apply, and chat word limits apply:|
初始化桌宠聊天程序#Initialize VPET chat program:|
@ -91,23 +91,23 @@ Y轴#Y-axis:|
数据计算#Data Calculation:|
显示状态#Display Status:|
桌宠移动#Pet Moving:|
计算间隔#Computing between:|
数据计算和互动计算时间间隔,间隔越短需要互动的频率可能会增加.\r间隔越大越不容易打扰到当前工作#Time interval between data calculation and interaction\rcalculation, the shorter the interval, the frequency of\rinteraction may increaserThe larger the interval, less\rlikely it is to disturb the current work:|
计算间隔#Computation interval:|
数据计算和互动计算时间间隔,间隔越短需要互动的频率可能会增加.\r间隔越大越不容易打扰到当前工作#Time between data calculation and interaction. A shorter interval will lead to\rmore interactions, a longer interval will lead to less interactions:|
互动周期#Interaction Cycles:|
每分钟计算#Calculate data calculations :|
次数值变化# per minute:|
大约#Proactively engage in interaction :|
分钟左右主动进行一次互动(走路发呆爬墙等)# per minute:|
互动周期决定在交互结束后大约经历多少计算间隔后再次进行自主行动#Interaction cycle determines how many computational intervals have elapsed after the interaction ends, and act auto:|
互动周期决定在交互结束后大约经历多少计算间隔后再次进行自主行动#This determines how many computational cycles must elapse until automatic actions are performed again:|
操作设置#Operation Settings:|
游戏操作相关设置#Game Operation Related Settings:|
长按间隔#Long Press Interval:|
桌宠名字#Desktop Pet Name:|
数据计算和互动计算时间间隔,间隔越短需要互动的频率可能会增加\r间隔越大越不容易打扰到当前工作#Time interval between data calculation and interaction\rcalculation, the shorter the interval, the frequency of\rinteraction may increaserThe larger the interval, less\rlikely it is to disturb the current work:|
数据计算和互动计算时间间隔,间隔越短需要互动的频率可能会增加\r间隔越大越不容易打扰到当前工作#Time interval between data calculation and interaction\rcalculation, the shorter the interval, the frequency of\rinteraction may increase. The larger the interval, less\rlikely it is to disturb the current work:|
{0:F2} 秒#{0:F2} Sec:|
自定义链接#Custom Links:|
在自定栏添加快捷方式/网页/快捷键, 可以便携启动想要的功能#Add shortcuts/web pages/shortcuts in the customization bar to easily launch the desired functions:|
在自定栏添加快捷方式/网页/快捷键, 可以便携启动想要的功能#Add shortcuts/web pages in the customization bar to easily launch the desired functions:|
键盘快捷键编写方法请参考#Change keyboard shortcuts see:|
键盘快捷键 通用注解#Keyboard Shortcut Generic Annotations:|
右键进行排序/删除等操作#Right-click to sort/delete and other operations:|
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ Y轴#Y-axis:|
保存设置#Save the Settings:|
诊断与反馈#Diagnostic & Feedback:|
选择要发送给 LBGame 的诊断数据,诊断数据用于保护和及时更新 虚拟桌宠模拟器, 解决问题并改进产品.#Select the diagnostic data to send to LBGame, which is used to protect and update the VPet-Simulator in a timely manner, solve problems and improve the product.:|
无论选择哪个选项,游戏都可以安全正常地运行.#No matter which option you choose, the game will run safely and normally.:|
选择要发送给 LBGame 的诊断数据,诊断数据用于保护和及时更新 虚拟桌宠模拟器, 解决问题并改进产品.#Send diagnostic data to LBGame which is used to update, fix issues, and improve VPet-Simulator in a timely manner.:|
无论选择哪个选项,游戏都可以安全正常地运行.#Whichever option you choose, the game will run safely and normally.:|
获取有关这些设置的更多信息#Get more information about these settings:|
发送诊断数据: 发送游戏存档, 包括饱腹,状态等各种游戏内\r数据. 可能会包括该游戏内存和CPU使用情况#Send diagnostic data: Send saved games, including hunger, status, and other in-game\rdata. This may include the game's memory and CPU usage:|
不发送诊断数据: 适用于启用修改器,修改过游戏数据等不\r符合分析数据条件. 或不希望提供游戏数据的玩家#Not send diagnostic data: Suitable for enabling\rtrainer, modifying game data, etc. that do not meet\rthe criteria for analysis data. or players not want\rprovide game data:|
不发送诊断数据: 适用于启用修改器,修改过游戏数据等不\r符合分析数据条件. 或不希望提供游戏数据的玩家#Don't send diagnostic data: This applies to players who have modified the base game.\rOr players who do not want to provide game data.:|
反馈频率#Feedback Frequency:|
VOS 应寻求我反馈按以下频率#VOS Should seek my feedback as follows:|
每 两百 周期一次#Every 200 Cycles:|
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ MOD介绍#MOD Description:|
创意工坊页面#Workshop Page:|
MOD设置#MOD Setting:|
启用代码插件#Enable code plugin:|
启用该模组的代码内容,不能保证系统安全性#Enabling this code content of the module, does not guarantee system security:|
启用该模组的代码内容,不能保证系统安全性#Enabling this code content of the module does not guarantee system security:|
虚拟桌宠模拟器 规格#VPet-Simulator Specs:|
游戏策划#Game Designer:|
@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ UI&程序#UI & Program:|
广大MOD作者#Mod Authors:|
Git贡献名单#Github Contributer:|
Git贡献名单#Github Contributors:|
叶书天#Ye Shutian:|
查看引用名单#List of references:|
访问Steam页面#Steam page:|
访问Github页面#Github page:|
由于游戏暂未开发完毕,该名单并非完整名单.将在正式版完成前修改#Since the game is not yet developed, this list is not complete:|
由于游戏暂未开发完毕,该名单并非完整名单.将在正式版完成前修改#Since the game is not finished development, this list is not complete:|
默认虚拟桌宠#Default desktop pet:|
P猫#P cat:|
虚拟主播模拟器默认人物形象#VUP-Simulator Default Persona:|
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ text#Text Set:|
停止工作#Stop Working:|
宠物已经生病, 通过服用药物可以恢复#Pet ill and can recover by taking medication:|
已关闭数据计算, 可放心挂机#Data calculation has been turned off, and you can AFK with confidence:|
宠物已经生病, 通过服用药物可以恢复#Pet is ill and can recover by taking medication:|
已关闭数据计算, 可放心挂机#Data calculation has been turned off and you can AFK with confidence:|
@ -218,14 +218,14 @@ text#Text Set:|
和桌宠说#Said with desktop pet:|
和桌宠说#Send message:|
按 Ctrl+Enter 发送#Press Ctrl+Enter to send:|
正在加载游戏#Loading game:|
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ DLL引用名单#DLL Reference List:|
显示逻辑#Display Logic:|
双击运行显示效果#Double-click to run the display effect:|
输入要说的话,按说话键发送#Enter the words you want to say, press the speak key to send:|
输入要说的话,按说话键发送#Enter text then click the button to speak:|
在这里输入要说话的内容#Enter what you want to speak here:|
距离查看器#Distance Viewer:|
启动距离查看器#Launch the Distance Viewer:|
@ -301,12 +301,12 @@ DLL引用名单#DLL Reference List:|
您的桌宠等级不足{0}/{2}\n无法进行{1}#Your pet don't have enough level {0}/{2}\nUnable to {1}:|
{0}取消#{0} Cancel:|
搜索商品#Search for products:|
购买后不自动关闭窗口#don't close after buy:|
购买后不自动关闭窗口#Don't close after purchase:|
凉茶#Cold Tea:|
怕上火,喝广东咖啡!#Afraid excessive internal heat? drink Guangdong coffee!:|
怕上火,喝广东咖啡!#Afraid excessive internal heat? Drink Guangdong coffee!:|
收藏食物#Favorite item:|
物品详情#Item Details:|
椰汁#Coconut Milk:|
@ -459,4 +459,4 @@ come on baby~#come on baby~:|
{0:f1} 秒#{0:f1} Sec:|

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
自定义聊天接口#Custom Chat Interface:|
聊天框已关闭#Chat Box Closed:|
尝试加载游戏存档#Trying to load a game archive:|
尝试加载Steam内容#Trying to load Steam content:|
尝试加载游戏动画#Try to load game animation:|
尝试加载游戏存档#Attempting to game save:|
尝试加载Steam内容#Attempting to load Steam content:|
尝试加载游戏动画#Attempting to load animations:|
桌宠图形渲染的分辨率,越高图形越清晰\r但是高分辨率会占用更多内存\r重启后生效#The resolution at which images are rendered on the desktop.\rThe higher the setting the clearer they are, but higher resolutions will use more memory\rTakes effect after restart:|
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
设置识别音乐播放特殊动作阈值#Set the threshold for recognizing special music playback actions.:|
当前播放音量大小#Current playback volume:|
触发音量#Trigger volume:|
当实时播放音量达到该值时运行音乐动作#Runs a music action when the live volume reaches this value.:|
当实时播放音量达到该值时运行特殊音乐动作#Run special music action when real-time playback volume reaches this value:|
当实时播放音量达到该值时运行音乐动作#Runs a music action when audio volume reaches this volume.:|
当实时播放音量达到该值时运行特殊音乐动作#Runs a special music action when audio volume reaches this volume.:|
高潮音量#Climax Volume:|

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由于插件引起的游戏启动错误#Game launch error due to plugin:|
欢迎使用虚拟桌宠模拟器!\n如果遇到桌宠爬不见了,可以在我这里设置居中或退出桌宠#Welcome to use VPet-Simulator!\nIf you can't found desktop pet, you can set the center or exit the desktop pet in here.:|
欢迎使用虚拟桌宠模拟器\n这是个中期的测试版,若有bug请多多包涵\n欢迎加群虚拟主播模拟器430081239或在菜单栏-管理-反馈中提交bug或建议#Welcome to use VPet-Simulator\nThis is a beta version, If there are any bugs, please forgive me a lot\nWelcome to check, or at Menu - System - Feedback Hub for feedback:|
欢迎使用虚拟桌宠模拟器!\n如果遇到桌宠爬不见了,可以在我这里设置居中或退出桌宠#Welcome to use VPet-Simulator!\nIf you can't find desktop pet, you can set the center or exit the desktop pet in here.:|
欢迎使用虚拟桌宠模拟器\n这是个中期的测试版,若有bug请多多包涵\n欢迎加群虚拟主播模拟器430081239或在菜单栏-管理-反馈中提交bug或建议#Welcome to use VPet-Simulator\nThis is a beta version. Please forgive me for any bugs\n You're welcome to check, or leave feedback at Menu - System - Feedback:|
{0} 未加载代码插件#Code plugin {0} not loaded:|
模组 {0} 的代码插件损坏\n虚拟桌宠模拟器未能成功加载该插件\n请联系作者修复该问题#Mod {0} Code plugins broken\nVPet-Simulator failed to load the plugin\nPlease contact author to fix this problem:|
由于 {0} 包含代码插件\n虚拟桌宠模拟器已自动停止加载该插件\n请手动前往设置允许启用该mod 代码插件#Since {0} contains code plugin\nVPet-Simulator auto stopped loading the plugin\nplease go to the settings to enabled the mod code plugin:|

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@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
游戏内存不足,请修改设置中渲染分辨率以便降低内存使用#Game memory is insufficient, please modify the rendering resolution in the settings to reduce memory usage.:|
没有可以说的话#There's nothing to say:|
下次刷新剩余时间: {0:f1}分钟#Next refresh remaining time: {0:f1} minutes:|
使用桌宠选项式\r聊天功能#Use vpet option type\rchat function:|
使用桌宠选项式\r聊天功能#Use vpet type\rchat function:|
支持MOD与创意工坊添加聊天内容#Support MOD and creative workshop add chat content:|
删错误#Delete error:|
余额不足100无法开启自动购买#Balance is less than 100, unable to open automatic purchase:|
让宠物自己买东西吃#Let the pet buy self:|
当宠物口渴或者饥饿的时候会自己买东西吃\r请注意,宠物可能会乱花钱和吃错误的东西\r额外加收20%外卖运送费用#When the pet is thirsty or hungry, it will buy something to eat it self\rPlease note that the pet may spend money and eat the wrong things\rExtra 20% takeout delivery fee:|
让宠物自己买东西吃#Let pet purchase on their own:|
当宠物口渴或者饥饿的时候会自己买东西吃\r请注意,宠物可能会乱花钱和吃错误的东西\r额外加收20%外卖运送费用#When the pet is thirsty or hungry, it will buy something to eat on its own\rPlease note that the pet may spend money and eat the wrong things\rExtra 20% takeout delivery fee:|
清屏#Clean screen:|
游戏操作#Game operation:|
自动超模MOD优化#Automatic supermodel MOD optimization:|

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零食这种东西,总是主人给的更好吃呢,我还要~#Snacks are always better given by the master, and I want ~:|
零食这种东西,总是主人给的更好吃呢,我还要~#Snacks are always better given by the master, and I want some~:|
礼物?是好吃的吗!#Gift? Is it delicious!:|
主人,我的午饭呢#Master, where is my lunch:|
我最喜欢吃的东西是XX和XXX记住了吗就是更好买正在卖的那个喵。#My favorite food is XX and XXX, remember? Yes, it's the thing that the betterbuy selling mew.:|

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@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
你是谁#Who are you:|
你是谁#Who are you?:|
你的名字是什么#What your name is:|
你的饱食度是多少#What is your Hunger:|
你的口渴度是多少#What is your Thirst:|
你的心情是多少#What is your Mood:|
你的体力是多少#What is your Stamina:|
你的金钱是多少#What is your Money:|
你的等级是多少#What is your level:|
你怎么了#What's up with you:|
你的名字是什么#What's your name?:|
你的饱食度是多少#What's your hunger at?:|
你的口渴度是多少#What's your thirst at?:|
你的心情是多少#What's your mood at?:|
你的体力是多少#What's your stamina at?:|
你的金钱是多少#What's your money at?:|
你的等级是多少#What's your level?:|
你怎么了#What's up with you?:|
吃饭了吗?#Have you eaten yet?:|
喜欢吃什么正餐?#What kind of dinner do you like?:|
不喜欢吃什么正餐?#What kind of dinner do you dislike?:|
喜欢吃什么零食#What snacks do you like to eat:|
不喜欢吃什么零食#What snacks do not like to eat:|
喜欢吃什么正餐?#What kind of food do you like?:|
不喜欢吃什么正餐?#What kind of food do you dislike?:|
喜欢吃什么零食#What snacks do you like to eat?:|
不喜欢吃什么零食#What snacks do not like to eat?:|
你口渴吗?#Are you thirsty?:|
喜欢喝什么#What do you like to drink:|
不喜欢喝什么#What don't you like to drink:|
喜欢什么饮料#What kind of drink do you like:|
不喜欢什么饮料#What drinks do not like:|
想玩吗#Do you want to play:|
平时喜欢玩什么#What do you usually like to play:|
不喜欢玩什么#What do you dislike playing with:|
我不在的时候你会玩什么#What do you play when I'm not here:|
最想去哪里玩#Where do you most want to play:|
困了吗#Are you tired:|
平时睡多久#How long do you usually sleep:|
喜欢睡觉吗#Do you like sleeping:|
喜欢什么姿势睡觉#What position do you like to sleep in:|
睡眠质量怎么样#How is the sleep quality:|
喜欢工作吗#Do you enjoy job:|
喜欢什么样的工作#What kind of job do you like:|
会认真工作吗#Will you work hard:|
为什么要工作#Why to Do a Job:|
如果暴富了还会工作吗#Will you still work if you get rich:|
喜欢学习吗#Do you like to learn:|
喜欢学习哪科#Which subject do you like to study:|
有什么学习技巧#What are the study tips:|
觉得自己合适那个专业#Which major you feel is right for:|
想去上学吗#Do you want to go to school:|
你对我是怎么看的#What do you think of me:|
喜欢喝什么#What drink do you like?:|
不喜欢喝什么#What drink do you dislike?:|
喜欢什么饮料#What kind of drink do you like?:|
不喜欢什么饮料#What kind of drinks do you dislike?:|
想玩吗#Do you want to play?:|
平时喜欢玩什么#What do you usually like to play?:|
不喜欢玩什么#What do you dislike playing?:|
我不在的时候你会玩什么#What do you play when I'm not here?:|
最想去哪里玩#Where do you most want to play?:|
困了吗#Are you tired?:|
平时睡多久#How long do you usually sleep?:|
喜欢睡觉吗#Do you like sleeping?:|
喜欢什么姿势睡觉#What position do you like to sleep in?:|
睡眠质量怎么样#How is your sleep quality?:|
喜欢工作吗#Do you enjoy your job?:|
喜欢什么样的工作#What kind of job do you like?:|
会认真工作吗#Will you work hard?:|
为什么要工作#Why work a job?:|
如果暴富了还会工作吗#Will you still work if you get rich?:|
喜欢学习吗#Do you like to learn?:|
喜欢学习哪科#What subject do you like to study?:|
有什么学习技巧#What are some study tips?:|
觉得自己合适那个专业#What major do you feel is the right one?:|
想去上学吗#Do you want to go to school?:|
你对我是怎么看的#What do you think of me?:|
身体还好吗?#Is your body okay?:|
生病会吃什么药#What medicine will be taken when sick:|
讨厌吃什么药#What kind of medicine do you dislike:|
去医院怎么样#How about going to the hospital:|
生病了怎么办#What to do if sick:|
生病会吃什么药#What medicine will you take if you're sick?:|
讨厌吃什么药#What kind of medicine do you dislike?:|
去医院怎么样#What do you think about going to the doctors?:|
生病了怎么办#What should you do if you're sick?:|
啊呀,你好喵主人~ 我是{name},一只可爱的桌宠~ 我喜欢玩 <虚拟主播模拟器> 还有和主人一起玩耍呢~ 有什么可以帮助你的吗?请问有什么事想和我聊呢?我很开心能和你交流呢~#Ah, hello meow master~ I am {name}, a cute desktop pet~ I like play <VUP-Simulator> and play with the master~ Is there anything that can help you? Is there anything you'd like to talk to me about? I'm glad and your chat~:|
我是{name}喵~ 一只桌宠!#I am {name} meow~a desktop pet!:|
嗨嗨~你好喵主人~有什么可以帮忙的吗?#Hi Hi~Hello Meow Master~Can I help you?:|
我的名字是{name}哦~很高兴认识你呀~#My name is {name} Oh~Nice to meet you~:|
我的饱食度是{food}哦主人~#My Hunger is {food} Oh, master~:|
我的口渴度是{drink}哦主人~#My Thirst is {drink} Oh, master~:|
我的心情是{feel}哦主人~#My Mood is {feel} Oh, master~:|
我的体力是{strength}哦主人~#My Stamina is {strength} Oh, master~:|
我的金钱是{money}哦主人~#My Money is {money} Oh, master~:|
我的饱食度是{food}哦主人~#My hunger is at {food} Oh, master~:|
我的口渴度是{drink}哦主人~#My thirst is at {drink} Oh, master~:|
我的心情是{feel}哦主人~#My mood is at {feel} Oh, master~:|
我的体力是{strength}哦主人~#My stamina is at {strength} Oh, master~:|
我的金钱是{money}哦主人~#My money is at ${money} Oh, master~:|
我的等级是{level}哦主人~#My level is {level} Oh, master~:|
人家肚子饿了喵#I'm hungry meow:|
人家想吃东西了喵#I'm want eat something meow:|
人家想喝水了喵#I'm want drink water meow:|
人家口渴了喵#I'm thirst meow:|
人家想喝水了喵#I want to drink water meow:|
人家口渴了喵#I'm thirsty meow:|
人家不开心了喵#I'm not happy meow:|
人家想和主人玩了喵#I'm want play with master meow:|
人家累了喵#I'm tired meow:|
人家想睡觉了喵#I'm want sleep meow:|
人家想睡觉了喵#I want to go to sleep meow:|
人家不舒服喵#I'm not feeling well meow:|
人家想吃点药了喵#I want to take some medicine meow:|
肚子饿的难受喵#Feeling hungry meow:|
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口渴得难受喵#Thirsty meow:|
渴的嗓子疼。。#Suffering from thirst meow:|
心情好差喵#Bad mood meow:|
呜呜呜喵。。#Woo woo meo..:|
呜呜呜喵。。#Woo woo meow..:|
累的难受喵#Dog-tired meow:|
要睡着了。。喵#I'm going to fall asleep..meow:|
主人我好难受喵#Master I so suffered meow:|
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刚刚吃过了喵!谢谢主人!#Just ate meow! Thanks master!:|
没有喵,肚子饿饿主人。#Not meow, hungry master.:|
行行好主人给点吃的吧喵#Please give me some food master meow:|
只要主人给我买的!我都喜欢喵!#As long as the master bought it for me! I love meow!:|
只要主人给我买的!我都喜欢喵!#As long as the master bought it for me! I love it meow!:|
牛排,烤鸡,酸菜鱼,东坡肘子,红烧牛肉,麻婆豆腐,盐焗鸡。。。#Steak, roast chicken, Sauerkraut-fish, Dongpo Pig Knuckle, Braised Beef, Mapo Tofu, Salt Baked Chicken...:|
主人。。。看起来很好吃喵。。#Master... looks delicious meow..:|
主人。。。看起来很好吃喵。。#Master... it looks delicious meow..:|
我不挑食喵!只要是好吃的就行!青椒除外!!#I'm not a picky eater! As long as it's delicious! Except for green peppers!!:|
人家不喜欢喝西北风喵。。#I don't like live on air meow..:|
不喜欢吃也得吃了喵。#I don't like to eat and I have to eat meow.:|
说到底人家是甜派的,#After all I like sweet.:|
人家不喜欢喝西北风喵。。#I don't like to live on air meow..:|
不喜欢吃也得吃了喵。#I don't like it but I have to eat it meow.:|
说到底人家是甜派的,#After all, I like sweet.:|
都可以喵!零食也能当饭吃!#All that be ok meow! Snacks can also be eaten as meals!:|
零食都没得吃了喵#No snacks meow:|
说实话人家不太会吃辣喵。#To be honest, I can't eat to spicy:|
这是什么?卫龙?吃一下。#What is this? Wei-Long? Eat it.:|
辣椒。。没办法了。。我吃喵!#Chili peppers.. There's no way.. I eat meow!:|
不渴哦,谢谢主人关心喵~#Not thirsty oh, thanks master for caring about meow~:|
渴~要主人喂我喝水喵~#Thirsty ~ master feed me water meow ~:|
主人。。水喵。。#Master..water meow..:|
好喝的喵!#Delicious meow!:|
能解渴的就行喵。#Anything quenches thirst meow.:|
能救命的就行喵#Anything safe my life meow:|
苦的还有。。热饮。。烫舌头喵!#It's bitter..and hot drinks..tongue meow!:|
没事的我都喜欢喝,呼呼呼!好烫!呸呸呸!好苦!#I'm okay, I like to drink, huhuhoo! So hot! Blah blah! So bitter!:|
辣椒。。没办法了。。我吃喵!#Chili peppers.. There's no way.. I eat it meow!:|
不渴哦,谢谢主人关心喵~#Im not thirsty, thanks master for caring about me meow~:|
渴~要主人喂我喝水喵~#Thirsty ~ master feed me water right meow ~:|
主人。。水喵。。#Master..water... meow..:|
好喝的喵!#Anything delicious meow!:|
能解渴的就行喵。#Anything that quenches thirst meow.:|
能救命的就行喵#Anything safe for my life meow:|
苦的还有。。热饮。。烫舌头喵!#If it's bitter.. and hot drinks.. my tongue meow!:|
没事的我都喜欢喝,呼呼呼!好烫!呸呸呸!好苦!#I'm okay, I like to drink this. Huhuhoo! So hot! Blah blah! So bitter!:|
马桶里的水味道是怎么样的喵。。#What does the toilet water taste like meow..:|
喜欢喝甜甜的果汁喵!还有可乐喵!#Love sweet juice meow! And Coke Meow!:|
想喝比较解渴的饮料,现在喝甜的有点齁得慌喵。。#Want to drink a drink that quench, but now I drink sweet still will feel uncomfortable throat meow..:|
喜欢喝甜甜的果汁喵!还有可乐喵!#I love sweet juice meow! And Coke Meow!:|
想喝比较解渴的饮料,现在喝甜的有点齁得慌喵。。#I wanted to drink something that quenches, but that was sweet and my throat still feels uncomfortable meow..:|
喝糖浆能解渴吗?#Syrup can quench thirst?:|
酒喵。。酒算饮料吗?#Alcohol meow...alcohol is drink?:|
酒喵。。酒算饮料吗?#Alcohol alcohol even a drink?:|
酒。酒好像不能解渴喵。。#Alcohol. Alcohol doesn't seem to quench thirst meow..:|
越喝喵越渴了好像喵~#The more I drink meow, the thirstier I get, meow~:|
没事哦,主人先忙,人家会乖乖等主人喵~#Don't worry, take your time master, I will wait for the master meow~:|
想~主人来陪我玩喵!#I want ~ the master to play with me meow!:|
想主人了。。#Miss the master..:|
喜欢在主人的屏幕上跑来跑去喵!#Loved running around the master's screen meow!:|
没事哦,主人先忙,人家会乖乖等主人喵~#Don't worry, take your time master, I will wait for you meow~:|
想~主人来陪我玩喵!#I want~ the master to play with me meow!:|
想主人了。。#I miss master..:|
喜欢在主人的屏幕上跑来跑去喵!#I loved running around the master's screen meow!:|
总之现在不想再看书上班了喵#I don't want to read books and go to work anymore:|
喜欢玩主人喵。。#Love to play the master meow.:|
不喜欢吓人的玩法喵,鬼屋什么绝对不行喵!#Don't like scary gameplay meow, haunted house absolutely not meow!:|
不喜欢自己一个人玩喵。#Dislike playing alone meow。:|
喜欢玩主人喵。。#I love to play with the master meow.:|
不喜欢吓人的玩法喵,鬼屋什么绝对不行喵!#I don't like scary gameplay meow, haunted house absolutely not meow!:|
不喜欢自己一个人玩喵。#I dislike playing alone meow。:|
不想见不到主人。。#I don't want to miss my master..:|
偷看主人的学习资料喵!日语看不懂啦!!#Peek master's homework folder meow! I can't understand Japanese!!:|
在角落画圈圈等主人回来喵#Draw circles in the corner and wait for the master to come back Meow:|
数主人多久回来喵#Count how often the master comes back meow:|
偷看主人的学习资料喵!日语看不懂啦!!#Peeking at master's homework folder meow! I can't understand Japanese!!:|
在角落画圈圈等主人回来喵#I'll just draw circles in the corner and wait for the master to come back Meow:|
数主人多久回来喵#Counting how long until master comes back meow:|
想去各个游戏里旅游喵!#Want to travel to other games!:|
想去主人身边喵#Want to go to the master meow:|
主人。。你在哪喵。。别不理我。#Master.. Where are you meowing. Don't ignore me.:|
主人。。你在哪喵。。别不理我。#Master.. Where are you meow. Don't ignore me.:|
精神百倍喵!#Full of energy, meow!:|
呜。。喵。。诶主人说什么了?#Woo.. Meow.. What did the master say?:|
呜。。喵。。诶主人说什么了?#Hmmm.. Meow.. What did the master say?:|
啊。。。喵。。呼。。喵。。#Ah... Meow.. Huh.. Meow..:|
一天八小时,医生远离我#Eight hours a day, keep doctor away:|
半夜两点睡到第二天下午喵!#Sleep at two o'clock in the middle of the night until noon the next day!:|
一天八小时,医生远离我#Eight hours a day to keep the doctor away:|
半夜两点睡到第二天下午喵!#Sleep at two in the morning until noon the next day!:|
怎么睡都睡不够喵。。#I can't sleep enough anymore meow..:|
喜欢!恨不得嫁给床!#Like it! I wish I could marry a bed!:|
喜欢!恨不得嫁给床!#I like it! I wish I could marry a bed!:|
(临床诊断-植物人)#(Clinical Diagnosis - Vegetable):|
平躺喵!#Lie flat meow!:|
(说要演示,然后倒床上直接睡着了)#(said to demonstrate, then fell asleep directly on the bed):|
平躺喵!#I lie flat on my back meow!:|
(说要演示,然后倒床上直接睡着了)#(She said she would demonstrate, but fell directly into bed and fell asleep):|
吼哈喵!(开始梦里打拳)#Roar, meow! (Starting to fight in my dream):|
梦到主人算睡眠质量好吗?#Is the sleep quality good when dreaming about the master?:|
偶尔会做噩梦喵,主人今天晚上可以陪我睡嘛。#Occasionally have nightmares meow. Can the master sleep with me tonight.:|
没有主人已经睡不着了喵。。#Without the master, I can't sleep anymore, Meow..:|
今天这b班就上到这里了喵#That's all for work today, meow!:|
梦到主人算睡眠质量好吗?#Is sleep quality good when dreaming about master?:|
偶尔会做噩梦喵,主人今天晚上可以陪我睡嘛。#Sometimes I have nightmares meow. Can master sleep with me tonight.:|
没有主人已经睡不着了喵。。#Without master, I can't sleep anymore, Meow..:|
今天这b班就上到这里了喵#That's all the work for today, meow!:|
我爱工作!工作让我快乐(悲)#I love work! Work makes me happy (sad):|
谢谢老板,老板就是我的再生父母喵。#Thank you, boss. Boss is my reincarnated parents, Meow.:|
谢谢老板,老板就是我的再生父母喵。#Thank you, boss. Boss is like my parent, Meow.:|
喜欢轻松的工作喵~#I like easy work meow~:|
喜欢。。工资高点的呜呜呜喵。#Like.. Woo-toot-toot high wages meow.:|
天生万物以养人喵。。。#Heaven with all things to support people meow...:|
我凭本事摸鱼的!#I slack off by skill!:|
对不起!老板我不敢了!再给我一次机会喵!#I'm sorry! Boss, I don't dare! Give me another chance meow!:|
呸,资本家,尝尝你工人爷爷的镰刀锤子喵!#Bah, capitalist, taste your workers' class sickle hammer meow!:|
因为想和主人一起工作~#Because I want to work with the master~:|
天生万物以养人喵。。。#It is human nature to support people meow...:|
我凭本事摸鱼的!#Slacking off is a skill!:|
对不起!老板我不敢了!再给我一次机会喵!#I'm sorry! Boss, I wouldn't dare! Give me another chance meow!:|
呸,资本家,尝尝你工人爷爷的镰刀锤子喵!#Bah, capitalist, taste your worker classes hammer and sickle meow!:|
因为想和主人一起工作~#Because I want to work with master~:|
因为没钱喵。#Because there is no money meow.:|
因为有钱了就可以好好和主人玩了喵#Because have money can play with master meow:|
你在说什么呢仆从,这是这个月的乱花钱(掏出一百万)#What are you talking about servant, this is this month's pocket money (take out a million):|
因为有钱了就可以好好和主人玩了喵#Because when we have money I can play with master meow:|
你在说什么呢仆从,这是这个月的乱花钱(掏出一百万)#What are you talking about servant, this is this month's pocket change (takes out millions of dollars):|
主人醒醒喵,房东来催房租了喵!#Wake up master meow, time to pay the landlord rent meow!:|
主人,这桥洞里好冷啊。#Master, it's so cold in the under bridge.:|
主人,这桥洞里好冷啊。#Master, it's so cold under the bridge.:|
(退学申请书)#(Application for withdrawal):|
我爱学习!学习让我快乐(悲)#I love learning! Learning makes me happy (sad):|
老师您好~老师再见!#Hello teacher~ Goodbye teacher!:|
喜欢学主人!#Love learning master!:|
喜欢学习#Love to learn:|
现在流行理科女文科男喵#Now it is popular for science women, liberal arts male meows:|
喜欢学主人!#I love learning from master!:|
喜欢学习#I love to learn:|
现在流行理科女文科男喵#Now it is popular for women to do science, and men to do liberal arts meow:|
量子阅读法喵!#Quantum reading method meow!:|
只要学不死,就往死里学#As long as you don't die, learn to die:|
要找到合适自己的学习方法和学习习惯喵#Find the right study method and study habits for you:|
只要学不死,就往死里学#Keep learning as long as you are alive:|
要找到合适自己的学习方法和学习习惯喵#Find the right study method and study habits for you meow:|
人工智能喵!#AI Meow!:|
人家想学计算机!#I want to learn computers!:|
土木工程。#Civil engineering.:|
主人,这道题应该这么解喵#Master, this question should be solved like this:|
想和主人一起上学!#Want to go to school with the master!:|
想和主人一起上学!#I want to go to school with the master!:|
上学?开心吗喵?#Going to school? Are you happy, meow?:|
终有一天,我会穿过这层玻璃,当面告诉你的。#One day, I'll walk through this glass and tell you in person.:|
终有一天,我会穿过这层玻璃,当面告诉你的。#One day, I'll walk through this screen and tell you in person.:|
是我超越次元最喜欢的主人!#It is my favorite master beyond the dimension!:|
是我超越维度最喜欢的主人喵!#It's my favorite master beyond dimension, Meow!:|
是我宇宙第一喜欢的主人大人!#It's my most favorite master in the universe!:|
是我世界第一喜欢的主人!#My number one favorite master in the world!:|
超超超喜欢的主人大人喵!#Super super favorite master adult meow!:|
超超超喜欢的主人大人喵!#Super super favorite master meow!:|
超喜欢的主人喵!#My beloved master, meow!:|
是我最最最喜欢的主人大人喵!#It's my most favorite master meow~:|
我我最喜欢的主人喵!#My-my favorite master meow~:|
我我最喜欢的主人喵!#My favorite master meow~:|
是喜欢的主人喵~#It's my favorite master meow~:|
是主人喵~#It's the master meow~:|
我没事主人~不用担心#I'm fine, master~Don't worry:|
我不太舒服主人#I'm not feeling well, master:|
主人我好难受。。#Master, I feel so uncomfortable..:|
平时多喝水多做运动好好吃饭早睡早起就是最好的药喵。#Drinking more water and exercising regularly, eating well, going to bed early, and getting up early is the best medicine.:|
平时多喝水多做运动好好吃饭早睡早起就是最好的药喵。#Drinking more water, exercising regularly, eating well, going to bed early, and getting up early is the best medicine.:|
给我来点维生素C吧喵。#Give me some vitamin C, meow.:|
救心丸。。我的救心丸喵。。#Nitroglycerin tablets.. My Nitroglycerin tablets meow..:|
不知道为什么,吃药好像能变聪明喵#Unkown why, taking medicine seems to make smarter, meow:|
不知道为什么,吃药好像能变聪明喵#I dont know why but taking medicine seems to make smarter, meow:|
呸,呸,药好苦,可是没办法了喵。#Bah, Bah, the medicine is so bitter, but there's no way out, meow.:|
药当饭吃不是很正常喵?#Isn't it normal to eat medicine as a meal meow?:|
不要喵!!讨厌打针喵!#Don't meow!! Hate injections, meow!:|
能挂儿科吗喵。。#Can I go to pediatrics, meow..:|
帮我叫。。救护车。。#Help me call.. ambulance..:|
要主人抱抱就好啦~#Just ask master a hug~:|
咳喵,麻烦主人照顾我了#Cough meow, trouble the master took care of me:|
要主人抱抱就好啦~#Just ask master for a hug~:|
咳喵,麻烦主人照顾我了#Cough meow, please take care of me master:|
(病危通知书)#(Critically Ill Notice):|