mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:32:47 +00:00
2219 lines
47 KiB
2219 lines
47 KiB
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = li_p_grp
nickname = tradelane_trade_armored
filename = missions\encounters\tradelane_trade_armored.ini
nickname = tradelane_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\tradelane_trade_freighter.ini
nickname = tradelane_trade_transport
filename = missions\encounters\tradelane_trade_transport.ini
nickname = area_scout
filename = missions\encounters\area_scout.ini
nickname = area_bh_scout
filename = missions\encounters\area_bh_scout.ini
nickname = area_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_defend.ini
nickname = area_bh_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_bh_defend.ini
nickname = patrolp_gov_patrol
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_gov_patrol.ini
nickname = patrolp_pirate_patrol
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_pirate_patrol.ini
nickname = patrolp_bh_patrol
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_bh_patrol.ini
nickname = area_assault
filename = missions\encounters\area_assault.ini
nickname = area_bh_assault
filename = missions\encounters\area_bh_assault.ini
nickname = patrolp_assault
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_assault.ini
nickname = patrolp_bh_assault
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_bh_assault.ini
nickname = area_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter.ini
nickname = area_trade_transport
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_transport.ini
nickname = area_trade_armored
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_armored.ini
nickname = area_trade_freighter_pirate
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter_pirate.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_freighter.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_transport
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_transport.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_armored
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_armored.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_freighter_pirate
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_freighter_pirate.ini
nickname = area_trade_trader
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_trader.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_trader
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_trader.ini
nickname = area_trade_freighter_smuggler
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter_smuggler.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_freighter_smuggler
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_freighter_smuggler.ini
nickname = area_lifter
filename = missions\encounters\area_lifter.ini
nickname = area_repair
filename = missions\encounters\area_repair.ini
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini
space = music_iw_space
danger = music_iw_danger
battle = music_iw_battle
spacedust = Dust
file = solar\asteroids\Iw04_Corcovado_ice_crystal_field.ini
zone = Zone_Iw04_Corcovado_field
file = solar\asteroids\Iw04_Roatan_ice_crystal_field.ini
zone = Zone_Iw04_Roatan_ice_crystals
file = solar\asteroids\Iw04_Paloma_ice_crystal_field.ini
zone = Zone_Iw04_Paloma_ice_crystals
file = solar\nebula\Iw04_Paloma_cloud.ini
zone = Zone_Iw04_Paloma_cloud
file = solar\nebula\Iw04_Roatan_cloud.ini
zone = Zone_Iw04_Roatan_cloud
color = 65, 65, 85
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_noband.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_iw04_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_iw04.cmp
nickname = Iw04_system_light
pos = -31, 0, -48
color = 160, 170, 220
range = 40000
nickname = Iw04_Sun
ids_name = 261034
pos = 0, 0, 0
ambient_color = 255, 255, 255
archetype = sun_2000
star = Bw06_sun3
atmosphere_range = 8000
ids_info = 66151
nickname = Iw04_to_Br02
ids_name = 260814
pos = -38047, 0, 73
rotate = 0, -60, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Br02
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
goto = Br02, Br02_to_Iw04, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw04_to_Li02
ids_name = 260816
pos = 35272, 0, -1056
rotate = 0, 60, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
goto = Li02, Li02_to_Iw04, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw04_01
ids_name = 196729
pos = -1736, 0, -21235
archetype = planet_watblucld_2000
ids_info = 65577
spin = 0, 0.01, 0
atmosphere_range = 2100
burn_color = 255, 222, 160
base = Iw04_01_Base
reputation = co_os_grp
nickname = Iw04_dock_ring_1
ids_name = 261186
pos = -1649, 0, -19101
archetype = dock_ring
dock_with = Iw04_01_Base
ids_info = 66141
reputation = co_os_grp
behavior = NOTHING
voice = atc_leg_f01a
space_costume = , robot_body_A
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = docking_ring_co_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Zone_Iw04_to_Br02
pos = -37585, 0, -123
rotate = 0, -62, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 2000
property_flags = 196608
property_fog_color = 90, 100, 160
edge_fraction = 0.2
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw04_to_Li02
pos = 34754, 0, -1343
rotate = 0, 64, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 2000
property_flags = 196608
property_fog_color = 90, 100, 160
edge_fraction = 0.2
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_1
ids_name = 260819
pos = -35812, 0, -1049
rotate = 0, -62, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_2
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 261669
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_2
ids_name = 260819
pos = -29164, 0, -4522
rotate = 0, -62, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_1
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_3
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_3
ids_name = 260819
pos = -22517, 0, -7995
rotate = 0, -62, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_2
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_4
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_4
ids_name = 260819
pos = -15870, 0, -11468
rotate = 0, -62, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_3
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_5
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_5
ids_name = 260819
pos = -9222, 0, -14941
rotate = 0, -62, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_4
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_6
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_6
ids_name = 260819
pos = -2575, 0, -18414
rotate = 0, -62, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_5
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 196729
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Zone_Iw04_Tradelane_1
pos = -19193, 0, -9731
rotate = 0, -62, 0
shape = BOX
size = 520, 520, 38020
property_flags = 131072
comment = . Tradelane to Manchester
lane_id = 1
tradelane_down = 40
sort = 4
toughness = 6
density = 6
repop_time = 15
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = major_tradelane
relief_time = 15
encounter = tradelane_trade_transport, 6, 0.33
faction = co_be_grp, 0.29
faction = co_nws_grp, 0.36
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.36
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_7
ids_name = 260818
pos = 33168, 0, -2189
rotate = 0, 64, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_8
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 261660
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_8
ids_name = 260818
pos = 26406, 0, -5433
rotate = 0, 64, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_7
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_9
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_9
ids_name = 260818
pos = 19644, 0, -8677
rotate = 0, 64, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_8
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_10
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 6
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_10
ids_name = 260818
pos = 12882, 0, -11921
rotate = 0, 64, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_9
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_11
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_11
ids_name = 260818
pos = 6120, 0, -15165
rotate = 0, 64, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_10
next_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_12
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_12
ids_name = 260818
pos = -643, 0, -18409
rotate = 0, 64, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 60246
prev_ring = Iw04_Trade_Lane_Ring_11
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 196729
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Zone_Iw04_Tradelane_2
pos = 16263, 0, -10299
rotate = 0, 64, 0
shape = BOX
size = 520, 520, 38020
property_flags = 131072
comment = . Tradelane to Curacao
lane_id = 2
tradelane_down = 40
sort = 2
toughness = 6
density = 6
repop_time = 15
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = major_tradelane
relief_time = 15
encounter = tradelane_trade_transport, 6, 0.33
faction = co_be_grp, 0.29
faction = co_nws_grp, 0.36
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.36
nickname = Zone_Iw04_Roatan_cloud
ids_name = 261292
pos = -34691, 0, -1910
size = 20000, 15000, 30000
property_flags = 32768
property_fog_color = 90, 100, 160
ids_info = 65935
visit = 32
sort = 99.5
Music = zone_nebula_barrier
nickname = Zone_Iw04_Paloma_cloud
ids_name = 261291
pos = 34847, 0, -1910
size = 20000, 15000, 30000
property_flags = 32768
property_fog_color = 90, 100, 160
ids_info = 65934
visit = 32
sort = 99.5
Music = zone_nebula_barrier
nickname = Zone_Iw04_Roatan_ice_crystals
pos = -34691, 0, -1910
size = 18000, 13000, 28000
property_flags = 258
ids_info = 65921
visit = 36
spacedust = icedust
spacedust_maxparticles = 75
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw04_Paloma_ice_crystals
pos = 34847, 0, -1910
size = 18000, 13000, 28000
property_flags = 258
ids_info = 65921
visit = 36
spacedust = icedust
spacedust_maxparticles = 150
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw04_Corcovado_field
ids_name = 261290
pos = -381, 0, 29115
rotate = 0, -90, 0
size = 15000, 5000, 20000
property_flags = 258
ids_info = 65933
visit = 36
spacedust = icedust
spacedust_maxparticles = 75
comment = Corcovado Field
sort = 11
toughness = 7
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = lootable_field
relief_time = 35
encounter = area_scout, 7, 0.67
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
Music = zone_field_asteroid_ice
nickname = Iw04_to_Iw03_hole
ids_name = 260815
pos = 8809, 0, 29755
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Iw03
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
goto = Iw03, Iw03_to_Iw04_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
visit = 0
nickname = Iw04_to_Li02_hole
ids_name = 260817
pos = 33437, 0, 13384
rotate = 0, 90, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Li02, Li02_to_Iw04_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Iw04_to_Li02_hole
pos = 33431, 0, 13403
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 196608
property_fog_color = 90, 100, 160
edge_fraction = 0.2
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw04_to_Iw03_hole
pos = 8854, 0, 29802
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.5
nickname = Iw04_02
ids_name = 196730
pos = 2918, 0, 23758
archetype = miningbase_ice_block
ids_info = 65579
base = Iw04_02_Base
dock_with = Iw04_02_Base
reputation = fc_lr_grp
behavior = NOTHING
visit = 0
voice = atc_leg_m01
space_costume = pl_male6_head, pi_pirate8_body, prop_neuralnet_D
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = miningbase_ice_block_pi_01
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Zone_Iw04_02_exclusion
pos = 2910, 0, 23752
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_hole_magellan
pos = 9786, 0, 30307
shape = SPHERE
size = 4000
comment = . Magellan hole
sort = 14
toughness = 7
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = wormhole
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 7, 0.21
faction = fc_lh_grp, 0.33
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.33
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.33
encounter = area_trade_freighter_pirate, 7, 0.07
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_trader, 7, 0.25
faction = fc_lh_grp, 0.5
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.5
encounter = area_trade_freighter_smuggler, 7, 0.02
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_base_montezuma
pos = 3305, 0, 23934
shape = SPHERE
size = 4000
comment = . Montezuma base
sort = 13
toughness = 7
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = fc_lr_grp, single_base_unlaw
relief_time = 20
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_scout, 7, 0.18
faction = fc_lh_grp, 0.37
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.26
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.37
encounter = area_defend, 7, 0.08
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 7, 0.02
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_freighter_pirate, 7, 0.06
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_trader, 7, 0.3
faction = fc_lh_grp, 0.5
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.5
encounter = area_trade_freighter_smuggler, 7, 0.01
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_hole_california
pos = 33426, 0, 13528
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = . California hole
sort = 9
toughness = 7
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = wormhole
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 7, 0.15
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 7, 0.06
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_freighter_pirate, 7, 0.15
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_freighter_smuggler, 7, 0.04
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_gate_california
pos = 35206, 0, -1431
shape = SPHERE
size = 4000
comment = California Gate
sort = 1
toughness = 6
density = 10
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = jumpgate
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 6, 0.11
faction = li_n_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_transport, 6, 0.24
faction = co_be_grp, 0.29
faction = co_nws_grp, 0.36
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.36
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_gate_manchester
pos = -37239, 0, -130
shape = SPHERE
size = 4000
comment = Manchester Gate
sort = 5
toughness = 6
density = 10
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = jumpgate
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_trade_transport, 6, 0.33
faction = co_be_grp, 0.29
faction = co_nws_grp, 0.36
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.36
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_curacao
pos = -1652, 0, -18601
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = Curacao
sort = 3
toughness = 6
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = co_os_grp, single_base_law
relief_time = 20
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 6, 0.06
faction = co_os_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_transport, 6, 0.2
faction = co_be_grp, 0.29
faction = co_nws_grp, 0.36
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.36
encounter = area_trade_armored, 6, 0.1
faction = co_os_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_area_roatan_south
pos = -35922, 0, 17341
size = 14000, 5000, 9000
comment = Roatan Field (south)
sort = 6
toughness = 7
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = lootable_field
relief_time = 35
encounter = area_scout, 7, 0.56
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 7, 0.07
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_paloma_south
pos = 35392, 0, 16363
size = 16000, 5000, 11000
comment = Paloma Field (south)
sort = 8
toughness = 7
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = lootable_field
relief_time = 35
encounter = area_scout, 7, 0.56
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 7, 0.07
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_corcovado_core
pos = 5047, 0, 29545
size = 10000, 5000, 8500
comment = . Core
sort = 12
toughness = 7
density = 6
repop_time = 17
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = lootable_core_field
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_scout, 7, 0.6
faction = fc_lh_grp, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.43
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.29
encounter = area_bh_assault, 7, 0.04
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_bh_paloma
pos = 23748, 0, -2056
size = 8000, 5000, 13000
comment = . Paloma central
sort = 10
toughness = 7
density = 6
repop_time = 17
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = lootable_core_field
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_bh_roatan
pos = -25381, 0, 228
size = 8000, 5000, 13000
comment = . Roatan central
sort = 7
toughness = 7
density = 6
repop_time = 17
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = lootable_core_field
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_scout, 7, 0.48
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 7, 0.11
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_linavy1_1
pos = 23924, 0, -7597
rotate = -90, 64, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 24123
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 1
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_linavy1_2
pos = 13070, 0, -7309
rotate = 90, -1, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 10908
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_linavy1_3
pos = 15393, 0, 5797
rotate = 90, -16, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 15540
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_linavy1_4
pos = 24068, 0, 9610
rotate = -90, -60, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 14729
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_linavy1_5
pos = 32633, 0, 1798
rotate = -90, -28, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 9235
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_orbital1_1
pos = 8469, 0, -9292
rotate = 90, -48, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 28173
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = orbital1, 1
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = co_os_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_orbital1_2
pos = 24957, 0, 975
rotate = 90, -82, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 11682
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = orbital1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = co_os_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_orbital1_3
pos = 30693, 0, -5207
rotate = -90, 1, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 13860
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = orbital1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = co_os_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_orbital1_4
pos = 14169, 0, -15364
rotate = -90, 79, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 33151
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = orbital1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = co_os_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty1_1
pos = -9611, 0, -12542
rotate = 90, 55, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 21495
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty1_2
pos = -21513, 0, -4645
rotate = 90, 60, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 6692
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty1_3
pos = -16846, 0, 8660
rotate = 90, -33, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 27612
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty1_4
pos = -5929, 0, 17385
rotate = -90, -48, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 8489
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty1_5
pos = -10510, 0, 3949
rotate = -90, 37, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 26093
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty2_1
pos = 6620, 0, -11999
rotate = 90, -53, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 22025
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 1, 7
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty2_2
pos = 23513, 0, 119
rotate = 90, -56, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 19166
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty2_3
pos = 31115, 0, 9242
rotate = 90, 6, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 7207
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty2_4
pos = 24039, 0, 19404
rotate = 90, 46, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 18397
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty2_5
pos = 13383, 0, 17196
rotate = -90, 25, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 18922
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_bounty2_6
pos = 12463, 0, 1567
rotate = -90, -24, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 14974
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 7, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts1_1
pos = -5182, 0, 14701
rotate = -90, 42, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 25315
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts1, 1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts1_2
pos = -20637, 0, 463
rotate = -90, 55, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 16589
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts1_3
pos = -18049, 0, -9382
rotate = -90, -62, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 21346
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts1_4
pos = -14059, 0, -8664
rotate = 90, 44, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 15796
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts1_5
pos = -16579, 0, 1207
rotate = 90, -36, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 9700
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts2_1
pos = 6612, 0, 11591
rotate = -90, -18, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 26370
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts2, 1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts2_2
pos = 11797, 0, -4371
rotate = -90, -17, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 6797
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts2, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts2_3
pos = 9277, 0, -11123
rotate = -90, 46, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 9670
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts2, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts2_4
pos = 15903, 0, -9619
rotate = 90, -64, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 22430
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts2, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts2_5
pos = 18424, 0, -2903
rotate = 90, 76, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 15450
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = outcasts2, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.41
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.59
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts3_1
pos = 21124, 0, 21609
rotate = -90, -56, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 28611
sort = 96
toughness = 6
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = outcasts3, 1
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 6, 1
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_outcasts4_1
pos = 5820, 0, 26747
rotate = 90, -44, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 7512
sort = 96
toughness = 6
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = outcasts4, 1
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 6, 1
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_rogues1_1
pos = 18262, 0, 18490
rotate = -90, -71, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 31246
sort = 96
toughness = 6
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = rogues1, 1
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_freighter_pirate, 6, 0.28
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = tradep_trade_freighter_smuggler, 6, 0.12
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers1_1
pos = -3095, 0, 20545
rotate = -90, 62, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 15375
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers1, 1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers1_2
pos = -23243, 0, 8432
rotate = -90, 58, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 31270
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers1_3
pos = -26733, 0, -4991
rotate = -90, -63, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 21786
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers1_4
pos = -13617, 0, 3384
rotate = 90, -15, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 27736
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers2_1
pos = 13911, 0, 22428
rotate = -90, -35, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 18498
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers2, 1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers2_2
pos = 26014, 0, 6539
rotate = -90, -39, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 21070
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers2, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers2_3
pos = 24719, 0, -5450
rotate = -90, 65, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 17441
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers2, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_path_hackers2_4
pos = 18020, 0, 2753
rotate = 90, -7, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 23828
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 40
sort = 99
toughness = 7
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = hackers2, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 7, 0.29
faction = fc_lh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw04_sun_death
pos = -41, 0, 43
shape = SPHERE
size = 7000
damage = 10000
sort = 99.5
density = 0
relief_time = 0
population_additive = false
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_ambient_west
pos = -22928, 0, 3060
rotate = 0, -40, 0
size = 30000, 8000, 40000
comment = Ambient West
sort = 17
toughness = 6
density = 3
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
encounter = area_scout, 6, 0.53
faction = fc_lh_grp, 0.5
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.5
encounter = area_bh_scout, 6, 0.2
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_ambient_east
pos = 24876, 0, -3060
rotate = 0, 35, 0
size = 30000, 10000, 40000
comment = Ambient East
sort = 15
toughness = 6
density = 3
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
encounter = area_scout, 6, 0.51
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_scout, 6, 0.23
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw04_pop_ambient_south
pos = 3597, 0, 40856
rotate = 0, -90, 0
size = 25000, 10000, 35500
comment = Ambient South
sort = 16
toughness = 6
density = 3
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
encounter = area_scout, 6, 0.67
faction = fc_lh_grp, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.43
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.29
nickname = Iw04_ast_icecrystal_largeB_1
pos = 31873, 0, 12761
rotate = -70, 40, 0
archetype = ast_icecrystal_largeB
nickname = Iw04_ast_icecrystal_largeA_1
pos = 22429, -400, 9196
rotate = -70, 40, 0
archetype = ast_icecrystal_largeA
nickname = Iw04_ast_icecrystal_largeA_2
pos = 22255, 350, 9148
rotate = 110, 40, 0
archetype = ast_icecrystal_largeA
nickname = Iw04_ast_icecrystal_largeB_2
pos = 30475, 0, 3407
rotate = 130, -20, 90
archetype = ast_icecrystal_largeB
nickname = Iw04_ast_ice_largeA_1
pos = -19812, 0, 2224
rotate = 50, 0, 0
archetype = ast_ice_largeA
nickname = Iw04_ast_ice_largeB_1
pos = -29129, -200, 3749
rotate = -90, 90, 0
archetype = ast_ice_largeB
nickname = Iw04_ast_ice_largeB_2
pos = -17883, 400, 1208
archetype = ast_ice_largeB
nickname = ZONE_Iw04_Large_asteroid_1
pos = -29139, -200, 3803
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw04_Large_asteroid_2
pos = -19812, 0, 2153
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw04_Large_asteroid_3
pos = -17854, 400, 1208
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw04_Curaco_death
pos = -1736, 0, -21235
shape = SPHERE
size = 2075
damage = 2000000
sort = 99.5
density = 0
relief_time = 0
population_additive = false
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_1
pos = 24885, 0, -21375
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_2
pos = 12033, 0, -26254
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_3
pos = -2583, 0, -35240
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_4
pos = -14301, 0, -29463
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_5
pos = -24759, 0, -22274
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_6
pos = -33453, 0, 23044
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_7
pos = -19971, 0, 21632
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_8
pos = -19467, 0, 8409
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_9
pos = -42148, 0, -14186
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_10
pos = -8379, 0, 17396
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_11
pos = -10143, 0, 35754
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_12
pos = 1449, 0, 41017
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_13
pos = 15561, 0, 15727
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_14
pos = 22869, 0, 26510
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_15
pos = 12537, 0, 1476
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_16
pos = -10269, 0, -2760
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = open
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_17
pos = 43534, 0, -13544
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw04_destroy_vignette_18
pos = 46432, 0, 8794
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = Iw04_docking_fixture_1
ids_name = 261166
pos = -1648, 350, -19037
archetype = docking_fixture
ids_info = 66489
reputation = co_os_grp
behavior = NOTHING
dock_with = Iw04_01_Base
base = Iw04_01_Base
nickname = Iw04_suprise_ge_armored_1
ids_name = 261741
pos = -27337, -2000, 9704
rotate = 10, 0, 20
archetype = suprise_ge_armored
visit = 16
ids_info = 66444
loadout = SECRET_armored_iw04
nickname = Zone_Iw04_surprise_interference
pos = -27337, -2000, 9708
shape = SPHERE
size = 1000
visit = 128
interference = 0.5
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw04_Vignette11_exclusion
pos = -10149, 0, 35734
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw04_Vignette12_exclusion
pos = 1464, 0, 41012
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5