Go to file
2021-06-30 19:53:14 +02:00
root/etc Maint: Fix websockets temporarily 2021-06-30 19:53:14 +02:00
.gitlab-ci.yml Next Gen Deemix 2021-06-28 23:09:56 +02:00
CHANGELOG.md Maint: Fix websockets temporarily 2021-06-30 19:53:14 +02:00
docker-compose.yml.example Next Gen Deemix 2021-06-28 23:09:56 +02:00
Dockerfile Maint: Fix websockets temporarily 2021-06-30 19:53:14 +02:00
LICENSE initial commit 2020-06-05 21:25:27 +02:00
README.md Maint: Fix websockets temporarily 2021-06-30 19:53:14 +02:00


The new Alpine 3.13 has some known issues with docker hosts running a Debian Buster (only 32bit versions) based distribution (like Raspberry PI OS).

See this link for more information and also a workaround: https://docs.linuxserver.io/faq#libseccomp

I have successfully used option 3.

IMPORTANT - Temporary Reverse Proxy fix

If you use a reverse proxy like traefik or nginx, create an environment Variable called "REVERSEPROXY" and set it to "true". Until it is fixed, you will have to choose to either have Deemix available through Reverse Proxy or not.


Deemix in a Docker container.

How to run this

Run the container either via commandline or via docker-compose (see the provided example file). Check the parameter explanation below to see which ones are mandatory.

Example for Docker:

$ docker run -d --name Deemix \
				-v /your/storage/path/:/downloads \
				-v /your/config/location:/config \
				-e PUID=1000 \
				-e PGID=1000 \
				-e UMASK_SET=022 \
				-p 6595:6595 \

Example for Docker Compose:

version: '3.3'
		image: registry.gitlab.com/bockiii/deemix-docker
		container_name: Deemix
			- /your/storage/path/:/downloads
			- /your/config/location:/config
			- PUID=1000
			- PGID=1000
			- UMASK_SET=022
			- 6595:6595

Updating Deemix

Pull the latest container for the latest Deemix version


Parameter Function
-v /your/storage/path/:/downloads Path for your music downloads
-v /your/config/location:/config Path to your local configuration
-e PUID=1000 OPTIONAL: User ID of the user you want the container to run as in order to fix folder permission issues
-e PGID=1000 OPTIONAL: Group ID, see PUID
-e UMASK_SET=022 OPTIONAL: Setting UMASK for file permissions Default is 022
-e REVERSEPROXY=true OPTIONAL: Set this if you want to use Deemix behind traefik/nginx. Read the note.
-p 6595:6595 Port opened for the web interface
-e INTPORT=3333 EXTRA OPTIONAL: This changes the internal port of deemix. DON'T CHANGE THIS IF YOU DONT KNOW WHY YOU WOULD DO IT
registry.gitlab.com/bockiii/deemix-docker This container

To access the web interface, go to http://YOURSERVERIP:6595


latest : Latest state of the main branch.

Tag includes amd64, arm32v7 and arm64v8 architectures.



I am in no way affiliated with the Deemix project (or any other Deezloader-like project for that matter).

Gitlab link for this container: https://gitlab.com/Bockiii/deemix-docker

Issue Tracker for this Docker: https://gitlab.com/Bockiii/deemix-docker/-/issues

Feel free to open an issue that is Docker related, and not related to Deemix development. Go to the Deemix repository for that.