mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:32:47 +00:00
* Iw01 sun death zone fixes Added atmosphere range with death zone radius +1000 (consistent with most stars) and 6000 is a death zone radius for 1000-radius star models elsewhere, which works in the geometry of Iw01 just fine, so I'm leaving that unchanged. Only increased the death zone's damage to the normal amount for sun death zones
2258 lines
48 KiB
2258 lines
48 KiB
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = li_p_grp
nickname = tradelane_trade_armored
filename = missions\encounters\tradelane_trade_armored.ini
nickname = tradelane_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\tradelane_trade_freighter.ini
nickname = tradelane_trade_transport
filename = missions\encounters\tradelane_trade_transport.ini
nickname = area_scout
filename = missions\encounters\area_scout.ini
nickname = area_bh_scout
filename = missions\encounters\area_bh_scout.ini
nickname = area_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_defend.ini
nickname = area_bh_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_bh_defend.ini
nickname = patrolp_gov_patrol
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_gov_patrol.ini
nickname = patrolp_pirate_patrol
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_pirate_patrol.ini
nickname = patrolp_bh_patrol
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_bh_patrol.ini
nickname = area_assault
filename = missions\encounters\area_assault.ini
nickname = area_bh_assault
filename = missions\encounters\area_bh_assault.ini
nickname = patrolp_assault
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_assault.ini
nickname = patrolp_bh_assault
filename = missions\encounters\patrolp_bh_assault.ini
nickname = area_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter.ini
nickname = area_trade_transport
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_transport.ini
nickname = area_trade_armored
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_armored.ini
nickname = area_trade_freighter_pirate
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter_pirate.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_freighter.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_transport
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_transport.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_armored
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_armored.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_freighter_pirate
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_freighter_pirate.ini
nickname = area_trade_trader
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_trader.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_trader
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_trader.ini
nickname = area_scavenger
filename = missions\encounters\area_scavenger.ini
nickname = area_trade_freighter_smuggler
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter_smuggler.ini
nickname = tradep_trade_freighter_smuggler
filename = missions\encounters\tradep_trade_freighter_smuggler.ini
nickname = area_lifter
filename = missions\encounters\area_lifter.ini
nickname = area_repair
filename = missions\encounters\area_repair.ini
nickname = miningp_scavenger
filename = missions\encounters\miningp_scavenger.ini
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini
space = music_iw_space
danger = music_iw_danger
battle = music_iw_battle
spacedust = Dust
file = solar\asteroids\Iw01_Tanner_rock_asteroid_field.ini
zone = Zone_East_Tanner_Belt
color = 30, 30, 30
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_noband.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_iw01_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_iw01.cmp
nickname = Iw01_system_light
pos = -31, 0, -48
color = 250, 221, 124
range = 60000
nickname = Iw01_Sun
ids_name = 261032
pos = 0, 0, 0
ambient_color = 255, 255, 255
archetype = sun_1000
star = med_yellow_sun
atmosphere_range = 7000
ids_info = 66163
nickname = Iw01_to_Rh02
ids_name = 260797
pos = 3814, 0, 38026
rotate = 0, -20, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rh02
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
goto = Rh02, Rh02_to_Iw01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_to_Li04
ids_name = 260796
pos = -4180, 0, -40330
rotate = 0, -145, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li04
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 11
goto = Li04, Li04_to_Iw01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Zone_Iw01_to_Rh02
pos = 4038, 0, 37624
rotate = 0, -25, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 2000
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw01_to_Li04
pos = -3881, 0, -39908
rotate = 0, -149, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 2000
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw01_sun_exclusion
pos = -186, 0, 114
shape = SPHERE
size = 15000
property_flags = 131072
spacedust = Dust
spacedust_maxparticles = 30
sort = 99.5
population_additive = false
nickname = Zone_Iw01_02_exclusion
pos = 20980, 0, 911
shape = SPHERE
size = 1600
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw01_to_Iw02_hole
pos = -26304, 0, -8152
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw01_to_Rh02_hole
pos = -12289, 0, 23583
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = Zone_Iw01_01_exclusion
pos = -21390, 0, 7240
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_1
ids_name = 260800
pos = 4876, 0, 35808
rotate = 0, -25, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_2
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 261684
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_2
ids_name = 260800
pos = 8017, 0, 28997
rotate = 0, -25, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_1
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_3
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 11
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_3
ids_name = 260800
pos = 11158, 0, 22187
rotate = 0, -25, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_2
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_4
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_4
ids_name = 260800
pos = 14298, 0, 15376
rotate = 0, -25, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_3
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_5
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_5
ids_name = 260800
pos = 17439, 0, 8565
rotate = 0, -25, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_4
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_6
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 11
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_6
ids_name = 260800
pos = 20580, 0, 1755
rotate = 0, -25, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_5
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 196724
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Zone_Iw01_Tradelane_1
pos = 12728, 0, 18781
rotate = 0, -25, 0
shape = BOX
size = 600, 1100, 38020
property_flags = 131072
comment = . Tradelane to hamburg gate
lane_id = 1
tradelane_down = 10
sort = 5
toughness = 11
density = 6
repop_time = 15
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = major_tradelane
relief_time = 15
encounter = tradelane_trade_transport, 11, 0.22
faction = co_alg_grp, 0.18
faction = co_ni_grp, 0.23
faction = co_rs_grp, 0.27
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.32
encounter = area_trade_freighter_pirate, 11, 0.14
faction = gd_z_grp, 1
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_7
ids_name = 260799
pos = -3006, 0, -38227
rotate = 0, -149, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_8
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 261659
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_8
ids_name = 260799
pos = 909, 0, -31830
rotate = 0, -149, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_7
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_9
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_9
ids_name = 260799
pos = 4823, 0, -25432
rotate = 0, -149, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_8
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_10
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_10
ids_name = 260799
pos = 8738, 0, -19035
rotate = 0, -149, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_9
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_11
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_11
ids_name = 260799
pos = 12652, 0, -12638
rotate = 0, -149, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_10
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_12
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 11
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_12
ids_name = 260799
pos = 16567, 0, -6240
rotate = 0, -149, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_11
next_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_13
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 11
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
nickname = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_13
ids_name = 260799
pos = 20481, 0, 157
rotate = 0, -149, 0
archetype = Trade_Lane_Ring
ids_info = 66170
prev_ring = Iw01_Trade_Lane_Ring_12
reputation = li_n_grp
tradelane_space_name = 196724
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = trade_lane_ring_li_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Zone_Iw01_Tradelane_2
pos = 8926, 0, -18972
rotate = 0, -149, 0
shape = BOX
size = 900, 1100, 45520
property_flags = 131072
comment = . Tradelane to Freeport 2
lane_id = 2
tradelane_down = 20
sort = 2
toughness = 11
density = 6
repop_time = 15
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = major_tradelane
relief_time = 15
encounter = tradelane_trade_transport, 11, 0.33
faction = co_alg_grp, 0.18
faction = co_ni_grp, 0.23
faction = co_rs_grp, 0.27
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.32
nickname = Iw01_to_Rh02_hole
ids_name = 260798
pos = -12284, 0, 23611
archetype = jumphole_orange
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rh02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Rh02, Rh02_to_Iw01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Iw01_01
ids_name = 196723
pos = -21391, 0, 7246
archetype = miningbase_small_rock
ids_info = 65545
base = Iw01_01_Base
dock_with = Iw01_01_Base
reputation = fc_u_grp
behavior = NOTHING
visit = 0
voice = atc_leg_m01
space_costume = pl_male4_head, pi_pirate4_body
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = miningbase_small_rock_pi_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
nickname = Iw01_to_Iw02_hole
ids_name = 260633
pos = -26302, 0, -8154
rotate = 0, -90, 0
archetype = jumphole_orange
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Iw02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Iw02, Iw02_to_Iw01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Iw01_02
ids_name = 196724
pos = 21223, 0, 843
rotate = 0, 90, 0
archetype = space_freeport01
ids_info = 65543
base = Iw01_02_Base
dock_with = Iw01_02_Base
reputation = gd_z_grp
behavior = NOTHING
voice = atc_leg_f01
space_costume = rh_newscaster_head_gen, pl_female2_peasant_body
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = space_freeport01_co_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
nickname = Zone_East_Tanner_Belt
ids_name = 261342
pos = 242, 0, 183
size = 90000, 30000, 90000
property_flags = 66
visit = 32
ids_info = 66220
spacedust = asteroiddust
spacedust_maxparticles = 75
sort = 99.5
Music = zone_field_asteroid_rock
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_freeport2
pos = 21045, 0, 929
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = Freeport 2
sort = 3
toughness = 11
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 0
pop_type = gd_z_grp, freeport_base
relief_time = 20
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 11, 0.04
faction = gd_z_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_transport, 11, 0.16
faction = co_alg_grp, 0.18
faction = co_ni_grp, 0.23
faction = co_rs_grp, 0.27
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.32
encounter = area_trade_armored, 11, 0.07
faction = co_os_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_freighter_pirate, 11, 0.1
faction = gd_z_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_freeport2_ext
pos = 19852, 0, 1341
shape = SPHERE
size = 11000
comment = . Extend
sort = 4
toughness = 11
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = extend_freeport
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_scout, 11, 0.67
faction = gd_z_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_jumpgate_hamburg
pos = 4039, 0, 37778
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = Hamburg Gate
sort = 6
toughness = 11
density = 10
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = jumpgate
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_trade_transport, 11, 0.17
faction = co_alg_grp, 0.18
faction = co_ni_grp, 0.23
faction = co_rs_grp, 0.27
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.32
encounter = area_trade_armored, 11, 0.08
faction = co_os_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_freighter_pirate, 11, 0.11
faction = gd_z_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_jumpgate_texas
pos = -3527, 0, -39796
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = Texas Gate
sort = 1
toughness = 11
density = 10
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = jumpgate
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 11, 0.13
faction = li_n_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_transport, 11, 0.17
faction = co_alg_grp, 0.18
faction = co_ni_grp, 0.23
faction = co_rs_grp, 0.27
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.32
encounter = area_trade_armored, 11, 0.07
faction = co_os_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_unionist_base
pos = -21123, 0, 7427
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = Unionist Base
sort = 9
toughness = 12
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = fc_u_grp, single_base_unlaw
relief_time = 20
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_scout, 12, 0.12
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
encounter = area_defend, 12, 0.22
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_trader, 12, 0.27
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_hole_hamburg
pos = -12162, 0, 23798
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = Hamburg hole
sort = 11
toughness = 12
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = wormhole
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 12, 0.19
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 12, 0.08
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_trader, 12, 0.33
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_hole_hudson
pos = -26744, 0, -9404
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
comment = Hudson hole
sort = 13
toughness = 12
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = wormhole
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 12, 0.2
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.5
faction = fc_u_grp, 0.25
faction = fc_x_grp, 0.25
encounter = area_trade_freighter_pirate, 12, 0.1
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_trader, 12, 0.18
faction = fc_u_grp, 0.5
faction = fc_x_grp, 0.5
encounter = area_trade_freighter_smuggler, 12, 0.03
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_south
pos = -8781, 0, 25644
size = 10000, 5000, 14000
comment = . Extend
sort = 12
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = extend_unlaw
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_assault, 12, 0.24
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 12, 0.07
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_unionists_ext
pos = -21464, 0, 8162
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
comment = . Extend
sort = 10
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = extend_unlaw
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_unionists_area
pos = -18915, 0, 15191
rotate = 0, 20, 0
size = 18000, 5000, 32000
comment = Unionists area
sort = 7
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = nonlootable_ast_field
relief_time = 35
encounter = area_scout, 12, 0.67
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_north_bh
pos = -12484, 0, -24916
size = 11000, 5000, 13000
comment = Bounty area
sort = 8
toughness = 12
density = 6
repop_time = 17
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = nonlootable_core_ast_field
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_scout, 12, 0.3
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 12, 0.22
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_rogues
pos = -24935, 0, -13693
size = 9000, 5000, 9000
comment = . Extend
sort = 14
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = extend_unlaw
relief_time = 30
encounter = area_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.67
faction = fc_x_grp, 0.33
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_linavy1_1
pos = -3510, 0, -39247
rotate = 90, 5, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 2619
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_linavy1_2
pos = 1418, 0, -29568
rotate = 90, -31, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 19194
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_linavy1_3
pos = 42, 0, -18587
rotate = 90, 67, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 13755
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_linavy1_4
pos = -7189, 0, -21918
rotate = -90, 8, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 11979
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_linavy1_5
pos = -5795, 0, -32891
rotate = -90, -24, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 10601
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = linavy1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = li_n_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty1_1
pos = 13729, 0, -18041
rotate = -90, 22, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 41906
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 1
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty1_2
pos = -7182, 0, -33907
rotate = 90, 74, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 26833
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty1_3
pos = -23979, 0, -20437
rotate = 90, 21, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 20846
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty1_4
pos = -24786, 0, -8561
rotate = 90, -55, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 7035
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty1_5
pos = -10763, 0, -14216
rotate = -90, -55, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 26745
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty1_6
pos = 10901, 0, -10239
rotate = 90, -42, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 31380
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty2_1
pos = 20018, 0, 1251
rotate = 90, 67, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 3518
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty2_2
pos = 9532, 0, 11422
rotate = 90, 43, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 25586
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty2_3
pos = -7633, 0, 20474
rotate = -90, 87, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 16602
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty2_4
pos = -7022, 0, 27724
rotate = 90, -50, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 23424
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_bounty2_5
pos = 10151, 0, 18718
rotate = -90, -26, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 36898
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = bounty2, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_bh_assault, 12, 0.4
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_xenos1_1
pos = -10486, 0, -15374
rotate = -90, -65, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 35453
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = xenos1, 1
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_x_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_xenos1_2
pos = 2428, 0, -28131
rotate = -90, 32, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 12278
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = xenos1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_x_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_xenos1_3
pos = -13713, 0, -20701
rotate = 90, 45, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 36001
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = xenos1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_x_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_xenos2_1
pos = -11011, 0, -13078
rotate = -90, -72, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 31197
sort = 96
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = xenos2, 1
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 12, 1
faction = fc_x_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_xenos2_2
pos = 12382, 0, -8569
rotate = 90, -42, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 24935
sort = 96
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = xenos2, 2
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 12, 1
faction = fc_x_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_rogues1_1
pos = -20719, 0, -16216
rotate = -90, -35, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 20262
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = rogues1, 1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_rogues1_2
pos = -8826, 0, -32309
rotate = -90, -38, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 19368
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = rogues1, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_rogues1_3
pos = -3145, 0, -38868
rotate = 90, 15, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 2232
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = rogues1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_rogues1_4
pos = 2447, 0, -28057
rotate = 90, -31, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 22398
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = rogues1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_rogues1_5
pos = -3189, 0, -21589
rotate = -90, 75, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 23684
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = rogues1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists1_1
pos = -16489, 0, -3450
rotate = -90, -26, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 24332
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists1, 1, 8
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists1_2
pos = -580, 0, -15024
rotate = -90, -87, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 20836
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists1, 2, 7
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists1_3
pos = 13921, 0, -15935
rotate = -90, -85, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 7824
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists1, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists1_4
pos = 13028, 0, -24429
rotate = -90, 31, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 18805
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists1, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists1_5
pos = 6182, 0, -28850
rotate = 90, 28, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 8218
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists1, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists1_6
pos = 7160, 0, -20312
rotate = 90, -31, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 11069
attack_ids = 2
tradelane_attack = 20
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists2_1
pos = -23882, 0, -462
rotate = -90, 18, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 15012
sort = 96
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = unionists2, 1
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 12, 1
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists3_1
pos = -8385, 0, 13312
rotate = 90, -66, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 27607
sort = 96
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = unionists3, 1
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 12, 1
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists3_2
pos = 12555, 0, 10141
rotate = -90, -43, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 23799
sort = 96
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = unionists3, 2
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 12, 1
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists4_1
pos = -16810, 0, 15603
rotate = 90, -29, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 17702
sort = 96
toughness = 12
density = 5
repop_time = 30
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = trade_path
relief_time = 20
path_label = unionists4, 1
usage = trade
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 12, 1
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists5_1
pos = -15131, 0, 14947
rotate = 90, -39, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 20748
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists5, 1, 6
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists5_2
pos = 2760, 0, 18572
rotate = -90, -68, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 24076
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 10
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists5, 2
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists5_3
pos = 9126, 0, 24771
rotate = 90, 25, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 23333
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 10
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists5, 3
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists5_4
pos = 4553, 0, 36753
rotate = 90, -15, 180
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 2461
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 10
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists5, 4
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Zone_Iw01_path_unionists5_5
pos = -1889, 0, 30641
rotate = -90, 42, 0
shape = CYLINDER
size = 750, 19713
attack_ids = 1
tradelane_attack = 10
sort = 99
toughness = 12
density = 3
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = attack_patrol
relief_time = 30
path_label = unionists5, 5
usage = patrol
mission_eligible = true
density_restriction = 1, patroller
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = patrolp_assault, 12, 0.29
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
nickname = Iw01_space_dome_1
pos = 21793, -75, 1208
rotate = 0, 180, 0
archetype = space_dome
reputation = gd_z_grp
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = space_dome_co_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
parent = Iw01_02
nickname = Iw01_space_dome_2
pos = 22217, -75, 843
rotate = 0, -90, 0
archetype = space_dome
reputation = gd_z_grp
difficulty_level = 11
loadout = space_dome_co_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
parent = Iw01_02
nickname = Iw01_space_dome_4
pos = 21792, -75, 474
archetype = space_dome
reputation = gd_z_grp
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = space_dome_co_02
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
parent = Iw01_02
nickname = walker_light
pos = 9437, -30000, 88318
color = 240, 164, 113
range = 120000
nickname = edge_light
pos = 48849, 0, -6238
color = 19, 60, 37
range = 50000
nickname = Iw01_wplatform_rock_1
ids_name = 261164
pos = -19705, 0, 8512
archetype = wplatform_rock
ids_info = 66171
reputation = fc_u_grp
behavior = NOTHING
visit = 0
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = pirate_weapon_platform_pi_04
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = Iw01_wplatform_rock_2
ids_name = 261164
pos = -21372, 0, 4597
archetype = wplatform_rock
ids_info = 66171
reputation = fc_u_grp
behavior = NOTHING
visit = 0
difficulty_level = 12
loadout = pirate_weapon_platform_pi_04
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_ambient_n
pos = -505, 0, -23199
size = 39791, 12789, 33006
comment = Ambient Pop
sort = 50
toughness = 11
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = nonlootable_ast_field
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
encounter = area_scout, 11, 0.53
faction = fc_lr_grp, 0.67
faction = fc_x_grp, 0.33
encounter = area_bh_assault, 11, 0.08
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_pop_ambient_s
pos = 2526, 0, 21653
size = 38821, 11876, 27767
comment = Ambient Pop
sort = 50
toughness = 11
density = 5
repop_time = 20
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = nonlootable_ast_field
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
encounter = area_scout, 11, 0.51
faction = fc_u_grp, 1
encounter = area_bh_assault, 11, 0.09
faction = gd_bh_grp, 1
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_1
pos = 26752, 0, -20464
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_2
pos = 36431, 0, -12225
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_3
pos = 38428, 0, 659
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_4
pos = 35526, 0, 13096
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_5
pos = 26349, 0, 23064
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_6
pos = 11657, 0, -39854
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_7
pos = -16061, 0, -31213
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_8
pos = 19550, 0, -30522
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_9
pos = 32732, 0, -31766
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_10
pos = 43738, 0, -24117
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_11
pos = -29265, 0, 22911
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_12
pos = -42652, 0, 17907
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_13
pos = -37271, 0, 4627
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_14
pos = -49962, 0, -658
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_15
pos = -40172, 0, -10505
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_16
pos = -52787, 0, -16360
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_17
pos = -40934, 0, -24257
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_18
pos = -14983, 0, -18486
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_19
pos = -28660, 0, -28024
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_20
pos = 945, 0, 18814
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_21
pos = -18104, 0, 37253
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_22
pos = -8430, 0, 48288
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
mission_type = unlawful, lawful
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = field
nickname = zone_iw01_destroy_vignette_23
pos = 21796, 0, 37097
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
sort = 99.5
vignette_type = exclusion
nickname = Iw01_space_industrial01_1
pos = 21793, -105, 843
rotate = 0, -90, 0
archetype = space_industrial01
reputation = gd_z_grp
parent = Iw01_02
nickname = Iw01_suprise_ge_fighter4_1
ids_name = 261739
pos = -21322, 1000, 26467
rotate = 54, 58, 49
archetype = suprise_ge_fighter4
visit = 16
ids_info = 66442
loadout = SECRET_x_ge_fighter4_iw01
nickname = Zone_Iw01_suprise_interference
pos = -21320, 1000, 26468
shape = SPHERE
size = 1000
interference = 0.5
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_sun_death
pos = 9, 0, 28
shape = SPHERE
size = 6000
damage = 10000
sort = 99.5
population_additive = false
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette2_exclusion
pos = 36445, 0, -12210
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette4_exclusion
pos = 35535, 0, 13105
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette9_exclusion
pos = 32712, 0, -31716
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette11_exclusion
pos = -29270, 0, 22927
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette12_exclusion
pos = -42676, 0, 17922
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette14_exclusion
pos = -49970, 0, -701
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette18_exclusion
pos = -14990, 0, -18463
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette19_exclusion
pos = -28670, 0, -28034
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette20_exclusion
pos = 938, 0, 18807
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5
nickname = ZONE_Iw01_Vignette23_exclusion
pos = 21757, 0, 37105
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.5