mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:40 +00:00
* 🐛 fix(server.go): validate IP address before starting server ✨ feat(server.go): add support for IPv6 addresses * ✨ feat(cli): add support for IPv6 addresses in the `--listen` flag * 🐛 fix(server.go): add nolint comment to ignore magic number warning in ipv6 check * 🐛 fix(server.go): use fmt.Sprintf to format IP and port instead of strconv.Itoa and string concatenation
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# Changelog
All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog][keepachangelog] and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][semver].
## v2.24.0
### Added
- Support for IPv6 addresses in the `--listen` flag [#191]
## v2.23.0
### Added
- Template `orient` [#190]
## v2.22.0
### Changed
- Non-existing pages now return styled `404` status page (with `404` status code) [#188]
## v2.21.0
### Changed
- Go updated from `1.19` up to `1.20`
- Go dependencies updated
- Module name changed from `github.com/tarampampam/error-pages` to `gh.tarampamp.am/error-pages`
## v2.20.0
### Changed
- `version` subcommand replaced by `--version` flag [#163]
- `--config-file` flag is not global anymore (use `error-pages (serve|build) --config-file ...` instead of `error-pages --config-file ... (serve|build) ...`) [#163]
- Flags `--verbose`, `--debug` and `--log-json` are deprecated, use `--log-level` and `--log-format` instead [#163]
### Added
- Possibility to use custom env variables in templates [#164], [#165]
## v2.19.0
### Changed
- Go updated from `1.18` up to `1.19`
### Added
- Error pages now translated into Chinese 🇨🇳 [#147]
## v2.18.0
### Changed
- Replaced `fonts.googleapis.com` by `fonts.bunny.net` regarding GDPR compliance [#131]
## v2.17.0
### Added
- Error pages now translated into Spanish 🇪🇸 [#124]
## v2.16.0
### Added
- Error pages are now translated into German 🇩🇪 [#115]
## v2.15.0
### Added
- Error pages now translated into Dutch 🇳🇱 [#104]
## v2.14.0
### Added
- Error pages now translated into Portuguese 🇵🇹 [#103]
### Changed
- Go updated from `1.18.0` up to `1.18.1`
## v2.13.0
### Added
- Possibility to disable error pages auto-localization (using `--disable-l10n` flag for the `serve` & `build` commands or environment variable `DISABLE_L10N`) [#91]
### Fixed
- User UID/GID changed to the numeric values in the dockerfile [#92]
## v2.12.1
### Fixed
- Fix translation 🇫🇷 [#86]
## v2.12.0
### Changed
- Error pages now translated into 🇫🇷 [#82]
## v2.11.0
### Added
- Template `matrix` [#81]
### Fixed
- Localization mistakes [#81]
## v2.10.1
### Fixed
- Template `shuffle`
- Localization mistakes
## v2.10.0
### Changed
- Error pages now translated into 🇺🇦 and 🇷🇺 languages [#80]
## v2.9.0
### Added
- Template `connection` [#79]
## v2.8.1
### Fixed
- Dark mode for `app-down` template
### Changed
- The index page for built error pages now supports a dark theme
## v2.8.0
### Added
- Template `app-down` [#74]
### Changed
- Go updated from `1.17.6` up to `1.18.0`
## v2.7.0
### Changed
- Logs includes request/response headers now [#67]
### Added
- Possibility to proxy HTTP headers from the requests to the responses (can be enabled using `--proxy-headers` flag for the `serve` command or environment variable `PROXY_HTTP_HEADERS`, headers list should be comma-separated) [#67]
- Template `lost-in-space` [#68]
### Fixed
- Template `l7-light` uses the dark colors in the browsers with the preferred dark theme
## v2.6.0
### Added
- Possibility to change the template to the random once a day using "special" template name `random-daily` (or hourly, using `random-hourly`) [#48]
## v2.5.0
### Changed
- Go updated from `1.17.5` up to `1.17.6`
### Added
- `Host` and `X-Forwarded-For` Header to error pages [#61]
### Fixed
- Performance issue, that affects template rendering. Now templates are cached in memory (for 2 seconds), and it has improved performance by more than 200% [#60]
## v2.4.0
### Changed
- It is now possible to use [golang-tags of templates](https://pkg.go.dev/text/template) in error page templates and formatted (`json`, `xml`) responses [#49]
- Health-check route become `/healthz` (instead `/health/live`, previous route marked as deprecated) [#49]
### Added
- The templates contain details block now (can be enabled using `--show-details` flag for the `serve` command or environment variable `SHOW_DETAILS=true`) [#49]
- Formatted response templates (`json`, `xml`) - the server responds with a formatted response depending on the `Content-Type` (and `X-Format`) request header value [#49]
- HTTP header `X-Robots-Tag: noindex` for the error pages [#49]
- Possibility to pass the needed error page code using `X-Code` HTTP header [#49]
- Possibility to integrate with [ingress-nginx](https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/) [#49]
- Metrics HTTP endpoint `/metrics` in prometheus format [#54]
### Fixed
- Potential race condition (in the `pick.StringsSlice` struct) [#49]
## v2.3.0
### Added
- Flag `--default-http-code` for the `serve` subcommand (`404` is used by default instead of `200`, environment name `DEFAULT_HTTP_CODE`) [#41]
### Changed
- Go updated from `1.17.1` up to `1.17.5`
## v2.2.0
### Added
- Template `cats` [#31]
## v2.1.0
### Added
- `referer` field in access log records
- Flag `--default-error-page` for the `serve` subcommand (`404` is used by default, environment name `DEFAULT_ERROR_PAGE`)
### Changed
- The source code has been refactored
- The index page (`/`) now returns the error page with a code, declared using `--default-error-page` flag (HTTP code 200, when a page code exists)
## v2.0.0
### Changed
- Application rewritten in Go
## v1.8.0
### Added
- Nginx health-check endpoint (`/health/live`) and dockerfile `HEALTHCHECK` to utilise (thx [@modem7](https://github.com/modem7)) [#22], [#23]
## v1.7.2
### Changed
- Nginx updated up to `1.21` (from `1.19`)
## v1.7.1
### Fixed
- Random template selecting (thx [@xpliz](https://github.com/xpliz)) [#12]
## v1.7.0
### Added
- Template `hacker-terminal` [#13]
- HTML comments with error code and description into each template (header and footer, it seems more readable for curl usage)
## v1.6.0
### Added
- Template `noise` [#10]
### Fixed
- File permissions in docker image
## v1.5.0
### Changed
- Repository files structure
- Nginx updated from `1.18` up to `1.19` in docker image
- Docker image now uses default `nginx` entrypoint scripts and command
### Added
- Support for `linux/arm64/v8`, `linux/arm/v6` and `linux/arm/v7` platforms for docker image
- Random template selecting (use `random` as a template name) for docker image
## v1.4.0
### Added
- Template `shuffle` [#4]
## v1.3.1
### Fixed
- `can't create directory '/opt/html/nginx-error-pages'` error [#3]
## v1.3.0
### Added
- `418` status code error page
- Set `server_tokens off;` in `nginx` server configuration
## v1.2.0
### Fixed
- By default `nginx` in docker container returns 404 http code instead 200 when `/` requested
### Changed
- Default value for `TEMPLATE_NAME` is `ghost` now
### Removed
- Environment variable `DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE` support in docker image
### Added
- Templates `l7-light` and `l7-dark`
## v1.1.0
### Added
- Environment variable `DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE` support in docker image
## v1.0.1
### Changed
- Repository (not docker image) renamed from `error-pages-docker` to `error-pages`
- `configuration.json` renamed to `config.json`
- Makefile contains new targets (`install`, `gen`, `preview`)
- Generator logging messages
### Added
- `docker-compose` for development
### Fixed
- Readme file content [#1]
## v1.0.0
### Changed
- First project release