Adam Saudagar
#95 added default config for when forward_key isn't set but used
2023-12-15 18:37:16 +05:30
Shayaan Shaikh
#95 created config for forward key
2023-12-11 21:31:59 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
Merge pull request #155 from fishyboteso/wip/screenshot_lib_selector
screenshot library selected
2023-03-07 15:46:20 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
removed some unused code
2023-03-07 14:59:00 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
#154 look_for_hole disabled by default
2023-03-07 01:48:59 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
decoupled os_calls from fishy to use os_services instead
2023-02-21 23:05:44 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
refactored qr detection code to use window instead of directly cropped image, retrying qr reading instead of failing directly
2022-06-30 20:15:21 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
added few debug logs for engine
2022-02-03 05:51:31 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
pep8 cleanup
2022-02-03 05:29:10 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
set logging level to info by default, and switch to debug when turned on from debug options
changed almost all of print statement to debug logs
2022-02-03 04:09:39 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
added a null check in get_coords
changed print_exec to print in both console and fishy
fixed engine couldn't be stoped with toggle
fixed full auto stop getting called multiple times due to inactive stop
set logging for d3dshot to info, to remove debug logs caused by it
2022-02-01 22:20:57 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
window server reworked for improved threading
2022-02-01 17:21:58 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
fullauto reworked with the new parent class
- removed double beep on turnoff
- removed show crop feature in fullauto
- semi fisher is started only when needed, and turned off when the job is done by mode, instead of full auto engine
- use the last coord from recording isntead of getting a new one when using editor in recorder mode, to avoid recording failure when saving the recording
2022-02-01 16:57:14 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
created look for hole option
2021-12-20 11:57:55 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
0.5.4 hotfix
fixed get_coords() tupple overflow issue,
improved hole check in full auto fishing,
improved message when FishyQR is not found,
keeping chalutier in migration
2021-12-01 11:27:16 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
created migration code which is used to migrate data after an update
moved version code to constants so that code can access it too
changed Install/Remove Chalutier to FIshyQR in options
2021-11-21 16:30:41 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
integrated fishyqr v0.0.2 for semi fisher
- remove color detection code
- move qr detection from full auto into common
- refactor both engines to use qr from common
2021-11-21 12:42:14 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
hotfix 0.4.11: fullauto tabout stop config added, improved full auto config layout
2021-05-18 05:53:28 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
fixed calibrater mode gives you need to calibrate error
2021-05-16 19:58:49 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
full auto doesn't stop when waiting for game window to be active
2021-05-15 18:24:27 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
pause Instead of shutting off engine when qr doesn't get read
2021-05-15 17:50:38 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feature/fullauto
# Conflicts:
# fishy/engine/fullautofisher/
# fishy/engine/fullautofisher/
# fishy/engine/fullautofisher/mode/
# fishy/engine/fullautofisher/mode/
# fishy/engine/fullautofisher/
# fishy/engine/semifisher/
# fishy/gui/
2021-05-12 20:44:55 +05:30
Semjon Kerner
sort imports with isort
2021-05-09 09:05:51 +02:00
Adam Saudagar
fixed divide by zero error
2021-05-03 00:10:08 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
wait for eso window active, stop engine when window becomes inactive
2021-05-02 23:35:06 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
calibrate connected to config
2021-05-02 22:19:44 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
connected mode select in config with the engine
- restructed player and recorder to work with new system,
- remove FullAuto.State
2021-05-02 21:10:38 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
removed controls from engine
2021-05-01 15:04:38 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
cleaned imports
2021-04-18 12:52:57 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
changed look up down timing, added log message for when player starts
2021-04-17 22:54:12 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
added fishyqr and libgps addons download in constants
2021-04-17 22:03:27 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
renamed calibrate class to calibrator,
removed updown calibration process,
changed controls accordingly
2021-04-17 22:01:19 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
removed ocr things, using blob detection to find qr code, using qr code to get data from eso
2021-04-13 20:22:55 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
full auto bug fixing
- changed engine.toggle_start to abstract method
- check for state before turning off bot engine
- added and corrected logging messages for contorls and calibration
- callibrate._get_factor returning None fixed
- optimized controls
- removed config for show crop
- recorder now runs asksaveasfile in gui thread and blocks itself till resoponse
- corrrected logic for saving failed files
- semifisher dont log started bot engine if not ran from gui
- added file name label in full auto config top
- call in thread now can return values
- gui now saves location when closed
- dynamic config location, now uses correct document folder if config file is not found in incorrect document folder
2020-12-01 02:34:33 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
states for when playing/recording is running, added error message when window is not found in full auto, added beep sound when hotkey is pressed, made hotkey callable Optional
2020-11-19 18:49:27 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
abstracted modules of fullauto engine into different scripts
2020-11-07 22:10:57 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
dynamicly download tesseract if not installed when full auto is launched
2020-10-18 06:13:24 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
now engine shutdowns properly when quiting, corrected logic for window show
2020-10-18 04:42:48 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
made full auto runable via gui
2020-10-18 04:05:20 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
full auto engine done
- semi fisher, calls last event when subscribed
- corrected ping pong logic
- f8 to stop player
- save coods image if not able to read for debug purpose
- created better controls
2020-10-18 03:34:25 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
crop is now saved in config, instead of calculating at every launch
- semi auto callbacks are turned on and off by fullauto now
- use pprint to print recorded path data
2020-10-18 01:15:57 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
made config global
2020-10-18 00:36:07 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
refactored semifisher state machine feature to be much simpler,
- now different systems can subscribe to semifisher events
2020-10-17 21:34:44 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
re structured window into server client model so that multiple engine can use them simultaneously
2020-10-17 16:22:04 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
engines can now run without gui
- corrected logic for look_for_hole, made hotkey start new threads, created mock interface for gui
2020-10-17 13:36:49 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
changed save system to pickle instead of json, changed calibrate to class, added offset in crop coods for better ocr
2020-10-15 08:49:08 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
finished player code
2020-10-15 07:53:15 +05:30
Adam Saudagar
better hotkey code, moved calibrate to seperate file, created player and recorder for full auto, created rotate_to metho in full auto engine
2020-10-15 06:56:31 +05:30
- auto update fixed
- keyboard ghosting for full auto fixed
2020-06-26 00:21:12 +05:30
fixed input ghosting bug cauzed by pynput
2020-06-25 22:10:18 +05:30