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This .txt file documents the manual HEX edits that have been made to several binary files in Freelancer: HD Edition.
Filename. Base: Origin.
Offset: Data type Original value -> New value. Explanation.(*)
* means the edit is applied by the installer, instead of directly inside the file.
Common.dll. Base: Default from the official 1.1 Freelancer patch.
0E698E: Hexadecimal 7C -> EB. Allows many planets to continue spinning.
13F48C: Single (float32) 10000 -> 50000. Increases the maximum docking initiation distance.
ebueula.dll. Base: Default from Freelancer 1.0.
0019E0: Hexadecimal 83 EC 08 -> 89 F0 C3. Never show the EULA when launching the game by bypassing the registry key check.
DALib.dll. Base: Default from the official 1.1 Freelancer patch.
0064F0: Int8 8 -> 18. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #1.
0064F4: Int8 4 -> 12. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #2.
0064F8: Int8 10 -> 22. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #3.
0064FC: Int8 22 -> 67. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #4.
006500: Int8 6 -> 15. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #5.
006504: Int8 20 -> 63. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #6.
006508: Int8 19 -> 57. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #7.
00650C: Int8 23 -> 71. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #8.
006E18: Int8 8 -> 18. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #9.
006E1C: Int8 4 -> 12. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #10.
006E20: Int8 10 -> 22. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #11.
006E24: Int8 22 -> 67. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #12.
006E28: Int8 6 -> 15. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #13.
006E2C: Int8 20 -> 63. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #14.
006E30: Int8 19 -> 57. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #15.
006E34: Int8 23 -> 71. Makes Freelancer compatible with zlib version 1.3 #16.
FLServer.exe. Base: Default from the official 1.1 Freelancer patch.
00B865: Hexadecimal 68 C4 57 42 00 8B -> 89 CE 31 C0 EB 03. Never load EBUEula.dll from the root Freelancer folder (FLServer.exe).
Freelancer.exe. Base: Default No-CD EXE.
00014E: Hexadecimal 0F -> 2F. Allows Freelancer to use 4GB of virtual memory instead of 2GB.
01AD6F: Hexadecimal 80 00 -> 00 20. Fixes a bug that causes some textures to be shown in a low-quality state.
0244F7: Hexadecimal B8 89 5C -> F8 EB 5D. Gamma ranges from 0.75 to 1.75, not 1.0 to 2.0.
02477A: Hexadecimal CA 02 -> 00 00. Removes window borders when Freelancer is running in a window #1.*
02490D: Hexadecimal CA 02 -> 00 00. Removes window borders when Freelancer is running in a window #2.*
05685F: Hexadecimal 8A 50 -> EB 0C. Skip story cinematics (excluding space cutscenes) with the Esc key, like in the FL Beta.*
0691D1: Int8 32 -> 127. Increases the maximum number of chat lines in the chat history window.
06A440: Int8 80 -> 127. Increases the maximum number of characters in the chat input box.
080499: Hexadecimal 74 -> EB. Allows the purchase of equipment below the required level.*
082E95: Hexadecimal 74 -> EB. Changes the display of equipment below the required level.*
085D5D: Single (float32) 0.089 -> 0.13. Increases the clickable area width of the load-save menu buttons (after loading a game) such that the property matches with all other menu-style buttons.
096325: Hexadecimal 40 3E - > CC 2E. Group member's NAV position refreshes every second #1.
096338: Hexadecimal 40 3E - > CC 2E. Group member's NAV position refreshes every second #2.
0B948D: Hexadecimal 74 -> EB. Allows the purchase of ships below the required level.*
0A8004: Hexadecimal 05 -> 1A. Shows the current worth in Multiplayer.
0AB1C5: Int32 393286 -> 459752. Changes the final section in the game credits to an extended section in controls.dll, which also contains the HDE credits. This patch essentially changes the string ID it referes to.
0B1375: Int8 32 -> 100. Increases the maximum value for the "TOTAL SOUND ELEMENTS" slider in the audio options menu.
0D094B: Hexadecimal 0F 85 2A 05 00 00 -> 74 04 FE C8 75 C4. Includes player ships in the contact list's ship filter.
0D2C94: Int32 99999 -> 999999. Increases the distance at which "Far" is displayed rather than the actual distance for entries in the contact list.
0D5936: Hexadecimal 0F 85 -> 90 E9. Removes the cruise speed display limit (300).
0D5984: Hexadecimal 7E -> EB. Removes the general speed display limit (999), which can be seen when using a trade lane.
158A14: Hexadecimal D9 1D 0C 0A 61 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90. Prevents intentional framerate drops to 25 from occurring.
166C2B: Hexadecimal 75 -> EB. Bypasses the ESRB notice when entering the Multiplayer menu.
16DDEC: Int32 1271 -> 458775. Changes the "VER. 1.0" text in the bottom-right of the main menu to a custom version number in controls.dll. This patch essentially changes the string ID it referes to #1.
1745D9: Hexadecimal DF 6C -> EB 02. Fixes a bug that causes the clickable area height of the main menu buttons to be incorrect on higher resolutions #1.
1745E6: Hexadecimal D8 0D 54 25 -> D9 05 7C 20. Fixes a bug that causes the clickable area height of the main menu buttons to be incorrect on higher resolutions #2.
174890: Int32 1271 -> 458775. Changes the "VER. 1.0" text in the bottom-right of the main menu to a custom version number in controls.dll. This patch essentially changes the string ID it referes to #2.
18B2D5: Hexadecimal E8 A6 23 EA FF D8 86 7C 03 00 00 D8 15 DC 75 5C 00 D9 96 7C 03 00 00 DF E0 F6 -> 60 8B 86 85 03 00 00 8D 9E 5E 03 00 00 50 53 E8 37 6C FD FF 83 C4 08 61 EB 63. Updates the mouse-hover blinking animation of the load-save menu buttons (after loading a game) such that the colors transition smoothly, like with all other menu-style buttons.
1ACF6A: Hexadecimal 51 8D 4C 24 20 51 8D 8C 24 C8 00 00 00 -> 40 74 63 48 51 8D 54 E4 20 52 83 E9 08. Prevents IPv6 addresses from being displayed in the server list.
1B16CC: Hexadecimal 01 -> 00. Forces Freelancer to run in windowed mode.*
1B264C: Hexadecimal 83 FF 01 0F 94 C2 -> BA 01 00 00 00 90. Keeps Freelancer and its window running when Alt-Tabbed.*
1B2665: Hexadecimal 74 -> EB. Keeps Freelancer running when Alt-Tabbed.*
1B2D72: Hexadecimal 68 80 -> EB 0F. Never load EBUEula.dll from the root Freelancer folder (Freelancer.exe).
1C8910: Single (float32) 20000 -> 40000. Increases the poly flipping distance, which allows jumpholes and other effects to be seen from further away.
1D7964: Single (float32) 3 -> 1.5. Reduces the time between contact list refreshes.
1D7E50: Double (float64) 0.8 -> 0.85. Increases the width of the gauge bars.
1D8484: Single (float32) 1 -> 0.1. Reduces the time between weapon list refreshes.
1E6DCC: AnsiChar / char8_t 'F' -> ''. Changes the CreateMutex lpName parameter to an empty string, allowing multiple instances of Freelancer to run simultaneously.
213EC8: Single (float32) 10000 -> 999999. Increases the maximum draw distance for space objects like battleships and trade lanes.
Freelancer.exe's default .ico was replaced so it has the "HDE" logo. Also a custom Manifest section has been added to make the game DPI-aware.
rendcomp.dll. Base: Default from Freelancer 1.0.
00C499: Hexadecimal 02 -> 00. Enables high-quality sphere rendering; prevents planets from looking like soccer balls at great distances.
rp8.dll. Base: Default from Freelancer 1.0.
004467: Hexadecimal 7D -> EB. Prevents the "D3DERR_INVALIDCALL" error spam from occurring in FLSpew.txt.
01A48C: Int8 2 -> 3. Changes the magnification filtering mode from "linear" to "anisotropic".*
01A4C5: Int8 2 -> 3. Changes the minification filtering mode from "linear" to "anisotropic".*
01A4FE: Int8 1 -> 2. Changes the mipmap filtering mode from "nearest" to "linear".
01A4FE: Int8 1 -> 3. Changes the mipmap filtering mode from "nearest" to "anisotropic".*
01A5B8: Int8 1 -> 2, 4, 8, 16. Changes the maximum anisotropy from 1 to either 2, 4, 8, or 16, respectively.*
Server.dll. Base: Default from the official 1.1 Freelancer patch.
00960C: Hexadecimal 0C -> 00. Fixes an issue that causes explosions to not deal full damage (or any damage at all) to large ships and bases.
06E10D: Hexadecimal E4 B4 -> 14 B3. Disables the encryption of save game files when created and saved.
07399D: Hexadecimal E4 B4 -> 14 B3. Disables the encryption of the Restart.fl file when created.
soundmanager.dll. Base: Default from Freelancer 1.0.
00A021: Hexadecimal 00 -> 80. Allows Freelancer's audio to continue playing while Alt-Tabbed #1.*
soundstreamer.dll. Base: Default from Freelancer 1.0.
0018A9: Hexadecimal 00 -> 80. Allows Freelancer's audio to continue playing while Alt-Tabbed #2.*