- Full rework of the latest by promoting the next gen version to current after the python version is permanently broken now
- Aside from the serverwide-arl, everything should work for now. As soon as that feature is available in the source, I will update the container with that functionality again.
## 2021-05-30
- Added next gen version of deemix as container variant
- First entry in the changelog. This is for the container only, not for deemix or any of it's components.
- Switched port to 6595 from 9666 (due to pyweb update). THIS SHOULD BE FIX NOW. I have hard-coded the port into the run parameter, so even if deemix itself will switch the port, you should always just have to map to 6595
- Switched the base from a pre-build alpine-python3 build (that was pretty old) to the current alpine base with my own python installation.