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Michael Stanclift b608744f3b Typo
2020-05-21 19:11:36 -05:00
.gitignore Ignore config file 2020-05-21 15:48:53 -05:00
gravity-sync.conf.example Added example file 2020-05-21 18:03:38 -05:00
gravity-sync.sh v1.1.3 2020-05-21 18:05:44 -05:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2020-05-21 12:57:19 -05:00
README.md Typo 2020-05-21 19:11:36 -05:00

Gravity Sync

For more information visit https://vmstan.com/gravity-sync/


If you have more than one Pihole in your network and you want to keep the list configurations identical between the two, you've come to the right place.

The script assumes you have one "master" Pihole as the primary place you make all your configuration changes, such as whitelist, blacklist, group management, and blocklist settings.

The designation of master/primary and secondary is purely at your discretion and depends on your desired use case. If you have multiple Pihole instances advertised to your users via DHCP pick one to consistently use for changes and put this script on the other one(s).

If you have both running in an active/passive HA configuration using keepslived, as I do, then you will likely make all your changes to the active member of the pair. In this case the script runs from the passive node.


  • This script is designed to work with Pihole 5.0 GA
  • This script has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and Rasbian

You'll need to generate an SSH key for your secondary Pihole user and copy it to your primary Pihole. This will allow you to connect to and copy the gravity.db file without needing a password each time.

ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub USERNAME@PRIMARYPI


Option 1

The main purpose of this script is my own personal use, but if you find it helpful then I encourage you to use it and if you'd like provide feedback or contribute. This option is more bleeding edge in that you'll download and run whatever the latest version of the script is on GitHub.

If this is too aggressive for you, proceed to option 2.

From your secondary Pi, login via SSH and copy the gravity-sync.sh script to your user. In this example we will use git to keep the latest copy of the script on your server.

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync.git
cd gravity-sync

Option 2

Download the latest release from https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync/releases and exact the files to your server.


cd ~
wget https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync/archive/v1.1.3.zip
unzip v1.1.3.zip
mv ~/gravity-sync-1.1.3 ~/gravity-sync
cd gravity-sync


Please note the script must be run from a folder in your user home directory (ex: /home/pi/gravity-sync) -- I wouldn't suggest changing the folder name.


After you clone the base configuration, you will need to create a configuration file called gravity-sync.conf in the same folder as the script. There will be a file called gravity-sync.conf.example that you can use as the basis for your file. Make a copy to remove the .example

cp gravity-sync.conf.example gravity-sync.conf
vim gravity-sync.conf

If you don't have VIM use VI, if you don't like those use NANO, or if you don't like any of those subsitute for your text editor of choice.

Make sure you've set the REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_USER variables with IP (or DNS name) and user account to authenticate to the master Pi.


Save. Now test the script. I suggest making a subtle change to a whitelist/blacklist on your primary Pihole, such as a description field, and then seeing if the change propagates to your secondary.

./gravity-sync.sh pull

You will now have overwritten your running gravity.db on the secondary Pihole after creating a copy (gravity.db.backup) in the /etc/pihole directory. The script will also keep a copy of the last sync'd gravity.db from the master, in the gravity-sync folder (gravity.db.last) should you need it. Lastly, a file called gravity-sync.log will be created in the sync folder, with the date the script was last executed appended to the bottom.


There is an option in the script to push from the secondary Pihole back to the primary. This would be useful in a situation where your primary is down for an extended period of time, and you have list changes you want to force back to the primary when it comes online.

./gravity-sync.sh push

Please note that the "push" option does not make any backups of anything. There is a warning about potental data loss before executing this function. This function purposefuly asks for user interaction to avoid being accidentally automated.


If you do a git pull while in the gravity-sync directory you should be able to levegage git to update to the latest copy of the script. Your changes to the .conf file, logs and backups should be uneffected by this.


I've automated by synchronization using Crontab. If you'd like to keep this a manual process then ignore this section. By default my script will run at the top and bottom of every hour (1:00 PM, 1:30 PM, 2:00 PM, etc) but you can dial this back if you feel this is too aggressive.

crontab -e
*/30 * * * * /home/USER/gravity-sync/gravity-sync.sh pull >/dev/null 2>&1

Make another small adjustment to your primary settings. Now just wait until the annointed hour, and see if your changes have been synchronized. If so, profit!

If not, start from the beginning.

From this point forward any blocklist changes you make to the primary will reflect on the secondary within 30 minutes.