C.S. Melis dbfc9a78d8 Set correct faction for hostile platforms in Mission 8
The hostile platforms at Yukawa during Mission 8 previously had the Rheinland Military faction assigned, which is incorrect. It's been updated to Kusari Naval Forces in this commit. Resolves #219.
2023-12-14 20:42:04 +01:00

1180 lines
28 KiB

npc_ship_file = missions\m08\npcships.ini
nickname = Juni
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Juni
voice = Juni
space_costume = pl_female4_head_helmet, li_hatcher_body, comm_br_elite_female
affiliation = li_lsf_grp
individual_name = 216800
nickname = Ozu
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Ozu
voice = Ozu
space_costume = ku_sales_head, pl_male1_journeyman_body, comm_br_elite
affiliation = fc_bd_grp
individual_name = 216801
nickname = transport
affiliation = ku_n_grp
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Transport
space_costume = ge_male2_head, pl_male3_journeyman_body, prop_neuralnet_E_right
voice = pilot_f_leg_m01
individual_name = 216803
nickname = bd_1
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Ozu_Reinforcement
voice = pilot_c_ill_f01
space_costume = li_newscaster_head_gen_hat, ku_kym_body, comm_br_elite_female
affiliation = fc_bd_grp
individual_name = 216802
nickname = bd_2
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Ozu_Reinforcement
voice = pilot_f_ill_m01
space_costume = ku_captain_head, pl_male3_journeyman_body, comm_ge_generic1
affiliation = fc_bd_grp
individual_name = 216802
nickname = bd_3
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Ozu_Reinforcement
voice = pilot_c_ill_m02
space_costume = ku_bartender_head_hat, pl_male3_journeyman_body, comm_ge_generic1
affiliation = fc_bd_grp
individual_name = 216802
nickname = rh_1
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Nomad_Kusari_Heavy_Fighter
space_costume = ku_tenji_head, ku_male_elite_body, comm_ku_kym
affiliation = ku_n_grp
individual_name = 196851
voice = pilot_c_leg_m01
nickname = rh_2
npc_ship_arch = MSN08_Nomad_Kusari_Light_Fighter
space_costume = ku_tenji_head, ku_male_elite_body, comm_ku_kym
affiliation = ku_n_grp
individual_name = 196851
voice = pilot_c_leg_m01a
nickname = null
state = HIDDEN
type = ids, 21660
nickname = land
state = HIDDEN
type = ids, 23410
nickname = launch
state = HIDDEN
type = navmarker, Ku01, 23415, 1, 48666, 0, 30846
nickname = mark_ring
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Ku01, 22225, 1, 48666, 0, 30846, Ku01_Trade_Lane_Ring_32
nickname = meet
state = HIDDEN
type = navmarker, Ku01, 23420, 23420, 62399, 0, -2021
nickname = Follow
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Ku01, 23425, 23425, 34372, 0, -40619, Ku01_to_Ku04_hole
nickname = search
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Ku06, 23430, 23430, -35122, 50, -25884, Transport1
nickname = destroy_platforms
state = HIDDEN
type = ids, 23433
nickname = defend_transport
state = HIDDEN
type = ids, 23437
nickname = capture
state = HIDDEN
type = ids, 23435
nickname = return
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Ku06, 23440, 1, -28187, 0, -68174, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole
nickname = defend
state = HIDDEN
type = ids, 24030
nickname = goto_ku06
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Ku04, 23441, 23441, 34372, 0, -40619, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole
nickname = return2
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Ku06, 23440, 1, 34372, 0, -40619, Ku06_01
nickname = land_end
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Ku06, 23445, 1, 34372, 0, -40619, Ku06_01
nickname = Juni
NPC = Juni
label = Juni
jumper = true
label = us
nickname = Ozu
NPC = Ozu
label = Ozu
jumper = true
label = us
label = gangsters
nickname = bd_1
NPC = bd_1
position = 79980, 0, -1585
label = gangsters
orientation = 0.717363, 0.007272, 0.69663, -0.006688
jumper = true
label = us
nickname = bd_2
NPC = bd_2
position = 79980, 0, -1565
label = gangsters
orientation = 0.717363, 0.007272, 0.69663, -0.006688
jumper = true
label = us
nickname = bd_3
NPC = bd_3
position = 79980, 0, -1545
label = gangsters
orientation = 0.717363, 0.007272, 0.69663, -0.006688
jumper = true
label = us
nickname = bd_4
NPC = bd_1
position = -58665, 0, -34456
label = gangsters
orientation = 0.717363, 0.007272, 0.69663, -0.006688
jumper = true
label = us
nickname = bd_5
NPC = bd_3
position = 9542, 0, 10445
label = gangsters
orientation = 0.717363, 0.007272, 0.69663, -0.006688
jumper = true
label = us
nickname = Transport1
NPC = transport
position = -35396.4, 38.0114, -25786.5
label = Transport1
orientation = 0.810866, -0.017925, -0.584793, -0.013876
jumper = true
radius = 0
nickname = Transport2
NPC = transport
position = 12981, 0, -38343
label = Transport1
orientation = 0.5503, 0.0271, -0.8344, 0.0148
jumper = true
nickname = rh_1
NPC = rh_1
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_2
NPC = rh_2
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_3
NPC = rh_2
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_4
NPC = rh_2
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_5
NPC = rh_1
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_6
NPC = rh_1
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_7
NPC = rh_1
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_8
NPC = rh_1
system = Ku04
label = badguy
random_name = true
nickname = rh_9
NPC = rh_1
system = Ku04
label = badguy2
rel_pos = 0, Player, 2500
random_name = true
nickname = rh_10
NPC = rh_2
system = Ku04
label = badguy2
rel_pos = 0, Player, 2475
random_name = true
nickname = rh_11
NPC = rh_2
system = Ku04
label = badguy2
rel_pos = 0, Player, 2450
random_name = true
nickname = rh_12
NPC = rh_1
system = Ku04
label = badguy2
rel_pos = 0, Player, 2425
random_name = true
nickname = hostile_platform1
string_id = 216121
faction = ku_n_grp
system = Ku04
position = -35546, 0, -25723
orientation = 0.983794, -0.00403, 0.179244, -0.002224
label = hostile_platform
radius = 0
archetype = wplatform
loadout = weapon_platform_m08
pilot = MSN08_Weapon_Platform
nickname = hostile_platform2
string_id = 216121
faction = ku_n_grp
system = Ku04
position = -34730, 0, -26025
orientation = 0.983794, -0.00403, 0.179244, -0.002224
label = hostile_platform
radius = 0
archetype = wplatform
loadout = weapon_platform_m08
pilot = MSN08_Weapon_Platform
nickname = our_formation
position = 34178, 0, -40650
orientation = 0.948642, -0.150155, -0.27719, -0.026423
formation = fighter_pirate
ship = Ozu
ship = Juni
nickname = general_triggers
system = ANY
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_MarkObj = Juni, 1
Act_ActTrig = juni_dies
Act_ActTrig = ozu_dies
Act_ActTrig = transport1_dies
Act_ActTrig = mark_npcs
Act_ActTrig = invulnerability
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, us, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
nickname = juni_dies
system = ANY
Cnd_Destroyed = Juni, 1, ALL_IGNORE_LANDING
Act_ChangeState = FAIL, 23388
nickname = ozu_dies
system = ANY
Cnd_Destroyed = Ozu, 1, ALL_IGNORE_LANDING
Act_ChangeState = FAIL, 23796
nickname = transport1_dies
system = ANY
Cnd_Destroyed = Transport1, 1, ALL_IGNORE_LANDING
Act_ChangeState = FAIL, 23550
nickname = mark_npcs
system = ANY
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_MarkObj = Ozu, 1
Act_MarkObj = Juni, 1
nickname = lets_be_friends
system = ANY
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
nickname = invulnerability
system = ANY
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_Invulnerable = Juni, true, false, 0.99
Act_Invulnerable = Ozu, true, false, 0.99
system = ANY
nickname = Idle
BreakFormation = no_params
Idle = no_params
system = ANY
nickname = goto_player
GotoShip = goto, Player, 500, false
nickname = clear_waypoint
Cnd_SystemExit = ANY
nickname = key_offer
Cnd_True = no_params
InitState = ACTIVE
Act_ActTrig = lce_bar_ku01_05
Act_SetNNObj = land
Act_ActTrig = beginning_ether
Act_LockDock = Player, Ku01_05, unlock
Act_NNPath = 23410, 23410, Ku01_05, Ku01
Act_ActTrig = draw_path_to_newtoyko
Act_ActTrig = keep_door_open
nickname = keep_door_open
Cnd_True = no_params
repeatable = true
Act_SetVibeOfferBaseHack = Ku01_05
nickname = draw_path_to_newtoyko
system = ALL
Cnd_InSpace = true
Act_NNPath = 23410, 23410, Ku01_05, Ku01
nickname = entered_the_system
Cnd_SystemEnter = Ku01
Act_NNPath = 23410, 23410, Ku01_05, Ku01
nickname = beginning_ether
system = ANY
Cnd_InSpace = true
Act_EtherComm = Juni, 216200, Player, dx_m08_0000_Juni, -1, pl_female4_head, li_hatcher_body
nickname = lce_bar_ku01_05
Cnd_LocEnter = Bar, ku01_05_base
Act_AddRTC = missions\m08\M008_s045a_ku01_05_offer.ini
Act_ActTrig = mrp_reject
Act_ActTrig = mrp_accept
Act_ActTrig = write_mission_log
nickname = mrp_reject
Cnd_MsnResponse = reject
Act_RemoveRTC = missions\m08\M008_s045a_ku01_05_offer.ini
Act_AddRTC = missions\m08\M008_s045d_ku01_05_reoffer.ini, repeatable
nickname = write_mission_log
Cnd_MsnResponse = reject
Act_NNIds = 30805, HISTORY
nickname = mrp_accept
Cnd_MsnResponse = accept
Act_RemoveRTC = missions\m08\M008_s045d_ku01_05_reoffer.ini
Act_AddRTC = missions\m08\M008_s046x_ku06_01_nrml.ini
Act_ActTrig = ku01_spawner
Act_SetTitle = 23400
Act_SetOffer = 23405
Act_SetNNObj = launch
Act_DeactTrig = mrp_reject
Act_RandomPop = false
Act_SetRep = Player, fc_bd_grp, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_DeactTrig = beginning_ether
Act_DeactTrig = entered_the_system
Act_NNIds = 30800, HISTORY
Act_DeactTrig = keep_door_open
nickname = ku01_spawner
system = Ku01
Cnd_SpaceEnter = Ku01
Act_SpawnFormation = our_formation, 48670, 0, 31024, 0.866026, 0.000115, -0.5, 6.6e-005
Act_ActTrig = ku01_init
Act_ActTrig = general_triggers
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Ozu, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Juni, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
nickname = ku01_init
system = Ku01
Cnd_LaunchComplete = Player
Act_PobjIdle = no_params
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, follow_player
Act_ActTrig = lets_be_friends
Act_ActTrig = ku01_to_gate
Act_ActTrig = ku01_end
Act_ActTrig = clear_waypoint
Act_SpawnShip = bd_1
Act_SpawnShip = bd_2
Act_SpawnShip = bd_3
Act_ActTrig = ku01_timer
Act_ActTrig = first_objective_done
Act_PlayerCanDock = false, Ku01_to_Ku04_hole
Act_NagDistTowards = POS, nag_tl, Ozu, 92947, 0, 50, 23970, 100
Act_StartDialog = ozu_intro
Act_LockDock = Player, Ku01_to_Ku04_hole, unlock
Act_ActTrig = first_tradelane_entered
Act_SetVibe = Ku01_to_Ku04, Ozu, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_PlayerCanTradelane = false, Ku01_Trade_Lane_Ring_32, Ku01_Trade_Lane_Ring_25
Act_ActTrig = watching_100
nickname = watching_100
system = Ku01
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0100_OZU
Act_SetNNObj = mark_ring
nickname = follow_player
Follow = Player, 1500, -100, 50, -200
nickname = ozu_intro
system = Ku01
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0100_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0105_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0110_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0120_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0130_OZU
nickname = first_tradelane_entered
system = Ku01
Cnd_TLEntered = Player, Ku01_Trade_Lane_Ring_32, Ku01_Trade_Lane_Ring_31
Act_LockManeuvers = true
nickname = ku01_timer
system = Ku01
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_SetVibe = bd_1, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = bd_2, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = bd_3, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
nickname = first_objective_done
system = Ku01
Cnd_TLExited = Ozu, Ku01_Trade_Lane_Ring_25
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, head_to_destination
Act_StartDialog = to_dragons
Act_NagOff = nag_tl
Act_NagDistTowards = POS, nag_dragons, Ozu, 62399, 0, -2021, 23198, 100
Act_ActTrig = wait_for_navmarker
Act_LockManeuvers = false
Act_PlayMusic = music_friendly_encouragement, none, none, none
nickname = wait_for_navmarker
system = Ku01
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0150_OZU
Act_SetNNObj = meet
nickname = to_dragons
system = Ku01
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0150_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0160_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0170_OZU
system = Ku01
nickname = head_to_destination
Follow = Player, 1500, -100, 50, -200
nickname = ku01_to_gate
system = Ku01
Cnd_DistShip = inside, Ozu, Ku01_to_Ku04_hole, 9000
Act_StartDialog = meet_more_dragons
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, goto_hole
Act_ActTrig = set_navmarker_to_jumphole
Act_PlayMusic = music_reveal_and_exposition, none, none, none
nickname = set_navmarker_to_jumphole
system = Ku01
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0210_OZU
Act_SetNNObj = Follow
Act_ActTrig = jumphole_watcher
Act_NagOff = nag_dragons
Act_NagDistTowards = OBJ, nag_hole, Ozu, Ku01_to_Ku04_hole, 23198, 800
nickname = meet_more_dragons
system = Ku01
line = bd_1, Player, DX_M08_0180_DRAGON
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0190_OZU
line = bd_1, Player, DX_M08_0200_DRAGON
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0210_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0220_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0230_OZU
nickname = jumphole_watcher
system = Ku01
Cnd_DistShip = inside, Ozu, Ku01_to_Ku04_hole, 800
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0240_OZU
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, Idle
Act_NagOff = nag_hole
Act_NagDistLeaving = nag_jump, Ozu, Ku01_to_Ku04_hole, 23175, 1
system = Ku01
nickname = goto_hole
MakeNewFormation = fighter_pirate, Juni, bd_1, bd_2, bd_3
SetPriority = NORMAL
Follow = Player, 1500, -100, 50, -200
nickname = ku01_end
system = Ku04
Cnd_NPCSystemEnter = Ku04, Ozu, Juni, Player, bd_2, bd_3
Act_SpawnShip = bd_4
Act_SpawnShip = Transport1, no_ol, -35122, 50, -25884, 0.792769, 0, -0.607844, 0.029672
Act_ActTrig = ku04_init
Act_NagOff = nag_jump
nickname = ku04_init
system = Ku04
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_PobjIdle = no_params
Act_ActTrig = spawn_all_ships
Act_ActTrig = escorts_dead
Act_ActTrig = ku04_end
Act_SetVibe = Ozu, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Juni, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, badguy, REP_HOSTILE_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_PlayerCanDock = false, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole
Act_StartDialog = dialog_ku04
Act_NagDistTowards = POS, nag_transport1, Ozu, -35122, 50, -25884, 22970, 2500
Act_ActTrig = near_transport
Act_MarkObj = Transport1, 1
Act_PlayMusic = music_upcoming_action_heavy, none, none, none
Act_NNIds = 30810, HISTORY
Act_PlayerEnemyClamp = 1, 1
nickname = dialog_ku04
system = Ku04
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0250_OZU
line = bd_2, Player, DX_M08_0260_DRAGON
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0270_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0280_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0290_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0300_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0310_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0320_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0330_OZU
nickname = spawn_all_ships
system = Ku04
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_SpawnShip = rh_1, stay_in_range, -35485, 0, -26917
Act_SpawnShip = rh_2, stay_in_range, -34715, 0, -26519
Act_SpawnShip = rh_3, stay_in_range, -35933, 0, -25996
Act_SpawnShip = rh_4, stay_in_range, -35462, 0, -25083
Act_SpawnShip = rh_5, stay_in_range, -34349, 0, -25591
Act_SpawnShip = rh_6, stay_in_range, -34700, 0, -27721
Act_SpawnShip = rh_7, stay_in_range, -36307, 0, -27136
Act_SpawnShip = rh_8, stay_in_range, -33758, 0, -26301
Act_SpawnSolar = hostile_platform1
Act_SpawnSolar = hostile_platform2
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, head_to_transport1
Act_ActTrig = out_of_nebula
Act_SetNNObj = search
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = badguy, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibeShipToLbl = Transport1, badguy, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = us, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeShipToLbl = Transport1, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeShipToLbl = Ku04_03, us, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibeShipToLbl = Ku04_03, badguy, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
system = Ku04
nickname = stay_in_range
StayInRange = Transport1, 2000
system = Ku04
nickname = head_to_transport1
SetPriority = NORMAL
MakeNewFormation = fighter_pirate, Juni, bd_1, bd_2, bd_3, bd_4
Follow = Player, 1500, -100, 50, -200
nickname = out_of_nebula
system = Ku04
Cnd_DistShip = inside, Ozu, Transport1, 8000
Act_StartDialog = outside_nebula
Act_Cloak = badguy, false
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, badguy, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = badguy, us, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = badguy, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibeShipToLbl = Transport1, badguy, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_ActTrig = watcher_380
nickname = outside_nebula
system = Ku04
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0340_OZU
line = bd_1, Player, DX_M08_0350_DRAGON
line = bd_2, Player, DX_M08_0360_DRAGON
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0370_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0380_OZU
nickname = near_transport
system = Ku04
Cnd_DistShip = inside, Ozu, Transport1, 3000
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, break
Act_Cloak = badguy, false
Act_NagOff = nag_transport1
nickname = watcher_380
system = Ku04
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0380_OZU
Act_MarkObj = hostile_platform1, 1
Act_MarkObj = hostile_platform2, 1
Act_ActTrig = after_breaking
Act_NagDistLeaving = nag_battle1, Juni, Juni, 13093, 10000, NAG_ALWAYS
nickname = after_breaking
system = Ku04
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_SetVibeLbl = badguy, gangsters, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = badguy, Player, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = hostile_platform, Player, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = hostile_platform, us, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = gangsters, badguy, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Ozu, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = Transport1, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Transport1, Player, REP_NEUTRAL
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, badguy, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = badguy, us, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = badguy, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibeShipToLbl = Transport1, badguy, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetNNObj = destroy_platforms
Act_ActTrig = audio_watchers
Act_ActTrig = check_platforms_to_mark
Act_ActTrig = 490_watcher
Act_ActTrig = clean_ku04
Act_ActTrig = horsing_around_timer
nickname = horsing_around_timer
system = Ku04
Cnd_Timer = 130
Act_ActTrig = horse_watcher
nickname = horse_watcher
system = Ku04
Cnd_WatchTrigger = platform1, ACTIVE
Act_DeactTrig = platform2
Act_ChangeState = FAIL, 23565
nickname = horsing_around_timer2
system = Ku04
Cnd_Timer = 130
Act_ActTrig = horse_watcher2
nickname = horse_watcher2
system = Ku04
Cnd_WatchTrigger = platform2, ACTIVE
Act_DeactTrig = platform2
Act_ChangeState = FAIL, 23565
nickname = break
system = Ku04
BreakFormation = no_params
nickname = escorts_dead
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = badguy, 6, ALL
Act_SetVibeLbl = Transport1, Ozu, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = Transport1, gangsters, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = Transport1, Juni, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = Transport1, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = Ozu, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = gangsters, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = Juni, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Transport1, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_ActTrig = final_battle
Act_ActTrig = check_platforms
Act_ActTrig = near_final_jumphole
Act_MarkObj = badguy, 0
Act_MarkObj = Transport1, 1
Act_PlayMusic = music_reveal_challenging, none, none, none
Act_AdjHealth = us, 0.75
Act_NagOff = nag_battle1
nickname = check_platforms
system = Ku04
Cnd_WatchTrigger = platform2, off
Act_StartDialog = captured
Act_ActTrig = get_transport_out
Act_MarkObj = Ku04_to_Ku06_hole, 1
Act_ActTrig = set_hole_nn
nickname = check_platforms_to_mark
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = hostile_platform, 2, ALL
Act_MarkObj = badguy, 1
Act_PlayerEnemyClamp = 2, 2
nickname = set_hole_nn
system = Ku04
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_NagDistLeaving = nag_final_hole, Ozu, Transport1, 21965, 8000
nickname = get_transport_out
system = Ku04
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_GiveObjList = Transport1, going_out
Act_ActTrig = transport_delay
Act_MarkObj = Transport1, 1
nickname = transport_delay
system = Ku04
Cnd_DistVec = inside, Transport1, -33911, 0, -26344, 500
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, badguy, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_GiveObjList = Transport1, goto_base
nickname = 490_watcher
system = Ku04
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0490_OZU
Act_SetNNObj = defend_transport
Act_NNIds = 30815, HISTORY
nickname = going_out
system = Ku04
GotoVec = goto_no_cruise, -33911, 0, -26344, 100, false
nickname = final_battle
system = Ku04
Cnd_DistShip = inside, Ozu, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole, 18000
Act_SpawnShip = rh_9
Act_SpawnShip = rh_10
Act_SpawnShip = rh_11
Act_SpawnShip = rh_12
Act_ActTrig = final_battle_spawned
Act_GiveObjList = Transport1, break_formation
nickname = final_battle_spawned
system = Ku04
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, badguy2, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = badguy2, us, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLblToShip = badguy2, Player, REP_HOSTILE_THRESHOLD
Act_GiveObjList = rh_9, attack_us
Act_GiveObjList = rh_10, attack_us
Act_GiveObjList = rh_11, attack_us
Act_GiveObjList = rh_12, attack_us
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, attack_them
Act_GiveObjList = Juni, attack_them
Act_StartDialog = final_four
Act_ActTrig = badguy2_first
Act_Cloak = badguy2, false
Act_MarkObj = badguy2, 1
Act_NagOff = nag_final_hole
Act_ActTrig = 560_watcher
Act_NagDistLeaving = nag_battle2, Juni, Juni, 13093, 10000, NAG_ALWAYS
Act_PlayerEnemyClamp = 2, 3
nickname = 560_watcher
system = Ku04
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0560_OZU
Act_SetNNObj = defend
nickname = badguy2_first
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = badguy2, 4
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0580_OZU
Act_GiveObjList = Transport1, goto_base
Act_SetNNObj = return
Act_NagDistTowards = OBJ, nag_final_hole, Ozu, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole, 23198, 800
Act_PlayMusic = music_reveal_challenging, none, none, none
Act_AdjHealth = us, 0.75
Act_NagOff = nag_battle2
nickname = final_four
system = Ku04
line = Transport1, Player, DX_M08_0550_TRANSPORT
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0560_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0570_JUNI
system = ANY
nickname = break_formation
BreakFormation = no_params
system = ANY
nickname = attack_us
BreakFormation = no_params
GotoShip = goto, Transport1, 1000, false
system = ANY
nickname = attack_them
SetPriority = NORMAL
GotoShip = goto, rh_9, 1000, false
nickname = captured
system = Ku04
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0490_OZU
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0500_OZU
line = Transport1, Player, DX_M08_0510_TRANSPORT
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0520_OZU
nickname = near_final_jumphole
system = Ku04
Cnd_DistShip = inside, Ozu, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole, 800
Act_GiveObjList = Ozu, Idle
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0590_OZU
Act_LockDock = Player, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole, unlock
Act_NagOff = nag_final_hole
Act_NagDistLeaving = nag_to_ku06, Ozu, Ku04_to_Ku06_hole, 23175, 1
Act_SetNNObj = goto_ku06
nickname = clean_ku04
system = Ku04
Cnd_SystemExit = ANY
Act_DeactTrig = near_final_jumphole
system = Ku04
nickname = goto_base
MakeNewFormation = transport_bretonia, Ozu, Juni, bd_1, bd_2, bd_3, add_followers
GotoVec = goto, -28187, 0, -68147, 500, true, -1
nickname = ku04_end
system = Ku06
Cnd_NPCSystemEnter = Ku06, Juni, Player, Ozu, Transport1
Act_ActTrig = ku06_init
Act_SpawnShip = bd_5
Act_NagOff = nag_to_ku06
Act_ActTrig = watching_0665
nickname = ku06_init
system = Ku06
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_PobjIdle = no_params
Act_ActTrig = near_base
Act_PlayerCanDock = false, Ku06_01
Act_SetNNObj = return2
Act_StartDialog = ending_dialog
Act_GiveObjList = bd_5, goto_player
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Ku06_01, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibe = Transport1, Ku06_01, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibeLbl = us, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibeLbl = Transport1, us, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Ku06_wplatform_rock2_3, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibe = Transport1, Ku06_wplatform_rock2_3, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibe = Ku06_wplatform_rock2_4, Transport1, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibe = Transport1, Ku06_wplatform_rock2_4, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
nickname = ending_dialog
system = Ku06
line = bd_5, Player, DX_M08_0600_DRAGON
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0610_OZU
line = bd_5, Player, DX_M08_0620_DRAGON
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0630_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0635_JUNI
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0640_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0650_OZU
line = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0660_JUNI
line = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0665_OZU
nickname = near_base
system = Ku06
Cnd_DistVec = inside, Player, 63, 0, 460, 2000
Act_NagOff = head_to_the_base
Act_DeactTrig = juni_dies
Act_DeactTrig = ozu_dies
Act_DeactTrig = transport1_dies
Act_SetNNObj = land_end
Act_SetLifetime = gangsters, 100000
Act_SetLifetime = Transport1, 10000
Act_SetLifetime = Juni, 10
Act_SetLifetime = Ozu, 10
Act_ActTrig = ku06_to_base
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0670_OZU
Act_NagDistLeaving = need_to_end, Ozu, Ku06_01, 23785, 100
nickname = watching_0665
system = Ku06
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0635_JUNI
Act_NagDistTowards = POS, head_to_the_base, Ozu, 63, 0, 460, 23960, 2000
Act_GiveObjList = Transport1, head_to_base
system = Ku06
nickname = head_to_base
MakeNewFormation = transport_kusari, Ozu, Juni, bd_1, bd_2, bd_3
GotoVec = goto, 23, 0, 1537, 500, false
nickname = ku06_to_base
system = Ku06
Cnd_LocEnter = Cityscape, ku06_01_base
Act_AddRTC = missions\m08\M008_s046x_ku06_01_nrml.ini
Act_ActTrig = entering_bar
Act_NNIds = 30820, HISTORY
Act_AdjAcct = 10000
Act_SetRep = Player, ku_p_grp, -0.8
Act_SetRep = Player, ku_n_grp, -0.8
Act_SetRep = Player, fc_bd_grp, 0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, fc_gc_grp, 0.3
Act_SetRep = Player, fc_fa_grp, 0.3
Act_SetRep = Player, fc_h_grp, 0.3
Act_SetRep = Player, co_alg_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_be_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, br_m_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_nws_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_hsp_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_ic_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_khc_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_kt_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, rh_m_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_me_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_ni_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_os_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_rs_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_shi_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_ss_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_ti_grp, -0.65
Act_SetRep = Player, co_vr_grp, -0.65
nickname = entering_bar
system = Ku06
Cnd_LocExit = Cityscape, ku06_01_base
Act_ChangeState = SUCCEED
nickname = audio_watchers
system = Ku04
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_ActTrig = transport50
Act_ActTrig = transport20
Act_ActTrig = gangster1
Act_ActTrig = gangster2
Act_ActTrig = gangster3
Act_ActTrig = gangster4
Act_ActTrig = platform1
Act_ActTrig = platform2
Act_ActTrig = badguy1
Act_ActTrig = badguy2
Act_ActTrig = badguy3
nickname = transport50
system = Ku04
Cnd_HealthDec = Transport1, 0.5
Act_SendComm = Transport1, Player, DX_M08_0530_TRANSPORT
nickname = transport20
system = Ku04
Cnd_HealthDec = Transport1, 0.2
Act_SendComm = Transport1, Player, DX_M08_0540_TRANSPORT
nickname = gangster1
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = gangsters, 1
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0420_OZU
nickname = gangster2
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = gangsters, 2
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0430_OZU
nickname = gangster3
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = gangsters, 3
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0440_OZU
nickname = gangster4
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = gangsters, 4
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0450_OZU
nickname = platform1
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = hostile_platform, 1
Act_SendComm = Juni, Player, DX_M08_0390_JUNI
Act_ActTrig = 0390_watcher
Act_DeactTrig = horsing_around_timer
nickname = 0390_watcher
system = Ku04
Cnd_CommComplete = DX_M08_0390_JUNI
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0400_OZU
Act_ActTrig = horsing_around_timer2
nickname = platform2
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = hostile_platform, 2
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0410_OZU
Act_SetNNObj = capture
Act_DeactTrig = horsing_around_timer2
nickname = badguy1
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = badguy, 1
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0460_OZU
nickname = badguy2
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = badguy, 2
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0470_OZU
nickname = badguy3
system = Ku04
Cnd_Destroyed = badguy, 3
Act_SendComm = Ozu, Player, DX_M08_0480_OZU