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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:40 +00:00
* Polish translation added. * Update CHANGELOG.md * Update CHANGELOG.md --------- Co-authored-by: Pаramtamtām <7326800+tarampampam@users.noreply.github.com>
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<p align="center"><sup>
22 feb. 2022 - ⚡ Our Docker image was downloaded <strong>one MILLION times</strong> from the docker hub! ⚡<br/>
10 apr. 2023 - ⚡ <strong>Two million times</strong> from the docker hub and <strong>one million</strong> from the ghcr! ⚡
One day you may want to replace the standard error pages of your HTTP server with something more original and pretty. That's what this repository was created for :) It contains:
- Simple error pages generator, written in Go
- Single-page error page templates with different designs (located in the [templates](https://github.com/tarampampam/error-pages/tree/master/templates) directory)
- Fast and lightweight HTTP server
- Already generated error pages (sources can be [found here][preview-sources], the **demonstration** is always accessible [here][preview-demo])
## 🔥 Features list
- HTTP server written in Go, with the extremely fast [FastHTTP][fasthttp] under the hood
- Respects the `Content-Type` HTTP header (and `X-Format`) value and responds with the corresponding format (supported formats are `json` and `xml`)
- Writes logs in `json` format
- Contains healthcheck endpoint (`/healthz`)
- Contains metrics endpoint (`/metrics`) in Prometheus format
- Lightweight docker image _(~4.6Mb compressed size)_, distroless and uses the unleveled user by default
- [Go-template](https://pkg.go.dev/text/template) tags are allowed in the templates
- Ready for integration with [Traefik][traefik] ([error pages customization](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/http/errorpages/)) and [Ingress-nginx][ingress-nginx]
- Error pages can be [embedded into your own `nginx`][wiki-usage-with-nginx] docker image
- Fully configurable (take a look at the [configuration file](https://github.com/tarampampam/error-pages/blob/master/error-pages.yml) and [project Wiki][wiki])
- Distributed using docker image and compiled binary files
- Localized (🇺🇸, 🇫🇷, 🇺🇦, 🇷🇺, 🇵🇹, 🇳🇱, 🇩🇪, 🇪🇸, 🇨🇳, 🇮🇩, 🇵🇱) HTML error pages (translation process [described here](https://github.com/tarampampam/error-pages/tree/master/l10n) - other translations are welcome!)
## 🧩 Install
Download the latest binary file for your os/arch from the [releases page][releases] or use our docker image:
| Registry | Image |
| [Docker Hub][docker-hub] | `tarampampam/error-pages` |
| [GitHub Container Registry][ghcr] | `ghcr.io/tarampampam/error-pages` |
> Using the `latest` tag for the docker image is highly discouraged because of possible backward-incompatible changes during **major** upgrades. Please, use tags in `X.Y.Z` format
💣 **Or** you can download **already rendered** error pages pack as a [zip][pages-pack-zip] or [tar.gz][pages-pack-tar-gz] archive.
## 🛠 Usage
Please, take a look at [our Wiki][wiki] for the common usage stories:
- [HTTP server][wiki-http-server] (routes, formats, flags and environment variables)
- [Pages generator][wiki-generator] (build your own error page set)
- [Static error pages][wiki-static-error-pages] (extract generated static error pages from the docker image)
- [Usage with nginx][wiki-usage-with-nginx] (include our error pages into an image with nginx)
- [Usage with Traefik and local Docker Compose][wiki-traefik-docker-compose] (it's a good starting point for the tests)
- [Usage with Traefik and Docker Swarm][wiki-traefik-swarm]
- [Kubernetes & ingress nginx][wiki-k8s-ingress-nginx]
## 🦾 Performance
Used hardware:
- Intel® Core™ i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz × 8
- 16 GiB RAM
$ ulimit -aH | grep file
-f: file size (blocks) unlimited
-c: core file size (blocks) unlimited
-n: file descriptors 1048576
-x: file locks unlimited
$ docker run --rm -p "8080:8080/tcp" -e "SHOW_DETAILS=true" error-pages:local # in separate terminal
$ wrk --timeout 1s -t12 -c400 -d30s -s ./test/wrk/request.lua
Running 30s test @
12 threads and 400 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 10.84ms 7.89ms 135.91ms 79.36%
Req/Sec 3.23k 785.11 6.30k 70.04%
1160567 requests in 30.10s, 4.12GB read
Requests/sec: 38552.04
Transfer/sec: 140.23MB
<summary>FS & memory usage stats during the test</summary>
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<img src="https://hsto.org/webt/ts/w-/lz/tsw-lznvru0ngjneiimkwq7ysyc.png" alt="" />
## 🪂 Templates
| Name | Preview |
| `ghost` | [![ghost][ghost-screen]][ghost-link] |
| `l7-light` | [![l7-light][l7-light-screen]][l7-light-link] |
| `l7-dark` | [![l7-dark][l7-dark-screen]][l7-dark-link] |
| `shuffle` | [![shuffle][shuffle-screen]][shuffle-link] |
| `noise` | [![noise][noise-screen]][noise-link] |
| `hacker-terminal` | [![hacker-terminal][hacker-terminal-screen]][hacker-terminal-link] |
| `cats` | [![cats][cats-screen]][cats-link] |
| `lost-in-space` | [![lost-in-space][lost-in-space-screen]][lost-in-space-link] |
| `app-down` | [![app-down][app-down-screen]][app-down-link] |
| `connection` | [![connection][connection-screen]][connection-link] |
| `matrix` | [![matrix][matrix-screen]][matrix-link] |
| `orient` | [![orient][orient-screen]][orient-link] |
> Note: `noise` template highly uses the CPU, be careful
## 🦾 Contributors
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to this project:
## 📰 Changes log
[![Release date][badge-release-date]][releases]
[![Commits since latest release][badge-commits]][commits]
Changes log can be [found here][changelog].
## 👾 Support
If you find any bugs in the project, please [create an issue][new-issue] in the current repository.
## 📖 License
This is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT License][license].