syntax cleanup

This commit is contained in:
mag37 2024-02-01 20:19:04 +01:00
parent 78d11d1b37
commit 5ed3b90ca4

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ while getopts "aynpfrhlisme:d:" options; do
p) AutoPrune="yes" ;;
l) OnlyLabel=true ;;
f) ForceRestartStacks=true ;;
i) [ -s $ScriptWorkDir/ ] && { source $ScriptWorkDir/ ; Notify="yes" ; } ;;
i) [ -s "$ScriptWorkDir"/ ] && { source "$ScriptWorkDir"/ ; Notify="yes" ; } ;;
e) Exclude=${OPTARG} ;;
m) declare c_{red,green,yellow,blue,teal,reset}="" ;;
s) Stopped="-a" ;;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ self_update() {
exec "$ScriptPath" "${ScriptArgs[@]}" # run the new script with old arguments
exit 1 # exit the old instance
cd -
cd - || { printf "Path error.\n" ; return ; }
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ choosecontainers() {
datecheck() {
ImageDate=$($regbin image inspect "$RepoUrl" --format='{{.Created}}' | cut -d" " -f1 )
ImageAge=$(( ( $(date +%s) - $(date -d "$ImageDate" +%s) )/86400 ))
if [ $ImageAge -gt $DaysOld ] ; then
if [ "$ImageAge" -gt "$DaysOld" ] ; then
return 0
return 1
@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ datecheck() {
progress_bar() {
((Complete=50*${Percent}/100)) # change first number for width (50)
((Left=50-${Complete})) # change first number for width (50)
((Complete=50*Percent/100)) # change first number for width (50)
((Left=50-Complete)) # change first number for width (50)
BarComplete=$(printf "%${Complete}s" | tr " " "#")
BarLeft=$(printf "%${Left}s" | tr " " "-")
[[ $QueTotal == $QueCurrent ]] || printf "\r[%s%s] %s/%s " $BarComplete $BarLeft $QueCurrent $QueTotal
[[ $QueTotal == $QueCurrent ]] && printf "\r[%b%s%b] %s/%s \n" $c_teal $BarComplete $c_reset $QueCurrent $QueTotal
[[ "$QueTotal" == "$QueCurrent" ]] || printf "\r[%s%s] %s/%s " "$BarComplete" "$BarLeft" "$QueCurrent" "$QueTotal"
[[ "$QueTotal" == "$QueCurrent" ]] && printf "\r[%b%s%b] %s/%s \n" "$c_teal" "$BarComplete" "$c_reset" "$QueCurrent" "$QueTotal"
### Version check & initiate self update
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ done
### Listing typed exclusions:
if [[ -n ${Excludes[*]} ]] ; then
printf "\n%bExcluding these names:%b\n" $c_blue $c_reset
printf "\n%bExcluding these names:%b\n" "$c_blue" "$c_reset"
printf "%s\n" "${Excludes[@]}"
printf "\n"
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ RegCheckQue=0
### Check the image-hash of every running container VS the registry
for i in $(docker ps $Stopped --filter "name=$SearchName" --format '{{.Names}}') ; do
progress_bar $RegCheckQue $DocCount
progress_bar "$RegCheckQue" "$DocCount"
### Looping every item over the list of excluded names and skipping:
for e in "${Excludes[@]}" ; do [[ "$i" == "$e" ]] && continue 2 ; done
RepoUrl=$(docker inspect "$i" --format='{{.Config.Image}}')
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ fi
if [[ -n ${GotUpdates[*]} ]] ; then
printf "\n%bContainers with updates available:%b\n" "$c_yellow" "$c_reset"
[[ -z "$AutoUp" ]] && options || printf "%s\n" "${GotUpdates[@]}"
[[ ! -z "$Notify" ]] && { [[ $(type -t send_notification) == function ]] && send_notification "${GotUpdates[@]}" || printf "Could not source notification function.\n" ; }
[[ -n "$Notify" ]] && { [[ $(type -t send_notification) == function ]] && send_notification "${GotUpdates[@]}" || printf "Could not source notification function.\n" ; }
### Optionally get updates if there's any
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ if [ -n "$GotUpdates" ] ; then
### Check if the container got an environment file set, use it if so:
if [ -n "$ContEnv" ]; then
### prepare env-files arguments
ContEnvs=$(for env in ${ContEnv//,/ } ; do printf -- "--env-file %s " $env; done)
ContEnvs=$(for env in ${ContEnv//,/ } ; do printf -- "--env-file %s " "$env"; done)
### Check if the whole stack should be restarted
if [[ "$ContRestartStack" == true ]] || [[ "$ForceRestartStacks" == true ]] ; then
$DockerBin ${CompleteConfs[@]} stop ; $DockerBin ${CompleteConfs[@]} ${ContEnvs} up -d