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# The Changelog
## 1.7
### The Andrew Release
- Gravity Sync will now manage the `custom.list` file that contains the "Local DNS Records" function within the Pi-hole interface.
- If you do not want this feature enabled it can be bypassed by adding a `SKIP_CUSTOM='1'` to your .conf file.
- Sync will be trigged during a pull operation if there are changes to either file.
**Known Issues**
- No new Star Trek references.
#### 1.7.8
- SSH/RSYNC connection logic rewritten to be specific to client options between OpenSSH, OpenSSH w/ SSHPASS, and Dropbear.
- Removes INFO that SSHPASS is not installed during config, if it's not needed. Redirects user to documentation.
- Better error handling of configuration options.
- Adds custom port specification to ssh-copy-id command during configuration generation.
- OpenSSH key generation works fewer user prompts.
#### 1.7.7
- `config` function will attempt to ping remote host to validate network connection, can by bypassed by adding `PING_AVOID='1'` to your `gravity-sync.conf` file.
- Changes some [INFO] messages to [WARN] where approprate.
- Adds aliases for more Gravity Sync functions.
- Shows current version on each script execution.
- Adds time output to Aborting message (exit without change.)
- Includes parsing of functions in time calculation.
- Checks for existance of Pi-hole binaries during validation.
- Less chatty about each step of configuration validation if it completes.
- Less chatty about replication validation if it's not necessary.
- Less chatty about file validation if no changes are required.
- When applying `update` in DEV mode, the Git branch used will be shown.
- Validates log export operation.
#### 1.7.6
- Detects `dbclient` install as alternative to OpenSSH Client.
- Attempts to install OpenSSH Client if not found, and Dropbear is not alternative.
- Fix bug with `dropbearkey` not finding .ssh folder.
- Numerous fixes to accomidate DietPi in general.
- Fixes issue where `compare` function would show changes where actually none existed.
- [WARN] header is now purple all the way across, consistent with [INFO] as of 1.7.4.
- Fixes issue where `custom.list` would only pull if the file already existed on the secondary Pi-hole.
- One new Star Trek reference.
#### 1.7.5
- No code changes!
- Primary README now only reflect "The Easy Way" to install and configure Gravity Sync
- "The Less Easy Way" are now part of [ADVANCED.md](https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync/blob/master/ADVANCED.md)
- All advanced configuration options are outlined in [ADVANCED.md](https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync/blob/master/ADVANCED.md)
#### 1.7.4
- `./gravity-sync.sh dev` will now toggle dev flag on/off. No `touch` required, although it still works that way under the covers. Improvement of methods added in 1.7.2.
- `./gravity-sync.sh update` performs better error handling.
- Slightly less verbose in some places to make up for being more verbose in others.
- [DONE] has become [ OK ] in output.
- [INFO] header is now yellow all the way across.
- Tightens up verbage of status messages.
- Fixes `custom.list` not being processed by `./gravity-sync.sh restore` function.
- Detects absence of `ssh` client command on host OS (DietPi)
- Detects absence of `rsync` client command on host OS (DietPi)
- Detects absence of `ssh-keygen` utility on host OS and will use `dropbearkey` as an alternative (DietPi)
- Changelog polarity reversed after heated discussions with marketing team.
#### 1.7.3
- Cleaning up output of argument listing
#### 1.7.2
This update changes the way that beta/development updates are applied. To continue receving the development branch, create an empty file in the `gravity-sync` folder called `dev` and afterwards the standard `./gravity-sync.sh update` function will apply the correct updates.
cd gravity-sync
touch dev
./gravity-sync.sh update
Delete the `dev` file and update again to revert back to the stable/master branch.
- Removes `beta` function for applying development branch updates.
#### 1.7.1
- There is a changelog file now. I'm mentioning it in the changelog file. So meta.
- `./gravity-sync.sh version` will check for and alert you for new versions.
## 1.6
### The Restorative Release
- New `./gravity-sync.sh restore` function will bring a previous version of the `gravity.db` back from the dead.
- Changes the way that Gravity Sync prompts for data input and how confirmation prompts are handled.
- Adds ability to override verification of 'push', 'restore' or 'config' reset, see `.example` file for details.
- Five new Star Trek references.
**Bug Fixes**
- New functions add consistency in status output.
## 1.5
### The Automated Release
- You can now easily deploy the task automation via crontab by running `./gravity-sync.sh automate` which will simply ask how often you'd like to run the script per hour, and then create the entry for you.
- If you've already configured an entry for this manually with a prior version, the script should detect this and ask that you manually remove it or edit it via crontab -e. I'm hesitant to delete existing entries here, as it could potentially remove something unrelated to Gravity Sync.
**Bug Fixes**
- Changes the method for pulling development branch updates via the 'beta' function.
- Cleanup of various exit commands.
## 1.4
### The Configuration Release
- Adds new `./gravity-sync config` feature to simplify deployment!
- Adds variables for SSH settings.
- Rearranges functions, which impacts nothing.
- All new and exciting code comments.
- No new Star Trek references.
#### 1.4.3
- Bug fixes around not properly utilizing custom SSH keyfile.
#### 1.4.2
- Will prompt to create new `gravity-sync.conf` file when run without an existing configuration.
#### 1.4.1
- Adds variables for custom log locations to `gravity-sync.conf`, see `.example` file for listing.
## 1.3
### The Comparison Release
1.3 should be called 2.0, but I'll resist that temptation -- but there are so many new enhancements!
- Gravity Sync will now compare remote and local databases and only replicate if it detects a difference.
- Verifies most commands complete before continuing each step to fail more gracefully.
- Additional debugging options such as checking last cronjob output via `./gravity-sync.sh cron` if configured.
- Much more consistency in how running commands are processed in interactive mode.
#### 1.3.4
- Moves backup of local database before initiating remote pull.
- Validates file ownership and permissions before attempting to rewrite.
- Added two Star Trek references.
#### 1.3.3
- Corrected Pihole bin path issue that cause automated sync not to reload services.
#### 1.3.2
- MUCH cleaner output, same great features.
#### 1.3.1
- Changes [GOOD] to [DONE] in execution output.
- Better validation of initial SSH connection.
- Support for password based authentication using SSHPASS.
## 1.2
### The Functional Release
- Refactored process to use functions and cleanup process of execution.
- Does not look for permission to update when run.
- Cleanup and expand comments.
#### 1.2.5
- Push function now does a backup, on the secondary PH, of the primary database, before pushing.
#### 1.2.4
- Changes `~` to `$HOME`.
- Fixes bug that prevented sync from working when run via crontab.
#### 1.2.3
- Uses a dedicated backup folder for `.backup` and `.last` files.
- Copies db instead of moving to rename and then replacing to be more reliable.
- Even cleaner label status.
#### 1.2.2
- Different style for status updates.
#### 1.2.1
- Improved logging functions.
## 1.1
### The Pushy Release
- Seperated main purpose of script into `pull` argument.
- Allow process to reverse back using `push` argument.
#### 1.1.6
- Code easier to read with proper tabs.
#### 1.1.5
- Added ability to view logs with `./gravity-sync.sh logs`.
#### 1.1.4
- Added update script.
- Added version check.
#### 1.1.3
- Now includes example an configuration file.
#### 1.1.2
- First release since move from being just a Gist.
- Just relearning how to use GitHub, minor bug fixes.
## 1.0
### The Initial Release
No version control, variables or anything fancy. It only worked if everything was exactly perfect.
echo 'Copying gravity.db from HA primary'
rsync -e 'ssh -p 22' ubuntu@ /home/pi/gravity-sync
echo 'Replacing gravity.db on HA secondary'
sudo cp /home/pi/gravity-sync/gravity.db /etc/pihole/
echo 'Reloading configuration of HA secondary FTLDNS from new gravity.db'
pihole restartdns reload-lists
For real, that's it. 6 lines, and could probably have be done with less. |