2020-07-08 22:41:41 +05:00

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# HTTP's error pages in Docker image
[![Build Status][badge_build_status]][link_build_status]
[![Image size][badge_size_latest]][link_docker_hub]
This repository contains:
- A very simple [generator](./bin/generator.js) _(`nodejs`)_ for HTTP error pages _(like `404: Not found`)_ with different templates supports
- Dockerfile for [docker image][link_docker_hub] with generated pages and `nginx` as web server
### Demo
Generated pages (from the latest release) always [accessible here][link_branch_gh_pages] _(sources)_ and on GitHub pages [here][link_gh_pages].
## Development
> For project development we use `docker-ce` + `docker-compose`. Make sure you have them installed.
Install `nodejs` dependencies:
$ make install
If you want to generate error pages on your machine _(after that look into output directory)_:
$ make gen
If you want to preview the pages using the Docker image:
$ make preview
Can be used for [Traefik error pages customization](
## Templates
Name | Preview
:------: | :-----:
`ghost` | ![ghost](
## Usage
Generated error pages in our [docker image][link_docker_hub] permanently located in directory `/opt/html/%THEME_NAME%`.
#### Supported environment variables
Name | Description
--------------- | -----------
`TEMPLATE_NAME` | "default" pages template _(allows to use error pages without passing theme name in URL - `` instead ``)_
### HTTP server for error pages serving only
Execute in your shell:
$ docker run --rm -p "8082:8080" tarampampam/error-pages
And open in your browser ``.
### Custom error pages for [nginx][link_nginx]
You can build your own docker image with `nginx` and our error pages:
# File `./nginx.conf`
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
error_page 401 /_error-pages/401.html;
error_page 403 /_error-pages/403.html;
error_page 404 /_error-pages/404.html;
error_page 500 /_error-pages/500.html;
error_page 502 /_error-pages/502.html;
error_page 503 /_error-pages/503.html;
location ^~ /_error-pages/ {
root /usr/share/nginx/errorpages;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
FROM nginx:1.18-alpine
COPY --chown=nginx \
./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY --chown=nginx \
--from=tarampampam/error-pages:1.0.0 \
/opt/html/ghost /usr/share/nginx/errorpages/_error-pages
> More info about `error_page` directive can be [found here](
### Custom error pages for [Traefik][link_traefik]
Simple traefik service configuration for usage in [docker swarm][link_swarm] (**change with your needs**):
# Work in progress
## Changes log
[![Release date][badge_release_date]][link_releases]
[![Commits since latest release][badge_commits_since_release]][link_commits]
Changes log can be [found here][link_changes_log].
## Support
If you will find any package errors, please, [make an issue][link_create_issue] in current repository.
## License
This is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT License][link_license].