- build now deletes old version before building the new one - prints lauching before initializing - removed multithreading from config saving - better logic for fising interupted - fix terms link bug - now prints exception during web calls - removes the uid if not found during get_session |
fishy | ||
.gitignore | ||
build.bat | ||
MANIFEST.in | ||
README.md | ||
requirements.txt | ||
setup.py |
Fishybot ESO
Auto fishing bot for Elder Scrolls Online. The Bot automatically fishes until the fishing hole disappears. It can also send a notification to the users phone with the statistics of that fishing hole.
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Demo Video
How to Install?
- Install Python v3.7.3 (make sure you tick,
Add Python to PATH
) - Then open PowerShell and type these commands, one by one,
python -m pip install pip --upgrade
pip install fishy
python -m fishy
Will I get baned using this bot?
Botting does violate ESO's terms of service, so technically you could get banned. But this bot doesn't read or write memory from ESO so they won't know you are using a bot. This software doesn't come with any Liability or Warranty, I am not responsible if you do get banned.
How much automation does this bot provide?
It's not a fully automated bot, it does fishing on its own but you will have to move from one hole to another manually (although I was developing a fully automated bot, I didn't get a positive feedback from the community so I discontinued it).
Bot doesn't work in full screen.
Check the full screen box.
The bot catches the fish but doesn't press R to collect it
Check the Collect R checkbox
If you have any problems or you want to contact me for future ideas or want to collaborate in development you can contact me at the DefineX Community discord server.
Support Me
If you would like this project to continue its development, please consider supporting me on Patreon. You can make a one time donation on PayPal.
This project is licenced on the MIT License. Check out the full license over here.